Monday, November 06, 2017

History for November 6

Image result for Charles Dow Quotes
History for November 6 -
Charles Henry Dow 1851 - Journalist, economist, John Philip Sousa 1854 - American commander, composer, conductor, James Naismith 1861 - Inventor of basketball in 1891
Image result for Charles Dow Quotes Image result for James Naismith

Sally Field 1946 - Actress ("Smokey and the Bandit"), Glenn Frey 1948 - Musician, singer (Eagles), Pat Tillman 1976 - Soldier, football player

Image result for Sally Field BikiniImage result for Glenn FreyImage result for Pat Tillman

1860 - Abraham Lincoln was elected to be the sixteenth president of the United States.

Image result for Abraham Lincoln
1861 - Jefferson Davis was elected as the president of the Confederacy in the U.S.

Image result for Jefferson Davis
1869 - The first official intercollegiate football game was played in New Brunswick, NJ.

Image result for 1869 - The first official intercollegiate football game
1894 - William C. Hooker received a patent for the mousetrap.

Image result for William C. Hooker received a patent for the mousetrap.
1923 - Jacob Schick was granted a patent for the electric shaver.

Image result for 1923 - Jacob Schick was granted a patent for the electric shaver.
1952 - The first hydrogen bomb was exploded at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.

Image result for first hydrogen bomb was exploded at Eniwetok Atoll
1961 - In the Saraha Desert of Algeria, a natural gas well ignited when a pipe ruptured. The flames rose between 450 feet and 800 feet. The fire burned until April 28, 1962 when a team led by Red Adair used explosives to deprived the fire of oxygen. (Devil's Cigarette Lighter)

Image result for Red Adair used explosives to deprived the fire of oxygen. (Devil's Cigarette Lighter)
1996 - Michael Jordan scored 50 points for the 29th time in his NBA career.

Image result for Michael Jordan scored 50 points for the 29th time

Sunday, November 05, 2017

Rep. DeSantis: 'We Know Now Without a Shadow of a Doubt' Hillary and Democrats Colluded with Russia - Breitbart

Rep. DeSantis: 'We Know Now Without a Shadow of a Doubt' Hillary and Democrats Colluded with Russia - Breitbart:

Image result for flickr commons images hillary clinton"Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) spoke with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Thursday regarding a proposed Mueller amendment to limit the special counsel investigation to between March 2015 and the present, and also tax reform in the House.
“We know now without a shadow of a doubt that the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, paid Fusion GPS and Steele to acquire this dossier, which required colluding with Russian operatives and Russian nationals. So, they produced this dossier and I believe, yesterday I called for the FBI, the Justice Department to declassify all the FISA applications involving Trump associates because what I think happened is, I think they used the information from this dossier to be able to get surveillance on Trump and his associates.”"

The way we were-----Oliver - Good Morning Starshine

Boob-tube-----Behind the Music The Bangles

Do Arkansas college students understand that refugees are there to supply Tyson Foods with cheap labor? « Refugee Resettlement Watch

Do Arkansas college students understand that refugees are there to supply Tyson Foods with cheap labor? « Refugee Resettlement Watch:
"Canopy NWA is a relatively new subcontractor (as noted by Mr. Komar above) of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), their ‘mothership’ headquartered in Baltimore, MD. We told you aboutCanopy here last October.
We told you here this October, on October 24th, that LIRS has signed a contract with JBS Swift the foreign-owned globalist meatpacking giant whose North American headquarters are in Greeley, CO to find, and help them retain, cheap and compliant refugee labor for its plants in four states.
Image result for illegal immigrant meatpackersBut that isn’t the only arrangement that LIRS has made with globalist corporations—they have an agreement with Tyson Foods whose headquarters are in guess where? Arkansas! (Original home of Bill and Hill and cattle futures—remember that!)
...We were able to obtain this confirmation, that yes, LIRS, has a deal with Tyson Foods for a $50,000 pilot project to teach “financial literacy” to refugees, whatever the heck that means!
...So, would someone please tell those well-intentioned students that they are shilling for the globalists—-BIG MEAT! (and BIG CHICKEN!).
Do none of the privileged students at the University of Arkansas have friends back home who would love to work in a meat plant for good wages—the kind of wages meatpackers did pay before they discovered immigrant labor?

