Sunday, February 26, 2017

Judge Nap: How Trump's New Immigration Order Could Be 'Bulletproof' | Fox News Insider

Judge Nap: How Trump's New Immigration Order Could Be 'Bulletproof' | Fox News Insider:

"That would be bulletproof," Napolitano said.

He said the order, if crafted as such, would give the Trump administration "breathing room" during which to create stricter vetting standards in compliance with other allied countries.

"If that's what is in this order, then the president has very shrewdly avoided all of the problems that the four judges who have written opinions against his order have articulated," Napolitano explained."

UNEXPECTEDLY: Crime Increasing in California After ‘Prison Reform.’

Instapundit » Blog Archive » UNEXPECTEDLY: Crime Increasing in California After ‘Prison Reform.’ Related: …:
"UNEXPECTEDLY: Crime Increasing in California After ‘Prison Reform.’

AM Fruitcake

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History for February 26

Image result for johnny cash quotes
History for February 26 -
Nicolas Joseph Cugnot 1725 - Inventor, Victor Hugo 1802 - Author, Levi Strauss 1829 - Businessman, founded the first company to manufacture blue jeans
 Image result for Victor Hugo Quotes

John Harvey Kellogg 1852, Jackie Gleason 1916, Johnny Cash 1932 - Musician
Image result for John Harvey Kellogg Quotes

1863 - U.S. President Lincoln signed the National Currency Act.

1870 - In New York City, the first pneumatic-powered subway line was opened to the public. (Beach Pneumatic Transit)

1907 - The U.S. Congress raised their own pay to $7500.

1919 - In Arizona, the Grand Canyon was established as a National Park with an act of the U.S. Congress.

1929 - U.S. President Coolidge signed a bill creating the Grand Teton National Park.

1993 - Six people were killed and more than a thousand injured when a van exploded in the parking garage beneath the World Trade Center in New York City. The bomb had been built by Islamic extremists.

1995 - Barings PLC collapsed after a securities dealer lost more than $1.4 billion by gambling on Tokyo stock prices. The company was Britain's oldest investment banking firm.

1998 - In Oregon, a health panel rules that taxpayers must help to pay for doctor-assisted suicides.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

CNN's Cuomo Blames 'Intolerant' Parents for Girls Wanting to Change in Female Only Locker Rooms

CNN's Cuomo Blames 'Intolerant' Parents for Girls Wanting to Change in Female Only Locker Rooms:

 "If your daughter is uncomfortable with seeing male genitals while undressing in the school locker room, that’s the fault of her ‘intolerant’ parents, said CNN anchor Chris Cuomo Thursday. After President Trump reversed an Obama order Wednesday, that forced schools to allow transgender students to use whatever bathroom and locker room they wished, the media went nuts, decrying the reversal as “cruel” discrimination. New Day anchor Chris Cuomo went on a Twitter tirade Thursday, arguing with conservatives over the bathroom order, even blaming parents for being “intolerant” because they want their daughters to change in female-only locker rooms at school."

Report: U.S. Military Branches Preparing to Expand Under Trump

Report: U.S. Military Branches Preparing to Expand Under Trump:

 "At the swearing-in-event, the commander-in-chief signed an executive action to rebuild and expand the military.

“I’m signing an executive action to begin a great rebuilding of the armed services of the United States, developing a plan for new planes, new ships, new resources and new tools for our men and women in uniform,” declared Trump. “I’m very proud to be doing that.”

While campaigning, Trump vowed to rebuild and expand the military."

Here Are All 17 Aircraft Designed By The Secretive Skunk Works

Here Are All 17 Aircraft Designed By The Secretive Skunk Works - World War Wings:
1. SR-72

Last but not least, the SR-72. People have been asking what will replace the SR-71 and this might be the answer. 
A concept proposed by Skunk Works, this design is meant to bridge the gap between satellites, manned aircraft and UAVs. 
In 2016, Lockheed stated that they’re on the verge of a breakthrough for it to reach Mach 6, or over 4,000 mph.

AirTalk® | ‘Juice-jacking:’ how hackers steal your private data from public charging stations | 89.3 KPCC

AirTalk® | ‘Juice-jacking:’ how hackers steal your private data from public charging stations | 89.3 KPCC:
"Before fighting everyone in the room to plug your smartphone into the communal charger: please don’t.
Or at least, beware.
Image result for juice-jackedCoffee shops, airports and almost every other kind of public meeting space have become regular safe havens whenever we’re desperate for that extra juice. 
But with the ubiquity of USB ports built into today’s phone chargers, this flow of “juice” isn’t just power anymore - it’s data. 
Important data.
All it takes is one easily disguised charging kiosk, or even a power strip, for hackers to hijack your charge, and once you’re juice-jacked, there’s little that can be done to stop it; from installing malware onto your device, to sucking out personal messages, photos and information - all for the simple cost of offering sweet-relief and a fully-powered phone. 
But how...?
Read on!
...Brian Markus, CEO of Aries Security; he co-invented the first “juice-jacking” demonstration at international hacking conference DEF CON in 2011

Islam OK, Christianity Illegal in NJ Public Schools ⋆ The Constitution

Islam OK, Christianity Illegal in NJ Public Schools ⋆ The Constitution:

 "A year ago, a new phrase was coined to describe much of the hypocritical attitudes and actions taking place in America. The phrase is ‘selective allowable discrimination’, defined as the practice of allowing discrimination of a selective group while banning discrimination of opposite groups.

