Saturday, November 04, 2017

History for November 4

Image result for Will Rogers Quotes
History for November 4 -
Will Rogers (William Penn Adair "Will" Rogers) 1879 - Cowboy, vaudeville performer, actor, Walter Cronkite 1916 - Broadcast journalist ("CBS Evening News"), Arthur William Matthew "Art" Carney 1918 - Actor ("The Honeymooners," "Harry and Tonto")
Image result for Will Rogers QuotesImage result for walter cronkite liberal biasImage result for "Art" Carney

Alfred Heineken 1923 - Businessman, Loretta Swit 1937 - Actress (M*A*S*H*), Laura Bush 1946 - U.S. First Lady, wife of U.S. President George W. Bush
Image result for Alfred HeinekenImage result for Loretta SwitImage result for Laura Bush Younger Years

1842 - Abraham Lincoln married Mary Todd in Springfield, IL.
Image result for Abraham Lincoln married Mary Todd

1847 - Scottish obstetrician James Young Simpson discovered the anethestic qualities of chloroform.
Image result for James Young Simpson discovered the anethestic qualities of chloroform

1922 - In Egypt, Howard Carter discovered the entry of the lost tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen.
Image result for Howard Carter discovered the entry of the lost tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen.

1952 - In the United States, the National Security Agency (NSA) was established.
Image result for NSA meme

1956 - Soviet forces enter Hungary in order to suppress the uprising that had begun on October 23, 1956.
Image result for 1956 - Soviet forces enter Hungary

1979 - Iranian militants seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 63 Americans hostage (90 total hostages). The militants, mostly students, demanded that the U.S. send the former shah back to Iran to stand trial. Many hostages were later released, but 52 were held for the next 14 months.
Image result for 1979 - Iranian militants seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran

1991 - Ronald Reagan opened his presidential library in Simi Valley, CA. The dedication ceremony was attended by President Bush and former U.S. presidents Jimmy Carter, Gerald R. Ford and Richard M. Nixon. It was the 1st gathering of 5 U.S. chief executives.
Image result for 1991 - Ronald Reagan opened his presidential library in Simi Valley, CA.

1995 - Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, 73 years old, was assassinated by right-wing Israeli Yigal Amir after attending a peace rally.
Image result for Yitzhak Rabin Quotes

Friday, November 03, 2017

Millennials: Communism sounds pretty chill - MarketWatch

Millennials: Communism sounds pretty chill - MarketWatch:

Image result for Communist Leaders"Perhaps he should share his wisdom with millennials.

According to the latest survey from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a D.C.-based nonprofit, one in two U.S. millennials say they would rather live in a socialist or communist country than a capitalist democracy.

What’s more, 22% of them have a favorable view of Karl Marx and a surprising number see Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un as “heroes.”"

Opinion: Draining the Lansing swamp

Opinion: Draining the Lansing swamp:
"By now many of you have heard that Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof instructed the Senate Business Office to relieve me of my committee assignments and take direct control of my Senate office. 
The only precedent for such action to the best of my knowledge has been in response to former Sen. Virgil Smith shooting up his ex-wife’s car in a fit of rage.
What was my offense? 
...When I met with the majority leader to ascertain the rationale for his decision, the top two reasons he cited were my vocal opposition to Medicaid expansion (i.e. Section 2001 of Obamacare) and Common Core education standards. 
Mind you, my position is consistent with the position of the Republican Party’s platform.
Image result for Sen. Patrick ColbeckSo, what was my real offense? 
Looking out for the best interests of our citizens instead of the special interests in Lansing.
...In other words, I was doing my job. 
Like many of you, I opposed Proposal 1 and the subsequent gas tax increase. 
Like many of you, I oppose economic policies that pick winners and losers.
Meekhof appears to view opposition as “insubordination.” In fact, he openly accused me of “insubordination” on the Senate floor. 
In response to his accusation, I simply said, “I do not work for you. I work for the citizens of Michigan.” 
I was relieved of my committee assignments shortly thereafter.
You see, the only rule that I have violated during my tenure in the Senate is the unwritten rule that I am supposed to serve the Senate majority leader and ignore the best interests of my constituents along with the broader interests of the citizens of Michigan. 
President Trump coined a term for an environment governed by such unwritten rules — the swamp.
I didn’t run for office to serve the Senate majority leader. 
I ran to serve the citizens of Michigan. 
That is exactly what I will continue to do.
Make no mistake, if I’m elected as your next governor, I won’t take any orders from the swamp — I’ll drain it.
Sen. Patrick Colbeck is a candidate for governor of Michigan.

