Wednesday, November 09, 2016

History for November 9

History for November 9 -
Elijah Lovejoy 1802, Ed Wynn 1886, Spiro T. Agnew 1918

Carl Sagan 1934, Mary Travers (Peter, Paul & Mary) 1936, Lou Ferrigno 1951

1911 - George Claude of Paris, France, applied for a patent on neon advertising signs.

1938 - Nazi troops and sympathizers destroyed and looted 7,500 Jewish businesses, burned 267 synagogues, killed 91 Jews, and rounded up over 25,000 Jewish men in an event that became known as Kristallnacht or "Night of Broken Glass."

1961 - Major Robert White flew an X-15 rocket plane at a world record speed of 4,093 mph.

1961 - The Professional Golfer's Association (PGA) eliminated its "caucasians only" rule.

1965 - The great Northeast blackout occurred as several states and parts of Canada were hit by a series of power failures lasting up to 13 1/2 hours.

1979 - The United Nations Security Council unanimously called upon Iran to release all American hostages "without delay." Militants, mostly students had taken 63 Americans hostage at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran, on November 4.

1984 - A bronze statue titled "Three Servicemen," by Frederick Hart, was unveiled at the site of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.

1997 - Barry Sanders (Detroit Lions) became the first player in NFL history to rush for over 1,000 yards in nine straight seasons. In the same game Sanders passed former Dallas Cowboy Tony Dorsett for third place on the all-time rushing list.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Louie Gohmert: 'The FBI Can't Prosecute Hillary Without Prosecuting Obama' [VIDEO]

Louie Gohmert: 'The FBI Can't Prosecute Hillary Without Prosecuting Obama' [VIDEO]:

"Conservative Texas Congressman Louis Gohmert is not at all surprised that FBI director James Comey let Hillary Clinton off the hook again on Sunday, stating that the “FBI can’t prosecute Hillary without prosecuting Obama” and that they’re “obviously not going to do that in this [Obama/Loretta Lynch] justice department.”"


The University Of California's Censor In Sheep's Clothing

The University Of California's Censor In Sheep's Clothing:
"Back when universities taught serious academic subjects, students likely learned Alexander Pope’s famous phrase: “damn with faint praise.”
Damning with faint praise means “to praise something or someone in such a weak way that it is obvious you do not really admire them”—quite the opposite, in fact.
If students no longer are taught this in class, those attending any of the ten academic campuses in the University of California (UC) System were treated recently to a real-life example of faint praise by the System’s president, Janet Napolitano.
The UC CEO penned a piece in the Boston Globe titled, “It’s time to free speech on campus again.”
I was encouraged on seeing this title.
Having praised the University of Chicago’s defense of free speech on campus, I thought the University of California was offering its support.
I thought that this might signal the beginning of the restoration of free speech—and with it, of learning—on America’s increasingly politicized, repressive college campuses.
Image result for Safe spacesI was wrong.
...The intention is not to praise free speech, but to bury it.
...UC’s president falsely equates “safe spaces” with “student centers.”
UC’s leadership knows better.
It knows that a safe space is, as the site SafeSpaceNetwork defines it, “a place where anyone can relax and be able to fully express, without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or unsafe on account of biological sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, cultural background, religious affiliation, age, or physical or mental ability.”
Safe spaces are universities’ psychological equivalent of Intensive Care Units, although you likely will enjoy more free speech in a hospital than on many college campuses today.
The most important difference between a safe space and a student center revolves around one thing—the lack of free speech in the former. 
Yet it is free speech that UC’s leadership insists it is championing..."

Long-time Hillary booster warned her about corruption | The Daily Caller

Long-time Hillary booster warned her about corruption | The Daily Caller:

"“If there is one thing that could well bring down a Hillary Clinton candidacy, it is this cycle of money issues about which I am now feeling red alerts, loud bells, warning signals, and red flags,” Budowsky wrote in a March 21, 2015, email to John Podesta. Wikileaks made the email public Saturday."

Amnesty tax: $15,000 per household, $1.2 trillion

Amnesty tax: $15,000 per household, $1.2 trillion | Washington Examiner:
"Amnesty for illegal immigrants like a program proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton would require an immediate tax hike of $1.2 trillion, a $15,000 hit on every household in America, according to a new analysis of immigration reform.
The authoritative National Academy of Sciences said the cost to give some 11 million illegals citizenship rights would be staggering, though it suggested long-term benefits.
A Heritage Foundation analysis of the NAS study looked at just the impact amnesty would have and said that an immediate tax increase of $1.29 trillion would be needed to finance the infrastructure, school, welfare and other costs of illegals.
...the government would have to raise taxes immediately by $1.29 trillion and put that sum into a high-yield bank account to cover future fiscal losses generated by the amnesty recipients and their children," said Robert Rector, Heritage's senior domestic research fellow.
"To cover the future cost, each U.S. household currently paying federal income tax would have to pay, on average, an immediate lump sum of over $15,000," he added..."

