Monday, November 14, 2016

Fabulous!-----Think America=Iguana, Liberal media=Snakes-------Iguana chased by snakes - Planet Earth II: Islands


The Communists Behind the Anti-Trump Protests | Frontpage Mag

The Communists Behind the Anti-Trump Protests | Frontpage Mag:

"In short, the anti-Trump protests that are currently making headlines are 100% contrived, fake, phony exhibitions of street theater, orchestrated entirely by radicals and revolutionaries whose chief objective is to push America ever farther to the political left. Moreover, they seek to utterly demoralize conservatives into believing that public opposition to their own (conservative) political and social values is growing more powerful, more passionate, and more widespread with each passing day."

Crime highest in 16 years, Obama legacy

Crime highest in 16 years, Obama legacy | Washington Examiner:
The personal crime rate throughout America has hit a 16-year high, with nearly 30 percent of all households report being "victimized," according to a new survey

"Americans' direct experience with crime is at a 16-year high, consistent with a gradual increase — from 22 percent in 2001 to 29 percent today — in the percentage saying that they or a household member was the victim of a robbery, vandalism or violent crime in the past year," Gallup reports.
What's more, some 16 percent that they personally have been the victim of crime, most often theft.
Gallup said the recent increase wasn't huge, but the years of increases a concern.
"Americans' self-reported experience with crime has been trending up since about 2001 and is now at a numerical high..."

Democrats Are Now Calling For A ‘Revolution In The Streets’, And I Believe That They Are Quite Serious

Democrats Are Now Calling For A ‘Revolution In The Streets’, And I Believe That They Are Quite Serious:
"The surprise victory by Donald Trump on November 8th has spawned a series of violent protests and riots all over the nation as stunned leftists continue to throw the largest post-election temper tantrum in U.S. history.  
Protesters in large cities all across America have been disrupting public transportation, looting stores, hurling objects at the police and burning Trump in effigy.  
There have even been shootings at anti-Trump rallies in Seattle and in Portland.  
Hundreds of protesters have been arrested so far, and organizers are promising that this is only just the beginning.  
Meanwhile, large numbers of enraged leftists are physically threatening Trump on Twitter, and some are even calling for a violent revolution.  
Sadly, I believe that they are quite serious about this.
...But for many on the radical left the time for patience is over.  
The “Not My President” movement is taking off like a rocket, and one survey found that only 58 percent of all Clinton supporters consider Trump’s victory to be legitimate.  
A protest near Trump Tower in New York City on Saturday drew approximately 25,000 people, and USA Today reported that the anti-Trump protest in Portland, Oregon on Saturday night rapidly “devolved into a riot“.
It is becoming clear that these protests are not going away any time soon, and some are even beginning to refer to this movement as “the Purple Revolution”
No sooner had Trump been declared the 45th president of the United States, Soros-funded political operations launched their activities to disrupt Trump during Obama’s lame-duck period and thereafter. The swiftness of the Purple Revolution is reminiscent of the speed at which protesters hit the streets of Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, in two Orange Revolutions sponsored by Soros, one in 2004 and the other, ten years later, in 2014.
As the Clintons were embracing purple in New York, street demonstrations, some violent, all coordinated by the Soros-funded and Black Lives Matter, broke out in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Oakland, Nashville, Cleveland, Washington, Austin, Seattle, Philadelphia, Richmond, St. Paul, Kansas City, Omaha, San Francisco, and some 200 other cities across the United States. 
So could we actually see a violent revolution on the streets of America?
Is the radical left really so horrified by the prospect of a Trump presidency that they would actually be willing to engage in a prolonged campaign of chaos, violence and physical intimidation..?
Read on! Scary stuff!

