Thursday, November 02, 2017

History for November 2

Image result for Patrick J. Buchanan Quotes
History for November 2 -
Image result for warren g. harding quotesDaniel Boone 1734, James Knox Polk (U.S.) 1795, Warren G. Harding (U.S.) 1865
Image result for daniel boone quotesImage result for james knox polk quotes

Burt Lancaster 1913, Patrick J. Buchanan 1938, Shere Hite 1942
Image result for Burt LancasterImage result for Patrick J. Buchanan QuotesImage result for Shere Hite quotes

1783 - U.S. Gen. George Washington gave his "Farewell Address to the Army" near Princeton, NJ.
Image result for George Washington "Farewell Address to the Army"

1917 - British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour expressed support for a "national home" for the Jews of Palestine.
Image result for Balfour expressed support for a "national home" for the Jews of Palestine.

1920 - The first commercial radio station in the U.S., KDKA of Pittsburgh, PA, began regular broadcasting.
Image result for 1920 - The first commercial radio station in the U.S., KDKA

1921 - Margaret Sanger's National Birth Control League combined with Mary Ware Denetts Voluntary Parenthood League to form the American Birth Control League.
Image result for Margaret Sanger Racist Quotes

1947 - Howard Hughes flew his "Spruce Goose," a huge wooden airplane, for eight minutes in California. It was the plane's first and only flight. The "Spruce Goose," nicknamed because of the white-gray color of the spruce used to build it, never went into production.
Image result for "spruce goose,"

1948 - Harry S. Truman defeated Thomas E. Dewey for the U.S. presidency. The Chicago Tribune published an early edition that had the headline "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN." The Truman victory surprised many polls and newspapers. (Illinois>
Image result for "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN."

1983 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan signed a bill establishing a federal holiday on the third Monday of January in honor of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Image result for Ronald Reagan signed a bill establishing a federal holiday on the third Monday of January in honor of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

1998 - U.S. President Clinton gave his first in-depth interview since the White House sex scandal to Black Entertainment Television talk show host and political commentator Tavis Smiley on the network's "BET Tonight with Tavis Smiley."
Image result for U.S. President Clinton sex scandal

Wednesday, November 01, 2017



Lady Justice

By Tammy Derouin

When we think about justice being served, one of the first things that come to mind is that a wrong will be corrected and the offender(s), having been held accountable, will face some sort of punishment.

Image result for flickr commons images Lady JusticeJustice is a process. It begins with a violation or an accusation and is followed by legal proceedings. Information is gathered to see if there is enough evidence to move forward with a trial. If the process continues, the evidence is supported and challenged by both sides. Individual testimony, to support or discredit claims, are presented which will hopefully render a clearer picture of the events which took place, or didn't take place.
Justice, in the United States, comes with the benefit of being innocent until proven guilty and that everyone is held to the same standards under the law, regardless of stature. Lady Justice is blindfolded for a reason. Do we still respect and demand fairness?

Justice, as a process, has an end; acquittal or punishment. Everyone will have an opinion as to whether justice was served and if the punishment fit the crime. Understandably, many factors come into play from personal feelings, the facts, as well as the acceptance of the facts. Unfortunately, facts have become less important on the political stage. Many attempts have been made to bury them while creating a different reality to the liking of a political party. This has dangerous consequences for everyone.......

The way we were-----The Fifth Dimension - Aquarius - Let The Sunshine In - Bubblerock Promo

Boob-tube-----Top 10 Hilarious SNL Singer Parodies

What We’ve Learned About the Funding of the Dossier | The Rush Limbaugh Show

What We’ve Learned About the Funding of the Dossier | The Rush Limbaugh Show:

Image result for flickr commons images bags of money"RUSH: A few more tidbits here on the Trump dossier. The Democrats are beginning to indicate now that… They’re beginning to acknowledge that it was paid for by Hillary and the DNC and they had a cutout law firm to make the transaction, Perkins Coie. Pencil Neck, Adam Schiff — the ranking Democrat of the House Intelligence Committee — was on one of the Sunday shows yesterday. He said, “Well, really it doesn’t matter who paid for it. When you get right down to it, who paid for it doesn’t matter. What matters is how much of it is true.”
It doesn’t matter who paid for it, but what matters is how much of it is true? Do you think who paid for it might be a factor in how much of it is true, Pencil Neck? For example, if Hillary Clinton and the Democrat National Committee paid for this and a Democrat law firm — who has as a member a guy by the name of Bob Bauer, who has been in bed with the Clinton administration, the Obama administration. "

