Thursday, November 10, 2016

History for November 10

History for November 10 -
Martin Luther 1483 - German friar, Catholic priest, leader of the Protestant Reformation, Oliver Goldsmith 1728 - Novelist, playwright, poet, Russell Johnson 1924 - Actor ("Gilligan's Island")

Richard Burton 1925 - Actor, Roy Scheider 1932 - Actor ("Jaws"), Tim Rice 1944 - Lyricist

1775 - The U.S. Marines were organized under authority of the Continental Congress. The Marines went out of existence after the end of the Revolutionary War in April of 1783. The Marine Corps were formally re-established on July 11, 1798. This day is observed as the birth date of the United States Marine Corps.

1871 - Henry M. Stanley, journalist and explorer, found David Livingstone. Livingston was a missing Scottish missionary in central Africa. Stanley delivered his famous greeting: "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"

1954 - The Iwo Jima Memorial was dedicated in Arlington, VA.

1975 - The U.N. General Assembly approved a resolution that equated Zionism with racism. The resolution was repealed in December of 1991.

1975 - The Edmund Fitzgerald, an ore-hauling ship, and its crew of 29 vanished during a storm in Lake Superior.

1980 - CBS News anchor Dan Rather claimed he had been kidnapped in a cab. It turned out that Rather had refused to pay the cab fare.

1982 - In Washington, DC, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was opened to visitors.

1993 - John Wayne Bobbitt was acquitted on the charge of marital sexual assault against his wife who sexually mutilated him. Lorena Bobbitt was later acquitted of malicious wounding her husband.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016



November 9, 2016

Trail of Evidence

By Tammy Derouin

I wonder which direction the American people will have decided to take our country.  Unfortunately, I also have to wonder if the American people truly decided our fate.  How many were robbed of their freedom to cast their vote due to voter fraud?  How many unqualified individuals, dead or alive, manipulated the process?   

As those who seek ultimate control find themselves on shaky ground, they get desperate.  They know they have to keep the illusion alive to stay in power.  Desperate times call for desperate deeds.  The evidence is out there, all that is required is a desire for truth.  Once you open your eyes, you can make better decisions. 

During a lively conversation this past week it was stated that you cannot be mad at someone for telling the truth.  You may not like what you are hearing but you cannot argue with them about honesty.  Once you accept the truth, the facts begin to become more apparent.  The trail of evidence, which was once ignored, becomes transparently clear.

Another statement which was made was that the truth doesn’t hurt.  I struggled with this initially because, haven’t we all said, “Sometimes the truth hurts.”  The more I thought about it the more it began to make sense.  Ignoring the truth is ultimately what hurts you.  Willful denial, ignorance, deliberate or unintentional, in the end, hurts much more than the truth.........

Pills are catching up to surgery as the most common U.S. abortion method.

Pills are catching up to surgery as the most common U.S. abortion method.:
"Women in the U.S. are now having medical abortions nearly as often as surgical ones, according to new data analysis from Reuters.
Image result for abortion pill methodThe two drugs that doctors can prescribe together for first-trimester abortions have gained popularity in recent years, and new guidelines issued by the Food and Drug Administration have made medication abortions accessible for more women who need them.
In clinics operated by Planned Parenthood, the country’s largest abortion-care provider, 43 percent of abortions provided in 2014 were administered through medication, compared to 35 percent in 2010, Reuters reports.
Some states have already seen medical abortions surpass surgical ones: 64 percent of abortions in Iowa and 55 percent of those in Michigan are medical.
The proportion of medication abortions in the U.S. is probably larger now that it was even a few months ago..."