For the past fifty years, any semblance of Christianity is discriminated against if it involves any government person or agency. Courts have said that you can’t have schools involved in reading the Bible or praying because someone was or could be offended."

Farage on Trump: EU Is ‘Absolutely Terrified of Him – Good’

Farage on Trump: EU Is ‘Absolutely Terrified of Him – Good’

Nigel Farage at the UKIP spring conference Feb. 17, 2017, in Bolton, UK. (Rex Features via AP Images)
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. – Nigel Farage, former leader of the UK Independence Party, told PJM that there is “nothing to be lost” with President Trump meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying that Trump has to show he’s “not going to be a pushover.”
“Well, he has to show he wants to have a better relationship with Russia. 
He believes we have shared common interests in dealing with Islamic terrorism and issues like that but he’s not going to be a pushover — that’s what you’ve got to show,” Farage said during an interview Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference outside Washington.
“He’s going to say, ‘Look, you’ve behaved badly but we want to form a grown-up relationship with you.’ 
One thing is for certain, there’s nothing to be lost with him meeting Putin. Nothing at all,” he added.
Farage rejected the notion that the U.S. cannot make a good deal with Russia.
“They are small-minded, very silly people who don’t understand there is a thing in life called human chemistry. Trump himself said 'I may not get along with him,' but the very fact he is prepared to meet is grown-up policy. 
The great Winston Churchill said jaw-jaw is better than war-war and I’m with that,” he said..."

7 Things You Need To Know About The Healthcare Town Hall Protesters

7 Things You Need To Know About The Healthcare Town Hall Protesters | Daily Wire
"Congress is currently in recess, so the left-wing is taking advantage by taking over town halls and local meetings with Republican members of Congress in attempts to pressure them into opposing President Donald Trump, especially on repealing Obamacare. Trump lashed out at these protests:
The so-called angry crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in numerous cases, planned out by liberal activists. Sad!
Where are these protests stemming from and what are the details of their actions? 
Here are seven things you need to know about them.
1. The roots of these protests can be traced to a George Soros-funded organization called Indivisible Guide. In his February 13 LevinTV episode, Mark Levin highlighted the organization's video that essentially provides a guide on how to cause chaos at town halls as a means of opposing Trump:

Levin also pointed to a Daily Signal piece that exposed how three of the main people involved with Indivisible Guide have ties to Soros:
Ezra Levin, a former staffer for Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, and his wife, Leah Greenberg, are the president and vice president of the Indivisible Guide’s board, respectively.
Levin is also associate director of the Corporation for Enterprise Development, an anti-poverty nonprofit. Melissa Bradley, who sits on that group’s board, previously worked for Green for All, a group founded by liberal commentator and former Obama administration official Van Jones. She was appointed as a Soros Justice Fellow through the Open Society Foundations, which Soros founded.
Greenberg previously worked for Humanity United, which is funded by Soros’ Open Society Institute.
The secretary of Indivisible Guide, Angel Padilla, works for the National Immigration Law Center, which is funded by Soros through his Open Society Foundations. And treasurer Matt Traidi is the research team director for the Service Employees International Union, a major donor to and endorser of Democrat politicians, Capital Research Center notes.
The Daily Signal also noted that the Soros-connected group has gloated about disrupting "town halls held by Republican lawmakers in Utah, California, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Michigan, and Nebraska."
"What you have here are left-wing members of, or former members of Congress and their staffs, and leftists who worked for George Soros, who still work for George Soros, who are instigating this, who are promoting this or motivating this," Levin said. "That's not a grassroots effort."
2. Barack Obama is also connected to these protests..." 
Read on!

Lunch video-----Why America Must Lead


Hundreds of Universities Encourage Students to Report Peers for Offensive Speech - Breitbart

Hundreds of Universities Encourage Students to Report Peers for Offensive Speech - Breitbart:

 "A report from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has revealed that over 230 American universities are encouraging students to report their peers for offensive speech.
Through bias-report systems, university administrators are encouraging students to report their peers for expressing offensive thoughts. Some are concerned that what constitutes “offensive” is entirely subjective and can be determined arbitrarily by the individual submitting the report."