The way we were-----Riverdance the best performance

Boob-tube-----Stavros Flatly - Britains Got Talent 2009

13 Stars Who Imagined Violence Against Donald Trump, From Kathy Griffin to Snoop Dogg (Photos)

13 Stars Who Imagined Violence Against Donald Trump, From Kathy Griffin to Snoop Dogg (Photos)
madonna women's march
Getty Images
Madonna  Madonna told a crowd of thousands at the Women's March on Washington in January that she had “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House." The singer's profanity-riddled jab at the Republican administration provoked the anger of many conservatives. Also Read: Madonna Thought About ‘Blowing Up the White House,’ Unloads F-Bombs in Speech (Video)
Robert De Niro
Brigitte Lacombe/Film Society of Lincoln Center
Robert De Niro The actor is not afraid to express his disdain for the commander in chief. De Niro confirmed to ABC's "The View" in February 2017 that he would like to punch Trump in the face. He clarified earlier comments, saying "It wasn’t like I was gonna go find him and [really] punch him in the face, but he’s gotta hear it."Also Read: Robert De Niro Doubles Down on Trump Rant: ‘Of Course I Want to Punch Him’ (Video)

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George Soros Funds America’s National Association of State Boards of Education

George Soros Funds America’s National Association of State Boards of Education:

Image result for flickr commons images George Soros"Progressive billionaire George Soros via his Open Society Foundations is listed as a “funding partner” of the National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE).
NASBE is holding its annual conference in Atlanta, Georgia November 1-4. The organization boasts a long list of progressive “partners,” which includes Soros’s foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – primary private funder of the Common Core standards, the College Board, tech titan Google, and textbook giant Pearson Education."

Basketball coaching hopeful was denied a job. She says it’s because she’s no longer gay. - The Washington Post

Basketball coaching hopeful was denied a job. She says it’s because she’s no longer gay. - The Washington Post:
"Camille LeNoir thought she’d landed a dream job last year, an entryway into the competitive world of coaching college basketball.
She was a former player herself, having starred at the University of Southern California. 
The WNBA’s Washington Mystics made her a second-round draft pick and she played the game professionally overseas. 
Image result for Camille LeNoirBut since her playing days ended, LeNoir had focused on working with young players. 
She was excited when her former college coach offered her an assistant position on his staff at New Mexico State University.
She accepted the job, but two days before she was to board a plane for New Mexico, LeNoir’s phone rang. 
...For most of her basketball career, LeNoir identified as gay. 
Now she’s not. 
In fact, in the video, she said homosexuality was “wrong” and “not worth losing your soul over.”
Trakh retracted the job offer, LeNoir said, and advised her to remove the video if she ever wanted to work in college basketball. 
“I felt the job was taken away because of my heterosexuality,” LeNoir, 31, said in a recent interview..."
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FBI’s UAW training center probe widens to GM, Ford

FBI’s UAW training center probe widens to GM, Ford:
"Detroit — Federal agents have expanded a corruption investigation to include a member of General Motors Co.’s board and the United Auto Workers training centers funded by all three Detroit automakers, The Detroit News has learned.
Spurred by corruption charges filed against a former Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV labor executive and the wife of a deceased union vice president, investigators have issued subpoenas in recent weeks for information about training centers financed by GM and Ford Motor Co. that are operated jointly with the union, sources familiar with the investigation said.
Investigators are interested in Joe Ashton, a retired UAW vice president appointed to GM’s board in 2014, and Cindy Estrada, his successor in charge of the union’s GM department, according to sources familiar with the investigation. Ashton, 69, of Ocean View, N.J., is the highest-ranking official whose name has surfaced in connection with a criminal investigation into whether money and illegal benefits corrupted the bargaining process.
Neither Ashton nor Estrada returned calls from The News. The investigation focuses on whether training funds were misappropriated, and if labor leaders at GM and Ford received money or benefits through their tax-exempt nonprofits — an allegation that emerged this summer involving Fiat Chrysler and General Holiefield, a former UAW vice president who died in 2015, sources said..."
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Lunch video-----Fake News Lies About "Allahu Akbar"


Democrats Threaten To Regulate Facebook, Twitter, Google: 'Do Something' To Stop Russian Propaganda 'Or We Will' | Daily Wire

Democrats Threaten To Regulate Facebook, Twitter, Google: 'Do Something' To Stop Russian Propaganda 'Or We Will' | Daily Wire:

Image result for free clip art Censor"On Wednesday, lawyers for Facebook, Twitter and Google faced down Democratic lawmakers who essentially threatened them for not shutting down Russian propaganda during the 2016 election cycle. Democrats have been adamant that distribution of Russian propaganda on social media played a major role in Hillary Clinton’s election defeat, and are now seeking to use that assumption as a lever to regulate the internet giants.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) complained that the platforms had been “misused.” She threatened, “you have to be the ones who do something about it – or we will.”"

