Sunday, November 06, 2016

UPDATE: TRUMP CAMPAIGN PREPARING LAWSUIT Against Broward Co FL Sec of Elections Brenda Snipes

UPDATE: TRUMP CAMPAIGN PREPARING LAWSUIT Against Broward Co FL Sec of Elections Brenda Snipes:

"A massive voter fraud operation was discovered in Democratic Broward County, Florida.

According to a former Secretary of Elections Department employee, there is a secret room where Democrat insiders fill out those absentee ballots.

The woman provided her sworn testimony via affidavit."

"Pay My Foundation II: Cable News Remix"

Stephen Hawking warns us to stop reaching out to aliens before it's too late

Stephen Hawking warns us to stop reaching out to aliens before it's too late - ScienceAlert:
""I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone."
When the potential of intelligent alien civilisations comes up in conversation, it’s usually about the search.
How will we find them?
Where are they?
Are they there at all?
What actions should we take if – or when – we find them, or they find us?
Well, according to physicist Stephen Hawking, we should probably stop trying to contact them at all, because reaching out to advanced civilisations could put humanity and Earth in a pretty risky situation. 
And the bad news is, we've already been broadcasting our location to the Universe for years.
Hawking’s warning comes in a new online film called Stephen Hawking’s Favourite Places, which shows the famed scientist in a CGI spacecraft called the SS Hawking exploring his favourite places in the Universe.
"As I grow older I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone..."
...Despite Hawking’s extraordinary effort to find intelligent life in the Universe, he is one of the most outspoken critics of actually trying to communicate with them, an act that he says would potentially endanger humanity, because a distant alien civilisation might view us as inferior, weak, and perfect to conquer.
"If so, they will be vastly more powerful and may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria," he says in the film..."

Judge Pirro: Clinton Foundation is an ‘organized criminal enterprise’ – TheBlaze

Judge Pirro: Clinton Foundation is an ‘organized criminal enterprise’ – TheBlaze:

“It’s clear what their intent was. Their intent was to hide,” Pirro said. “To set up the server so that she could operate not only outside of the guidelines and the rules and the federal requirements, but that she could operate an organized criminal enterprise in the name of a 501(c)(3) charity.”"

Turning back the clock 1 hour takes a serious toll on your mental health

Turning back the clock 1 hour takes a serious toll on your mental health - The Washington Post:
"I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
Daylight saving time should be a permanent, year-round phenomenon. 
Rather than turning back our clocks this weekend to extend our pre-election suffering by yet another hour, we should simply leave the hour hand where it is and pledge to never fiddle with it again.
The social and public health benefits would be enormous.
The fall transition to standard time is linked to an increase in crime that costs the country billions of dollars annually.
Transitions into and out of daylight saving time are linked to disrupted sleep patterns, increased heart attack risk, and an uptick in fatal car accidents.
And last week, a team of researchers from the departments of psychiatry and political science at the universities of Aarhus, Copenhagen and Stanford added another formal complaint to the indictment against clock-turning:
The autumn shift to standard time appears to be closely linked to a jump in depression diagnoses around this time of year..."

Clueless Chelsea Clinton says if her Mom wins she’ll Take Over Clinton Foundation to “Eliminate Conflict of Interest” 

Clueless Chelsea Clinton says if her Mom wins she’ll Take Over Clinton Foundation to “Eliminate Conflict of Interest”  – TruthFeed
"...The Clintons are the most out of touch, elitist, clueless people ever.
Chelsea Clinton went on ABC’s “The View” in an attempt to “soften up” her mother’s godawful personality and show the country that despite all the lies, scandals, cheating, and rigged favors, her mom is super “honest and trustworthy.”
She then went on to say that in order to ELIMINATE any “CONFLICT OF INTEREST” she would take over the scandal-riddled and fraudulent Clinton Foundation.

Chelsea: "If my mom wins, I will take her place on Clinton Foundation board to eliminate conflict of interest"

Donald Trump's Argument For America


Refugees are getting Obamacare subsidies while YOUR premiums skyrocket

Refugees are getting Obamacare subsidies while YOUR premiums skyrocket:

"Here’s where it gets downright unfair: A lawfully present noncitizen who isn’t eligible for Medicaid can be eligible for Obamacare tax credits and subsidies, while “[s]imilarly situated U.S. citizens and lawfully present noncitizen who are eligible for Medicaid could technically participate in an [Obamacare] exchange, but they would be ineligible for the premium credits and cost-sharing subsidies.”

