Tuesday, November 08, 2016

History for November 8

History for November 8 - On-This-Day.com:
Edmond Halley 1656 - Astronomer, mathmatician, was the first to calculate the orbit that was named after him, Bram Stoker 1847, Margaret Mitchell 1900

Dr. Christian Barnard 1922, Patti Page 1927, Minnie Riperton 1948 - Singer, songwriter

1805 - The "Corps of Discovery" reached the Pacific Ocean. The expedition was led by William Clark and Meriwether Lewis. The journey had begun on May 14, 1804, with the goal of exploring the Louisiana Purchase territory.

1895 - Wilhelm Roentgen while experimenting with electricity discovered the scientific principle involved and took the first X-ray pictures.

1923 - Adolf Hitler made his first attempt at seizing power in Germany with a failed coup in Munich that came to be known as the "Beer-Hall Putsch."

1942 - During World War II, Operation Torch began as U.S. and British forces landed in French North Africa.

1950 - During the Korean conflict, the first jet-plane battle took place as U.S. Air Force Lt. Russell J. Brown shot down a North Korean MiG-15.
Image result for Air Force Lt. Russell J. Brown shot down a North Korean MiG-15.

1956 - After turning down 18,000 names, the Ford Motor Company decided to name their new car the "Edsel," after Henry Ford's only son.

1966 - Republican Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts became the first African-American elected to the U.S. Senate by popular vote.

1966 - Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California.

Monday, November 07, 2016

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus: If Donald Trump wins Michigan then ‘it’s all over’ for Clinton – TheBlaze

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus: If Donald Trump wins Michigan then ‘it’s all over’ for Clinton – TheBlaze:

 "Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus believes that if Republican nominee Donald Trump pulls off a victory in a state like Michigan, then he’ll certainly be president."

Report: Clinton frequently had her maid access and print highly sensitive, classified documents – TheBlaze

Report: Clinton frequently had her maid access and print highly sensitive, classified documents – TheBlaze:

"Just how sensitive were the papers Santos presumably handled? The FBI noted Clinton periodically received the Presidential Daily Brief — a top-secret document prepared by the CIA and other US intelligence agencies — via the secure fax.
However, despite the FBI knowing about Santos’ access to Clinton’s classified information, the Post reports that the FBI never asked Santos in their investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server to turn over the computer she used to print out the documents or the documents themselves.

In fact, the FBI never even interviewed Santos as a key witness in their investigation, "

How this wild election could end with McMullin as president

How this wild election could end with McMullin as president | Washington Examiner:
"If you don't know who Evan McMullin is, you should find out:
He could very well be the next president of the United States.
Sound crazy?
It is, but in an election season that has brought us sex scandals, wild accusations, hacked emails, and, most recently, a second FBI investigation into one of the two major party candidates (as well as a second "closing" of that investigation), just about anything is possible.
McMullin is a former CIA officer who previously served as the chief policy director for the House Republican Conference.
A graduate of Brigham Young University and the prestigious Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, McMullin is a self-described constitutionalist.
Like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, all of whom ran to be the Republican presidential nominee, McMullin supports limited government, states' rights, fewer regulations and taxes, a strong national defense and a number of other policy positions traditionally held by "conservative" Republicans.
McMullin announced his candidacy in August as an alternative for Republicans reluctant to embrace Donald Trump.
While his campaign has failed to gain a significant following in much of the nation, the Provo, Utah native has managed to capture the imagination of many conservatives in Utah, a GOP stronghold that has voted for the GOP presidential nominee in every election since 1964.
Astoundingly, the most recent poll of Utah voters (conducted by Y2 Analytics) has McMullin in second place to Trump and well within striking distance..."

Hillary's Hypocritical Embrace of Jay Z's Foul Language | LifeZette

Hillary's Hypocritical Embrace of Jay Z's Foul Language | LifeZette:

"It was the height of hypocrisy. At a so-called “get out the vote” free concert on Hillary Clinton’s behalf in Cleveland on Friday night, rapper Jay Z repeatedly used some of the crudest language around — completely unmentionable here — during his performance.

He used the “N” word and the “F” bomb and more as he rapped and performed on Hillary’s behalf, with a big “vote” sign hanging high over his head  — "

Quebec Will Start Looking Like Afghanistan!

