Friday, November 11, 2016

History for November 11

History for November 11 -
Fyodor Dostoyevsky 1821 - Novelist, short story writer, journalist, Thomas Aldrich 1870, George Patton 1885

Alger Hiss 1904, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 1922, Jonathan Winters 1925

1620 - The Mayflower Compact was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower when they landed in what is now Provincetown Harbor near Cape Cod. The compact called for "just and equal laws."

1851 - The telescope was patented by Alvan Clark.

1918 - World War I came to an end when the Allies and Germany signed an armistice. This day became recognized as Veteran's Day in the United States.

1921 - The Tomb of the Unknowns was dedicated at Arlington Cemetery in Virginia by U.S. President Harding.

1938 - Kate Smith first sang Irving Berlin's "God Bless America" on network radio.

1940 - The Jeep made its debut.

1981 - The U.S.S. Ohio was commissioned at the Electric Boat Division in Groton, CT. It was the first Trident class submarine.

1993 - In Washington, DC, the Vietnam Women's Memorial was dedicated to honor the more than 11,000 women who had served in the Vietnam War.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Carson plans to be involved in Obamacare replacement effort | Washington Examiner

Carson plans to be involved in Obamacare replacement effort | Washington Examiner:

"Former neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Wednesday he would have a role in creating a replacement plan for Obamacare.

Carson told Politico on Wednesday that he intends to help design a plan that is "appealing and easy to understand.""

DETROIT: Top school board candidate wins with 4% of vote

DETROIT: Top school board candidate wins with 4% of vote |
"Voters in Detroit elected seven members of the newly created Detroit Public Schools Community District Board of Education, though none of them received more than 4 percent of the vote.
A total of 63 Detroit residents filed to run for seats on the board, which was created after state officials dissolved Detroit Public Schools and created the new district as a fresh start for the city’s students after decades of dysfunction.
detroitschoolboard...Last month, the Free Press reported that the majority of those running for the new Detroit school board face legal, financial or criminal problems, including 12 candidates who had filed for bankruptcy, 13 who had lost properties for failing to pay their taxes or mortgages, and 28 who had been sued over unpaid bills or other defaults.
Of those who won Tuesday, LaMar Lemmons lost an eviction case in 2005, while Peterson-Mayberry filed for bankruptcy in 2003, faced a default judgement for $1,174 in 2007, and was evicted in 2008.
Hunter-Harvill has also had money problems, including a property she lost in 2013 over $233,473 she owed to a lender, and two small default judgements against her in 2002 and 2015, according to the Free Press.
Fox 2 also pointed out that the Lemmons family has a history of stacking local ballots with family members. LaMar and Georgia Lemmons appeared on the 2016 school board ballot with Georgia’s sister, Bettie Jean Alexander, who received a mere 1 percent of the vote Tuesday..."

Police Calm Millennial Protesters By Handing Out Participation Trophies

Police Calm Millennial Protesters By Handing Out Participation Trophies | The Babylon Bee:
"U.S.—As anti-Trump rallies nationwide turned hostile overnight with widespread reports of violence, looting, vandalism, and death threats against the president-elect and his supporters, police in numerous major cities were able to instill calm and regain control by handing out participation trophies to all millennial protesters who were enraged about losing the election, sources confirmed.
The shrewd tactic was the idea New York Police Officer Joe Butler, who has three twentysomething children himself, and noted to reporters Thursday that he remembered how his children “never had to deal with losing as they were growing up.”
“It’s a foreign notion to them.
Even in sports—win or lose, everyone won, and everyone got a trophy no matter what.
This is the millennial way,” he said.
“So I had the idea—hey, why not start handing out participation trophies to the protesters, and telling them ‘Hey, you know what? You may have lost the election, but look—everyone gets a trophy. Everyone’s a winner.'”
Seeing how the trophies had an instantaneous calming effect on the millennials and filled them with a sense of fulfillment and achievement, word spread quickly among police departments nationwide, and emergency trophies were procured by the thousands for use at the rallies.
At publishing time, police had regained control in cities across the country, and the crowds of now-content protesters were heading home with their trophies, according to sources."

Obama executive orders, regulations, pardons expected as presidency draws to close - Washington Times

Obama executive orders, regulations, pardons expected as presidency draws to close - Washington Times:

"Look out for the executive orders, the “midnight” regulations and, perhaps most controversially, the pardons.

As President Obama runs out the clock on his eight-year tenure, analysts say, he still has plenty of business left undone, and they expect him to follow the lead of other presidents and issue a series of rules, to add to his list of executive orders, to continue his record-setting pace of commutations and perhaps add a controversial pardon or two into the mix."

U. Michigan professor postpones exam due to 'serious stress' over election results - The College Fix

U. Michigan professor postpones exam due to 'serious stress' over election results - The College Fix:
"A University of Michigan professor has postponed an exam after many students emailed him and complained about their “serious stress” over the election results.
John Snodgrass’ psychology class will still meet today, but the previously scheduled exam will now be moved to next week, he told students in an email obtained by The College Fix.
Image result for upset students“However one feels about the results of this important election, it’s clear that it (and the period leading up to it) is/has been very distracting and upsetting to many students. 
Relatedly, I’ve been receiving many emails in recent hours from students requesting to delay the exam due to associated serious stress,” the lecturer wrote to students.
“With this in mind, and to give everyone a chance to do their best on the exam, and after consulting with our GSIs and Psychology Administration, I’ve decided to postpone Exam 2 one week (i.e., it will now occur next Weds., Nov. 16).”
“… We WILL still have class today–I’ll begin lecturing on the next topic (Knowledge, Ch. 9).
This way, the overall class schedule will remain intact, allowing us to cover the necessary material,” he continued.
“I wish you all the best in this tumultuous time, and look forward to seeing you in lecture.”"