Why "Disaster Porn" Storm Reporting is So Tantalizing and Destructive

Why "Disaster Porn" Storm Reporting is So Tantalizing and Destructive:
"When Hurricane Irma tussled the West coast of Florida instead of decimating the state entirely, those of us following closely, but from afar, unwittingly felt…disappointed.
Nowhere was that anticlimax more evident than in the overblown and ubiquitous fixture of the fall: the live television special news storm report.
You know the sort: an anchor, pulled from behind his New York studio desk and clad in a windbreaker instead of a sport coat, emcees from a lightly-battered boardwalk in Florida or Texas while squinting against the drizzle. 
He repeats a series of the same obvious “updates” while looking slightly uncomfortable: “the wind is strong!”
Or, delivered with a tone of bracing sobriety, “this is just the beginning of what is sure to be a long night.”
Then the anchor throws to a meteorologist back in the studio making circles with both hands, who then throws back to the beleaguered anchor, who excitedly throws to a reporter in the field, who proceeds to describe what he “just saw,” but now, with the expectant camera trained on him, is mostly just waiting around, alone in the rain.
There is a sense while watching this insipid loop that the newscasters are on tenterhooks for something to happen.
And this pervasive feeling is indicative of the larger disservice that long-format, “special report” broadcasts of storms do to actual victims: they sensationalize disaster, and in doing so cause reporters and viewers alike to effectively wish for human suffering. 
And worse, to become let down when they cannot see it, which ultimately distracts from urgent problems and achievable solutions.
In the midst of an hours-long special hurricane report, the desperation of the anchor, as he searches for more details to describe the wind, is palpable; the grim tone used to introduce the sight of a flooded walkway conspicuously inflated.
You get the feeling that the newsroom would cry tears of relief should a leveled building or stranded grandmother be discovered. 
In this blatant search for something to report, the newsmen are wishing for the sort of destruction and subsequent anguish that will translate on camera..."

UK defense collapse-----Wheels are literally falling off the MoD thanks to lack of cash • The Register

Wheels are literally falling off the MoD thanks to lack of cash • The Register
"British military helicopters are at risk of crashing while wheels are literally falling off Army Land Rovers thanks to poor maintenance and funding cuts, according to a damning report by the Defence Safety Authority.
Image result for RAF Chinook Mk.3 crashThe DSA's six-monthly report, published earlier this week, is a blistering look at Ministry of Defence safety systems. 
Lieutenant General Richard Felton, who recently took post as the director-general of the DSA, took no prisoners in his first report.
He found, among many other things:
  • Cuts to the defence budget are causing the irreparable loss of helicopter flying skills
  • "Repeated incidents of Landrover wheels falling off"
  • Increasing skills shortages within critical frontline engineering trades
  • "Embryonic and fragile" safety management systems in RAF flying training units
  • A shortage of nuclear-trained personnel in the Defence Nuclear Regulator
  • Failures to inspect a naval fuel depot in Singapore for safety led to it being partly shut down
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#1 This day 1953-----"Vaya con Dios" Les Paul and Mary Ford

Natural Hazard? Study Says Farming Marijuana Hurting Environment « CBS Philly

Natural Hazard? Study Says Farming Marijuana Hurting Environment « CBS Philly
CBS Local — Marijuana activists may argue that the plant is a natural remedy with many uses, but a new report is claiming that farming the drug has another harmful side-effect: it’s destroying the environment.
Researchers from Ithaca College say that the growing number of small pot farms being planted in remote forest areas are having a major impact on the local environment. The New York team points to forest fragmentation, soil erosion, and landslides as the main side-effects of inserting pot farms into the forest.
The college has previously outlined how commercial marijuana farming was poisoning forest animals with pesticides and dewatering streams by improper irrigation in states like California.
...The study’s co-author added that while the lumber industry still has a larger impact on the size of forests, the impact over a smaller area by marijuana crops was even more destructive..."
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You ought to know!

Here's What 'Allahu Akbar' Really Means | Daily Wire

Here's What 'Allahu Akbar' Really Means | Daily Wire:

Image result for free clip art Ask Question"When the terrorist (ISIS, an Islamic extremist group, has claimed responsibility) jumped from the vehicle, witnesses say he yelled, "Allahu akbar!" CNN likes to translate this phrase as meaning "God is great." The New York times does, too, as in this passage from its front-page story on Wednesday, when it said the terrorist "ran up and down the highway waving a pellet gun and paintball gun and shouting “Allahu akbar,” Arabic for “God is great....""

Millennials: Communism sounds pretty chill - MarketWatch

Millennials: Communism sounds pretty chill - MarketWatch
"According to the latest survey from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a D.C.-based nonprofit, one in two U.S. millennials say they would rather live in a socialist or communist country than a capitalist democracy.
What’s more, 22% of them have a favorable view of Karl Marx and a surprising number see Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un as “heroes.”

“Millennials now make up the largest generation in America, and we’re seeing some deeply worrisome trends,” said Marion Smith, executive director of the organization. 
“Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative.”
But do they even know what it is?
The survey, which was conducted by research and data firm YouGov, found that millennials are the least knowledgable generation on the subject, with 71% failing to identify the proper definition of communism.
Smith explained that this “troubling turn” highlights pervasive historical illiteracy across the country and “the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago...”
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AM Fruitcake