Judge Nap: 'Comey Knows His Days Are Numbered' No Matter Who Wins | Fox News Insider

Judge Nap: 'Comey Knows His Days Are Numbered' No Matter Who Wins | Fox News Insider:

"The Fox News senior judicial analyst said on America's Newsroom that the FBI under Comey has become "highly political," and that it has tarnished the Bureau's image.

Napolitano criticized Comey for giving Americans a "snapshot" of the email investigation last week - when he announced the discovery of new information on Anthony Weiner's laptop - and then another "snapshot" yesterday when he announced there would be no change to his July decision not to pursue charges against Hillary Clinton."

KINKY FRIEDMAN ON THE ELECTION: ‘We Don’t Know Who the Hero Is Until the Ship Sinks.’

Instapundit » Blog Archive » KINKY FRIEDMAN ON THE ELECTION: ‘We Don’t Know Who the Hero Is Until the Ship Sinks.’ The Texa…:
The Texas Democrats have been nearly wandering in the desert forever. It’s not a matter of left or right. There are a lot of liberal pussies in Austin. I don’t think people like Sam Rayburn, Barbara Jordan, hell, probably even Ann Richards, that whole bunch … I don’t think they’d recognize it [the Democratic Party].
It’s a matter of, all they do is spend their time calling people racists. In doing so, they create a lot of racists.
Image result for churchill obama
If you look at the great ones, Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, FDR, they were all aristocratic freaks with very little interest in others. They’re very much like Trump. I mean, particularly Churchill. He was a polo player in India and an adult butterfly collector. They liked to hang out at the country club, Rachel. They were very privileged people.
When they got into office, Churchill and FDR, they did something that Obama was never able to do: change. The agent of change, Obama, could not change himself. He remained a fixed point in a changing world. It’s just too bad; it’s who he is. He’s not the smartest guy in the room. He may be the glibbest. He may be the most facile. I believe, if he’s concerned about a legacy, I believe he can pretty well forget that.
All I’m saying is, we don’t know who the hero is until the ship sinks. Or when the plane is crashing. You don’t know who’s going to run back and save somebody, or who’s going to dress up like a woman so he can hide in a lifeboat.
And: “I’m old enough to sleep alone now. My shrink, Willie Nelson, has advised me not to get married under any circumstances. He says that would be a very big mistake.” Read the whole thing."

Lunch video-----Voter Fraud Proof - 18 Million Invalid Registration & 2 Million Are Dead...


Clinton aide says Foundation paid for Chelsea’s wedding, WikiLeaks emails show | Fox News

Clinton aide says Foundation paid for Chelsea’s wedding, WikiLeaks emails show | Fox News:

"Former President Bill Clinton’s top aide wrote in 2012 that Chelsea Clinton used Clinton Foundation resources “for her wedding and life for a decade” and a top Foundation donor was responsible for “killing” unfavorable press coverage – all as an internal Foundation audit uncovered numerous conflicts of interest and “quid pro quo benefits,” according to emails released Sunday by WikiLeaks.

Doug Band, founder of global strategies company Teneo and Bill Clinton’s "

Why We Use Electoral College, Not Popular Vote

Why We Use Electoral College, Not Popular Vote
"The Electoral College remains in place over two centuries after the framers of the Constitution empowered it to select presidents.
Though occasionally maligned, this system of electing a chief executive has been incredibly successful for the American people.
Many modern voters might be surprised to learn that when they step into a ballot box to select their candidate for president, they actually are casting a vote for fellow Americans called electors. 
These electors, appointed by the states, are pledged to support the presidential candidate the voters have supported.
The Electoral College holds its vote the Monday after the second Wednesday in December following the election.
The Founding Fathers created the Electoral College after much debate and compromise, but it has provided stability to the process of picking presidents.
Though the winner of the national popular vote typically takes the presidency, that vote failed to determine the winner in four elections: 1824, 1876, 1888, and 2000.
...One organization, National Popular Vote, has worked toward eliminating the Electoral College through an amendment to the Constitution or a state compact. National Popular Vote argues that the current system encourages presidential candidates to spend most of their time in “swing states” rather than campaigning for votes across the entire country.
This plan for a national popular vote has received a moderate level of support, but Heritage’s von Spakovsky has called it bad policy, based on mistaken assumptions. 
Swing states, he wrote, “can change from election to election, and many states that are today considered to be reliably ‘blue’ or ‘red’ in the presidential race were recently unpredictable.”
Many states have signed on to a bill that essentially would tie a state’s electoral votes to the national popular vote.
Those states will pledge to swing all of their electoral votes to the winner of the national vote..."

