Friday, November 18, 2016

U.S. Geological Survey Discovers “Largest Oil Deposit Ever Discovered In America”

Midland Basin MapU.S. Geological Survey Discovers “Largest Oil Deposit Ever Discovered In America” | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF):
The US Geological Survey said Tuesday that it found what could be the largest deposit of untapped oil ever discovered in America.
An estimated average of 20 billion barrels of oil and 1.6 billion barrels of natural gas liquids are available for the taking in the Wolfcamp shale, which is in the Midland Basin portion of Texas’ Permian Basin.
Based on a West Texas Intermediate crude oil price of $45 per barrel, those deposits are worth about $900 billion.
...“The fact that this is the largest assessment of continuous oil we have ever done just goes to show that, even in areas that have produced billions of barrels of oil, there is still the potential to find billions more,” Walter Guidroz, program coordinator for the USGS Energy Resources Program, said in a statement..."

Gallup: Majority of Americans feel ‘more confident’ in Trump’s presidency since election – TheBlaze

Gallup: Majority of Americans feel ‘more confident’ in Trump’s presidency since election – TheBlaze:

"More than half of Americans are more confident in President-elect Donald Trump than they were before the election, a new Gallup poll found.

According to the poll, 51 percent of Americans said they are more confident in Trump’s ability to lead the country, while 40 percent are less confident."

We are doomed-----Lowdown: See CoverGirl's First Cover Boy in New Ad

Lowdown: See CoverGirl's First Cover Boy in New Ad | CMO Strategy - AdAge
The Lowdown is Ad Age's weekly look at news nuggets from across the world of marketing, including trends, campaign tidbits, executive comings and goings and more.
CoverGirl's first Cover Boy, makeup artist and, as the brand describes him, "social superstar" 17-year-old James Charles, takes the starring role in a new ad for So Lashy! by BlastPro mascara in his first ad since being signed in October.

AM Fruitcake

History for November 18

History for November 18 -
Louis Daguerre 1789, Cesare Lombroso 1836, Alan Shepard, Jr. 1923

Brenda Vaccaro 1939 - Actress, Linda Evans 1942 - Actress ("Dynasty"), Kevin Nealon 1953 - Actor, comedian ("Saturday Night Live," "Weeds")

1865 - Samuel L. Clemens published "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" under the pen name "Mark Twain" in the New York "Saturday Press."

1916 - Douglas Haig, commander of the British Expeditionary Force in World War I, called off the Battle of the Somme in France. The offensive began on July 1, 1916.

1928 - The first successful sound-synchronized animated cartoon premiered in New York. It was Walt Disney's "Steamboat Willie," starring Mickey Mouse.

1951 - Chuck Connors (Los Angeles Angels) became the first player to oppose the major league draft. Connors later became the star of the television show "The Rifleman."

1959 - William Wyler's "Ben-Hur" premiered at Loew's Theater in New York City's Times Square.

1966 - U.S. Roman Catholic bishops did away with the rule against eating meat on Fridays.

1969 - Apollo 12 astronauts Charles "Pete" Conrad Jr. and Alan L. Bean landed on the lunar surface during the second manned mission to the moon.

1985 - Joe Theismann (Washington Redskins) broke his leg after being hit by Lawrence Taylor (New York Giants). The injury ended Theismann's 12 year National Football League (NFL) career.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Scott Baio and Steven Baldwin slam Hollywood’s overreaction to Trump’s victory – TheBlaze

Scott Baio and Steven Baldwin slam Hollywood’s overreaction to Trump’s victory – TheBlaze:

"During a recent interview on Fox News with Judge Jeanine, Baio was joined by Baldwin to discuss the reaction seen by the Hollywood elite and their fans to Trump’s victory. Asked if Trump supporters would start coming out in Hollywood now that Trump has won, Baio could only comment on the reaction he was seeing in his neck of the woods.

“I think right now with all this anger, which is just so unbelievable to me,” said Baio. “I mean eight years ago I wasn’t crying, and looking for a dog to hold. I wasn’t looking for somebody with a pin on their shoulder that was a safety person. I sucked it up."

Detroit News offers buyouts to all editorial employees

Detroit News offers buyouts to all editorial employees - Crain's Detroit Business:
"The Detroit News is offering a buyout to all of its editorial employees in an attempt to meet its 2017 budget requirement, Managing Editor Gary Miles confirmed to Crain's on Tuesday.
Image result for detroit news layoffsIn a memo obtained by Crain's sent Tuesday on behalf of Editor and Publisher Jonathan Wolman, buyouts are offered to everyone in the newsroom regardless of age and duties.
It's unknown how many need to volunteer to take a buyout to meet the budget goal.
Without enough volunteers, the newspaper likely would have to begin layoffs.
...Crain's was previously told by a source familiar with the finances of the partnership that it was not profitable as of early 2014. 
Partnership executives had said the same thing publicly in 2009 and 2010, amid home delivery cutbacks and rounds of staff reductions to save money..."

