Saturday, November 12, 2016

AM Fruitcake

History for November 12

History for November 12 -
Elizabeth Cady Stanton 1815, Auguste Rodin 1840, Grace Kelly 1929

Charles Manson 1934, Wallace Shawn 1943, Tonya Harding 1970

1927 - Joseph Stalin became the undisputed ruler of the Soviet Union. Leon Trotsky was expelled from the Communist Party leading to Stalin coming to power.

1942 - During World War II, naval battle of Guadalcanal began between Japanese and American forces. The Americans won a major victory.
Image result for battle of Guadalcanal

1944 - During World War II, the German battleship "Tirpitz" was sunk off the coast of Norway.

1946 - The first drive-up banking facility opened at the Exchange National Bank in Chicago, IL.

1948 - The war crimes tribunal sentenced Japanese Premier Hideki Tojo and six other World War II Japanese leaders to death.

1985 - In Norfolk, VA, Arthur James Walker was sentenced to life in prison for his role in a spy ring run by his brother, John A. Walker Jr.

1997 - Ramzi Yousef was found guilty of masterminding the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

1998 - Daimler-Benz completed a merger with Chrysler to form Daimler-Chrysler AG.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Yale professor makes midterm optional for students distraught over Trump win | Fox News

Yale professor makes midterm optional for students distraught over Trump win | Fox News:

"Liberal students across the nation watched in shock as Donald Trump clinched victory from Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States.

But some wiped their tears, and pulled themselves together enough to ask their professors to cancel their exams because they were so upset by the results.

And one Yale economics professor heard the cry, and decided to protect his snowflake charges by making the test optional."

Ghosts Of Corporate Welfare Past To Suck $7.6 Billion From State Budget

Ghosts Of Corporate Welfare Past To Suck $7.6 Billion From State Budget [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"In 2010-11, the last year of Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s second and final term, the state of Michigan approved 72 economic development deals with companies in what appears to have been a binge of corporate welfare handouts.
Some $2.4 billion dollars were promised to companies in 2011 under a since-discontinued program called the Michigan Economic Growth Authority (MEGA).
Most of that went to a pair of car companies — $1.36 billion to Chrysler and $909 million to Ford.
No longer were politicians claiming to grow or transform the economy: These were so-called job “retention” deals, with the state paying companies for up to 20 years to maintain their state workforce numbers.
The MEGA program was discontinued in 2011, but the financial impact of its corporate welfare deals will fall on state budgets for decades.
While the actual numbers are kept secret, much or most of the “credits” are simply checks written by the Michigan Treasury Department to the companies with the deals.
A recent report from the Senate Fiscal Agency states that Michigan taxpayers are still on the hook for these deals until at least 2032, at a cost of $7.6 billion. 
The agency estimates the payments represent a 4 percent to 5 percent annual hit to the state budget over that period.
Last year the state paid out $654.8 million under these MEGA deals.
And from 2017 to 2032, the estimate is that future legislatures will have to budget more than a half billion dollars every year until at least 2028 and pay out a total of $7.6 billion through 2032."

GM announces first layoffs in six years, cuts 2,000 jobs

GM announces first layoffs in six years, cuts 2,000 jobs - Nov. 9, 2016:
"General Motors is cutting 2,000 factory jobs in Michigan and Ohio -- its first round of layoffs since 2010.
The company said it will cut the third shift of production at the Lordstown, Ohio plant, which makes the compact Chevrolet Cruze.
It's also cutting jobs at the Lansing, Mich., Grand River plant where it makes the Chevy Camaro and the Cadillac ATS and CTS.
GM (GM) said the job losses will hit 1,200 factory workers in Ohio and 800 in Michigan, though some of those workers may be offered other positions.
The jobs will be eliminated in January. GM had 97,000 U.S. workers as of the end of last year.
He added that the company did not announce the layoffs before the election because it did not want to be accused of trying to affect the election results.
Related: The rich are still buying lots of cars..."

"This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University!" : College President Writes Scathing Letter About Students Wanting To Play The Victim And Blame Others - US Chronicle

"This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University!" : College President Writes Scathing Letter About Students Wanting To Play The Victim And Blame Others - US Chronicle:

"Everett Piper, who is the President of the school, wrote a letter to the students admonishing them that playing the victim, blaming others and not admitting mistakes is not a way to live a productive and meaningful life.  Here is the letter titled “This is Not a Day Care. It’s a University!”"

What could possibly go wrong?-----Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders Pledge to Work With Trump on Economic Issues

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders Pledge to Work With Trump on Economic Issues | Liberty Blitzkrieg:
"... I want Trump to be successful because our fellow countrymen and women need him to succeed.
...In order to be a truly great president, Trump needs to unite as many Americans as possible around his agenda.
On the positive front, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have both pledged to work with Trump in order to help our less fortunate fellow citizens get back on the right track. 
I really hope this happens.
...In a speech at the nation’s largest labor federation, Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Americans are right to be angry that “Washington dithers and spins and does the backstroke in an ocean of money, while the American Dream moves further and further out of reach for too many families.”
She credited Trump for spotlighting the problem.
“President-Elect Trump spoke to these issues. Republican elites hated him for it. But he didn’t care,” she told the AFL-CIO. “So let me be 100 percent clear about this.
When President-Elect Trump wants to take on these issues, when his goal is to increase the economic security of middle class families, then count me in.
 I will put aside our differences and I will work with him to accomplish that goal. 
I offer to work as hard as I can and to pull as many people as I can into this effort. 
If Trump is ready to go on rebuilding economic security for millions of Americans, so am I and so are a lot of other people-Democrats and Republicans.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent who challenged Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, expressed a similar sentiment.
“Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media,” he said in a press release.
“To the degree that Mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him.”
This would be a very good thing for Trump’s Presidency and for America as a whole.
In Liberty,
Michael Krieger"

Gotta be true. I saw it on the internet!