This means that there are struggling citizens who may not get help with the ever-more expensive health care costs, but certain non-U.S. citizens — in a comparable financial situation — are getting extra help from the federal government to purchase Obamacare."

The full article. Read it all!-----No, Bret Baier's multi-part scoop on the FBI's Clinton probes hasn't been "debunked"

No, Bret Baier's multi-part scoop on the FBI's Clinton probes hasn't been "debunked" - Hot Air Hot Air
"Fox News anchor Bret Baier opened his nightly news hour on Wednesday by reporting several startling revelations, joining his colleague Brit Hume later in the evening to walk through the new information provided to him by two FBI sources with “intimate knowledge” of the relevant state of affairs. Thursday morning, I posted this useful summary of Baier’s report, furnished by Real Clear Politics. 
Click through for the the five key points, each of which we will re-evaluate below. 
Clinton defenders and Fox critics quickly declared this information “debunked” and “made up,” largely drawing on reporting from NBC’s Pete Williams, whose own sources quasi-deny the existence of an ongoing FBI probe into the Clinton Foundation:
Appearing on MSNBC’s MTP Daily [on Thursday], NBC News’ justice correspondent Pete Williams refuted much of the reporting from Wall Street Journal and Fox News regarding a likely indictment regarding an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Fox’s Bret Baier later backed off slightly, saying the indictment comment was “inartfully answered.” Speaking to host Chuck Todd, Williams claimed that via his own law enforcement sources, there doesn’t actually appear to be much of an investigation, let alone one that will result in indictments…“There really isn’t one,” Williams answered Todd regarding the status of the investigation. “Few want to call it an investigation. That’s a term of art in the FBI. There was an initial inquiry that was opened a couple months ago based largely on media reports and a book called Clinton Cash.”
I say “quasi-deny” because Williams couches his language with a number of softening caveats. 
There isn’t “really” an active probe, he says, adding that “few” would characterize the inquiry as an investigation. 
What’s really going on here?  
Based on publicly-available reporting, the truth seems clear — if slightly complex.  
There is quite obviously a deep and smoldering rift between a group of FBI agents and some of their bosses, both at the bureau and DOJ.  
That’s why lefty media outlets are publishing whispers about the FBI being in the tank for Trump and trying to take down Hillary, and why righty outlets like Townhall are pointing out the overwhelmingly left-leaning political donations among DOJ officials (as well as potential appearances of impropriety and conflicts of interest).  
These competing narratives are clashing.  
These sharp disagreements bubbled over into that buzzy Wall Street Journal piece late last week, with CNN later confirming that some FBI sources are angry with the higher-ups’ management of these cases.
On one side, you have agents working the Clinton cases who furiously allege that higher-ups are deliberately hamstringing and undermining their work, due to political considerations.  
On the other, you have officials who think those agents are overzealous, and that their case — particularly regarding the Clinton Foundation inquiry/investigation — is thin.  
That critique prompted another counter-leak, pointing to audio recordings that some say underscore the need for a more rigorous investigation.  
The response they reportedly received: 
Keep digging for something more solid, and then maybe we’ll talk.  
As many Republicans quote Baier’s original report about dual investigations and looming indictments, and many Democrats claim the whole story is bunk, let’s revisit the aforementioned five points:
(1) The Clinton Foundation probe is real, expansive, and has been active for more than a year.  Line agents seem to fully believe this, griping that their bosses won’t approve essential tools for them to kick the probe into high gear.  Several news outlets have referred to the Clinton Foundation inquiry in the present tense, while the New York Times suggests that it has been effectively tabled until after the election.  Whether there is an “active investigation” or an “inquiry” in a holding pattern may be a matter of perspective and semantics.  It does appear that Mrs. Clinton was incorrect when she flatly denied earlier this year that the FBI was probing her family’s controversial charitable organization.
(2) Despite reports of an unusual side deal, top Hillary aides’ personal computers that factored into the FBI’s email investigation were not destroyed, and in fact are still being exploited.  I have seen no reporting that contradicts this new information.  Baier’s sources say those devices are still intact at the bureau’s DC field office.
(3) Agents working on the reinitiated email probe have discovered new, non-duplicate emails from Clinton’s server on Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner’s personal computer.  CBS News confirms this important detail, which may highlight why FBI Director James Comey decided to re-engage the dormant investigation (though not before doing due diligence to make sure there was some substance to the new alleged evidence, according to the Washington Post):
The FBI has found emails related to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state on the laptop belonging to the estranged husband of Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, according to a U.S. official. These emails, CBS News’ Andres Triay reports, are not duplicates of emails found on Secretary Clinton’s private server. At this point, however, it remains to be seen whether these emails are significant to the FBI’s investigation into Clinton. It is also not known how many relevant emails there are.
(4) Barring DOJ “obstruction,” Clinton Foundation-related indictments are “likely,” Baier’s FBI sources say. This appears to be the most problematic element of the report.  Baier himself clarified his wording, acknowledging that the FBI doesn’t have the power to make decisions on indictments.  Williams’ sources emphatically deny that prosecutions are forthcoming.  It seems to me that this may have been a case of wish-casting by frustrated FBI agents, projecting or hyping what they believe should happen in the final resolution of this affair.  See the clip below for more clarity.
(5) FBI analysts believe with near certainty that at least five foreign intelligence agencies penetrated Mrs. Clinton’s unsecure server, which contained thousands of classified emails — some extremely sensitive. This conclusion merely echoes what a number of top Obama administration and US intelligence officials have been publicly stating with a high degree of certainty for months.  If the FBI has this nailed down, it blows up yet another Clinton talking point about her national security-endangering server.  Baier says that although investigators are working under the operating belief that her server was hacked, no “digital fingerprints” have verified that assumption beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Bottom line: A long-simmering grudge match within the halls of the FBI and the Justice Department is spilling into public view via a string of escalating leaks on both sides.  Journalists are reporting what their well-connected sources tell them, which is why Williams and Baier can both be correct here.  It was the Special Report host’s phrasing on the indictments point that has resulted in politically-interested parties pretending that his entire scoop has been “disproven.”  It has not.  A number of its central elements have either been left undisputed, or confirmed by rival news sources.  Taking a step back, it appears as though the FBI’s reopened email probe is turning up new and relevant evidence, that some form of FBI inquiry into the Clinton Foundation is open (to one extent or another), and that sharp disagreements exist within the federal law enforcement community about how all of this ought to be resolved.  I’ll leave you with Baier’s updated report from this morning — in which he stands by the bulk of his reporting and sourcing, but apologizes for the “mistake” of describing the ‘indictment’ piece the way he did:
UPDATE – If you’re keeping score of the Left’s narratives, a senior Justice Department official handing his buddy John Podesta “heads-up” tip-offs about the email imbroglio over private email isn’t a big deal. But FBI sources possibly, allegedly leaking information to the Trump campaign is an ‘alarming’ example of collusion.