GOP's tax bill cancels $23 billion in credits claimed by illegal immigrants - Washington Times

GOP's tax bill cancels $23 billion in credits claimed by illegal immigrants - Washington Times:

Image result for Wikicommons Images IRS"The new GOP tax overhaul would strip illegal immigrants of the ability to claim several major tax credits, saving the government $23.1 billion over the next decade, according to the bill’s authors.
For years Republicans have complained that despite a general ban on taxpayer benefits flowing to illegal immigrants, the IRS has allowed them to collect the child tax credit, the American Opportunity Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit.
Efforts to shut down those claims have been tried in the House but have never cleared Congress."

Bergdahl goes free, but the wounded serve life sentences | New York Post

Bergdahl goes free, but the wounded serve life sentences | New York Post:
"Attention, all troops peeved with your platoon sergeant, bored with your field rations, or who just want a little private time: 
It’s okay to desert your post in a combat zone. 
Image result for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’ obamaIt’s fine for you to trigger the deaths and grave woundings of better men than you. 
A military judge just set a precedent: Deserters in wartime walk free.
You’ll probably get a book deal, too, and be portrayed as a hero in a big-budget film.
The US Army colonel and judge who decided Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s fate has some explaining to do.
How is it that a confessed deserter, whose actions brought our Afghan campaign to a halt and led to the acknowledged wounding and alleged deaths of his comrades, can walk out of a military courtroom a free man?
With not one day of prison time?
How is that possible?..."
Read on!

Red Cross: $6 million for Ebola fight stolen through fraud

Red Cross: $6 million for Ebola fight stolen through fraud:
"FREETOWN, Sierra Leone — Fraud by Red Cross workers and others wasted more than $6 million meant to fight the deadly Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the organization confirmed Saturday.
Image result for fraudThe revelations follow an internal investigation of how money was handled during the 2014-2016 epidemic that killed more than 11,000 people in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.
The disease erupted in Guinea and quickly spread to Sierra Leone and Liberia.
The international aid response was initially slow, and money once it arrived was often disbursed quickly in the rush to purchase supplies and get aid workers into the field.
As much as $2 million disappeared as the result of "likely collusion" between Red Cross staff and employees at a Sierra Leonean bank, the investigation found.
...IFRC also revealed evidence of fraud in the two other hardest-hit countries during the Ebola crisis.
In Liberia, investigators found "evidence of fraud related to inflated prices of relief items, payroll and payment of volunteer incentives." IFRC estimated the loss at $2.7 million.
And in Guinea, at least $1 million disappeared because of fraudulent billing practices by a customs clearance service provider..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----How the States Can Save America

Actress Mila Kunis Says She Set Up Monthly Donation to Planned Parenthood In Mike Pence's Name

Actress Mila Kunis Says She Set Up Monthly Donation to Planned Parenthood In Mike Pence's Name:

Image result for Wikicommons Images Mila Kunis"Actress Mila Kunis predicted she would receive “a lot of hate mail” after revealing in a recent interview after admitting to the “little prank” she pulled against Vice President Mike Pence.

It was during her appearance on TBS’ “Conan” that Kunis apologized in advance before describing to host Conan O’ Brien how she sends Planned Parenthood a monthly donation in Pence’s name."

Will H7N9 Flu Go Pandemic? There's Good News and Bad News - The Atlantic

Will H7N9 Flu Go Pandemic? There's Good News and Bad News - The Atlantic:
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) keeps a Most Wanted list for flu viruses.
...At the top of the list, with scores of 6.5 for emergence and 7.5 for impact, is H7N9.
Image result for H7N9....H7 viruses infect birds, and only very rarely jump into humans.
H7N9 in particular had never been known to infect humans at all before 2013, when it caused an unexpected epidemic in China.
It was billed as low-pathogenic (or “low-path”) because it only caused mild disease in chickens. But in humans, the story was different:
Of the 135 people infected, around a quarter died.
Every year since, there’s been a new epidemic, and the current one is the worst.
...“It was a matter of time,” says the flu expert Yoshihiro Kawaoka, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
“It wasn’t surprising to see this change.”
...“Clearly this is a virus that we don’t want to become any more transmissible between humans.”
“When you compare H5 and H7 viruses, I think H7 are more worrisome,” says Kawaoka..."
Read on!

A Big Day For the Crazy Left | Power Line

A Big Day For the Crazy Left | Power Line:

Image result for flickr commons images rand paul
"In Bowling Green, Kentucky, a neighbor of Senator Rand Paul assaulted him outside Paul’s home:

Rene Boucher, 59, of Bowling Green, was charged with one count of fourth-degree assault in the incident, which occurred at about 3:20 p.m. local time Friday, Kentucky State Police said."