American Uprising

American Uprising | Frontpage Mag:
"This wasn’t an election. 
It was a revolution.
It’s midnight in America. 
The day before fifty million Americans got up and stood in front of the great iron wheel that had been grinding them down.
They stood there even though the media told them it was useless.
They took their stand even while all the chattering classes laughed and taunted them.
They were fathers who couldn’t feed their families anymore.
They were mothers who couldn’t afford health care.
They were workers whose jobs had been sold off to foreign countries.
They were sons who didn’t see a future for themselves.
They were daughters afraid of being murdered by the “unaccompanied minors” flooding into their towns.
They took a deep breath and they stood.
They held up their hands and the great iron wheel stopped.
Image result for American Uprising 2016The Great Blue Wall crumbled.
The impossible states fell one by one.
The white working class that had been overlooked and trampled on for so long got to its feet.
It rose up against its oppressors and the rest of the nation, from coast to coast, rose up with it.
They fought back against their jobs being shipped overseas while their towns filled with migrants that got everything while they got nothing.
They fought back against a system in which they could go to jail for a trifle while the elites could violate the law and still stroll through a presidential election.
They fought back against being told that they had to watch what they say.
They fought back against being held in contempt because they wanted to work for a living and take care of their families.
They fought and they won.
This wasn’t a vote. 
It was an uprising. 
Like the ordinary men chipping away at the Berlin Wall, they tore down an unnatural thing that had towered over them. 
And as they watched it fall, they marveled at how weak and fragile it had always been.
And how much stronger they were than they had ever known.
Who were these people?
They were leftovers and flyover country.
They didn’t have bachelor degrees and had never set foot in a Starbucks.
They were the white working class.
They didn’t talk right or think right.
They had the wrong ideas, the wrong clothes and the ridiculous idea that they still mattered.
No one will ever interview all those men and women. 
We will never see all their faces.
But they are us and we are them.
They came to the aid of a nation in peril.
They did what real Americans have always done.
They did the impossible.
...America is a nation of impossibilities. 
We exist because our forefathers did not take no for an answer. 
Not from kings or tyrants.
Not from the elites who told them that it couldn’t be done.
The day when we stop being able to pull of the impossible is the day that America will cease to exist.
Today is not that day.
Today fifty million Americans did the impossible.
Midnight has passed. 
A new day has come. 
And everything is about to change."

Leaked Documents Reveal Expansive Soros Funding to Manipulate Federal Elections | PJ Media

Leaked Documents Reveal Expansive Soros Funding to Manipulate Federal Elections | PJ Media:

"Leaked funding documents reveal an effort by George Soros and his foundations to manipulate election laws and process rules ahead of the federal election far more expansively than has been previously reported.

The billionaire and convicted felon moved hundreds of millions of dollars into often-secret efforts to change election laws, fuel litigation to attack election integrity measures, push public narratives about voter fraud, and to integrate the political ground game of the left with efforts to scare racial minority groups about voting rights threats."

Key Criminal Justice Bills Working Their Way Through the Legislature

Key Criminal Justice Bills Working Their Way Through the Legislature [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"In 2003, Michigan made national headlines by passing several dramatic criminal justice reforms, including repealing mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses.
Thirteen years later, three significant measures are before the current Legislature, and they have re-ignited the debate about corrections practices.
The Michigan House passed bills relating to juvenile sentencing, the parole of prisoners and the power of judges.
The bills have been pending before Senate committees for months.

  • Juvenile Sentencing

The juvenile justice package (House Bill 4947 et seq) would raise the age of criminal responsibility to 18, meaning that 17-year-olds, the current minimum age for trying someone as an adult, would no longer be automatically tried, sentenced and housed as adults.
Although prosecutors would still be able to charge them as adults in cases of serious crimes, such as rape or armed robbery, most 17-year-olds would have their cases adjudicated in the juvenile system..."
Politics continues.
Keep informed!

Broken voting machines among widespread problems in metro Detroit

Broken voting machines among widespread problems in metro Detroit:
"Voters are reporting numerous Election Day problems in metro Detroit, from broken ballot machines to men in camouflage intimidating people.
Motor City Muckraker has been monitoring polling stations and fielding complaints all day. Here’s what we’ve discovered so far:
    Image result for inept
  • At least 12 precincts in Detroit had broken ballot machines this morning.
  • Two Donald Trump supporters wearing camouflage were intimidating voters at Dort Elementary in Roseville.
  • Voting was delayed at Crowell Recreation Center in northwest Detroit because of a lack of ballots, so some people left.
  • A woman’s hand was stuck in a ballot machine at 8200 Rolyat St. in Detroit.
  • Disorganized poll workers and two-hour lines prompted some people to leave without voting in Detroit.
  • Some voters were turned away because they didn’t have ID, which is not required in Michigan.
  • Several precincts in Detroit lacked privacy booths.
  • A poll worker told voters to go home if they didn’t like the wait at 4605 Cass, where disorganization caused a two-hour wait this morning.
  • Police were called to two voting locations in northwest Detroit because of a Trump supporter yelling at voters.
  • People who registered to vote on the last day aren’t showing up on some voter rolls in Detroit.
  • At precinct 20 in Sterling Heights, voters were told to place their ballots on a table because the machine wasn’t working..."

Lunch video-----AWFUL: Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote on Live TV


Ballots switch to Hillary before voters’ eyes

Ballots switch to Hillary before voters’ eyes:

"Machines changing votes from Trump to Clinton in Pittsburgh

Election judges in Clinton Township, in Butler County, Pennsylvania, confirmed there were issues with two of their eight automated voting machines. Most of the issues came when people tried to vote straight-party ticket, CBS Pittsburgh reports.