Snowflake Meltdown :: SteynOnline

Snowflake Meltdown :: SteynOnline:
"Today is Armistice Day, when the guns fell silent on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. 
We know it as Veterans Day in America, or, across the Commonwealth, Remembrance Day. I have some thoughts on the subject, and on the most famous Canadian poem of the Great War, here.
Via my compatriot Dr Roy, here is that most famous Canadian war poem, by Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, as recited by a far more famous Canadian poet, Leonard Cohen:
Leonard Cohen died yesterday. 
~This is probably not the occasion to compare the vast conscript armies who slogged it out on the Western Front a century ago with their solipsistic progeny, the ululating ninnies of Generation Snowflake. 
This week American universities, now among the most expensive yet worthless institutions on the planet, have held mass "cry-ins" to protest Tuesday's election. 
At the University of Michigan, sufferers from PTSD (Post-Trumptastic Stress Disorder) were consoled with Play-Doh and coloring books
Can you imagine any of the teenagers who stormed the beaches of Normandy - boys who were men, and often five, six, seven years younger than today's elderly "students" - agreeing to participate in anything so ostentatiously self-indulgent as a "cry-in" followed by free Play-Doh?
What comes after the cry-ins? 
Monisha Rajesh, a journalist with The Guardian and my old newspaper The Sunday Telegraph, is hot for a "presidential assasination"...

Lunch video-----A Veterans Day Tribute to the US Military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine...


Hundreds of thousands of Hillary supporters sign petition to overturn election results – TheBlaze

Hundreds of thousands of Hillary supporters sign petition to overturn election results – TheBlaze:

 "A petition started by a man in North Carolina to persuade the Electoral College to elect Hillary Clinton as president is gaining traction on the internet — more than 352,000 people have signed the petition since it was created Wednesday night.

The petition asks members of the Electoral college to vote for Hillary Clinton because she won the popular vote and expresses that President-elect Donald Trump is unfit to serve.

The full text reads:"

Terry Kelly - A Pittance of Time

7 Harsh Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand

7 Harsh Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand | Zero Hedge:
"They may not yet be the present, but they’re certainly the future.
These young, uninitiated minds will someday soon become our politicians, doctors, scientists, chefs, television producers, fashion designers, manufacturers, and, one would hope, the new proponents of liberty.
20151114_crybullyBut are they ready for it?
Time after time, particularly on college campuses, millennials have proven to be little more than entitled, spoiled, anti-intellectual brats who place far too much emphasis on feelings and nowhere near enough emphasis on critical thinking. 
To the millennial, words are cause for the creation of safe spaces, alternative ideas must be stifled, and anything they perceive to be a microaggression is enough to send them spiraling into a state of mental distress.
It’s time millennials understood these 7 harsh realities of life so we don’t end up with a generation of gutless adult babies running the show.
1. Your Feelings Are Largely Irrelevant"...

Samuel L. Jackson on Donald Trump: “If That Motherf*cker Becomes President I Will Move my Black Ass to South Africa” -

Samuel L. Jackson on Donald Trump: “If That Motherf*cker Becomes President I Will Move my Black Ass to South Africa” -:
If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll know that liberal actor Samuel L. Jackson has been feuding with his golfing buddy Donald Trump quite a bit, lately.
Last week, he made headlines when he said that if you don’t have a certain amount of money, it’s as if you don’t exist in Trump’s eyes.
More recently, he went on The Jimmy Kimmel show and said that if Trump gets elected President, he’d “move his black a$$ to South Africa.”

Let’s all remember this and hold him to his word when Trump’s elected.

Indiana Pastors Caught on Camera Paying for People to Go to Polls and Vote Democrat | PJ Media

Indiana Pastors Caught on Camera Paying for People to Go to Polls and Vote Democrat | PJ Media:

"The latest Project Veritas video is proof of pastors being paid by political operatives to get their congregants to the polls. They'll even pay for the congregants to be bussed to the polls and to grab lunch, as long as they all agree to vote Democrat. These churches could very easily lose their tax-exempt status over what we see in this video."

St. Paul schools offer ’emotional support’ for kids upset by election results

St. Paul schools offer ’emotional support’ for kids upset by election results – Twin Cities:
St. Paul Public Schools said Wednesday that additional emotional support staff would be made available, if necessary, to students upset by the surprise election of Donald Trump.
Supervisory counselors were slated to check in with school staff to identify any schools that are “more impacted by the results,” spokeswoman Toya Stewart Downey told the Pioneer Press early Wednesday. 
If needed, lead counselors and social workers and those in temporary administrative roles would be sent to work in schools. 
“If there are schools that seem to be over capacity (in terms of the support they can offer), we will look to deploy support staff from the district who can provide additional support,” Stewart Downey said. 
...Stewart Downey noted that the capacity to respond to upsetting events is greater in the district this school year. 
The district added 20 counselors, six social workers and five school psychologists as a result of teacher contract negotiations...
Should be interesting explaining this election without emotion.
Thx to all the staff @SPPS_News for working w kids on this day after the election. They barely woke up before heading towards school.
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AM Fruitcake