Wednesday, November 08, 2017

History for November 8

History for November 8 -
Edmond Halley 1656 - Astronomer, mathematician, was the first to calculate the orbit that was named after him., Bram Stoker 1847, Margaret Mitchell 1900
Image result for Halley's CometImage result for Bram Stoker AuthorGone with the Wind

Dr. Christian Barnard 1922, Patti Page 1927, Minnie Riperton 1948 - Singer, songwriter
Image result for Dr. Christian BarnarImage result for patti page is that all there isImage result for Minnie Riperton

1793 - The Louvre Museum, in Paris, opened to the public for the first time.
Image result for 1793 - The Louvre Museum

1805 - The "Corps of Discovery" reached the Pacific Ocean. The expedition was led by William Clark and Meriwether Lewis. The journey had begun on May 14, 1804, with the goal of exploring the Louisiana Purchase territory.
Image result for 1805 - The "Corps of Discovery" reached the Pacific Ocean.

1895 - Wilhelm Roentgen while experimenting with electricity discovered the scientific principle involved and took the first X-ray pictures.
Image result for 1895 - Wilhelm Roentgen

1923 - Adolf Hitler made his first attempt at seizing power in Germany with a failed coup in Munich that came to be known as the "Beer-Hall Putsch."
Image result for "Beer-Hall Putsch."

1942 - During World War II, Operation Torch began as U.S. and British forces landed in French North Africa.
Image result for Operation Torch

1956 - After turning down 18,000 names, the Ford Motor Company decided to name their new car the "Edsel," after Henry Ford's only son.
Image result for doh

1966 - Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California.
Image result for 1966 - Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California.

2000 - Waco special counsel John C. Danforth released his final report that absolved the government of wrongdoing in the 1993 siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Texas.

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

More fraud in Diversity Visa Lottery as feds move to strip citizenship from four Somalis - Washington Times

More fraud in Diversity Visa Lottery as feds move to strip citizenship from four Somalis - Washington Times:

Image result for free clip art revoked"The visa lottery doles out about 50,000 visas a year based on pure chance. Designed in 1990, the program was intended to give immigrants from countries that didn’t have a large U.S. population a means of entry.
Recently, however, Republicans — and some Democrats — had said the program had outlived its usefulness and had become a liability, particularly because of fraud."

The way we were-----Mustang Sally by Wilson Pickett

Boob-tube-----Eisenhower WRC-TV 1958 (oldest known colour videotaping)

Very Fake News: CNN Selectively Edits Trump Quote on Japanese Auto Production In U.S.

Very Fake News: CNN Selectively Edits Trump Quote on Japanese Auto Production In U.S.
"Left-wing CNN has been caught red-handed selectively-editing a Donald Trump quote as a means to make the president look foolish during his overseas trip to Japan.
In its second piece of very fake news launched against Trump Monday morning (here is the first), CNN’s snarky and dishonest headline reads, “Trump asks Japan to build cars in the U.S. It already does.” 
In order to justify its misleading headline, CNN lies through omission by deliberately publishing only part of Trump’s statement during a meeting with Japanese automakers on Monday...
This has been another terrible week for CNN.
Earlier Monday, the network was busted publishing misleading video to invent a Trump blunder during a photo-op with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
In the fake video, the last-place cable news network focused in only on Trump as he emptied a box of fish food into a koi pond. 
What CNN did not want its Twitter followers to know is that Trump was following the prime minister’s lead in doing so. 
CNN’s misleading video was meant to make Trump look foolish and impatient as he dumped out the box.
Adding to CNN’s ongoing ratings and reputation woes was Jake Tapper’s misleading and wildly inappropriate interpretation of “Allahu Akbar” late last week in the immediate aftermath of a deadly Islamic terror attack in New York City.
To make matters worse, Tapper, whose dual reputation and ratings crises have become an embarrassment to CNN, suffered a humiliating public meltdown in reaction to the criticism.
CNN’s crusade to destroy President Trump has only blown back on the banana network, which was once in second place behind only Fox News, but is now not only in dead last place but national joke."
Read it all!

