Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Socialist Party Organization Linked To Anti-Trump Protests

Socialist Party Organization Linked To Anti-Trump Protests:

“This was promoted by Socialist Advantage and one of the things they said the purpose of this rally was … to not only protest the election of Donald Trump the 45th president of the United States but also to protest that the Democratic party had let them down,” she reported.

Victoria Taft, writing at Independent Journal Review, noted that a group called “Socialist Alternative,” often referred to on social media as “Socialist Advantage,” was behind the protests.

She further noted that Socialist Alternative is the name of the Socialist Party’s social media arm."

Trump Supporters Targeted in Vicious Attacks

Trump Supporters Targeted in Vicious Attacks | LifeZette:
"Election-crazed liberals increasingly turn violent against backers of the president-elect
In addition to a rash of violent protests from angry liberal agitators, Donald Trump’s stunning victory in the presidential election appears to have sparked a spate of attacks on his supporters.
Trump’s unexpected win seems to have triggered progressives so hard that all pretense of respectability — not to mention respect for the democratic process — has been shed, and for the first time in generations, the American Left has let its violent, totalitarian flag fly openly.

  • “That’s one of those white boy Trump supporters.” Two men were arrested in Meriden, Connecticut, on Saturday after beating up a Trump supporter. The Trump fan was on a traffic island, holding up both a pro-Trump sign and American flag, when suspects Wilson Eschevarria and Anthony Hobdy got out of their vehicle and proceeded to attack the victim.
  • In New York City on Friday, a Trump supporter wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap was assaulted while riding the subway. The victim was reportedly choked by an anti-Trump aggressor.
  • On Wednesday, a man in Chicago was dragged from his vehicle and beaten within an inch of his life following a traffic incident. “Somebody yelled, ‘That’s one of those white boy Trump supporters,'” the man told the local CBS affiliate. “I saw my life flash before my face,” he added.
  • The anti-Trump violence has also spread to schools. Jade Armenio, a sophomore at Woodside High School in Woodside, California, who isn't even old enough to vote, was nevertheless attacked by a gang of fellow students for having supported Trump.

In addition to isolated incidents of violent attacks on individual Trump supporters, the anti-Trump protests popping up across the country have also seen incidents of violence.
The worst violence has been in Portland, where on Saturday one person was shot and roughly 70 people were arrested.
Projectiles, including glass bottles and road flares, were thrown at police officers.
On Friday, harrowing video footage from the city showed a pregnant woman trapped in her car as protesters proceeded to attack it. 
Her only apparent crime was being white and in the wrong place at the wrong time..."

Only Two of the Nation's 72 Largest Newspapers Endorsed Trump

Only Two of the Nation's 72 Largest Newspapers Endorsed Trump [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"Of the nation’s 72 newspapers that have a circulation of over 100,000 readers, only two endorsed Donald Trump for president, according to Wikipedia.
Overall, Hillary Clinton had an even 500 newspaper and magazine endorsements while Trump had 26.
There were more “Not Donald Trump” endorsements (32) than Trump endorsements (26).
The Las Vegas Review-Journal and the Florida Times-Union were the only two daily newspapers with circulations over 100,000 to endorse Trump. Seven of the 72 newspapers with circulations over 100,000 didn't give an endorsement.
USA Today broke its tradition of not endorsing presidential candidates by telling its readers that Trump wasn't fit to be president.
In Michigan, none of the 13 daily newspapers tracked by Wikipedia endorsed Trump. 
The Detroit News endorsed Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson. 
The rest supported Clinton.
The Secretary of State's office says the official voting results will be finalized at the end of the month when the Board of State Canvassers meets to certify the results.
More For the Record..."