Safe Space? Ann Arbor Landmark Painted With 'Kill'em All' After Trump Victory

Safe Space? Ann Arbor Landmark Painted With 'Kill'em All' After Trump Victory [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"The Rock" is an iconic landmark in Ann Arbor that has been painted on numerous occasions.
The face of an iconic rock in Ann Arbor was painted with the words “Kill Em All” in white surrounded by red along with a picture of a blue elephant, the traditional mascot of the Republican Party.
Images from 
Safe Space? Ann Arbor Landmark Painted With 'Kill em All' After Trump VictoryAnother side of the rock also had a donkey, the mascot of the Democratic Party, with two stars around it and no words.
And another side had a profanity that says "F*** America" on it.
The photo was taken after Tuesday's election in which Republican Donald Trump upset Democrat Hillary Clinton to become the next president.
“The Rock” sits on the corner of Washtenaw Avenue and Hill Street and borders the University of Michigan campus but is officially part of a city of Ann Arbor park. It historically has been painted over the years on numerous occasions.
“We understand students are in the process of repainting the rock now,” said U-M Spokesman Rick Fitzgerald..."

Lunch video-----FULL - Ted Nugent Performance at Donald Trump Rally in Grand Rapids, MI....


Paul Ryan: Trump victory is ‘the most incredible political feat I have seen in my lifetime’ – TheBlaze

Paul Ryan: Trump victory is ‘the most incredible political feat I have seen in my lifetime’ – TheBlaze:

"Speaker Paul Ryan, addressing the press from his home state of Wisconsin on Wednesday, said he has congratulated President-elect Donald Trump on what he described as the “the most incredible political feat I have seen in my lifetime.”"

Indiana Pastors Caught on Camera Paying for People to Go to Polls and Vote Democrat | PJ Media

Indiana Pastors Caught on Camera Paying for People to Go to Polls and Vote Democrat | PJ Media:
"The latest Project Veritas video is proof of pastors being paid by political operatives to get their congregants to the polls.
They'll even pay for the congregants to be bussed to the polls and to grab lunch, as long as they all agree to vote Democrat.
These churches could very easily lose their tax-exempt status over what we see in this video.

"The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" - Gordon Lightfoot (HD w/ Lyrics)

American election riots over Trump win across New York, California and Chicago | Daily Star

American election riots over Trump win across New York, California and Chicago | Daily Star:
"Dozens of pro-Clinton supporters have been arrested after nationwide protests over Trump's election saw American flags burned, windows smashed clashes with riot cops.
Thousands of angry protesters filled the streets of New York last night as they stormed towards Trump Tower, on Fifth Avenue, chanting "f*** Trump" and "not my president".
Meanwhile, five people – three men and one woman – were shot near an anti-Trump protest in Seattle, in Washington state.Donald Trump election win riots
In Chicago, an estimated 1,800 people gathered outside the Trump International Hotel and Tower, yelling "No Trump! No KKK! No racist USA."
Adriana Rizzo, 22, who witnessed the scenes in Chicago, said: "I'm just really terrified about what is happening in this country."
The protests came after dozens of major cities across the US were flooded with angry protesters following the shock announcement of Trump's win.
...Meanwhile, hundreds of students from the University of Oregon were heard shouting "f*** Trump" as they marched through campus moments after Trump was decared winner.
And in Portland, Oregon, Clinton supporters were filmed setting fire to the American flag while shouting shouting "F*** Donald Trump".
Cops dressed in riot gear blocked off streets in downtown Oakland where more than 300 protesters massed.
Officers urged protesters to go home after a young woman was "intentionally struck by an SUV" as part of the demonstration.
The woman is said to have suffered major injuries but the full extent of her condition is not known..."

Higher Education: Yale Midterm Optional... For Students Traumatized by Election

Higher Education: Yale Midterm Optional... For Students Traumatized by Election » Louder With Crowder:
....Yeah, this is happening at an Ivy League School.
...These wimpy students are too distraught to bring themselves to focus on a test right now. But they did manage to muster up the strength to write their professor trying to get out of said test. Interesting.
The worst part isn’t even that the students wanted to get out a taking a midterm. 
Young people don’t like doing things.
We’ve all been there.
It’s that the professor caved. 
Universities keep catering to these walking diapers dumpers (see LOL: University of Florida Counsels Wimpy Students Offended by Costumes!).
Whether it be safe spaces, counseling, or “inclusion…” Leftist colleges created these social justice bed-wetters.
So sleep in it.
Not that we’d expect anything less from the land of higher education…

Here’s a list of potential Trump Cabinet members – TheBlaze

Here’s a list of potential Trump Cabinet members – TheBlaze:

"His transition team has been working behind the scenes for months to fill out a short list of options, from top conservative politicos to business outsiders much like the man who will take the oath of office on Inauguration Day.

Comprised within that list, according to Politico, are several of Trump’s leading surrogates who defended him ad nauseam over the course of the presidential election cycle. "

AM Fruitcake