Thursday, November 09, 2017

History for November 9

Image result for Elijah Lovejoy Quotes
History for November 9 -
Elijah Lovejoy 1802, Ed Wynn 1886, Spiro T. Agnew 1918
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Carl Sagan 1934, Mary Travers (Peter, Paul & Mary) 1936, Lou Ferrigno 1951
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1918 - Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II announced he would abdicate. He then fled to the Netherlands.
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1938 - Nazi troops and sympathizers destroyed and looted 7,500 Jewish businesses, burned 267 synagogues, killed 91 Jews, and rounded up over 25,000 Jewish men in an event that became known as Kristallnacht or "Night of Broken Glass."
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1961 - Major Robert White flew an X-15 rocket plane at a world record speed of 4,093 mph.
Image result for 1961 - Major Robert White flew an X-15

1961 - The Professional Golfer's Association (PGA) eliminated its "caucasians only" rule.
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1965 - The great Northeast blackout occurred as several states and parts of Canada were hit by a series of power failures lasting up to 13 1/2 hours.
Image result for The Great Blackout of 1965

1984 - A bronze statue titled "Three Servicemen," by Frederick Hart, was unveiled at the site of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.
Image result for bronze statue titled "Three Servicemen,"

1997 - Barry Sanders (Detroit Lions) became the first player in NFL history to rush for over 1,000 yards in nine straight seasons. In the same game Sanders passed former Dallas Cowboy Tony Dorsett for third place on the all-time rushing list.
Image result for Barry Sanders (Detroit Lions)

1998 - A federal judge in New York approved the richest antitrust settlement in U.S. history. A leading brokerage firm was ordered to pay $1.03 billion to investors who had sued over price-rigging of Nasdaq stocks.
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Wednesday, November 08, 2017



Spot Light of Corruption

By Tammy Derouin

Image result for free clip art Spot LightThe past couple of weeks have offered some revealing and long awaited information. From the DNC primary election results, to the Trump dossier, Uranium One and the IRS targeting scandal, we have been flooded with mind-blowing information and this is just what is being revealed right now. Much more is sure to come and many more scandals are waiting in the wings. The level of corruption should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans.

The amount of plot-worthy information is much more than even Hollywood requires for an action-packed political thriller. One scandal alone would have provided all the twists and turns, a trail of corruption, and that powerful climatic moment when it becomes undeniable as to where and with whom the evidence is implicating, to create the sensation needed for a box office success. But, don't call Tinsel Town just yet. They too are crumbling under their very own spot light of corruption.......

The way we were-----Gloria Gaynor - Never can say goodbye

Boob-tube-----Most Painful Fails on TV Show

GAME OVER: NFL Officials STUNNED at Empty Stadiums Over Weekend | The Sean Hannity Show

GAME OVER: NFL Officials STUNNED at Empty Stadiums Over Weekend | The Sean Hannity Show
"The National Football League continues to struggle with sagging ratings and empty stadiums as furious fans opted to stay home or change the channel over the weekend; raising alarm bells throughout the NFL as player protests continue their second month.
With television viewership down double digits, NFL owners and officials were stunned to see stadiums throughout the country at half capacity during kickoff, highlighting fans frustrations as players continue to “take a knee” during the performance of the ‘Star-Spangled Banner.’
Images of the empty arenas appeared on social media within minutes, with some in attendance pointing out “My estimate -2/3 empty at kickoff.”
Read on!

Democratic Senator Claims There Should Be A Ban On Domestic Abusers Getting Guns. There Already Is. | Daily Wire

Democratic Senator Claims There Should Be A Ban On Domestic Abusers Getting Guns. There Already Is. | Daily Wire:
On Monday, Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) published the following tweet:
The Atlantic’s senior editor, David Frum, tweeted a similar idea:

Crazy thought: lifetime gun ban for anyone who raises a hand against a woman or a child
The above tweets are the perfect illustration of progressive ignorance regarding the Second Amendment, guns, and gun laws.
As The Washington Free Beacon’s Alex Griswold points out, it’s already illegal for someone with a record of domestic abuse to purchase a firearm..."
Read on!

Mike Pence Responds To Mila Kunis Donating To Planned Parenthood In His Name | Daily Wire

Mike Pence Responds To Mila Kunis Donating To Planned Parenthood In His Name | Daily Wire:
Image result for flickr commons images Susan B. Anthony
"Last week, actress and dedicated soldier in the fight to take the lives of the innocent unborn, Mila Kunis announced that she donates to abortion mill Planned Parenthood under the name of pro-life Vice President Mike Pence.

Her "peaceful protest" earned ravenous applause from the liberal late-night crowd in front of whom she announced the abortion stunt, but those who value the sanctity of life were less enthused — with some even donating to pro-life and conservative groups in the actress' name."

