Sunday, November 05, 2017

History for November 5

Image result for Will Durant Quotes
History for November 5 -
Eugene Victor Debs 1855 - American union leader, socialist politician, Will Durant 1885 - American historian, philosopher, author, Roy Rogers (Leonard Slye) 1911 - Singer, guitarist, and actor
Image result for Eugene V. Debs QuotesImage result for Will Durant QuotesImage result for Roy Rogers

Vivien Leigh 1913 - Actress ("Gone with the Wind (1939)"), Art Garfunkel 1941 - Singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor (Simon & Garfunkel), Peter Noone 1947 - Singer-songwriter, guitarist, and actor (Herman's Hermits)
Image result for Vivien LeighImage result for Art GarfunkelImage result for Peter Noone

1605 - The "Gunpowder Plot" attempted by Guy Fawkes failed when he was captured before he could blow up the English Parliament. Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated every November 5th in Britain to celebrate his failure to blow up all the members of Parliament and King James I.
Image result for The "Gunpowder Plot"

1872 - In the U.S., Susan B. Anthony was fined $100 for attempting to vote in the presidential election. She never paid the fine.
Image result for Susan B. Anthony was fined $100

1895 - George B. Selden received the first U.S. patent for an automobile. He sold the rights for $200,000 four years later.
Image result for George B. Selden received the first U.S. patent for an automobile.

1935 - The game "Monopoly" was introduced by Parker Brothers Company.
Image result for 1935 - The game "Monopoly"

1946 - John F. Kennedy was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives at the age of 29.
Image result for 1946 - John F. Kennedy was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives

1956 - British and French forces began landing in Egypt during the Suez Canal Crisis. A cease-fire was declared 2 days later.
Image result for 1956 - British and French forces began landing in Egypt

1959 - The American Football League was formed.
Image result for 1959 - The American Football League was formed.

1998 - In the U.S., Chairman Henry Hyde of the Judiciary Committee asked President Clinton to answer 81 questions for the House impeachment inquiry.
Image result for bill clinton predator

Saturday, November 04, 2017

SHOCK REPORT: Obama Hid 470,000 Documents From Bin Laden Raid To Ensure His Reelection | Daily Wire

SHOCK REPORT: Obama Hid 470,000 Documents From Bin Laden Raid To Ensure His Reelection | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Swept under the rug"Hayes writes, “Why would ODNI think it could get away with such an aggressive lie? … In this context, ODNI’s bet wasn’t a crazy one. No one outside of a small group of terrorism researchers and intelligence professionals had paid much attention to the fate of the bin Laden documents. The likelihood that these ODNI claims would get much scrutiny in the middle of the frenzy that accompanies a presidential transition was low.”

He continues:"

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Hope n' Change Cartoons - Posts

Hope n' Change Cartoons - Posts:
"Those who have always felt there was something a little "off" about Hillary's rise to her party's Presidential nomination are now having all of their suspicions (and more) confirmed in a new book by the soon-to-be-late Donna Brazile, who headed the DNC in the final days leading up to the election.
In her book, "Hacks," the title of which apparently isn't meant to describe sleazy political operatives such as herself, Brazile says that Bernie Sanders never stood a chance because early in the primary campaign Hillary essentially bought the entire DNC and thereafter made all decisions to assure her eventual candidacy. 
...Just one more rat deserting a sinking ship."
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A ‘Marxist’ explanation for the Trump revolution | New York Post