Media still struggles with the difference between a protest and a riot

Media still struggles with the difference between a protest and a riot « Hot Air
"My hopes for a media postmortem after the election concluded appear to have been (mostly) dashed. 
For the third day in a row now I’ve woken up and turned on the news only to see CNN and MSNBC talking heads speaking in earnest tones about the “protests” taking place in response to Tuesday’s victory of President Elect Trump. 
There are always a few exceptions, but most of the coverage I’m seeing once again takes the same tone we’ve grown used to during the Black Lives Matter riots in Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, Chicago and beyond. 
The words stand in stark contrast to the scenes playing out on the screen as roadways are blocked, bottles are hurled, fires break out and “peaceful protesters” smash up police vehicles. 
And in Portland last night, somebody was actually shot. (Fox News)
A man suffered non-life-threatening injuries in Portland, Ore. early Saturday when he was shot while taking part in a protest against President-elect Donald Trump.
The shooting took place at around 1 a.m. local time as protesters were walking across the Morrison Bridge toward downtown Portland.
There are exceptions to the awkward newspaper coverage which might give us hope. 
One example comes from a most unexpected source… the Washington Post. They describe last night’s activities using a word which is rarely seen in print these days. 
Pay close attention to this passage. (Emphasis added.)
Hundreds of people protesting the election of Donald Trump took to the streets in cities across the country for a third straight night on Friday, as police bolstered their forces in the wake of rioting in Portland, Ore., and Los Angeles.
More than 225 people have been arrested across various cities — at least 185 in Los Angeles alone, the Associated Press reported — amid demonstrations that have included highway blockades, angry chants of “not my president” and a rampage through Portland.
Police in New York on Friday erected barricades and placed sand-filled trucks in front of Trump Tower. Protesters illuminated by the flashing red and blue of police car lights chanted, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump has got to go.”
They go on to actually cover what was happening in various cities with particular emphasis on Portland, which seems to be the epicenter of the most violent, riotous activity thus far.
The group that formed around 5 p.m. splintered, spreading around the city. Police in riot gear stood firm across one downtown street until after 8 p.m. when protesters threw glass bottles at the police.
By 10 p.m., the police had deployed tear gas, flash grenades and rubber bullets, warning protesters that they would be arrested if they remained on scene. An hour later, hundreds of people were still gathered downtown, with police closing in from the east and west to send a clear message: leave or be arrested.

...Let’s all take a look at these images and repeat after me. (Click on images for full size photos.)
This is a riot.

This is a protest.

This is a riot.

This is a protest.

Blog: Hillary wins the popular vote – not

Blog: Hillary wins the popular vote – not:

"Okay, let’s address this “Hillary might win the popular vote, isn’t that Electoral College situation just awful” thing head on.

No, it’s not awful.  It’s great, and it protects the importance of your vote.  It’s also uniquely American and demonstrates yet again the once-in-creation brilliance of the Founding Fathers."

Turkey Warns Citizens to Avoid Anti-Trump Protests in US Cities

Turkey Warns Citizens to Avoid Anti-Trump Protests in US Cities:
"Turkey has warned its citizens living in or traveling to the United States to avoid "social tensions" in major American cities, such as angry protests against Donald Trump's presidential election victory.
Image result for Recent Suicide Bombing in TurkeyThe Ankara government on Saturday also advised caution for any visitors who might encounter "racist" outbursts, which many Americans see as the action of extremists possibly emboldened by Trump's comments critical of immigrants.
Turkey did not specifically cite postelection political turmoil in the United States in connection with either of its warnings.
A Turkish Foreign Ministry statement urged Turks "to be vigilant due to the risks linked to current events and social tensions."
Turkey, which itself has been the subject of frequent travel warnings by Western governments in recent months, also noted "the increase, over the last few days, of verbal and physical aggression of a xenophobic or racist nature across the U.S."..."

AM Fruitcake

History for November 14

History for November 14 -
Robert Fulton 1765 - Engineer and inventor (steamboat), Claude Monet 1840 - French impressionist painter, Aaron Copland 1900 - Composer, writer

McLean Stevenson 1929 - Actor, P.J. O'Rourke 1947 - Political satirist, journalist, writer, Condoleezza Rice 1954 - U.S. Secretary of State

1851 - Herman Melville's novel "Moby Dick" was first published in the U.S.

1940 - During World War II, German war planes destroyed most of the English town of Coventry when about 500 Luftwaffe bombers attacked.

1956 - The USSR crushed the Hungarian uprising.

