Saturday, November 19, 2016

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Ties Chelsea Clinton to 7-Year, $6 Million Federal Scheme | The Proud Conservative

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Ties Chelsea Clinton to 7-Year, $6 Million Federal Scheme | The Proud Conservative:

"Hillary Clinton made connections for her daughter Chelsea’s friend which may have led to lucrative government contracts, new emails from the Department of State reveal."

It ain't just about money no more-----What Trump and Hillary Spent vs Every General Election Candidate Since 1960

What Trump and Hillary Spent vs Every General Election Candidate Since 1960 - Metrocosm: "Historical spending, normalized to 2016
To make the comparison to prior years apples-to-apples, it’s not enough to account for inflation only. Not only has the value of a dollar changed over time, but the population has grown (more potential donors) and so has the average household income (more money to donate).
When you adjust for all three factors — inflation, population growth and income growth — here is how the numbers shake out (exact calculation described further down)."
presidential campaign spending normalized, 1960-2016

Worth your 3 minutes. Forward to a parent-----He Said THIS In 1968 About Teenagers. Now Listen To His Message Almost 50 Years Later.

He Said THIS In 1968 About Teenagers. Now Listen To His Message Almost 50 Years Later. Chilling! - Just A Moment:
He Said THIS In 1968 About Teenagers. Now Listen To His Message Almost 50 Years Later. Chilling!

About This Video:

In this episode of Dragnet which aired March 7, 1968 titled “The Big Departure”, a few teenagers want to start their own country on an island off the coast of California. When they are caught stealing from local stores to fund their efforts, Jack Webb has THIS to say to them.
Do YOU think this message still holds true today? Let us know in the comment section below, and please SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!

Fake protests-----Green Companies Donated $250K To Standing Rock

Green Companies Donated $250K To Standing Rock | The Daily Caller:
Two green energy companies contributed a quarter of a million dollars to the American Indian tribe spearheading a months-long demonstration against an oil pipeline in North Dakota.
Standing Rock Sioux voted unanimously April 5 to accept two $150,000 donations from ConEdison Development and Fagen Inc., both of which have partnered up to build windmills in the North Dakota area, according to internal documents kept by the tribe.
ConEdison Development acquired land near Standing Rock’s reservation and began construction on a wind power facility last year. Fagen was a contractor on the project.
...Both donations came within days of Standing Rock’s initial decision to protest the multi-billion dollar pipeline, which is expected to bring 470,000 barrels of Bakken crude oil per day from western North Dakota to southern Illinois...

Voters Approve Min Wage Increase, Then Something ‘Unexpected’ Happens… | The Federalist Papers

Voters Approve Min Wage Increase, Then Something ‘Unexpected’ Happens… | The Federalist Papers:

"Voters in Washington approved a minimum wage increase, but apparently some didn’t think through the inevitable consequences. In response to the increase, some parents have already seen their childcare costs rise.

Some of the residents who voted to pass Initiative 1433 — a measure increasing the minimum wage statewide by 2020 to $13.50 — didn’t stop to think what effect that would have on the rest of the economy."

Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat

Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat:
Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. 
Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average. 
The updated data contradict one of the most frequently asserted global warming claims – that global warming is causing the polar ice caps to recede.
... Al Gore even predicted the Arctic ice cap could completely disappear by 2014.
In late 2012, however, polar ice dramatically rebounded and quickly surpassed the post-1979 average. Ever since, the polar ice caps have been at a greater average extent than the post-1979 mean.
Now, in May 2015, the updated NASA data show polar sea ice is approximately 5 percent above the post-1979 average.
During the modest decline in 2005 through 2012, the media presented a daily barrage of melting ice cap stories. 
Since the ice caps rebounded – and then some – how have the media reported the issue?
The frequency of polar ice cap stories may have abated, but the tone and content has not changed at all. 
Here are some of the titles of news items I pulled yesterday from the front two pages of a GoogleNews search for “polar ice caps”:
The only Google News items even hinting that the polar ice caps may not have melted so much (indeed not at all) came from overtly conservative websites. 
The “mainstream” media is alternating between maintaining radio silence on the extended run of above-average polar ice and falsely asserting the polar ice caps are receding at an alarming rate..."

AM Fruitcake

History for November 19

History for November 19 -
James Garfield (U.S.) 1831, Tommy Dorsey 1905, Indira Gandhi 1917

Larry King 1933, Dick Cavett 1936, Ted Turner 1938

1794 - Britain's King George III signed the Jay Treaty. It resolved the issues left over from the Revolutionary War.

1863 - U.S. President Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address as he dedicated a national cemetery at the site of the Civil War battlefield in Pennsylvania.

1895 - The "paper pencil" was patented by Frederick E. Blaisdell.
Image result for "paper pencil" was patented by Frederick E. Blaisdell.

1928 - "Time" magazine presented its cover in color for the first time. The subject was Japanese Emperor Hirohito.

1959 - Ford Motor Co. announced it was ending the production of the unpopular Edsel.

1970 - Hafiz al-Assad seized power in Syria.

1998 - The impeachment inquiry of U.S. President Clinton began.