FB and Google designing AI for our "benefit"?-----[H]ardOCP: Hawking: AI Could Be "Worst Event in the History of Our Civilization"

[H]ardOCP: Hawking: AI Could Be "Worst Event in the History of Our Civilization"
Image result for the terminator aiHawking: AI Could Be "Worst Event in the History of Our Civilization"
"Scientist Stephen Hawking warned AI could serve as the "worst event in the history of our civilization" unless humanity is prepared for its possible risks.
While AI could potentially undo damage done to the Earth and cure diseases, he notes that it may also spur the creation of powerful autonomous weapons of terror that could be used as a tool "by the few to oppress the many."
"Success in creating effective AI could be the biggest event in the history of our civilization, or the worst," he said.

Hawking called for more research in AI on how to best use the technology, as well as implored scientists to think about AI's impact. 
"Perhaps we should all stop for a moment and focus our thinking on not only making AI more capable and successful, but maximizing its societal benefit," he said.

What could possibly go wrong?-----Uber partners with NASA, plans to launch UberAIR in LA in 2020 - Roadshow

Uber partners with NASA, plans to launch UberAIR in LA in 2020 - Roadshow
"Is ride-sharing in the air just pie in the sky?
Image result for UberAIRUber doesn't think so.
The car-hailing company announced a partnership with NASA on Wednesday at Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal, to develop a plan for managing urban airspace.
The two have signed a Space Act Agreement, which will see Uber work together with federal agency and its other partners to make flying vehicles at a low altitude safe and viable.
The company also announced that it will launch its flying car service UberAIR in Los Angeles in 2020 -- just a year later than Blade Runner predicted.
...They are mainly being designed for cities, with the idea they will reduce congestion in urban centers..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media

Noon-toon-----Cartoon: Isn’t socialism wonderful? - NetRight Daily

Cartoon: Isn’t socialism wonderful? - NetRight Daily

Muslim College Student Who Lied About Trump Supporters Attacking Her On NY Subway Pleads Guilty | Daily Wire

Muslim College Student Who Lied About Trump Supporters Attacking Her On NY Subway Pleads Guilty | Daily Wire:
Image result for flickr commons images Subway in motion
"On Friday, Yasmin Seweid, 19, the Muslim college student at Baruch College who lied to police, telling them she had been harassed on the New York subway by white men who attempted to seize her hijab, pleaded guilty to falsely reporting an incident and disorderly conduct."

Muslim College Student Who Lied About Trump Supporters Attacking Her On NY Subway Pleads Guilty | Daily Wire

Muslim College Student Who Lied About Trump Supporters Attacking Her On NY Subway Pleads Guilty | Daily Wire:
"On Friday, Yasmin Seweid, 19, the Muslim college student at Baruch College who lied to police, telling them

  • she had been harassed on the New York subway by white men who attempted to seize her hijab, pleaded guilty to falsely reporting an incident and disorderly conduct.
  • Seweid had claimed the incident occurred on the No. 6 train on Dec. 1, 2016. 
  • She told The New York Daily News that three drunk white men screamed “Donald Trump!” and hurled anti-Islam slurs at her, then tried to rip her hijab off of her head. 
  • She stated, “I heard them say something very loudly, something about Donald Trump ... I also heard them say the word terrorist and I sort of got a little scared.” 
  • She added that they said, “Oh look, a (expletive) terrorist … Get the hell out of the country! You don’t belong here!” 
  • She said when she tried to ignore them, they pulled on her bag to get her attention and the strap broke. “That’s when I turned around and said ‘can you please leave me alone,’ and they started laughing,” she said.
  • Her story continued that she walked to the other end of the train; the men followed her and tried to pull off her hijab, yelling, “Take that thing off!” She said, “I put my hand on top of my head to hold it. Then I turned around and screamed ‘what the (expletive).’”
  • Seweid also took a swipe at President-elect Donald Trump, commenting, “The president-elect just promotes this stuff and is very anti-Muslim, very Islamophobic, and he’s just condoning it.”
  • Seweid’s father, informed of the supposed incident, said, “Nobody even offered to help an 18-year-old girl. That means something. Her phone was dying. You offer help — it doesn’t matter the race, religion, or the country.”

Image result for stop the liesDays later, Seweid went missing, prompting a search for her.
Seweid was arrested on December 14 on charges of filing a false report and obstructing governmental administration. 
Police sources stated Seweid lied because she didn’t want to get in trouble for breaking her curfew after being out late drinking with friends..."

We are doomed by dumbness-----Senator Menendez Juror Asks Trial Judge: ‘What Is a Senator?’

Senator Menendez Juror Asks Trial Judge: ‘What Is a Senator?’:
"On their first full day of jury deliberations at the bribery trial of Senator Robert Menendez, a juror asked the judge a basic question: What is a senator?
U.S. District Judge William Walls declined to answer the question, and he refused that juror’s request for a transcript of Monday’s closing argument by Menendez’s attorney, Abbe Lowell.
The panel had returned to the Newark, New Jersey, federal courthouse Tuesday after spending about 75 minutes deliberating the day before.
Walls told jurors that they should rely on their individual and collective memories to determine how to define a senator.
...The New Jersey Democrat is accused of taking bribes from Florida eye doctor Salomon Melgen in the form of private jet travel, a Paris vacation and campaign contributions in exchange for pushing the doctor’s business interests at the highest levels of the U.S. government.
Defense lawyers say they were just favors among good friends."