1968 - Yale University announced it was going co-educational.

1969 - During the Vietnam War, Major General Bruno Arthur Hochmuth, commander of the Third Marine Division, became the first general to be killed in Vietnam by enemy fire.

1979 - U.S. President Carter froze all Iranian assets in the United States and U.S. banks abroad in response to the taking of 63 American hostages at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran.

1983 - The British government announced that U.S.-made cruise missiles had arrived at the Greenham Common air base amid protests.

1994 - U.S. experts visited North Korea's main nuclear complex for the first time under an accord that opened such sites to outside inspections.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Obama’s main legacy: the collapse of the Democratic Party | New York Post

Obama’s main legacy: the collapse of the Democratic Party | New York Post:

"What happened? From the beginning, Obama pushed the left-most plausible agenda without regard to political consequences. His signature initiative, ObamaCare, was forced through Congress despite its manifest unpopularity and with the crucial assistance of obvious falsehoods (i.e., that it would reduce premiums and people could keep their doctors).

When Obama’s initial legislative overreach cost him his congressional majorities, he proceeded with executive overreach, especially on environmental regulation and immigration. His attitude was that everyone had to get with his program and that if they didn’t, they were either stupid or spiteful. He believed less in the usual political arts of compromise and personal relationships than in the irresistible power of his own words."

The Double Standard in Environmental Protection

The Double Standard in Environmental Protection [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
Image result for gold king hypocrisy"There appears to be a double standard when it comes to the enforcement of environmental law. When a private individual or business harms the environment, regulators rush to identify perpetrators, begin enforcement proceedings, and fine or jail those responsible. 
Policymakers and the media often seize the opportunity to call for tighter government controls.
But when the government itself damages the environment, regulators, politicians, the media and the public show much less interest in holding anyone accountable.
They tend to just shrug their shoulders and move on.
If we want to maintain and protect the amazingly beautiful and fruitful Michigan environment, we must enforce environmental standards equally for private individuals, businesses and government alike.
But government regularly harms Michigan’s natural environment and what follows are several examples of these incidences — just from the past few months.
In each case, the government agencies or employees responsible for the damage faced little to no consequence for their actions. 
Our reluctance to address government-caused environmental impacts must end..."
Lots here. Read on!

NCRI Women's Committee - Iran: Girl students defy compulsory enforcement of veil in dormitories

NCRI Women's Committee - Iran: Girl students defy compulsory enforcement of veil in dormitories
Girl students defy compulsory enforcement of veil in dormitories
Students of Tehran's Chamran University staged a protest for the second consecutive night on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, at their dormitory against
the plan for imposing the compulsory dress code.
They explained their demands in a statement in which they said, "They firmly oppose the disparaging virtue and veil plans in the dormitories, which violates the students' privacy."
The statement concludes, "We will stand up to any attempt by security forces to deal with protesting students."

Left-Wing Bigotry And Hatred Is On Full Display After Trump Win | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Left-Wing Bigotry And Hatred Is On Full Display After Trump Win | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:

"According to the current vote tally, Donald Trump secured 60 million votes. Exit polls show that 42% of women cast ballots for the Republican. Nearly half (49%) of independent voters backed Trump. So did 14% of LGBT voters. Trump did better among blacks, Latinos and other minorities, as well as lower-income voters, than the ultra-noncontroversial Mitt Romney did in 2012.

Trump did almost as well among college graduates as Clinton — 45% to 49% — and captured half of the suburban vote.

In other words, his support was widespread."

'What's Happening to America?' Trump Supporter Beaten by Chicago Mob Speaks Out

'What's Happening to America?' Trump Supporter Beaten by Chicago Mob Speaks Out - Breitbart
"The victim of a brutal mob in Chicago is explaining how he was caught up in Democrats’ anger over their huge defeat on election day.
“What’s happening to America?” said David Wilcox, as he showed his wounds inflicted by the mob. “You’re supposed to be able to vote in peace!
It’s supposed to be part of our democracy.
And what happened is, I vote for somebody, and I get beaten, robbed, and my car stolen, and I have no way of getting my wife to and from work safe anymore,” he told the Chicago Tribune’s news crew.