2007 - The Amazon Kindle was first released.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Legal Foundation Calls on DOJ Civil Rights Div. to Prosecute Mob Attack on Chicago Trump Voter | PJ Media

Legal Foundation Calls on DOJ Civil Rights Div. to Prosecute Mob Attack on Chicago Trump Voter | PJ Media:

"As reported here at PJ Media, disturbing video footage emerged online last week that shows 49-year-old David Wilcox being beaten and kicked by black thugs as a mob cheered them on. Onlookers cried "he voted for Trump!" "beat his ass!" and "don't vote Trump!" while Wilcox was getting pummeled and as one of the individuals rooted around the driver's side of his car.

According to the Public Interest Legal Foundation:"

'Feminist' Snow-Plowing System Brings Stockholm to a Standstill

'Feminist' Snow-Plowing System Brings Stockholm to a Standstill | Heat Street:
"A “feminist” strategy for clearing the roads of snow in Stockholm ended in failure as the city ground to a halt in recent days.
A new system, suggested by progressive politicians in the Swedish city, tore up tried and tested snow plow routes and diverted them to areas said to be used more by women.
But the inevitable consequence was that other spaces – like main roads – were clogged up for longer, and it became impossible to get around.
Meanwhile, raging snow is bringing Stockholm traffic to a halt.
Public transport failed, traffic piled up and injuries requiring a hospital visit reportedly spiked.
The disaster struck despite a $270,000 increase in this year’s snow removal budget meant to help the new system succeed.
A scene from Stockholm, a city usually well-equipped to deal with snowy weather
The “gender equal” strategy came in last year after politicians in the Swedish Green Party argued that the old way of clearing major roads in central areas favours men, who are more likely to work in the city, and get there by car.
Instead, the plows were sent to clear out sidewalks and cycle paths – on the basis that women walk and bike often. 
They also focused on areas like kindergartens, which children and parents visit in the morning...
Unfortunately, the theory did little to save Stockholm when a bumper snowfall hit at the end of last week.
Indeed, almost a week later buses are still struggling to run, and some 1,700 public transport passengers are planning to sue.
Progressive politicians have gone on the defensive, with the MP who suggested it claiming that the snow plows hadn’t executed the “gender-equal” plan properly.
Despite efforts to defend it, the plan has become a laughing stock.
Even liberal publications like Stockholm’s Dagens Nyheter published  this mocking listicle of “9 alternatives to feminist snow removal”, including Satanic snow removal (“melt the snow with burning crosses”) and Neoliberal snow removal (“the invisible hand of the market will move it”).

White students not allowed to speak at UMich post-election walkout

White students not allowed to speak at UMich post-election walkout (VIDEO) - The College Fix
The Michigan Review notes that a logistics sheet for Wednesday’s 1,000-student walkoutat the University of Michigan – to protest the election and “increase in hate crimes and other forms of violence against marginalized folx” – prescribed specific roles for whites in attendance.
Those roles start and end with “police people” and “crowd control/marshals.”
The logistics sheet says that whites end up being quoted “overwhelmingly” when they speak alongside people of color, so anyone white who is approached for an interview should “pass it along to another person of color!”
Whites are to serve as the older members of the herd who protect the younger members in the center from external threats – including campus police. 
They are also to serve as PR mouthpieces...
...Also, if you end up blocking a person of color, God help you..."

Head of DOJ’s Civil Rights Division Is Violating Federal Law

Head of DOJ’s Civil Rights Division Is Violating Federal Law:

"Vanita Gupta, the acting head of the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, apparently has been working in violation of federal law for more than a year and a half.

That may render all of the official actions she has taken during that period—lawsuits, demand letters, hires, you name it—“void” and of no effect."

They lie!-----NOAA September Temperature Fraud

NOAA September Temperature Fraud | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
NOAA claimed record heat in numerous locations is September, like these ones in Africa and the Middle East.

This is a remarkable feat, given that they don’t have any actual thermometers in those regions. 
In fact, NOAA doesn’t have any thermometers on about half of the land surface.

Satellite temperatures showed that September was close to normal in those regions which NOAA declared to be record hot.

Not only is the land data fake, but much of the ocean data is fake too...
Read on.
They lie!

University think tank gets millions in government funding, but 'still not clear' what it does