Bad Medicine

davidthompson: Bad Medicine:
"I’ve previously mentioned the taxpayer-funded race hustler Dr Caprice Hollins, whose efforts to empower black Seattle school pupils included dismissing grammar and foresight as “white values” and expectations thereof as “cultural racism.” 
 Rather than encouraging “students of colour” to articulate their thoughts, to be responsible and plan ahead, like everyone else, we must, said Dr Hollins, see people as “racial beings” and “teach [children] to view the world through a racial lens.” 
But we mustn’t correct their grammar and spelling, or expect them to turn up on time.
Similar sentiments were voiced, in a somewhat boggling way, by Dr Riyad A Shahjahan, a professional educator at Michigan State University and a “social justice theorist,” who wants us to believe that people with brown skin are mystical and exotic, akin to leprechauns, and, unlike white people, “inhabit [their] bodies fully.” 
Dr Shahjahan also denounces expectations of attentiveness and academic competence, and even punctuality, as racist and oppressive. 
We should, he says, embrace “embodied pedagogy” and “disrupt Eurocentric notions of time.”..."
Read on!

Democrats Attack Trump For Enforcing Their Own Immigration Law

Image result for immigration Outrage QuotesDemocrats Attack Trump For Enforcing Their Own Immigration Law | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
"Immigration: The deportation rules announced this week by Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly were greeted with the expected outrage from the usual suspects. 
But since when is enforcing the law a crime?
In this case, the law that Kelly plans to enforce is the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which was approved by 52 Democrats in the Senate and 202 Democrats in the House in a Democrat-controlled Congress and was signed into law by President Johnson, a Democrat.
That hasn't stopped today's Democrats from decrying the DHS memo as obscene and horribly un-American..."

Jesse Jackson Jr. gets about $138.4K in annual benefits

Jesse Jackson Jr. gets about $138.4K in annual benefits - Story | WFLD
"CHICAGO (AP) - Records from former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.'s divorce case show the government has given him large benefit checks after he served time in prisons for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from his campaign fund.
Jackson receives about $138,400 annually, the Chicago Tribune reported.
Image result for jesse jackson jr. in prisonJackson's attorney, Barry Schatz, said about $100,000 of that is workers' compensation and is tax free
The rest of his benefits are Social Security Disability Insurance payments, some of which may be taxable.
Jackson received the payments because he has depression and bipolar disorder, which led to an extended leave from Congress in 2012.
"Whatever benefits Jesse Jackson Jr. has, he earned them, and as a matter of law, he's entitled to them," Schatz said. 
"If the government thought he wasn't entitled to them, they wouldn't be paying them."..."

Revolutionary Guard Commander: Iran Ready to Give U.S. a 'Strong Slap in the Face' - Breitbart

Revolutionary Guard Commander: Iran Ready to Give U.S. a 'Strong Slap in the Face' - Breitbart:

 "The commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps warned America would receive a “strong slap in the face” if it did “anything stupid” against the Shiite nation.
“The enemy should not be mistaken in its assessments, and it will receive a strong slap in the face if it does make such a mistake,” said General Mohammad Pakpour, as quoted by Reuters. The “enemy” he referred to was the United States and its allies."

"Free money?"-----These 20 Republicans Voted 'Yes' On Giving $1.8 Billion To Big Developers

These 20 Republicans Voted 'Yes' On Giving $1.8 Billion To Big Developers [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Around the same time a Republican majority in the Michigan House failed to pass a 0.2 percent income tax cut, all but six Republicans in the Michigan Senate voted to give $1.8 billion taxpayer dollars to a handful of developers over the next 20 years.
There were 20 Republicans and seven Democrats who voted “yes.”
No Democrats opposed the handouts, but six did not vote, along with one Republican who did not vote.
Six Republicans voted ‘no’: Pat Colbeck (Canton), Judy Emmons (Sheridan), Joe Hune (Fowlerville), Phil Pavlov (St. Clair Township), Tori Rocca (Sterling Heights) and Tonya Schuitmaker (Lawton).

Here’s a list of the Republicans who voted "Yes."
Darwin Booher, Evart
Tom Casperson, Escanaba
Mike Green, Mayville
Goeff Hansen, Hart
Dave Hildenbrand, Lowell
Ken Horn, Frankenmuth
Rick Jones, Grand Ledge
Marty Knollenberg,, Troy
Mike Kowall, White Lake
Peter MacGregor, Rockford
Jim Marleau, Lake Orion
Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof, Olive Township
Mike Nofs, Battle Creek
Margaret O'Brien,Portage
John Proos, St. Joseph
Dave Robertson, Grand Blanc
Wayne Schmidt, Traverse City
Mike Shirkey, Clarklake
Jim Stamas, Midland
Dale Zorn, Ida"

AM Fruitcake