Lunch video-----Wikileaks reveals Ties Between Clinton Campaign, Banks, Media


‘Suck It Up, Buttercup!’ – Iowa Lawmaker Drops The Hammer On Election Crybabies [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

‘Suck It Up, Buttercup!’ – Iowa Lawmaker Drops The Hammer On Election Crybabies [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News:

"This is just perfection. Bobby Kaufman, who is a member of the Iowa State House, got fed up with all the coddling of snowflakes at high schools and colleges. So he came up with the “Suck It Up, Buttercup” bill. I love the name… it is brutally blunt. He got tired of schools in Iowa footing the bill for these cupcakes to walk out of their classrooms and protest, sometimes violently. They also provide safe spaces and host freaking cry-ins for these dolts."

Muslims brutally beat TV chef because he “looked like Mr. Trump”

Muslims brutally beat TV chef because he “looked like Mr. Trump” - The Geller Report:
"Sweden: Muslims brutally beat TV chef because he “looked like Mr. Trump” By Robert Spencer, November 12, 2016:
“Swedish TV chef brutally beaten by ‘Muslim men’ because he ‘looked like Mr. Trump,” FriaTider, November 12, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
Inrikes. Anders Vendel, a famous chef, restaurant owner and TV star from Malmö, Sweden, was savagely beaten by three “Muslim” men because they thought he looked like “Mr. Trump”, Sydsvenskan reports.
In a Facebook post that was later removed, Mr. Vendel – who is a well-known anti-Racist figure and a star of the TV show “The Struggle of the Chefs”– described the brutal assault that took place early Saturday morning in a late-night fast food restaurant in Malmö.
“I am in the emergency room as of a couple of hours ago awaiting X-rays. I was beaten up by three Muslim men between the ages of 25-35. They thought I bore a resemblance to Mr. Trump.”
“Two of the men grabbed my arms from behind and the third one started punching me all over the face. I tried to defend myself with my legs. After receiving about 20 fists to my face, I fell down to the floor. All three then started kicking me as much as they could in my face and head. I now have a broken nose, bumps, a clogged eye, mouth, lips and jaw. Even a broken right thumb,” he continued..."

TaxProf Blog

TaxProf Blog:
"Washington Times, After Years of IRS Delay, 2 Tea Party Groups Denied Tax-Exempt Status:
Nearly seven years after it applied to the IRS for nonprofit status, the Albuquerque Tea Party has finally been given a decision: Denied.
The tax agency, under orders from a federal judge, is belatedly tackling the remaining tea party cases that it delayed for years, and so far the tea party isn’t doing well.
Only one of the three groups in the case was approved, and the other two, including Albuquerque, got notices of proposed denials last week.
...The IRS, which declined to comment on the new decisions, admitted in court that it did subject the tea party groups to intrusive scrutiny, singling them out because of their political viewpoints and forcing them to go through hurdles that other groups didn’t face.
Jay Sekulow (American Center for Law and Justice), Continuing the Fight Against IRS Corruption in Federal Court:
..."It is clear that we still have an IRS that is corrupt and incapable of self-correction...
As we continue fighting against the Executive lawlessness in federal court, please sign our petition to join the fight – for freedom and for the Constitution."

New hybrid and electric cars must make noise while driving slowly, new U.S. rule says

New hybrid and electric cars must make noise while driving slowly, new U.S. rule says - LA Times: "
New hybrid and electric cars are required to make noise when traveling at low speeds so that pedestrians, especially those who are blind or have poor eyesight, will hear them coming, under a new rule released Monday by the Obama administration.
The new rule could help prevent about 2,400 pedestrian injuries a year once all hybrids on the road are equipped to make noise, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Hybrid vehicles use both a gasoline engine and an electric motor.
Electric motors, however, make very little noise compared with gasoline and diesel engines.
The rule requires hybrid and electric vehicles to make audible noise when traveling in reverse or forward at speeds up to about 19 mph. 
The sound alert isn't required at higher speeds because other factors, such as tire and wind noise, provide a warning..."

Staged! Craigslist ads offer $1,500 a week for paid anti-Trump protesters | BizPac Review

Staged! Craigslist ads offer $1,500 a week for paid anti-Trump protesters | BizPac Review: "Busted!

George Soros strikes again?