Marxism: The Key to Health? | Power Line

Marxism: The Key to Health? | Power Line
"...Lancet’s editor in chief, Richard Horton. Horton argues that Marxism represents the best path forward for medicine.
Of course, Marxism wasn’t the route to good health for the 100 million who were murdered by Marxist governments, or by the countless millions who were reduced to abject poverty by various Marxist regimes, most recently in North Korea and Venezuela. 
Image result for Marxism Brainy QuotesThe North Koreans who try to survive by eating grass and the Venezuelans who hunt rats to eat for dinner would no doubt view Horton’s claims for Marxism with disbelief.
Horton writes:
...[M]ore and more people, especially younger generations, believe that economies based only on free markets are not necessarily the best means to deliver fairer or healthier societies.
These would be young people who have never actually lived under socialism. 
...Marxism is about stealing other people’s money while asserting power over their lives...
Horton offers three reasons why Marxism can be the salvation of medicine:
First, Marx offers a critique of society, a method of analysis, that enables explication of disquieting trends in modern medicine and public health—privatised health economies, the power of conservative professional elites, the growth of techno-optimism, philanthrocapitalism, the importance of political determinants of health, global health’s neoimperialist tendencies, product-driven definitions of disease, and the exclusion of stigmatised communities from our societies.
It would be hard to write a more incoherent sentence..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1966-----The Monkees - Last Train To Clarksville 1966

IL Residents Just Got a HARD LESSON About Electing Democrats

IL Residents Just Got a HARD LESSON About Electing Democrats:
"After decades of profligate spending by leftist leaders, the chickens have finally come home to roost in Illinois.
The Land of Lincoln became the first state in the country to have its bond rating reduced to one step above “junk” status by S&P and Moody’s credit agencies.
Image result for chronically underfunded pension system memeIt’s the lowest ranking ever recorded for a U.S. state and a sign of the ineffectiveness of liberal financial leadership.
Almost one year ago, S&P warned state leaders that Illinois would almost certainly lose it’s investment-grade status – unprecedented for any state – if they couldn’t agree on a budget that tackled their massive deficits. 
They made no progress, so S&P made the “junk” determination, followed by Moody’s.
They cited the state’s chronically underfunded pension system and the overdue bills that amount to 40 percent of the state’s entire operating budget..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

Military Judge: Fines but No Jail for Deserter Bowe Bergdahl

Military Judge: Fines but No Jail for Deserter Bowe Bergdahl:

Image result for Wikicommons Images Bowe Bergdahl"Bowe Bergdahl will not serve more time behind bars, a military judge has decided eight years after he deserted his platoon in Afghanistan.
His desertion, to which he pleaded guilty, and the subsequent search for him that led to the deaths of six soldiers did not result in the 14-year sentence prosecutors requested in the case.

The judge also ruled that Bergdahl be dishonorably discharged, that his rank be reduced from sergeant to private, "

Average annual GDP growth is not what you think it is - NetRight Daily

Average annual GDP growth is not what you think it is - NetRight Daily:
"One of the greatest disappointments with the U.S. economy since the turn of the century has been its consistent underperformance, not growing above an inflation-adjusted average annual rate of 4 percent since 2000, and not above 3 percent since 2005.
What has come in its stead the past 10 years is the slowest economic growth rate in U.S. history — even slower than the Great Depression.
Restoring the U.S. to 3 percent or maybe even 4 percent growth has been one of President Donald Trump’s major goals, but getting there will not be so easy.
Image result for GDP Growth President trumpJust take 2017.
On an inflation-adjusted, annualized basis, there was 1.2 percent growth in the first quarter, 3.1 percent in the second quarter and 3.0 percent growth in the third quarter, according to data compiled by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
So, to get to 3 percent growth for the year, we’d need 4.7 percent growth in the fourth quarter, right?
The actual answer would be 14.5 percent. 
How is that possible?
Because annual GDP growth is calculated by the taking the four readings of the real GDP using chained dollars for two consecutive years, averaging each year out and then calculating the growth rate.
I’ll show you the work because I didn’t believe it myself the first time I worked it out — and like millions of Americans I want to see the economy start growing again robustly..."
Read on.

AM Fruitcake