...Wilcox, 49, said the shocking attack happened after a black Sedan scraped the side of his vehicle on Wednesday.
“What’s your reaction as you watch this?” a Chicago Tribune reporter asks Wilcox as he’s shown the cellphone-recorded video of the attack.
“I was scared,” Wilcox said. “The car pulled up next to me.
We side-swiped each other.
But they hit my car,” he continued. “I put the car in park.
The light was red.
I got out of the car.”
That’s when Wilcox says he was targeted for the violent beating and carjacking.
“One of the guys, an African American at the bus stop, said: ‘Yeah, that’s one of those white boy Trump supporters,'” he said. 
“And I said: ‘What does that have to do with this accident? I just want to exchange insurance.'”
“Next thing I know, the guy said, ‘Don’t worry about it, we’re gonna beat his ass!’ 
And then punches were thrown, and the next thing I know, I have five people on me.
And I fell to the ground;
I was kicked in the head.
They were in my car, stealing all my stuff,” he said.
“I tried to go to the car. I got hit some more..."
Read on.
It gets worse.

Who Is Behind The Riots? Charlotte Police Says 70% Of Arrested Protesters Had Out Of State IDs

Who Is Behind The Riots? Charlotte Police Says 70% Of Arrested Protesters Had Out Of State IDs | Zero Hedge:
Confirming what many had suspected when viewing the sudden and intense collapse into anrchy that occurred in Charlotte this week, Todd Walther, spokesman for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Fraternal Order of Police told CNN's Erin Burnett:
"This is not Charlotte that's out here.  These are outside entities that are coming in and causing these problems. These are not protestors, these are criminals."

"We've got the instigators that are coming in from the outside.  They were coming in on buses from out of state.  If you go back and look at some of the arrests that were made last night.  I can about say probably 70% of those had out-of-state IDs.  They're not coming from Charlotte."
As shocking as this statement is, it should not be a total surprise. 
18 months ago, as the riots flared in Ferguson, there was one man pulling the strings of this 'domestic false flag'... George Soros. 
In an apparent effort to  "keep the media’s attention on the city and to widen the scope of the incident to focus on interrelated causes — not just the overpolicing and racial discrimination narratives that were highlighted by the news media in August," liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint.

As The Washington Times explains,
There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victim Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets.

Rather, it’s liberal billionaire George Soros, who has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean in Europe while forging a political machine powered by nonprofit foundations that impacts American politics and policy, not unlike what he did with

Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times..."
Much more.
Read on! 

Lunch video-----WORD: 5 Most Ridiculous Celebrity Freak Outs in Response to Trump's Win


The Rage Of The Cry-Babies | The Daily Caller

The Rage Of The Cry-Babies | The Daily Caller:

"To America’s coastal elites, if you don’t agree with the liberal version of history, you must be uneducated. If you don’t agree with the Cultural Marxists that white men are privileged, toxic sub-humans who must be relegated to the bottom of the social order, then you must be a complete moron.

The way the liberal media speaks about the deplorables who support Trump is as though we are a pack of ravenous animals. Such arrogance is breathtaking.

Should any of the liberal elite still think Trump is stupid, they will soon learn of their mistake. "

Paul Krugman Says Markets Will ‘Never’ Recover From Trump; Dow Hits Record High

Paul Krugman Says Markets Will ‘Never’ Recover From Trump; Dow Hits Record High – Blazing Cat Fur:
krugman"New York Times opinion writer and economist Paul Krugman predicted early Wednesday morning that the stock market will “never” recover from Donald Trump’s presidential victory, only to be proven spectacularly wrong in less than a day.
Instead of collapsing, the Dow Jones Industrial Average surged to an all-time high shortly before the closing bell.
FTSE 100 and other global shares soar after Donald Trump’s victory
The UK stock market rose sharply on Thursday morning, following those in Asia last night, as world economies seem to react favourably to the prospect of Donald Trump as the next president of the United states.
So much for the ‘Trump Slump’ the liberals were trying to push yesterday."