As violent anti-Trump riots head into Day 5, new evidence suggests the protests were staged by operatives paid to block traffic and hold up signs protesting Donald Trump‘s duly elected presidency.

A slew of Craigslists ads posted online across Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and other big cities are offering up to $1,500 a week for people to engage in “Stop Trump” movements.

Job duties include “blocking traffic,” and tout “no previous experience required,” "

Symone Sanders Mocks Trump Supporter Beat Up By Mob: 'Oh My Goodness, Poor White People!'

Symone Sanders Mocks Trump Supporter Beat Up By Mob: 'Oh My Goodness, Poor White People!' | Mediaite:
Former press secretary to Bernie Sanders and Democratic strategist Symone Sanders mocked and dismissed a Donald Trump supporter who was beat up by a Chicago mob on CNN Monday because he was white.
Sanders took on Trump for his comments Sunday that his supporters should stop committing hate crimes in his name, saying he needed to go further. “The audacity of privileged white people to sit on national television and question if hate crimes are happening, to just flippantly say ‘stop it, it’s not okay,’ and not put any action behind those words, it’s appalling to me. It’s actually appalling.”
Trump supporter Carl Higbie retorted that there was violence on both sides, and that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama hadn’t bothered to denounce the violence at anti-Trump rallies. “I’m sorry, hate crimes and protesting are not the same things…” Sanders responded. “A hate crime is a crime that is committed against somebody because of their religion, because of what they look like, because of their sexual orientation. That’s not the same thing as protesting.”
“What do you say to the people who dragged a poor white guy out of a car and beat him?” asked Higbie.
“Oh my goodness, poor white people! Please!” she responded. “Oh my– stop. Stop, Carl.”
“That’s not protesting!” Higbie said. “Dragging someone out of their car are beating them is not protesting.”
You can watch the mob assault below:
Sanders didn’t seem so sure of that. “There has never been an acceptable form of protest…” she responded. “We can’t call for people to be peaceful when the rhetoric that has been used is not peaceful, when people don’t feel peaceful in their home.”
Watch above, via CNN.

Distraught anti-Trump losers wearing safety pins for safe space while they riot like animals

Distraught anti-Trump losers wearing safety pins for safe space while they riot like animals | BizPac Review:
"Some anti-Donald Trump activists have now started to wear safety pins to signify to others distraught over the election to know they are a “safe space.”
...“Yesterday and today, as I walk around in this unfamiliar new country, I see people of color and wonder if they think I’m one of the 53 percent of white women who voted for Trump. 
I see white men and wonder if they’re one of the 63 percent who did. 
We need an outward sign of sympathy, a way for the majority of us who voted against fascism to recognize one another,” columnist Michelle Goldberg wrote.
Her call was echoed by Vox, another left-leaning outfit, who said, “potentially related racist and anti-Semitic abuse and vandalism is happening across the country” since President-elect Trump won the election Tuesday.
Apparently, they missed all of the riots, and the beating of a white man by a gang of thugs because he voted for Trump, coming from their side of the aisle.
The #SafetyPin movement is gaining popularity on social media, with even some celebrities joining in.
And, if all else fails, they can give the safety pins to the babies that cannot deal with the results of a fair a Democratic election. They can use them to pin their diapers.
Watch anti-Trump rioters get taken down as cops take back the streets; it’s a new day in America

AM Fruitcake

History for November 15

History for November 15 - On-This-Day.com
William Pitt the Elder 1708 - Known as the Great Commoner, 1st Earl of Chatham, Georgia O'Keeffe 1887, Ed Asner 1929

Petula Clark 1932, Frida Lyngstad (ABBA) 1945, Beverly D'Angelo 1954

1777 - The Continental Congress approved the Articles of Confederation, precursor to the U.S. Constitution.

1806 - Explorer Zebulon Pike spotted the mountaintop that became known as Pikes Peak.

1864 - Union Gen. William T. Sherman and his troops began their "March to the Sea" during the U.S. Civil War.

1901 - Miller Reese patented an electrical hearing aid.

1920 - The League of Nations met for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland.