Battenfeld: Comey’s not the problem, the media is the problem

Battenfeld: Comey’s not the problem, the media is the problem | Boston Herald
"We’ve got an election problem and it’s not just Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
A powerful public official errs on the side of transparency and disclosure and how does the media react?
These are our supposed public watchdogs.
Image result for liberal media clintonThe ones whose job is to expose what taxpayer-funded officials and politicians don’t want you to know.
You can’t blame FBI Director James Comey for thinking he might get some credit for bringing to light potentially important evidence in the Clinton email investigation.
Instead he got blindsided by Clinton campaign counterattacks and the multitude of media lapdogs all too willing to regurgitate the Democratic spin:
Comey violated the FBI’s longtime policy of not influencing elections.
He was too vague.
Oh, no, not vagueness!
Not violating policy!
Put Comey on trial for treason.
Imagine if the FBI had important new information and decided to reopen an investigation of Trump. Do you think Comey would face such a blizzard of criticism? 
Of course not. 
Because the sad truth is much of the media badly wants Trump to lose.
So instead of the media chasing the real story — which is what might be evidence that Clinton or her aides covered up or hid more classified emails in Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin’s laptop — they question Comey’s motives. 
Because that’s what Democrats and Clinton defenders want voters to hear.
...But if reporters can’t put aside their opinions and rooting interests while covering a campaign, they should find other jobs.
The fact that a non-journalist, Julian Assange, has done the best campaign reporting should be a wake-up call. 
I have covered elections for 30 years and I really don’t care who wins or loses.
That may sound harsh.
But it’s the price you pay for being a journalist.
Or so I thought."

Is America on the Brink of Civil War?