Gimme a break!-----Betsy DeVos dressed as Ms. Frizzle for Halloween and people aren't happy |

Betsy DeVos dressed as Ms. Frizzle for Halloween and people aren't happy |
"Betsy DeVos hopped on the Magic School Bus for Halloween, but not everyone is going along for the ride.
That's right, the Secretary of Education from Michigan marked the occasion by dressing up as Ms. Frizzle, the eccentric, orange-haired teacher from the 90s animated series "The Magic School Bus."
...But others aren't as excited, even going as far to say she's "unworthy" since Frizzle is a public school teacher and bus driver and DeVos is an advocate for private schools and alternative charter academies..."
Betsy DeVos how dare you besmirch the good name and honor of Ms. Frizzle!!!

James Mattis, Rex Tillerson to Congress: Don't restrict Trump military powers - Washington Times

James Mattis, Rex Tillerson to Congress: Don't restrict Trump military powers - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images White House"The White House is pushing back against congressional efforts to further define, and in some cases curtail, how Washington carries out combat operations against terror groups such as Islamic State, the Taliban and al Qaeda.
Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson took a hard line Monday, urged Congress not to implement further restrictions on how the White House deploys forces and executes operations in support of the overall U.S. counterterrorism mission."

As Under Armour Collapses, CEO Builds Elitist Hotel & Whiskey Distillery | Zero Hedge

As Under Armour Collapses, CEO Builds Elitist Hotel & Whiskey Distillery | Zero Hedge
"Earlier, we reported on Under Armour’s epic stock collapse down over -75% from its September 2015 highs. 
...Simultaneously, Plank built an elitist only hotel in Baltimore’s Fells Point district called Sagamore Pendry.
The two year, $60 million dollar project was also constructed around the time of the whiskey distillery.
According to, the 128-room property sits on the historic recreation pier in Fells Point with rooms starting at +$335.
Interesting to note, a majority of Americans don’t even have $500.00 in savings, so a one night stay at Plank’s hotel does not welcome middle America...
JPM’s Wealth Inequality desk outlines that nearly 1/3 of households of color have a net worth of zero in BaltimoreConsidering total population is around 620k, that means over 100k African Americans in the city are flat broke. This gives you a perspective of Baltimore’s economic disparities as Plank builds fancy things.
Image result for nfl take a knee...And one more thing, Plank’s $5.5 billion dollar ‘city with-in a city’ for elites was in danger of failing this year. Goldman Sachs came in with a hockey stick save for $233 million back in September to rescue the project when the stock was 20% higher. With the latest tumble in the stock along with re-imaging plans for the company through layoffs and cost cuts. The idea of such a project is farfetched...
Kevin Plank’s actions over the past few years will certainly go down in the record books of what not to do in a stock market bubble.
It’s only a matter of time when the overwhelmingly poor citizens of Baltimore wake up to the wide wealth inequalities produced by easy money policies of the Federal Reserve..."

The State of Free Speech and Tolerance in America | Cato Institute

The State of Free Speech and Tolerance in America | Cato Institute

"Americans Say Political Correctness Has Silenced Discussions Society Needs to Have; Most Have Views They’re Afraid to Share

Nearly three-fourths (71%) of Americans believe that political correctness has done more to silence important discussions our society needs to have. A little more than a quarter (28%) instead believe that political correctness has done more to help people avoid offending others...

Americans Oppose Hate Speech Bans but Say Hate Speech Is Morally Unacceptable

Most Americans (59%) think people should be allowed to express unpopular opinions in public, even those deeply offensive to other people. Forty percent (40%) think government should prevent hate speech in public. Nonetheless, an overwhelming majority (79%) agree that it is “morally unacceptable” to engage in hate speech against racial or religious groups. Thus, the public appears to distinguish between allowing offensive speech and endorsing it.
Despite this, the survey also found Americans willing to censor, regulate, or punish a wide variety of speech and expression they personally find offensive:
  • 51% of strong liberals say it’s “morally acceptable” to punch Nazis.
  • 53% of Republicans favor stripping U.S. citizenship from people who burn the American flag.
  • 51% of Democrats support a law that requires Americans use transgender people’s preferred gender pronouns.
  • 47% of Republicans favor bans on building new mosques.
  • 58% of Democrats say employers should punish employees for offensive Facebook posts.
  • 65% of Republicans say NFL players should be fired if they refuse to stand for the national anthem."

Read on!

Lunch video-----The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group