100 Years of Communism, 100 Million Deaths, but a Silver Lining of Clever Jokes and Satire | International Liberty

100 Years of Communism, 100 Million Deaths, but a Silver Lining of Clever Jokes and Satire | International Liberty:
100 Years of Communism, 100 Million Deaths, but a Silver Lining of Clever Jokes and Satire
Makes me miss Reagan even more. The only great president of my lifetime, and either the best or second-best president of the 20th century.
But let’s stay on topic. 
Here’s a cartoon that sums up the “success” of communist systems.
...There’s nothing subtle about this next bit of satire.
Though I wonder if the Occupy Wall Street crowd would even recognize that it’s a joke rather than serious..."
Read on!!

HOLLYWOOD LOCKDOWN: Stars Skip Red Carpets To Avoid Talking Scandals | Daily Wire

HOLLYWOOD LOCKDOWN: Stars Skip Red Carpets To Avoid Talking Scandals | Daily Wire:
Image result for free clip art red carpet
"Awards season may not feature the glamorous events Hollywood's stars are accustomed to. In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal fallout, celebrities appear to be avoiding the red carpet events altogether to evade questioning about Hollywood's rampant rape culture."

[H]ardOCP: LED Lights Causing Traffic Problems in Winnipeg

[H]ardOCP: LED Lights Causing Traffic Problems in Winnipeg:
"LED Lights Causing Traffic Problems in Winnipeg
Image result for green energy fail memeThe City of Winnipeg is like a lot of us that want to use the latest technology and save some energy while we're at it.
However, this time it was a really bad decision to go with LED traffic lights because they don't produce enough heat to melt the snow that piles up sometimes. 
So what was a money saver is now going to cost them more because city crews have to go out and manually clean all the converted traffic lights.
This is one of those times where new tech isn't the right tech for the job.
Last year, new LED bulbs in Windsor, Ont., were blamed for a crash when a school bus ran a red light and broad-sided a car in an intersection. 
Six kids, a school staff member and the drivers of the car and bus were taken to hospital.
Police said the bus driver claimed the red light was covered in snow."

Fat-fingered Level 3 techie reduces internet to level zero: Glitch knocks out connections • The Register

Fat-fingered Level 3 techie reduces internet to level zero: Glitch knocks out connections • The Register
"Fat-fingered Level 3 techie reduces internet to level zero: Glitch knocks out connections

Celebrates CenturyLink gobble by blacking out

A man passed out
A fat-fingered configuration blunder at Level 3 temporarily sent a chunk of internet connectivity in America and the wider world to level zero on Monday.
The global backbone provider admitted it was at fault for rolling outages that have plagued big patches of US this morning, West Coast time, particularly for Comcast subscribers. 
Netizens in Europe and Australia have, like their American cousins, reported problems accessing websites, viewing Twitter images, and so on, due to Level 3 breaking their routing....
A heat map of busted connectivity, produced by outage monitoring service DownDetecter, showed just how extensive the problem was in the Land of the Free earlier today:

Level 3 map with November 6 outage
Red is dead ... America's Level 3 outage map as of mid-day US Pacific Time
Level 3 is one of the trunk roads of the internet that links big networks: if it goes down, it takes nearly everyone else with it..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----CNN "Fish Feeding" Story Goes FULL LIBTARD ��


Early Comey Memo Accused Hillary Clinton Of 'Gross Negligence' Over Classified Emails | Daily Wire

Early Comey Memo Accused Hillary Clinton Of 'Gross Negligence' Over Classified Emails | Daily Wire:
Image result for flickr commons images james comey
"Sources who viewed both documents — the early drafts and the later statement, which Comey delivered in the summer of 2016 — say the the former document made reference to the possibility that Clinton might be criminally liable for using a private server based in her Chappaqua home to handle classified emails that passed through the Secretary of State's office."