The DNC Go Into Full Collapse Mode.... Seriously...

Steve Russo - The DNC Go Into Full Collapse Mode.... Seriously...
"The DNC Go Into Full Collapse Mode.... Seriously Considering Muslim Brotherhood / Hamas Connected and Communist Party Supported... Keith Ellison (Hakim Muhammad) As Their New Chairman
I say, do it! Torpedo the already sinking ship!
Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren (three of the most radically prominent and influentially schizophrenic figures in Democrat politics) support New Mogadishu congressIslamist Keith Ellison for the next Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison, infamous for his pro- terrorist Hamas rallies....…/rep-keith-ellison-attends-ugly-p…/
...and his pilgrimage to the Hajj in Saudi Arabia, paid for by the Muslim Brotherhood....…/witness-at-cruz-hearing-correc…
....and the same Ellison who spent Presidents Day weekend at a College of Sharia in Qatar where they kill gays and beat women for being unveiled...…/rep_ellison_touts_expanded_dialog…
Image result for keith ellison muslim brotherhood.... is the front runner to become the new DNC chair. It’s no surprise. Hamas in the DNC chair would just be the end point on the pathway the Democrats — the party of jihad — have been following for years.
A brief background on the radical named Keith Ellison...
What kind of party would pick a radical Islamist and communist party backed threat like Ellison to represent it? 
Obviously the same party that gave us Obama and Clinton.... Democrat Party.
So far, Democrats appear to have learned nothing from the election results. 
They won’t even pretend not to be hostile to this country and the people who live in it.
“Keith Ellison, Touted as Possible New Democratic Party Chair, Is Staunch Progressive,”…/keith-ellison-touted-democra…/story…"

REPORT: Three Million Votes In Presidential Election Cast By Illegals - Vessel News

REPORT: Three Million Votes In Presidential Election Cast By Illegals - Vessel News:

"Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.

“We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens,” tweeted Phillips after reporting that the group had completed an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations."

What Should Trump Do About Iran?

What Should Trump Do About Iran? — The Patriot Post
"With the recent election of Donald Trump and the voters' corresponding rejection of recent U.S. policies both foreign and domestic, one highly important question has arisen: 
What does Trump’s election mean for Barack Obama’s cherished Iran nuclear deal? 
Image result for obama iran nuclear weaponsTrump’s campaign talk on this issue was very hawkish, but not very specific. 
He seems to understand the extremely unfavorable nature of the deal, but it’s unlikely he has given much thought to how he might go about changing its terms or withdrawing altogether, or about what an alternative policy should be. 
Indeed, forming a coherent policy on Iran’s nuclear program must come first, before any decision on what to do about the existing deal.
There is no question the United States can withdraw from the deal. 
...The nature of the deal’s beneficial terms for Iran can be gauged by how quickly Iran started shouting after Trump won the election. 
Everyone from Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on down offered their views, most of which boiled down to insistence that the deal must be maintained as is. 
President Hassan Rouhani claimed, “Iran’s understanding in the nuclear deal was that the accord was not concluded with one country or government but was approved by a resolution of the UN Security Council and there is no possibility that it can be changed by a single government.” 
Others in high positions have said the same.
The first order of business for Trump and his team is to flesh out their Iran policy..."

No arrests. Just "reports". Unconfirmed.-----Hundreds Of Hateful Incidents Reported After Trump's Victory

Hundreds Of Hateful Incidents Reported After Trump's Victory | wgvu:
"Michigan middle school students chanting "build a wall" at Latino classmates.
A woman speaking a foreign language on a San Francisco Bay Area train being called an "ugly, mean, evil, little pig."
Image result for liberals cryingA Los Angeles student reportedly being teased that she was going to be deported.
Since the presidential election, reports of intimidating and aggressive incidents toward minorities and women have surfaced across the country.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate incidents, has recorded more than 300 such reports in the past six days. SPLC spokesman Ryan Lenz tells The Two-Way that they "span a number of different sorts of ideological motivators," including anti-black, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and anti-woman attitudes.
Rights groups have called for President-elect Donald Trump and other politicians to take a strong stand against intimidation."

Lunch video-----Victor Davis Hanson on Immigration, Multiculturalism and Amnesty


JUST IN: Gowdy Announces FULL ON REVIVAL Of Hillary Probe Now Elections Are Done, It's OVER For Her ⋆ US Herald

JUST IN: Gowdy Announces FULL ON REVIVAL Of Hillary Probe Now Elections Are Done, It's OVER For Her ⋆ US Herald:

"Gowdy also took exception to Comey’s announcement – coming just days before the election – to reaffirm that decision.

“There is sufficient evidence, both direct and circumstantial, upon which a jury could conclude an intent to violate the law. This evidence includes concealment of evidence, destruction of evidence and false exculpatory statements — all of which fall under the general heading of consciousness of guilt.”"