1939 - U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt laid the cornerstone of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC.

1966 - The flight of Gemini 12 ended successfully as astronauts James A. Lovell and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin Jr. splashed down safely in the Atlantic Ocean.

1999 - Representatives from China and the United States signed a major trade agreement that involved China's membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Monday, November 14, 2016

Sheriff Clarke Crushes Obama For Failing To Calm Down Anti-Trump Riots [Video] – Conservative 101

Sheriff Clarke Crushes Obama For Failing To Calm Down Anti-Trump Riots [Video] – Conservative 101:

"Sheriff Clarke just slammed Obama for not doing enough to calm down these protesters and failing to do hi job as president to ensure a peaceful transition of power.

“These are anarchists, full-fledged anarchists. They don’t even support the Constitution. This isn’t constitutionally protected behavior,” Clarke said about the rioters."

Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out: "I Was Paid $3,500 To Protest Trump's Rally"

Donald Trump Protester Speaks Out: "I Was Paid $3,500 To Protest Trump's Rally" - ABC News
"PHOENIX A.Z. (AP) — For months now, rumors have circulated the Internet that individuals were being paid to protest at rallies held by presidential hopeful Donald Trump. Today a man from Trump’s rally in Fountain Hills, Arizona back in March has come forward to say that he was paid to protest the event.
“I was given $3,500 to protest Donald Trump’s rally in Fountain Hills,” said 37-year-old Paul Horner. 
“I answered a Craigslist ad about a group needing actors for a political event. 
I interviewed with them and got the part.”
Trump supporters have been claiming that protesters are being paid by the Bernie Sanders’ campaign, but Horner disagrees.
“As for who these people were affiliated with that interviewed me, my guess would be Hillary Clinton’s campaign,” Horner said. 
“The actual check I received after I was done with the job was from a group called ‘Women Are The Future’. 
After I was hired, they told me if anyone asked any questions about who I was with or communicated with me in any way, I should start talking about how great Bernie Sanders is.” 
Horner continued, “It was mostly women in their 60’s at the interview that I went to. 
Plus, all the people that I communicated with had an AOL email address. 
No one still has an AOL email address except people that would vote for Hillary Clinton...”
Read on!


The purpose of this site is to compile a comprehensive database of the false reports of "hate crimes" committed in the USA. 
It builds on the work of Laird Wilcox, whose Crying Wolf (PDF) is the only book dedicated to this subject so far.
Worth a visit and a bookmark.

Top Clinton Aide: Loss 'Most Devastating In U.S. History' | The Daily Caller

Top Clinton Aide: Loss 'Most Devastating In U.S. History' | The Daily Caller:

"A top member of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign told Clinton’s top supporters Thursday her defeat was “the most devastating loss in the history of American politics,” while campaign chairman John Podesta said the defeat was due to a pro-Donald Trump bias in the media."

After Nearly Wall to Wall Coverage of Protests, CNN Lets a Truth Bomb Slip On Who 'Promoted' Them

After Nearly Wall to Wall Coverage of Protests, CNN Lets a Truth Bomb Slip On Who 'Promoted' Them
Wednesday night, CNN heavily covered the stories of people across America protesting the presidential election results. 
The impression left on many viewers was that the protests were spontaneous and organic.
But in between interviewing protesters about their beefs, CNN reporter Jean Casarez dropped a truth bomb:
“This was promoted by Socialist Advantage and one of the things they said the purpose of this rally was for was, was to not only protest the election of Donald Trump the 45th president of the United States but also to protest that the Democratic party had let them down.”
'Socialist Advantage' was the hashtag many used to communicate on Twitter:
And it turns out the real group 'promoting' the protests was really called “Socialist Alternative.”
The group is NOT  it is Socialist Alternative.

...In his series of undercover videos, “Rigging the Election,” James O'Keefe uncovered Democratic party officials who admitted to helping organize violence at Trump rallies and protests which were financed by Democratic billionaire George Soros.ets


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Media still struggles with the difference between a protest and a riot.