AMERICAN HERO: Man Who Shot Texas Church Murderer Is An NRA Instructor | Daily Wire

HERO: Man Who Shot Texas Church Murderer Is An NRA Instructor | Daily Wire
"So much for those who want to vilify the NRA in the wake of the Texas massacre in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday: 
Stephen Willeford, the man who shot and chased the man who killed 26 people in a Texas church, is an NRA instructor
Willeford insisted, “I’m no hero; I am not. I think my God, my Lord, protected me and gave me the skills to do what needed to be done.”
On Monday, Willeford spoke to 40/29 News to tell his story. 
He had been in his bedroom when his daughter informed him she heard gunshots at the First Baptist Church nearby. 
While he got his rifle out of his safe, his daughter looked outside again. 
She ran back to her father and told him she saw a man in black tactical gear shooting up the church.
Willeford stated:
I didn’t have any time, because I kept hearing the shots, one after another, at a time, very rapid shots, just pop, pop, pop. And I knew every one of those shots represented someone, that it was aimed at someone, that they just weren’t random shots, more than likely. I grabbed a handful of ammunition and started loading my magazine..."
Read on! 

WAPO?!!-----12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election
It has been almost exactly one year since President Trump shocked the world by defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. 

And he might well do it again today.
Confronted with the events of the past 12 months and even Trump's unprecedented unpopularity — 59 percent disapprove of his presidency — a new poll shows that 2016 voters look as though they'd still pick Trump, albeit about as narrowly as they did before.
The Washington Post-ABC News poll asked respondents how they'd vote in a redo of the 2016 election, and, if anything, Clinton seems to have lost more ground than Trump. 
Among those who voted, 46 percent say they picked Clinton last year and 43 percent picked Trump — a slightly more favorable sample than the 2016 election, in which Clinton won the popular vote by two percentage points. 
But in a head-to-head rematch, Clinton's support drops even more than Trump's does, and they wind up in a 40-40 tie. 
Given that Trump overperformed in key, blue-leaning swing states, that means he'd probably have won again..."

#1 This day 1967-----LuLu (To Sir With Love)

Hollywood, ESPN and other debacles are ruling class fail: Glenn Reynolds

Hollywood, ESPN and other debacles are ruling class fail: Glenn Reynolds
"Our elites care more about what their peers think of them than about what they're supposed to be doing. 
No wonder so many institutions are failing.
Even David Brooks is admitting it:
“Our elites really do stink.”
And he’s right.
But why?
In part because they’re inbred, and care too much about each other’s opinions.
I’ve been watching a lot of institutions fail lately, from Hollywood, to the news media, to the NFL and ESPN, to political parties and academia, and I see a common factor.
The problem is that whatever job its members are supposed to be doing at the moment, our ruling class cares more about what the rest of the ruling class thinks about it, than about the job it’s supposed to be doing. 
The result, quite often, is a debacle..."
Read on!!

You ought to know!

NYC attack is an 'act of war': Zuhdi Jasser | Fox Business

NYC attack is an 'act of war': Zuhdi Jasser | Fox Business:

Image result for flickr commons images Zuhdi Jasser "“These are not lone wolves. These are part of a movement of millions around the planet that believe in attacking the West, that believes if we don’t believe in an Islamic state including us Muslims that are reformist and trying to counter the Jihad that we are always targets, that we are their enemy,” Jasser said."

Muskegon's Youth Millage would actually lead to $4.8 million CUT for area youth. You'll be amazed why. Learn the truth before you vote Nov 7th! | muskegonspotlight

Muskegon's Youth Millage would actually lead to $4.8 million CUT for area youth. You'll be amazed why. Learn the truth before you vote Nov 7th! | muskegonspotlight:
"Muskegon's Youth Millage would actually lead to $4.8 million CUT for area youth.
You'll be amazed why.
Learn the truth before you vote Nov 7th!
Suspicions have swirled around Muskegon County's "Youth Millage" with allegations the money will be diverted to pay for the new jail. While millage backers downplay such rumors, recently surfaced documents tell a different tale. Muskegon Spotlight has obtained a letter between the County Administrator and Board Chair Ben Cross that reveals this millage will do almost nothing for kids. 
Nearly all of the money raised will instead bailout the budget crisis caused by overspending on the jail..."
Read on!!

AM Fruitcake