Is America on the Brink of Civil War? | PJ Media:
"...Obama, though, is “worried about the consequences of taking such an action – the tsunami of outrage that would come his way, and possibly become a major footnote, or worse, in the history of the presidency.”
Ah, those legacy problems, not that the president has much of one outside the comically named Affordable Care Act, which is about as popular as stomach cancer.
Nevertheless, he's right about the tsunami of outrage.
In fact it's an understatement.
The bad news is this:  As miserable as this endless election season has been, the aftermath is likely to be far worse.  
You don't have to be Nostradamus to see that putting the American Humpty Dumpty together again is going to be a herculean task.
Our country could be permanently fractured in ways few of us would have anticipated even a year ago.
Image result for Is America on the Brink of Civil War?Anything is possible now.
If Hillary Clinton is elected, the very next day millions of Americans will be watching to see what will happen with the FBI and the Justice Department.
Since we can now assume this will be a close election, that would be nearly half the voters in this country, sixty to seventy million people, almost all of whom believe Clinton, the woman a few weeks from inauguration as president, should have been charged with serious crimes and belonged behind bars, not in the White House.
Moreover, many have seen the WikiLeaks that reek of collusion between the Clintonistas and officials at the FBI and Justice, not to mention with virtually all the mainstream media outlets that were distrusted to begin with and are now reviled.
If that's not an explosive situation, what is?
And we don't know what Assange et al have in store for us after the election.
Just now we learned that the Clinton Foundation accepted—while Her Ladyship was secretary of State and in honor of Bill's birthday—an unreported one million dollar donation from that paragon of women's and gay rights, Qatar.
This is chump change in the grand Clinton scheme of things, but another reminder of their unending greed and corruption.
More importantly, as Tyler Durden points out, this time there should be legal consequences for the foundation—or would be normally in a country governed by the rule of law.
Only we're not anymore..."

Many Singles Will Pay at Least $2,484 a Year in Obamacare Premiums

Many Singles Will Pay at Least $2,484 a Year in Obamacare Premiums:

"For a single, non-smoking adult aged 21 to 29 with no dependents, the U.S. average premium for those making an annual salary of $30,000 is $207 a month, or $2,485 annually, even after receiving subsidies from the federal government.

For individuals in this demographic who are between 21 and 26 years of age, the tax subsidies stop after one earns a salary of $36,000 or more, meaning the cost of premiums would increase to $282 a month, or $3,384 a year."

AM Fruitcake

History for November 6

History for November 6 -
Charles Henry Dow 1851 - Journalist, economist, John Philip Sousa 1854 - American commander, composer, conductor, James Naismith 1861 - Inventor of basketball in 1891

James Jones 1921 - Soldier, journalist, author, Sally Field 1946 - Actress ("Smokey and the Bandit"), Pat Tillman 1976 - Soldier, football player

1860 - Abraham Lincoln was elected to be the sixteenth president of the United States.

1894 - William C. Hooker received a patent for the mousetrap.

1903 - Philippe Bunau-Varilla, as Panama's ambassador to the United States, signed the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty. The document granted rights to the United States to build and indefinitely administer the Panama Canal Zone and its defenses.

1917 - During World War I, Candian forces take the village of Passchendaele, Belgium, in the Third Battle of Ypres.

1923 - Jacob Schick was granted a patent for the electric shaver.

1935 - Edwin H. Armstrong announced his development of FM broadcasting.
Image result for Edwin H. Armstrong announced his development of FM broadcasting.

1961 - In the Saraha Desert of Algeria, a natural gas well ignited when a pipe ruptured. The flames rose between 450 feet and 800 feet. The fire burned until April 28, 1962 when a team led by Red Adair used explosives to deprived the fire of oxygen. (Devil's Cigarette Lighter)
Image result for Red Adair

1977 - 39 people were killed when an earthen dam burst, sending a wall of water through the campus of Toccoa Falls Bible College in Georgia.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

FBI Clinton Foundation probe finds 'avalanche' of corruption evidence | Daily Mail Online

FBI Clinton Foundation probe finds 'avalanche' of corruption evidence | Daily Mail Online:

"Fox is now reporting that federal investigators have collected 'a lot of' evidence, including Wikileaks emails to and foundation officials.

The law enforcement agency has at least four other investigations open that involve the Clintons and their close friends, as well.  

The FBI's probe into the foundation is much larger than has previously been reported, the network says. Some witnesses are being interviewed for a third time.

It is a 'very high priority,' Fox's sources said."