University think tank gets millions in government funding, but 'still not clear' what it does - The College Fix:
"Previously thought to exist only in deep space, a black hole has been discovered in Tampa, Fla.
It’s called the University of South Florida Global Initiative for Civil Society and Conflict, and its mission appears to be sucking in money with no accountability.
The university think tank is scrutinized in a Fox 13 investigation, which found that the Global Initiative has received more than $4 million in state and federal funds – yet is so poorly run that its employees aren’t sure who the director is.
That would be David Jacobson, who also founded the Global Initiative.
After an internal review last summer that surfaced basic problems of financial accountability and even office hours – Jacobson didn’t regularly show up – College of Arts and Sciences Dean Eric Eisenberg renewed Jacobson’s contract for another three years. 
Fox 13 says his current package exceeds $220,000.
The school refuses to release spending details from two federal research grants, saying that’s prohibited by law, the station reports.
Student newspaper The Oracle says the Global Initiative has received about $2.43 million from the Air Force and two Department of Defense-funded entities, and $250,000-300,000 a year from Florida.
Fox 13 says USF could face “fines or criminal charges for mishandling public research dollars” – hence the problem of the missing expenses:
Among the other findings of last year’s internal review: the Global Initiative didn’t have a clear mission or measurable objectives; there were no position descriptions.
It’s still not clear what the think tank does now.
The clearest sign of the think tank’s woes is its inexplicable marketing:
A closer look at another photo of a staffer with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon shows a sign dated 2004 — before there was a USF Global Initiative and well before Ban Ki-moon was a U.N. official.
As for the photo of the student interns [in a marketing brochure], the exact same photo is found on a USF College of Arts and Sciences academic advising website. It shows a group of paid faculty members.
Its advertised partnerships with eight institutions around the world also appear to be invented, with only two responding to Fox 13:
Dietlind Stolle with the Center for the Study of Democratic Citizenship at Canada’s McGill University, said the partnership had been an idea that never materialized.
Nicola Phillips with the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom said there was no institutional partnership.
“Indeed, this is the first time I have heard of it,” she said.
The school told the Oracle that “a number of the allegations” were already found to be “unsubstantiated” in a prior audit, while the think tank’s “productivity and long-term viability” were already under review within the school."

Must see! Only 4 min--The lefts new plot to censor America-----The Truth About Fake News


Good News: Trump Prepares To Label Muslim Brotherhood A ‘Terror Organization’ | Daily Wire

Good News: Trump Prepares To Label Muslim Brotherhood A ‘Terror Organization’ | Daily Wire: "

"Multiple countries have declared the Society of the Muslim Brothers (commonly known as the  ‘‘Muslim Brotherhood’’) a terrorist organization or proscribed the group from operating in their countries," begins the bill. The bill didn’t make it through the winding roads of bureaucracy as a result of the Obama administration’s apparent sympathies for the Islamist group, but now, President-elect Donald Trump’s advisors are vowing to push through that same piece of legislation when the Republican victor assumes the oath of office in January."

NPR/PBS--Their goal is to shut down any opposition by calling it "hate"--Your government funded radio/TV------'We're Not Going Away': Alt-Right Leader On Voice In Trump Administration : NPR

'We're Not Going Away': Alt-Right Leader On Voice In Trump Administration : NPR
"Stephen Bannon, Donald Trump's incoming White House chief strategist, used to run the website Breitbart, which he called "the platform for the alt-right."
The alt-right has been associated with racism, anti-Semitism and misogyny.
Its adherents believe they have a voice in the new administration.
NPR's Kelly McEvers talks to Richard Spencer, a white nationalist who coined the term "alt-right."
Image result for alt right hateKELLY MCEVERS, HOST:
The new chief strategist for President-elect Donald Trump once said a website he used to run, Breitbart News, is a platform for the so-called alt-right.
We're about to hear more about that movement from the man who says he came up with the term alt-right.
His name is Richard Spencer, and in 2008, he began arguing there should be an alternative to George W. Bush-era Republicans and conservatives.
Richard Spencer now runs a small think tank that pushes alt-right ideas.
To be clear, the alt-right movement is also a white nationalist movement that's associated with racism, misogyny and anti-Semitism. 
What the alt-right wants, Spencer says, is an awakening of identity politics, meaning white identity politics.
The alt-right used to exist mostly on the Internet, but with the rise of Donald Trump and his chief strategist, Steve Bannon, the movement is starting to hold conferences where hundreds of people attend.
Spencer and others in the alt-right movement were suspended from Twitter this week..."
Read on!!!

Make no mistake. Their plan is to censor the internet. Censor opposition.------Obama, Merkel Blame Social Media For Being Politically Disruptive

Obama, Merkel Blame Social Media For Being Politically Disruptive - Hit & Run :
"At a joint press conference in Berlin earlier today, President Obama and Germany Chancellor Angela Markel blamed the internet and digitizationon making a "clash of cultures" more direct and instilling uncertainty in people about their identities and economic security.
Merkel suggested the internet and digitization would have to be regulated like the printing press or industrialization in order to limit its disruptive effects.
Image result for Censor opposition"It led to enormous transformational processes within individual societies," Merkel noted. "It took a while until societies learned how to find the right kind of policies to contain this and to manage and steer this," Merkel said.
The printing press was easily the most disruptive technology in the history of Western civilization.
...Obama noted in the press conference, before Merkel's call for more speech regulation, that freedom of speech was one of the principles that, if they were maintained, would help ensure that "over the long term progress will continue."
Yet contemporary governments show little understanding of this, participating in the erosion of free speech rights and other mechanisms Obama mentioned, like checks and balances, that ensure "progress." 
..."If we can't discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda, then we have problems," Obama said, offering little in the way of self-reflection on his role in these trends.
"If people, whether they are conservative or liberal, left or right, are unwilling to compromise and engage in the democratic process, and are taking absolutist views, and demonizing opponents, then democracy will break down."..."