Quebec Will Start Looking Like Afghanistan! | Gates of Vienna:
"The following video is from a debate in Quebec’s Legislative Assembly in Quebec City about proposed religious accommodations for the province. 
Muslims in Quebec have been agitating for their interests, and the new proposals would favor them while pretending to be religiously neutral.
Notice that the two women in this video have diametrically opposite opinions about the same declared facts. 
One of them thinks Quebec will end up just like Afghanistan, and is appalled by the prospect, while the other thinks it would be just fine. 
All hail Diversity!
Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:
00:00We’ll allow chador and the hijab, of course — that also
00:04does not cover the face — in the nurseries and
00:08in public schools, where it is the most present. There will be possible accommodations
00:12for the niqab and the burka. We will allow
00:16the religious menus in the nurseries. Quebec will start
00:20looking like Afghanistan! —Quebec is enriched by this diversity.
00:24Madame Mailloux, I deeply believe it. —To hear the Minister
00:28of Justice say that the veil is just an article of clothing, is something deeply shocking,
A chart about clothes!

The liberal government of Jean Charest had allowed the establishment of a network
of 122 care centers in 2006, which obtained a grant of nearly 20 million for six years...
01:28Religious organizations are exempt from income, property, municipal and school taxes.
01:32No citizen in Quebec has right to such
01:36privileges. With this law project in the child care services,
01:41we’ll allow a nutritional diet based on religious grounds. This law project
01:45allows the chador and the hijab. In this way children will continue to be exposed
01:49to hijab in our schools and our nurseries. —I’m telling you, because I know them very well,
01:54there are parents who chose for their children to have this contact
01:57with diversity. An there is, for the parents, this need
02:05to put their children in contact with diversity. From a very young age.
02:09We are going to create, in a way, the ideal conditions for
02:13this claiming of rights by the political-religious lobbies,
02:17for those would-be theocrats who are the fringe, the most intolerant and the most
02:21uncompromising of all religious groups, and which contribute at the same time
02:25to increase pressure, especially on the Muslims. We know that there are,
02:29here in Quebec, associations that claim to be inspired
Muslim Association of Canada: Allah is our goal, the prophet our leader, the Quran our constitution,
jihad our way, martyrdom our greatest hope
02:33by the thought of the Muslim Brotherhood, while others are communists.
02:37Those people are active in their communities and towards their representatives
02:41Their common, ultimate goal is imposing the Shariah and they use
02:45different strategies to reach their aims. Entryism
02:49by different demands for accommodations is one of their strategies, and
02:54the hijab they are imposing on women and girls is their Trojan Horse.
02:58This law project is simply going to throw open the doors of our public institutions for them.

Iraqi F-16’s Bomb ISIS Hotel Pool Party

Iraqi F-16’s Bomb ISIS Hotel Pool Party – American Military News:
"Iraqi F-16 fighter jets bombed an ISIS “war room” meeting at a hotel pool in Mosul, Iraq late Tuesday night, killing 67 ISIS militants.
The attack occurred at roughly 11 pm Tuesday night as a part of the offensive on the ISIS stronghold of Mosul, Iraq, according to Kurdish media outlet Rudaw.
The ISIS fighters met at what used to be Ninawa International, a five-star hotel that was taken over by ISIS after they seized the city of Mosul back in 2014.
The hotel, which is located north of Mosul’s al-Andalus neighborhood, was later reopened by ISIS and renamed “Inheritor’s Hotel.”
The local ministry of propaganda previously posted pictures showing jihadis refurbishing the hotel, including one of workmen hammering away at intricate carvings on the front deemed idolatrous..."

Lunch video-----Immigrant Gives Jaw-Dropping Interview About Trump, Islam, Feminism


Emails: Clinton Foundation sought State Department OK for work with Russians | Washington Examiner

Emails: Clinton Foundation sought State Department OK for work with Russians | Washington Examiner:

"Clinton Foundation officials sought the approval of Hillary Clinton's State Department in July 2011 as they considered involving three Russian government officials in a foundation project.

The email emerged in a batch of Clinton-related documents provided to conservative-leaning Citizens United through the Freedom of Information Act and made public Saturday."