Free Speech! (Does Not Include Legal Bills and Career Ruin)

Free Speech! (Does Not Include Legal Bills and Career Ruin) :: SteynOnline
"The assault on free speech continues around the world.
In Australia, the Section 18C "hate speech" case against three Queensland University of Technology students has been thrown out by the Federal Court.
I mentioned this travesty in my Oz tour earlier this year: 
A group of students walked into a QUT computer lab only to be told it was an "aboriginal-only" computer lab and made to leave. 
Apparently, aborigines have an entirely different Windows operating system. 
So the guys went back to their rooms and made a few sardonic comments on Facebook, such as "I wonder where the white supremacist computer lab is."
For reacting to neo-segregationism with droll self-mockery, they were dragged into a three-year legal nightmare. 
My pal Tim Blair is celebrating this as a landmark victory against the totalitarian thought-police of the Australian "Human Rights" Commission, but, as I always say, the process is the punishment:
Some of them choose to pay $5000 just to make the whole thing go away, so afraid of being labelled racists are they. Others choose to fight this patent injustice, even though they're being sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is ruining their lives, and even an ultimate victory in the courts is a loss. The process is the punishment, as author Mark Steyn endlessly reminds us.
I do - because it's true. 
For years to come, whenever any prospective employer Googles these guys' names, the first zillion things to come up will be that they're hatey-hatey-haters. 
Image result for assault on free speechUntil, deep within the search engine, the Google algorithm will belatedly turn up a story explaining that the case was dismissed.
Not everyone can withstand what these three students withstood. Which is why four of the seven accused caved in and coughed up rather than risk the possibility of a quarter-million-dollar fine and the certainty of career ruin..."
Read on!

King County using customer grocery store data to target pet owners, send licensing notices | KOMO

King County using customer grocery store data to target pet owners, send licensing notices | KOMO
"SEATTLE - A King County letter that ended up in the mailboxes of thousands of pet owners is raising concerns over privacy.
The letter told pet owners to license their pets or face a $250 fine.
"It feels weird to me, it feels like they're kind of snooping around in a place where they shouldn't be," said dog owner Chris Lee.
Turns out for the last four years, King County has been using data companies to target specific taxpayers, or in this case pet owners.
That means every time customers swipe those rewards cards, they're gathering data.
"This is kind of standard marketing practice or procedure that people use," said Cameron Satterfield, from King County Animal Services.
The letter ended up in nearly 40,000 mailboxes.
"This is not King County going and grabbing this data, you know, big brother watching what you buy at the grocery store," said Satterfield.
Instead, the county said they pay the company who pays stores such as Safeway and QFC for access to customer data contained in every one of those reward card swipes.
"This is a cost effective and we feel, less intrusive way of reminding people of the requirement and benefits of pet licensing," said Satterfield...."

'Voter fraud'? California man finds dozens of ballots stacked outside home | Fox News

'Voter fraud'? California man finds dozens of ballots stacked outside home | Fox News:

"Jerry Mosna was gardening outside his San Pedro, Calif., home Saturday when he noticed something odd: Two stacks of 2016 ballots on his mailbox.

The 83 ballots, each unused, were addressed to different people, all supposedly living in his elderly neighbor’s two-bedroom apartment.

“I think this is spooky,” Mosna said. “All the different names, none we recognize, all at one address.”"

Most People Today Want to be Propagandized

Most People Today Want to be Propagandized | Intellectual Takeout:
"There’s a principle in hypnotism that goes like this: A person cannot be hypnotized against his will. He must be a willing subject. He must be fully cooperative.
So it goes with propaganda.
For propaganda to be effective, it requires submissive subjects.
Image result for Most People Today Want to be PropagandizedAs Professor Nicholas O’Shaughnessy wrote, propaganda is a “co-production in which we are willing participants.”
...If these are the characteristics of propaganda, then it is no exaggeration to say that we are surrounded by it today.
Most news organizations have become partisan shills and propagandists. 
They provide viewers with a steady stream of videos, audio clips, images, and articles—most lacking nuance and of dubious intellectual merit—that serve the intended purpose of promoting an ideology while fueling disdain for the “opposition”.
And they have become very successful doing it.
The reason they are successful, I fear, is that:

  • most people today want to be propagandized—though they would never admit it. 
  • Most people want to be given ideological marching orders and talking points from an authority. 
  • Most people have zero interest, and see little value, in engaging with arguments put forward by those who hold differing positions, unless it’s to ridicule them. 
  • Most people want to simply choose the news media organizations that best fit with their selected ideological camps and immerse themselves in their informational streams.

This realization is unfortunate, but not really surprising..."
Read on!!