A ‘Marxist’ explanation for the Trump revolution | New York Post
"‘Red October” was the name for a great Cold War movie.
It’s also the name for the Communist takeover of the Russian government on Oct. 26, 1917, when Bolshevik forces stormed the Winter Palace in today’s St. Petersburg.
That’s according to the old-style calendar; in the new calendar, the 100th anniversary of the Revolution is Tuesday, Nov. 7.
We had our own revolution, a year ago.
Which makes it a good time to compare Red October with red-state America, the Trump revolution in American politics.
I got a heads up about the comparison at a 2015 dinner, when I heard a congressman complain about the members of the House’s rambunctious and very conservative Freedom Caucus. “Right-wing Marxists,” he called them.
Image result for A ‘Marxist’ explanation for the Trump revolutionAha, I thought.
That’s me.
...With all the horrors of communism, with all the misery it unleashed on the world, Karl Marx still has something to tell us.
Something about the problem he had with America.
It didn’t fit with his theories.
He said society progressed in stages: first feudalism, then capitalism, then socialism.
But in 1852, when he wrote “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon,” the most advanced capitalist society was that of the United States, and it was nowhere near socialism.
That was a bit of an embarrassment for Marx, but then he had an explanation for what he might have called American Exceptionalism.
...The election was thus a struggle between one set of voters with a revolutionary consciousness against a counter-revolutionary class that denied that any change was possible.
It was like 1917, with the difference that now it’s the Left that is counter-revolutionary, that wants to keep things as they are — unjust, unequal.
And that’s why, of the different kinds of Marxism, mine is right-wing.
It wasn’t free-market capitalism that made us immobile. 
Instead, it was all the barriers to advancement that liberals created, through statutes and regulations that place a stumbling block in the path of those who seek to rise. 
Today it’s the socialist who is objectively counter-revolutionary, for there’s nothing more truly revolutionary than a capitalist system that opens its doors to talent and industry, that erases unearned privileges..."
Read on!

Communist NY Mayor De Blasio: Ricketts 'A Coward' For Shutting Down Unprofitable Gothamist. Has De Blasio Ever Heard Of Economics? | Daily Wire

Communist NY Mayor De Blasio: Ricketts 'A Coward' For Shutting Down Unprofitable Gothamist. Has De Blasio Ever Heard Of Economics? | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Mayor DeBlasio
"But De Blasio, like many on the Left, believes that basic economics should reflect an arbitrary moral code. That’s why Joe Biden has said that paying more taxes is somehow more patriotic; it’s why the Left went nuts when businesses began laying people off due to additional Obamacare costs; it’s why Democrats never seem to understand why businesses use part-time labor after minimum wage regulations hit the books. All of that is immoral and uncaring.

Except it isn’t. Numbers aren’t immoral and they aren’t uncaring. They’re just numbers. And the numbers either work or they don’t."

Just how pathetic are college students' views of the First Amendment? - The College Fix

Just how pathetic are college students' views of the First Amend
"...The United States is rather unique in the world regarding individuals’ speech rights, but more and more supposedly well-educated young people want the country to align itself with our First World counterparts … which restrict so-called “hate speech” and “hateful” expressions.
Above all, our First Amendment protects political speech, and few would argue that the topic of abortion is not political. But … many of those few come from higher education.
Like their neighbors at the University of Oregon, students at Portland State University recently were “chagrined” at the “triggering imagery” used by the anti-abortion group Genocide Awareness Project (GAP) during a recent stop at the college.
And what an example Associated Students of PSU Vice President Donald Thompson III set for his peers: He tore up a GAP poster from a bulletin board “because he sees his position as advocating for the ‘marginalized’ rather than the ‘minority’ of students.”
He added that since Donald Trump is now president, “pro-lifers in the context of this country are not necessarily marginalized.”
Meaning, naturally, it’s OK to destroy others’ speech if he doesn’t like it..."
Read on!

