Sunday, February 26, 2017

Tucker Carlson scolds defiant liberal Connecticut mayor for his ‘sanctuary city’ policy – TheBlaze

Tucker Carlson scolds defiant liberal Connecticut mayor for his ‘sanctuary city’ policy – TheBlaze:

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson tore into the mayor of Hartford, Connecticut, during his show on Friday for vowing to remain a “sanctuary city,” despite President Donald Trump’s threat to withhold federal funds from such cities."

The "Day Without A Woman" Strike Details Are Out, And Here Are 3 Ways To Participate

The "Day Without A Woman" Strike Details Are Out, And Here Are 3 Ways To Participate
"After the Women's Marches across the country and the world last month, many wondered what the next step would be in the resistance. 
In early February, the organizers of the Women's March announced they would stand with the grassroots organizers putting together a one-day strike on March 8, 2017 called "A Day Without A Woman." 
Although we've known about the date for a little over a week now, few details were available about the strike itself. 
On Thursday, though, the Women's March organizers announced the  "Day Without A Woman" strike details
There are three fairly simple ways to get involved and make an impact, so read on for how you can participate in the strike.
The Women's March website suggests three ways to participate in the strike:
  1. Women take the day off work — whether you are paid or unpaid.
  2. Refrain from shopping for the day — or if you must shop, choose small, women- and minority-owned businesses.
  3. Wear red in solidarity with those participating in and supporting the strike.
Read on!

FAKE NEWS ATTACK!-----DaTechguy Meets Students TBS & Fake news at Donald Trump’s CPAC 2017 Speech

DaTechguy Meets Students TBS & Fake news at Donald Trump’s CPAC 2017 Speech – Da Tech Guy Blog:
"...As I was trying to type in what the President said as he said it a young man came up to me and kneeled between me and the Yahoo people who were set up to my left in the aisle (I was in the end seat) and sought my attention.
I immediately noticed that he had a badge that said TBS. 
 This seemed a tad odd to me since TBS is basically a re-run station with the exception of a few original comedies. 
I concluded that he must be from the Samantha Bee show as it to my knowledge was the only thing resembling news on the network (although for my money “resembling” is overstating the matter).
He then asked me what I thought was one of the oddest questions about a computer I’d ever heard inquiring if my laptop included the game solitaire.
Being old enough to remember the introduction of the commercial laptop and knowing that every laptop for the last 20 years included solitaire I thought the question foolish, but I wondered why he would ask so I answered:
"Well my wife bought me it for Christmas so I really don’t know but I imagine so.”
He then asked the question that made everything clear:
“Could you bring it up, we want a shot of someone playing solitaire during Donald Trump’s speech.”
My initial answer reaction was innocence
“But that would be dishonest.”
...and then anger saying something like: Are you seriously asking me to stage something dishonest so you can report fake news?
He walked away but I was suddenly very angry. 
I understand that I dress rather eccentrically so he might have figured this guy was a fellow traveler but the very idea that he would ask me to help him do something dishonest and dishonorable to create fake news to hit the President. 
Nor did the irony that this happened just a few minutes after President Trump hit the media for staging stuff fail to hit me.
I was mad and updated my open post thus:..."
Read on!

Left Hypocrisy: Russia, Partner Under Obama, Is Now an Enemy | National Review

Left Hypocrisy: Russia, Partner Under Obama, Is Now an Enemy | National Review:

 "Bear in mind that President Obama and his team brokered side deals with the Russians (and Iranians, for that matter) that resulted in enormous advantage for them and loss for us — during his entire presidency.

For instance, in 2009 President Obama surreptitiously sent a letter to the Russians, offering to cancel plans to install a missile-defense site in Poland and corresponding radar apparatus in the Czech Republic. These would have provided an additional layer of protection for the United States and its allies from Iranian long-range missiles."

U.S. government has spent $45,000 on marketing pumpkin donuts as a healthy food choice.

$45,000 Pumpkin Donuts10 of the Craziest and Most Delicious Donuts - ODDEE
"While we're huge fans of donuts (who isn't?), we were shocked to learn that the U.S. government has spent $45,000 on marketing pumpkin donuts as a healthy food choice.
In his "Waste of the Week" speech, Senator Dan Coats (R-IN) said that the feds spent more than $290 million in taxpayer dollars over the past ten years on an agricultural grant program for business plan development and agricultural marketing. 
Citing one of the more egregious cases, Coats said a grant recipient received the money to market pumpkin donuts as healthy, locally produced food.

  • Other equally bizarre uses of the grant money include processing olives, 
  • and developing and marketing alcoholic beverages, 
  • cheese, and 
  • chicken. (Source)"

Muslim Leader tells American People "Muslims Do NOT want Peace" (VIDEO)

Muslim Leader tells American People "Muslims Do NOT want Peace" (VIDEO):

"You can’t put it more succinctly.

Americans need to understand the true wickedness of a religion many bobble-heads call “peaceful.” To Muslims, without worldwide Sharia law, there can be no peace.