How Does the 2016 Presidential Election Spending Compare Historically?

How Does the 2016 Presidential Election Spending Compare Historically? - Metrocosm
historical presidential campaign spending

The Clinton Foundation: Hopelessly Corrupt Or Just A Lousy Charity?

The Clinton Foundation: Hopelessly Corrupt Or Just A Lousy Charity? | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
"Public Corruption:
As the unseemly ties between the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton's State Department become more glaring and disturbing, the rhetoric from the Democratic side is getting more desperate.
Now Clinton hatchet man James Carville says critics of the foundation are going to hell.
Image result for Clinton FoundationOver the past two weeks, it has become painfully obvious to anyone but the most hard-core Clinton loyalist that the Clinton Foundation was little more than an influence-peddling operation designed to exchange cash for favors from Bill and Hillary Clinton.
We noted in this space yesterday that a fresh batch of emails showed how the foundation intervened to get a meeting arranged between Clinton and Crown Prince of Bahrain after attempts to work through normal channels failed.
The prince's country was a major foundation donor.
Now there are reports that a senior foundation executive left 148 phone messages for Clinton's top aide at State from 2010 to 2012 -- more than any other caller.
The Associated Press reports that "more than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money -- either personally or through companies or groups -- to the Clinton Foundation."
This comes on top of a batch of emails released two weeks ago by Judicial Watch that showed foundation executives pushing the State Department for favors for big-time donors. 
It also follows news that the FBI has multiple ongoing public corruption investigations into the Clinton Foundation..."

America's Moment Of Truth

Ryan urges GOP to vote Trump after FBI again passes on Clinton prosecution | Washington Examiner

Ryan urges GOP to vote Trump after FBI again passes on Clinton prosecution | Washington Examiner:

"House Speaker Paul Ryan encouraged Republicans to support Donald Trump and "bring the Clinton era to an end," after learning on Sunday that FBI Director James Comey will stand by his original decision not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton over her handling of classified material.

"Regardless of this decision, the undisputed finding of the FBI's investigation is that Secretary Clinton put our nation's secrets at risk and in doing so compromised our national security," Ryan, R-Wis., said in a statement."

A Massive Tax Increase

What you already pay for mass transit in SE MI:
$100 per $100,000 of taxable value on your home & business in Macomb & Oakland Counties, up to $276 per $100,000 in Washtenaw County.
5.5¢ of every gallon you buy at the pump & ten percent of your car’s annual registration and plate fees are spent on mass transit.
Mass transit taxes you already pay could lease every regular user of mass transit in metro-Detroit a brand new Chevrolet Trax SUV every two years – and still have $150 million left over.
How much more you WILL pay for mass transit under the ballot proposal:
$120 more per $100,000 of taxable value on your home and business which equals $2,500 per $100,000 over the 20 year duration of the tax.
The new mass transit authority is authorized to initiate an additional 25% increase in your existing annual vehicle registration fee you pay.
The $4.6 billion proposal spends enough to provide every regular user of mass transit in metro-Detroit with a brand new leased Cadillac every three years- and have hundreds of millions left over.

Tax Calculator
Calculate how much extra you will pay in taxes if this tax hike passes with our Massive Transit Tax Calculator.

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The Tax Hike
This is a massive tax hike that will cost taxpayers $4.6 billion over the next 20 years. Click to learn where the money will come from and how it will be spent.
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More Traffic Congestion
Many major roads will have lanes closed to create ‘bus only’ lanes – congesting traffic for car drivers and increasing commuting times.
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Blocks Mass Transit Innovation
Some cities are contracting out transit services to Uber, Lyft, & others that provide more efficient service, while this proposal spends billions on old tech like buses & rail.
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CIA Official Goes Rogue, And Reveals The Chilling Truth About Hillary… America Needs To Hear This

CIA Official Goes Rogue, And Reveals The Chilling Truth About Hillary… America Needs To Hear This:

"“Nobody uses a private email server for official business,” Faddis added. “Period. Full stop.”

He then went on to call Clinton’s decision to use a personal server to conduct official government business both “insane” and “mind-boggling.”

“Classified and unclassified information do not mix,” he wrote. “They don’t travel in the same streams through the same pipes. They move in clearly well-defined channels so that never the twain shall meet. Mixing them together is unheard of and major criminal offense. If you end up with classified information in an unclassified channel, you have done something very wrong and very serious.”"

AM Fruitcake

2016 Election Finish