However, other said they specifically wanted to vote for Republican Donald Trump only to see their vote switched before their eyes to Democrat Hillary Clinton."

A new trend? GREAT!-----Walker overwhelmingly approves term limits

Walker overwhelmingly approves term limits |
"WALKER, MI – The clock is ticking on more than half of the Walker City Commission after residents voted overwhelmingly in favor of term limits.
On Tuesday, the amendment that would limit mayor and commissioners to only two terms passed 7,858 to 3,668.
Voters approved the measure 2 to 1 in all nine of city's precincts, according to Kent County voting results.
The new rule limits commissioners to two four-year terms in office.
However, it does let them also serve as mayor for two terms, in addition to their commission time.
Inspired by a successful term limit drive in neighboring Grand Rapids two years ago, Bruce de Wit and his wife, Denise, mounted the ballot issue..."

Free Press falsely declared Clinton victory in Michigan before dumping story

Free Press falsely declared Clinton victory in Michigan before dumping story
"The Detroit Free Press stunned the country and pollsters when it called the election for Hillary Clinton in Michigan at 9:15 p.m., long before most votes were counted.
About two hours later, Michigan’s largest newspaper removed the story and replaced it with a headline that read, “National race too close to call: All eyes on Michigan.”
No correction. Just brief, unsatisfactory explanation.
Turned out, the Free Press was wrong – or at least very premature. At 2:30 a.m., news agencies slowly began to report that Trump won Michigan. But as of 7 a.m., the Free Press was not among them, saying the race was too close to call.
“Congratulations!! You just set your credibility back 100 years,” @thechovanone tweeted to the Free Press. It was one of dozens of tweets criticizing the newspaper.
So how did the Free Press have a “Dewey defeats Truman” moment?

The newspaper used a mathematical model based on the results of 80 precincts – a system that had worked in the past. Workers went to each of the 80 precincts and phoned back the results, which showed Clinton won the model..."

Wall Street elite stunned at Trump triumph

Wall Street elite stunned at Trump triumph | Reuters:
"From plush penthouse apartments on the Upper East Side to bars in midtown Manhattan, New York’s financial community watched in stunned dismay on Wednesday as Republican Donald Trump clinched the White House.
An early party mood quickly soured as donors and supporters of Hillary Clinton realized that the Democratic candidate, Wall Street's preferred choice because she represented the status quo, had lost.
Many were stuck for words.
“Not really much to say,” said Marc Lasry, a billionaire credit investor.
Trump's unpredictable pronouncements and opposition to free-trade agreements have made the real estate mogul unpopular with many financiers, who fear that he could disrupt global trade and damage geopolitical relationships.
The U.S. dollar sank and stocks plummeted as investors fled risky assets. S&P 500 index futures crashed.
Joseph Peiffer, a lawyer who has represented investors and others in class-action lawsuits, cracked open a third bottle of wine, his "only in the case of an emergency" bottle, while watching the returns during an election night party he hosted for about 20 friends and family members in his hometown of New Orleans.
"This seems like enough of an emergency to break it open," he said..."

Here’s a list of potential Trump Cabinet members – TheBlaze

Here’s a list of potential Trump Cabinet members – TheBlaze:

"His transition team has been working behind the scenes for months to fill out a short list of options, from top conservative politicos to business outsiders much like the man who will take the oath of office on Inauguration Day.

Comprised within that list, according to Politico, are several of Trump’s leading surrogates who defended him ad nauseam over the course of the presidential election cycle. "

FBI Agents: Comey ‘Stood In The Way’ Of Clinton Investigation | The Daily Caller

FBI Agents: Comey ‘Stood In The Way’ Of Clinton Investigation | The Daily Caller:

“We didn’t search their house. We always search the house. The search should not just have been for private electronics, which contained classified material, but even for printouts of such material,” he said.

“There should have been a complete search of their residence,” the agent pointed out. “That the FBI did not seize devices is unbelievable. The FBI even seizes devices that have been set on fire.”"

2016 Presidential Election: Myths Examined

2016 Presidential Election: Myths Examined | National Review:
"Clear choices on the issues in 2016 have been far more distinct than in 1960, 1968, or 1992.
Most of what we read about the election of 2016 was untrue.
Here are the most glaring of the election fables.

We hear a few on the left lament Hillary’s two-year stubbornness in stonewalling, lying, and distorting the facts surrounding her unlawful use of a private e-mail server — as if her problems were largely a result of not being candid soon enough.
Nothing could be further from the truth if we define “better” as “more politically viable...”
Lots of myth dispelling here.
Read on! 

AM Fruitcake