Get out your burkas, ladies. Put away adultery, homosexuality, and public displays of affection, my fellow free thinkers. If you don’t submit to Sharia law, Muslims have a right to kill you."

Lunch video-----The Truth About Sweden


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BREAKING: Georgia Election System Was Cyber-Attacked... By Obama's Homeland Security?! » Louder With Crowder

BREAKING: Georgia Election System Was Cyber-Attacked... By Obama's Homeland Security?! » Louder With Crowder:

 "On the subject of hacking, we’ve horror stories aplenty about Russian cyber attacks on the US. Again, courtesy of the left (see Josh Earnest’s Obvious Russian Hack Hypocrisy). Incidentally, this is why we say the left is guilty of projection.

Anyhoo, as it turns out, all the talking heads who said there was hacking? Well, according to The Daily Caller, there were a few cyber attacks on Georgia’s systems… Not by Assange’s Binary Bandits hired by Putin, so much, but by Homeland Security. Small detail."

France: Deradicalization of Jihadists a "Total Fiasco"

France: Deradicalization of Jihadists a "Total Fiasco"
  • The report implies that deradicalization, either in specialized centers or in prisons, does not work because most Islamic radicals do not want to be deradicalized.
  • Although France is home to an estimated 8,250 hardcore Islamic radicals, only 17 submitted applications and just nine arrived. Not a single resident has completed the full ten-month curriculum.
  • By housing Islamists in separate prison wings, they actually had become more violent because they were emboldened by "the group effect," according to Justice Minister Jean-Jacques Urvoas.
  • "Deradicalizing someone does not happen in six months. These people, who have not been given an ideal and who have clung to Islamic State's ideology, are not going to get rid of it just like that. There is no 'Open Sesame.'" — Senator Esther Benbassa.
  • "The deradicalization program is a total fiasco. Everything must be rethought, everything must be redesigned from scratch." — Senator Philippe Bas, the head of the Senate committee that commissioned the report.
The French government's flagship program to deradicalize jihadists is a "total failure" and must be "completely reconceptualized," according to the initial conclusions of a parliamentary fact-finding commission on deradicalization.
Image result for Deradicalization of Jihadists
The preliminary report reveals that the government has nothing to show for the tens of millions of taxpayer euros it has spent over the past several years to combat Islamic radicalization in France, where 238 people have been killed in jihadist attacks since January 2015. The report implies that deradicalization, either in specialized centers or in prisons, does not work because most Islamic radicals do not want to be deradicalized.

The report, "Deindoctrination, Derecruitment and Reintegration of Jihadists in France and Europe" (Désendoctrinement, désembrigadement et réinsertion des djihadistes en France et en Europe) — the title avoids using the word "deradicalization" because it is considered by some to be politically incorrect — was presented to the Senate Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs on February 22..."

Doctors gave fake medical opinions to help win citizenship News Forum - Thread:
(I added links and comment. This ought to be frontpage news. It ain't...")

Doctors gave fake medical
opinions to help win citizenship

Sun-Times [Chicago, IL], by Frank Main
Original Article
Posted By:LittleHoodedMonk, 2/24/2017 8:02:12 PM
Psychiatrists and other doctors in Chicago and across the country have been caught helping immigrants gain U.S. citizenship by providing fake medical opinions, records show. 
Image result for obama immigration fraudAn estimated 1,000 people a year submit a form to immigration officials in Chicago alone to waive the requirements that someone seeking citizenship must understand English and pass a test in U.S. history and civics. (Snip) 
The form is susceptible to fraud, though. 
Immigration officials aren’t supposed to investigate the ailments. 
They’re instructed only to make sure that the forms are completed correctly and that the information in an applicant’s file is

Nothing unusual here. 
Illegal alien gains entry into US by obtaining a fake document (falsified) to become a fake immigrant. 
Interesting that the cases cited happened on 0bama´s watch, especially since Form N-648 was updated (simplified) in 2011, and Homeland Security hasn´t done anything yet to close this loophole in our immigration policies. 
The trap for the reviewing immigration officer is that they are NOT a physician who can accurately examine the claim. 
They have to assume the doctor signing the form is "truthful."
"N-648, Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions"

Steve Russo - Stupid Leftists Living With Climate Guilt, Think...

Steve Russo - Stupid Leftists Living With Climate Guilt, Think...:
"Stupid Leftists Living With Climate Guilt, Think They've Caused Nice Weather
Put this one in the... "I'm dumber than the rest of the looney left" ...pile.
When it is colder than normal, in contradiction to leftist global warming theory, the left preaches to the stupid that cold weather is caused by warm weather, or that only an idiot would mistake weather for climate.
When it is nice outside, the super geniuses at the unreadable Atlantic, grapple with the liberal equivalent of a moral issue.... 
We must have caused this.
Yes, "it's Settled Science" ...they are that stupid.
I bet all that snow pack in the Sierras is absolutely killing them. ""
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