Sidewalks to nowhere: Feds forced Detroit to waste $50 million in a decade

Sidewalks to nowhere: Feds forced Detroit to waste $50 million in a decade
"In a city where poverty is high, schools are broken and crime is rampant, the federal government has forced Detroit to spend more than $50 million in the past decade for sidewalk ramps that often lead to nowhere.
A sidewalk to nowhere on Detroit's east side. Photo by Steve Neavling. Many of the nearly 35,000 ramps, which are for people with disabilities, are on inaccessible sidewalks or streets with no homes.
City officials have fought the absurdities of the 2006 federal consent order, but to no avail.
The federal government said the ramps were required under the Americans with Disabilities Act, even if the sidewalks were useless.
“Our efforts to legally fight this requirement were not successful,” said Ron Brundidge, director of the Detroit Department of Public Works.
Over the past two months, Motor City Muckraker examined more than 3,000 sidewalk ramps and found:

  • About 12% of the ramps were installed on sidewalks that are impassable because of overgrowth, collapsed homes or illegal dumping.
  • Dozens of curb cuts were found on blocks with no occupied houses or buildings.
  • Sidewalk ramps surround vacant schools and factories, including the long-abandoned Packard Plant.
  • Read on!


Brigitte Gabriel's Urgent Election Message

Clinton amnesty tax: $15,000 per household, $1.2 trillion | Washington Examiner

Clinton amnesty tax: $15,000 per household, $1.2 trillion | Washington Examiner:

"Amnesty for illegal immigrants like a program proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton would require an immediate tax hike of $1.2 trillion, a $15,000 hit on every household in America, according to a new analysis of immigration reform.

The authoritative National Academy of Sciences said the cost to give some 11 million illegals citizenship rights would be staggering, though it suggested long-term benefits."

Rutgers student fired from campus newspaper after writing 'illegal alien' in column

Rutgers student fired from campus newspaper after writing 'illegal alien' in column - The College Fix:
‘My termination was a politically motivated move’
The Rutgers University student who hosted anti-feminist provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos for his first U.S. college event says the student newspaper fired him Monday because of his conservative views.
Image result for word nazisAviv Khavich published his final column for The Daily Targum Sunday night, arguing that immigration enforcement is not “anti-immigrant.”
He spoke as an immigrant himself, born in Israel after his Ashkenazi Jewish parents fled Belarus in the wake of the Soviet Union’s collapse.
But the trigger for the firing may have been Khavich’s demand that his column include the phrase “illegal aliens” to describe those in the country illegally.
It was the final straw for the Daily’s editor, who said Khavich repeatedly fought over “stylistic” editing changes to his columns over the past several months.
‘Undocumented’ isn’t correct, either..."

AM Fruitcake

History for November 7

History for November 7 - On-This-Day.com:
Captain James Cook 1728 - British explorer, navigator, Marie Sklodowska-Curie 1867 - Scientist, Albert Camus 1913 - Author, journalist

Billy Graham 1918 - Evangelist, Johnny Rivers 1942 - Singer, David Petraeus 1952 - U.S. Army General

1811 - The Shawnee Indians of chief Tecumseh were defeated by William Henry Harrison at the Battle of Wabash (or (Tippecanoe).

1874 - The Republican party of the U.S. was first symbolized as an elephant in a cartoon by Thomas Nast in Harper's Weekly.

1917 - Russia's Bolshevik Revolution took place. The provisional government of Alexander Kerensky was overthrown by forces led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

1940 - The middle section of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state collapsed during a windstorm. The suspension bridge had opened to traffic on July 1, 1940.

1963 - The comedy "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" premiered in Hollywood.
Image result for "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World"

1963 - Elston Howard, of the New York Yankees, became the first black player to be named the American League's Most Valuable Player.

1965 - The "Pillsbury Dough Boy" debuted in television commercials.

1989 - David Dinkins was elected and become New York City's first African-American mayor.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Gingrich: FBI Director Comey ‘caved’ to political pressure by not charging Clinton – TheBlaze

Gingrich: FBI Director Comey ‘caved’ to political pressure by not charging Clinton – TheBlaze:

"“Comey must be under enormous political pressure to cave like this and announce something he cant possibly know,” Gingrich tweeted after Comey’s announcement Sunday.

“The destruction of James Comey by political pressure is painful to watch. He is being twisted into an indefensible pretzel of contradictions,” he added in a subsequent tweet."

FBI Director Comey just sent Congress another letter about their criminal investigation into Clinton – TheBlaze

FBI Director Comey just sent Congress another letter about their criminal investigation into Clinton – TheBlaze:

"In a letter sent to members of Congress Sunday afternoon, FBI Director James Comey said the FBI was not changing the conclusion into their criminal probe of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and her use of private email server while at the State Department."