The 2017 George Washington Campaign - WSJ

The 2017 George Washington Campaign - WSJ
"Looks like the father of our country could still win a few votes in his home state. 
Image result for Christ Church George WashingtonOn Wednesday this column described the ingrates at Alexandria, Virginia’s Christ Church who decided to remove a plaque commemorating their devoted parishioner George Washington from the church’s sanctuary. 
While members of the vestry who oversee the organization ponder a substitute location, it seems that some current parishioners aren’t supporting the expulsion of America’s first President from the church he made famous.
Kudos to Alexa Epitropoulos of Virginia’s Alexandria Times. 
This week she extensively reports on the reaction to the vestry’s decision and also on the decision itself. The church’s emailed explanation to members of its congregation had a less-than-persuasive argument why the Washington plaque had to be ejected along with one honoring Robert E. Lee (the Confederate general, not the broadcaster). According to Ms. Epitropoulos:
While the email detailed the problematic legacy of Lee, it went into less detail about Washington, saying only that the plaques “visually balance each other, maintaining the symmetry of our sanctuary.”
They’re kicking George Washington out of his church to maintain the quality of the interior design?..."
Read on!!

Lunch video-----SKINCARE IS RACIST!



Uzbek NYC terror suspect entered the US under Obama DHS' Diversity Visa Program

Uzbek NYC terror suspect entered the US under Obama DHS' Diversity Visa Program:
Image result for free clip art Let's talk
"The act of self-defense and carrying a firearm is a constitutional right; immigration is not. Whenever there is a major domestic shooting, the political elites focus our attention on gun control, even though it doesn’t work.

Yet, whenever we admit fervent Sharia-believing Muslims from the Middle East and they commit terror attacks on our soil, we never have a family discussion over suicidal immigration policies."

Culture Beat: The Coming Antifa Apocalypse? — The Patriot Post

Culture Beat: The Coming Antifa Apocalypse? — The Patriot Post
Stay tuned Saturday as the leftist/fascist “anti-fascist” group Refuse Fascism has proclaimed that antifa groups throughout the nation will descend on 20 cities where they have pledged to protest “day after day and night after night —not stopping” until their demand is met that Donald Trump and Mike Pence are removed from office. 
How very undemocratic and fascist of them..."
Read on!
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#1 This day 1957-----Elvis Presley. Jailhouse Rock.( From the movie Jailhouse Rock.1957.) HD.

WSJ Reporter Rips Trump For Not Calling for Death Penalty for (Dead) Vegas Shooter | Mediaite

WSJ Reporter Rips Trump For Not Calling for Death Penalty for (Dead) Vegas Shooter | Mediaite

"In making a point about the difference between President Donald Trump’s reaction to the Las Vegas shooting and the NYC terror attack, WSJ reporter Eli Stokols made a pretty obvious mistake by questioning why Trump didn’t demand the death penalty for the assailant who killed 58 concert goers in last month.
Stokols, an MSNBC contributor, spoke with Nicolle Wallace Thursday about the President saying the NYC terrorist should get the death penalty. And Stokols talked about the difference in how Trump approaches these attacks compared to others.
But in making his point, Stokols said this (emphasis added):
“He did not react this way when a white person shot dozens of people in Las Vegas. He did not come and say, ‘Well, we have to do an immediate policy change, we have to give this guy the death penalty.’ He did not call for this after Charlottesville when the criminal here did the exact same thing as the person in this case––driving a vehicle into the crowd.”
The Vegas shooter, of course, was found dead the night of the attack.
Stokols acknowledged the error on Twitter last night:
VIDEO: Reporter actually criticizes Trump for not demanding death penalty for ALREADY DEAD Las Vegas mass killer
Fair criticism. I failed to make that distinction and it’s an important one.
He wasn’t the only one who got called out for raising this question this week. GQ posted this pretty astounding correction on an article:

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You ought to know!

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Donna Brazile's Politico Article Turns Democrats Against Hillary Clinton | National Review

Donna Brazile's Politico Article Turns Democrats Against Hillary Clinton | National Review:

Image result for flickr commons images House of Cards falling"Brazile calls this arrangement “unethical.” She says it “compromised the party’s integrity.” (That’s virtually the Clintons’ family motto — “compromising Democratic integrity since 1992.”) She’s right, and while Brazile may be the most notable Democratic voice to decisively break with the Clintons, she’s not the only one."

AM Fruitcake

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