The Great Smart Meter Con

The Great Smart Meter Con:
"As taxpayers, utilities, and rate payers continue to pump billions into modernization of the electric power grid, controversy rages over the evolving “smart” technology that makes it possible.
While proponents praise it as ushering in efficient grid management and cybersecurity, others warn that the “smart grid” is nothing less than a tool of the surveillance state that government uses to destroy liberty and privacy.
...But the other side of the coin, opponents say, is that government can spy on and ration your energy use by means of these digital meters.
During the 2015 California drought, for example, bureaucrats used them “to catch citizens consuming more than their government-approved water rations,” as Alex Newman reported for The New American.
In what amounted to warrantless search and collection of data, Long Beach Water Department General Manager Kevin Wattier bragged, “We are using it specifically for an enforcement tool to go after those customers who we’ve gotten lots of complaints about,” and to fine them for using more than their “fair share” of water.
...In 2012, the Congressional Research Service warned about the criminal potential afforded by such detailed, up-to-the-minute recording.
“By observing when occupants use the most electricity, it may be possible to discern their daily schedules,” opening the door for hackers to plan robberies or worse.
Newman also related that the European Data Protection Supervisor, a European Union government agency, warned that smart meters allow “massive collection of personal information … unprecedented in the energy sector.”
...We know from experience that there are valid reasons to oppose the use of smart meters.

  • We know bureaucrats can and do use them to spy on utility customers, even bragging about their unwarranted surveillance exploits. 
  • We know smart meters open the door to espionage and that they pose dangerous fire hazards. 
  • Claims of their cost savings do not take into account the billions of dollars in taxes and rate hikes used to bolster grid modernization. 
  • With such a litany of justified complaints, does it make sense to add questionable claims of ill health from unsubstantiated sources? 

Sticking with verifiable facts is clearly the smart choice."

Greenland Blowing Away All Records For Ice Growth

Greenland Blowing Away All Records For Ice Growth | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
Greenland Blowing Away All Records For Ice Growth
This is occurring just as global land temperatures are cooling at a record rate.
Meanwhile government funded 
 fraudsters are telling the press that Greenland is melting at catastrophic speed.
One of the top priorities of the Trump administration should be to root those responsible for this fraud out of government.

Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

"If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.
“We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens,” tweeted Phillips after reporting that the group had completed an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations."

A quick primer for new readers: The Refugee Contractors « Refugee Resettlement Watch

A quick primer for new readers: The Refugee Contractors « Refugee Resettlement Watch
"It just occurred to me, when writing my post earlier this morning about State Department secrecy, that new readers are probably lost and confused by the many names of local organizations placing refugees in your towns.
Image result for Refugee Resettlement Watch
First, there are nine major federally funded ‘non-profit’ groups that receive funding (some as much as 98% of their budget) from mainly the US Department of State (Population Refugees and Migration) and the Office of Refugee Resettlement which is in Health and Human Services.  (An aside: it is critical to pay attention to Trump cabinet picks for State and for HHS). 
Smaller federal grants come from other agencies as well.
Here they are:
Then working for them are hundreds of subcontractors scattered across 49 states.  
Go here to the government’s data base of resettlement subcontractors (aka affiliates) working in your state.  Below is a screen shot of the Connecticut page.
See the abbreviation in the left hand corner of each entry. 
That stands for the major contractor over this particular subcontractor.
Obviously USCCB is the US Conference of Catholic Bishops
CWS is Church World Service
Not so easy to identify is DFMS. 
That is the other name (don’t ask me why!) for Episcopal Migration Ministries and it is Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (scroll to bottom of page here).  
My personal guess for why there are two names is that it has to do with their financial structure (keeping their finances hard to track?)...
Gigantic money machine you need to know more about. Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for November 17

Image result for Bernard Montgomery Quotes
History for November 17 -
Nicolas Appert 1749, Bernard Law Montgomery (Britain) 1887, Rock Hudson 1925

Gordon Lightfoot 1938 - Singer, Danny DeVito 1944 - Actor, Daisy Fuentes 1966 - Actress, model
Image result for daisy fuentes quotes cuba

1558 - Elizabeth I ascended the English throne upon the death of Queen Mary Tudor.

1796 - Catherine the Great of Russia died at the age of 67.

1869 - The Suez Canal opened in Egypt, linking the Mediterranean and the Red seas.

1903 - Russia's Social Democrats officially split into two groups - Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.

1913 - The steamship Louise became the first ship to travel through the Panama Canal.

1913 - In Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm banned the armed forces from dancing the tango.

1968 - NBC cut away from the final minutes of a New York Jets-Oakland Raiders game to begin a TV special, "Heidi," on schedule. The Raiders came from behind to beat the Jets 43-32.
Image result for New York Jets-Oakland Raiders game to begin a TV special, "Heidi,"

1973 - U.S. President Nixon told an Associated Press managing editors meeting in Orlando, FL, "people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook."