Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Lunch video-----Donald Trump " Objectified " FULL Personality Profile with TMZ Harvey Le...


Trump Makes Incredible Move to Help Cops Holding Back Protesters at His Hotel

Trump Makes Incredible Move to Help Cops Holding Back Protesters at His Hotel:

"President-elect Donald Trump decided to do something good while protesters took to the streets in Chicago outside the Trump Hotel and created mayhem for residents.

He fed the police. According to a tweet by a Twitter user and police officer at @ChiTownCheese known only as Darren, Trump provided officers protecting the hotel with sandwiches and a safe place to eat while they worked to keep streets safe.

Trump hasn’t even made it to the White House, and he’s showing the police more respect than President Barack Obama has shown them in eight years."

Note Making Fun of Butt-Hurt Leftists Deemed a "Hate Crime"

Note Making Fun of Butt-Hurt Leftists Deemed a "Hate Crime" » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:
"A note that made fun of students for grieving over Donald Trump’s election victory is being investigated as a “hate crime” by police in Wisconsin.
The message, which read, “Suck it up, pussies!” was posted on the inside window of the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion at Edgewood College in Madison.
According to Vice President for Student Development Tony Chambers, the message caused, “A great deal of fear, sadness, and anger among students, faculty, and staff” and “was hateful and harmful toward members of our community”.
University staff subsequently “determined that the message constituted a Hate Crime, based on guidelines from the Jeanne Clery Act and state law”.
Think that’s crazy? After the University reported the incident, the Madison, Wisconsin Police Department is also now treating the case as a “hate crime”.
Wisconsin state law turns a crime into a “hate crime” if it targets someone based on their “race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry.” For plenty more examples of “hate crimes,” watch the videos below..."

Fake News Site CNN Completely Misrepresents Quote, Rest of Lying Media Runs With It

Fake News Site CNN Completely Misrepresents Quote, Rest of Lying Media Runs With It:

CNN has once again shown themselves to be a fake news site.
Someone alert that feminist cat lady.
From The Daily Caller:

CNN made a false claim Monday afternoon and various journalists ran wild with it.
It all started with a segment on CNN’s The Lead which quoted prominent white nationalist figure Richard Spencer as wondering if Jews were actually people. 

CNN host Jim Sciutto said, “of Jews Spencer said, ‘one wonders if these people are people at all, or instead soulless golem.'”
“That is an alt right leader Richard Spencer talking about Jews,” Sciutto added. CNN then had a panel with RealClearPolitics’ Rebecca Berg and The Boston Globe’s Matt Viser with the chyron “ALT-RIGHT FOUNDER QUESTIONS IF JEWS ARE PEOPLE.”
Except, Spencer did not make those remarks about Jews and was instead talking about political consultants on television.
Watch the clip for yourself, it's about 40 seconds in:(click on link to see video)

Loyola Maryland: 'America' Party Is Too Offensive

Loyola Maryland: 'America' Party Is Too Offensive | The Daily Caller:
"Student government leaders at Loyola University Maryland faced a barrage of pressure from the university administration to change the theme of a senior class party described as “very alienating, divisive and harmful” and against the university’s “core values,” according to emails provided to The Daily Caller.
The theme? 
The theme for Loyola’s annual “Senior 200s” party — one of four celebrations exclusive to seniors held throughout the year — was based upon a survey of Loyola seniors taken last summer.
The party was held on Nov. 18 and went off without a hitch, according to students who attended, despite warnings that the administration might have to get involved if students were offended.
...Right before the presidential election, some student government members wondered if they should nix the America theme if Donald Trump won, according to internal SGA group chats shared with TheDC on condition of anonymity for the same reason.
...The day after Trump’s victory, a handful of students messaged SGA representatives to argue that — because of Trump’s victory — an America-themed party was now inappropriate.
One female student claimed she was “a victim of horrible hate words” and worried that similar mean things might be said at the party if the theme wasn’t changed.
...The university’s executive vice president, Susan Donovan sent an email to two SGA members claiming she “talked with a number of students and heard from faculty members” about the party. “None of it is positive and it sounds very alienating, divisive and harmful.”...

BREAKING: Obama Just DISGRACED The U.S. By Surrendering To ISIS In Front Of Entire U.N. ⋆ US Herald

BREAKING: Obama Just DISGRACED The U.S. By Surrendering To ISIS In Front Of Entire U.N. ⋆ US Herald:

"Obama made a real fool out of himself during what was supposed to be his final address to the U.N. Assembly. During it he basically said that we have no chance in defeating ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups in Syria and otherwise. He spoke heavily to the shortcomings in military power that we have in combatting his "JV team."

Seeing as the U.S. is the global police force, he said that we have no chance of winning this battle."

Media Malpractice? Media Bias And The 2016 Election

Media Malpractice? Media Bias And The 2016 Election | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
"Election Day demonstrated, the contentious 2016 presidential campaign witnessed a stunning uprising of the people against the Washington establishment and political elite.
This was not the only revolt that transpired Nov. 8, however.
Election Day also represented a victory of the American people over the establishment news media, as they repudiated its liberal bias and attempt at influencing the election.
Image result for liberal mediaThroughout the election cycle, Donald Trump and his supporters were derided for claiming that the mainstream media was "rigged" against the Republican candidate in favor of his opponent.
But given the way Election Day unfolded, with Trump pulling off an upset victory despite being written off by much of the media, the allegations of media bias may not have been so far-fetched.
Evidence Of Media Bias
Even before Election Day, many asserted that Trump faced an unfair amount of negative press, as the media published story after story painting him as a racist, xenophobe and just about every other horrible name in the book. Case in point, throughout the campaign, the Huffington Post published the following editor's note at the end of stories about Mr. Trump:
Editor's note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S..."

AM Fruitcake

History for November 22

History for November 22 - On-This-Day.com:
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) 1819 - Novelist, journalist, Charles de Gaulle 1890 - President of France, Rodney Dangerfield 1921 - Actor, comedian

Robert Vaughn 1932 - Actor, Billie Jean King 1943 - Tennis player, Jamie Lee Curtis 1958 - Actress

1906 - The International Radio Telegraphic Convention in Berlin adopted the SOS distress signal.

1910 - Arthur F. Knight patented a steel shaft to replace wood shafts in golf clubs.

1928 - In Paris, "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel was first performed publicly.

1943 - U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek met in Cairo to discuss the measures for defeating Japan.

1950 - The lowest scoring game in the NBA was played. The Fort Wayne Pistons (later the Detroit Pistons) defeated the Minneapolis Lakers (later the Los Angeles Lakers) 19-18.
Image result for Fort Wayne Pistons defeated the Minneapolis Lakers

1963 - U.S. President Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, TX. Texas Governor John B. Connally was also seriously wounded. Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson was inaugurated as the 36th U.S. President.

1993 - Mexico's Senate overwhelmingly approved the North American Free Trade Agreement.

2005 - Angela Merkel was elected as Germany's first female chancellor.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Obama's Last Ditch Effort To Save This Plan FAILS | The Federalist Papers

Obama's Last Ditch Effort To Save This Plan FAILS | The Federalist Papers:

"Barack Obama’s immigration amnesty plan has been put to a halt once and for all.

The current administration conceded defeat in their attempts to grant de-facto amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants in the U.S.

In documents filed with a Texas Judge, the Justice Department said that in light of the new administration, the case should be suspended."

Trump has a plan for government workers. They’re not going to like it.

Trump has a plan for government workers. They’re not going to like it. - The Washington Post:
"President-elect Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress are drawing up plans to take on the government bureaucracy they have long railed against, by eroding job protections and grinding down benefits that federal workers have received for a generation.
Hiring freezes, an end to automatic raises, a green light to fire poor performers, a ban on union business on the government’s dime and less generous pensions — these are the contours of the blueprint emerging under Republican control of Washington in January.
These changes were once unthinkable to federal employees, their unions and their supporters in Congress. But Trump’s election as an outsider promising
to shake up a system he told voters is awash in “waste, fraud and abuse” has conservatives optimistic that they could do now what Republicans have been unable to do in the 133 years since the civil service was created.
...“We’re going to have to get the country to understand how big the problem is, the human costs of it and why it’s absolutely essential to reform,” said Gingrich, who urged Trump to shrink big government and overhaul the “job-for-life” guarantee of federal work.
...“Number of Government Employees Now Surpasses Manufacturing Jobs by 9,977,000,” the website proclaimed in November. There are 2.1 million federal civilian employees..."

FLASHBACK: 'Hamilton' Cast Lectures VP-Elect on 'Diversity,' But Issued 'Whites Need Not Apply' Casting Call

FLASHBACK: 'Hamilton' Cast Lectures VP-Elect on 'Diversity,' But Issued 'Whites Need Not Apply' Casting Call:
When Vice President-elect Mike Pence attended a performance of the hit musical Hamilton, not only did some in the audience boo him, but the cast took time out of their performance to scold Pence on “diversity.” 
Image result for white actors need not apply.But this is the same production that issued a casting call essentially saying white actors need not apply.
When Pence appeared in the audience of the November 18 performance at the Richard Rodgers Theater, disruptors in the audience immediately launched into booing of the newly elected vice president. The VP-elect sat through the performance but was ushered out by the Secret Service just before the ending, to avoid the crowds trying to leave the theater.
Because he left early for security reasons, Pence missed the hectoring from the stage when the cast halted their routine to lecture Pence on “diversity” in remarks written by the production’s writer and director, Lin-Manuel Miranda.
“We, sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” actor Brandon Victor Dixon proclaimed from the stage.
But contrary to this braying about “diversity,” this is the same stage show that recently issued a casting call that essentially told white actors not to bother applying for work on the show because no whites would be hired.
The details of the Hamilton casting call released in March read, “Seeking NON-WHITE men and women, ages 20s to 30s, for Broadway and upcoming Tours.”
...Apparently, “diversity” does not include white people as far as Lin-Manuel Miranda and Hamilton are concerned..."

Trump Orders 1 Immediate Change to White House... Reverses Obama's Disgusting Decision on Churchill Bust

Trump Orders 1 Immediate Change to White House... Reverses Obama's Disgusting Decision on Churchill Bust:

"One of the first actions of President Barack Obama upon taking up residence in the White House was to remove a bust of legendary British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from the Oval Office, a move that was viewed by Americans and Brits alike as a slap in the face to America’s closest ally, the United Kingdom.

But now that Obama is about to leave and President-elect Donald Trump is preparing to move in, it appears that Winston Churchill’s bust will be making a glorious re-entrance into the White House along with him, according to the U.K.’s Express."

Sec. Defense?-----16 Best Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis Quotes

16 Best Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis Quotes:
"Gen. James Mattis, known to his troops as “Mad Dog Mattis,” is retiring after 41 years of military service.
The Marine Corps Times is calling Mattis the “most revered Marine in a generation.”
Mattis has been commander of the United States Central Command since 2010 and led the 1st Marine Division into Iraq in 2003.
According to reports, President Barack Obama decided to force the Marine Corps legend out early because he rubbed civilian officials the wrong way, and forced them to answer tough questions regarding Iran.
Mattis was an inspirational leader of men and his powerful words will go down in history.
Here are some of the best words that the “Mad Dog” has had to offer:
1. “I don’t lose any sleep at night over the potential for failure. I cannot even spell the word.” (San Diego Union Tribune)
2. “The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. That said, there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot.”(Business Insider)
4. “Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.”(San Diego Union Tribune)
6. “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”(San Diego Union Tribune)
10. “No war is over until the enemy says it’s over. We may think it over, we may declare it over, but in fact, the enemy gets a vote.”(Defense News)
13. “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.”(CNN)

Media insanity over Trump win continues

Media insanity over Trump win continues – Da Tech Guy Blog:
"The leftist group MoveOn got its start as Bill Clinton was being impeached.
Their initial message was along the lines of, Bubba has done a great job running the country, his affair with Monica Lewinsky was inappropriate, and now it’s time for Americans to, well, move on.
...Dahleen Glanton, an African American Chicago Tribune columnist, puts the blame on the Democrats failure to keep the White House on where she feels it belongs. 
Yet the first sentence of that column betrays how foolish she is, “I don’t understand women.” 
Her dazzling display of ignorance continues for another two dozen paragraphs.
There must be vile fumes from the Chicago River poisoning the minds of Chicago newspaper columnists, as ignorance begets insanity. 
...Dana Milbank of the Washington Post, who was exposed as a colluder with the Democratic National Committee by WikiLeaks, is calling the incoming Trump administration “the fake news presidency.” 
Yet two months ago Milbank was covering for Clinton’s “deplorables” gaffe by claiming that “she might have low-balled the number.”...

Lunch video-----Migrants in Sweden viciously attack CBS Camera Team while Recording, pun...

"During an episode of 60 Minutes of CBS News on the changing face of Sweden, the camera team and reporters were ambushed and attacked by a group of masked immigrants as soon as the police that escorted them left. They fled the scene, the producer and cameraman got injured. Sweden, like Germany, pursues an "no limit, open border" policy towards illegal immigration of Muslim men from the poorest nations in Africa and the Arab world.

This has led to ghettos and the biggest emigration wave of native Swedes fleeing their home country in its history - because it is no longer safe. The only country with more violent rapes than Sweden is a South African nation called Lesotho.

The tiny nation of just over 9 million inhabitants accept a sizable percentage of its population in immigrants while having one of the lowest birth rates in Europe. It is expected that Swedes will be a minority in Sweden within 2 decades. This is just a tiny demonstration of the so-called "demographic shift"."


Radical U-M Student Group Demands 'Sanctuary Campus' Walkouts [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Radical U-M Student Group Demands 'Sanctuary Campus' Walkouts [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:

"In the wake of Donald Trump’s election as president, a radical student group at the University of Michigan has organized protests to demand that the university make itself a “sanctuary campus” for illegal immigrants and make accommodations for minority students. The group also claimed that campus security officers should not be trusted because police unions endorsed Trump. They stated that entrusting the police to look out for minorities was "an act of violence."

A group called Students4Justice has orchestrated walkouts in which thousands of students left scheduled classes. It also issued guidelines for the protest on a Facebook event page that assigned white people secondary roles in the protest."

It seem like they are the ones being racist; pre-judging based on skin color.  

Thanks to pension funds, Los Angeles is close to becoming a microcosm of Greece

Thanks to pension funds, Los Angeles is close to becoming a microcosm of Greece « Hot Air:
"Back in the summer of 2012 the City of Los Angeles realized that they had a serious budget problem on their hands and the culprit, as in so many other cities, was the city’s extremely generous pension plan for municipal workers.
Image result for pension disasterMayor Antonio Villaraigosa, backed by the city council, jumped into the fray and passed what was then described as sweeping pension reform and patted themselves on the back for a job well done.
...Good thing they got that sorted out, eh?
Really dodged a bullet there.
So, four years down the line, how well have those reforms worked out? 
Well… let’s just say that things could have gone better. (LA Times, this week, emphasis added)
Today, Los Angeles taxpayers are underwriting retirement benefits that are among the nation’s most generous — at a cost that has never been higher.
The city’s general fund payments for pensions and retiree healthcare reached $1.04 billion last year, eating up more than 20% of operating revenue — compared with less than 5% in 2002.
L.A.’s vaunted pension reforms have not cut the city’s pension costs; at best, they have modestly slowed their rate of growth.
...How many cities and states have seen seen this pattern repeated in? 

  • Pensions basically bankrupted Detroit. 
  • Chris Christie has spent a huge amount of his term fighting the bloated pension system in New Jersey. 
  • Cities from Cincinnati to Billings, Montana, Charleston, Portland and Chicago (which is at the top of the list) comprise the dozens of municipalities with the most massive unfunded pension debts hanging over their heads. 

Have we learned nothing?
...Unfortunately, in virtually every major city in the country, the government was run by the Democrats. 
...Now the chickens are coming home to roost in too many of these cities and the unions have crafted their deals so carefully that there is little the government can do to dig themselves out of massive budget holes..."