#1 This day 1978-----Donna Summer MacArthur Park

Jordan Candler: 'Bombshell' Climate Report, Part 5,743,865 — The Patriot Post

Jordan Candler: 'Bombshell' Climate Report, Part 5,743,865 — The Patriot Post
"On Friday, the fourth edition of the Climate Science Special Report was officially unveiled. 
In summary, “It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century,” according to the report. 
“For the warming over the last century, there is no convincing alternative explanation supported by the extent of the observational evidence.”
Recall back in August when The New York Times claimed to have procured a draft copy that it asserted “has not yet been made public.” 
This was false — the draft had long been up for public review, which the Times later clarified — but it helped support the premise supplied by the Times’ headline: “Scientists Fear Trump Will Dismiss Blunt Climate Report.”
As we reported at the time, this now-demonstrably fake news bolstered the narrative two-fold: 
  • It furthered the Times’ agenda of portraying Donald Trump as a Neanderthal who “could change or suppress the report” without the public’s knowledge, 
  • and it also helped portray ecofascists as brave whistleblowers who had no choice but to “leak” a report to save humanity
...Interestingly, not everyone on the Left agrees wholeheartedly with the report — and not because it lacks sensationalism. 
Even an Obama-era official is calling into question some of the report’s findings. Physicist Steven E. Koonin, former undersecretary of energy under Obama, addresses two specific issues in The Wall Street Journal, where he writes:
One notable example of alarm-raising is the description of sea-level rise, one of the greatest climate concerns. he report ominously notes that while global sea level rose an average 0.05 inch a year during most of the 20th century, it has risen at about twice that rate since 1993. 
But it fails to mention that the rate fluctuated by comparable amounts several times during the 20th century. 
The same research papers the report cites show that recent rates are statistically indistinguishable from peak rates earlier in the 20th century, when human influences on the climate were much smaller. The report thus misleads by omission."
This isn’t the only example of highlighting a recent trend but failing to place it in complete historical context. 
The report’s executive summary declares that U.S. heat waves have become more common since the mid-1960s, although acknowledging the 1930s Dust Bowl as the peak period for extreme heat. 
Yet buried deep in the report is a figure showing that heat waves are no more frequent today than in 1900..."
Read it all!

You ought to know!

Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down | Fox News

Image result for flickr commons images Trump TowerFusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down | Fox News:

"The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting involving Donald Trump Jr. and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya occurred during a critical period. At that time, Fox News has learned that bank records show Fusion GPS was paid by a law firm for work on behalf of a Kremlin-linked oligarch while paying a former British spy Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump through his Russian contacts. "

Cook County Jail in Chicago is out of control

Cook County Jail in Chicago is out of control
"The forces of law and order no longer control the streets of Chicago.  
Heck, they can't even control inmates in the jail.  
Civil order is collapsing.  
We learn that once incarcerated, the inmates are controlling the Cook County Jail and engaging in mass behavior so vile that public defenders are refusing to enter and meet their clients.
What follows is so disgusting that readers are cautioned to proceed only if psychologically able to face repulsive information.
Andy Grimm reports in the Chicago Sun-Times:
Masturbating inmates have become a common sight on the walk to and from holding cells where defense attorneys meet clients, and at the jail and in courthouse lockups. Last week, in a letter to Chief Judge Timothy Evans, Public Defender Amy Campanelli said her staff has reached a breaking point.
Amy Campanelli (Rich Hein, Sun-Times).
Campanelli declined to share a copy of the letter, but confirmed that she warned the judge that her staff won't visit the jail starting Nov. 6 unless he or Sheriff Tom Dart can offer up a solution.
A spokesman for Evans said Campanelli will have a chance to speak at a regularly scheduled judges' meeting that day.
"There have always been these incidents since I became a public defender," said Campanelli, who has been in the office for more than a decade. "But it's never been like it is today, where it's like the behavior we're seeing now, every day, or every other day. It's just become pervasive. We've tried everything."
Campanelli – who lauded Dart's efforts to combat the phenomenon – said nothing has worked. Her office provided a timeline dating back to October 2015, detailing attempts to deal with an increasing number of incidents. In letter obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times, Campanelli wrote to Dart in March, describing it as a "crisis" and calling for guards to be assigned to every lockup in the criminal courthouse.
"Of late, it has become a daily occurrence," she wrote. "Male detainees constantly expose themselves and masturbate while in the lockup behind the courtrooms."
The sheriff's policy director, Cara Smith, naturally minimizes the situation: "This is something that happens in custodial environments, period[.]"..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

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