Friday, November 10, 2017

History for November 10

Image result for Oliver Goldsmith Quotes
History for November 10 -
Martin Luther 1483 - German friar, Catholic priest, leader of the Protestant Reformation, Oliver Goldsmith 1728 - Novelist, playwright, poet, Russell Johnson 1924 - Actor ("Gilligan's Island")
Image result for Martin Luther QuotesImage result for Oliver Goldsmith QuotesImage result for russell johnson gilligan's island

Richard Burton 1925 - Actor, Roy Scheider 1932 - Actor ("Jaws"), Tim Rice 1944 - Lyricist
Image result for Richard BurtonImage result for Roy ScheiderImage result for Jesus Christ Super Star

1775 - The U.S. Marines were organized under authority of the Continental Congress. The Marines went out of existence after the end of the Revolutionary War in April of 1783. The Marine Corps were formally re-established on July 11, 1798. This day is observed as the birth date of the United States Marine Corps.
Image result for 1775 - The U.S. Marines were organized

1871 - Henry M. Stanley, journalist and explorer, found David Livingstone. Livingston was a missing Scottish missionary in central Africa. Stanley delivered his famous greeting: "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"
Image result for Henry M. Stanley, journalist and explorer, found David Livingstone.

1928 - Michinomiya Hirohito was enthroned as Emperor of Japan.
Image result for 1928 - Michinomiya Hirohito was enthroned as Emperor of Japan.

1954 - The Iwo Jima Memorial was dedicated in Arlington, VA.
Image result for 1954 - The Iwo Jima Memoria

1975 - The U.N. General Assembly approved a resolution that equated Zionism with racism. The resolution was repealed in December of 1991.

1975 - The Edmund Fitzgerald, an ore-hauling ship, and its crew of 29 vanished during a storm in Lake Superior.
Image result for Edmund Fitzgerald

1980 - CBS News anchor Dan Rather claimed he had been kidnapped in a cab. It turned out that Rather had refused to pay the cab fare.
Image result for liar

1982 - In Washington, DC, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was opened to visitors.
Image result for Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Thursday, November 09, 2017

WATCH: Donna Brazile Calls The Clinton Campaign A ‘Cult’ | Daily Wire

Image result for flickr commons images donna brazileWATCH: Donna Brazile Calls The Clinton Campaign A ‘Cult’ | Daily Wire:

"On Wednesday morning, former DNC chairman Donna Brazile, who had already lacerated Hillary Clinton, claiming the DNC made a deal with the Clinton campaign to give Clinton more power in exchange for financial backing, went much further, calling the Clinton campaign a “cult.”"

The way we were-----Lionel Richie - Hello

Boob-tube-----Classic Western TV Show Intros / Openings 1950s, 60s

Capitalism Makes People Taller - The Liberty Review

Capitalism Makes People Taller - The Liberty Review:
"...After the Korean War, a three-year tussle between capitalism and communism ending in a stalemate, the South was left shattered with income per head on par with the poorest parts of Africa.
Life was such a struggle some people even defected to the North, which under its founder Kim il-Sung and with Soviet backing was more prosperous than its southern rival.
Yet, within my lifetime, this place has gone from poverty to prosperity at unprecedented speed, now even exceeding average wealth in the European Union.
...But the real sign of progress and true indicator of the dynamism of capitalism comes not in the mega-city itself but those well-educated people walking the streets.
I towered over those old ladies in the restaurant – I’m at least a foot taller than many of their generation.
Yet when I strolled back to my hotel through an area thronged with younger people, many of those in their twenties and thirties didn’t fall too far short of my six-foot-one height (or 1.85 meters).
Indeed, I looked straight into the eyes of many of those I passed while walking through Jongo-gu and the Gwanghwamun financial district.
For South Korea has not only grown rapidly richer but rapidly taller.
A report last year, led by Imperial College, London, tracked global heights over the past century and found the average for women shot up by a remarkable 20.2 cm, faster than any other of the 200 nationalities studied.
Today the average female height in South Korea is 1.62 meters – only two centimeters smaller than British women and not that far behind Latvians, who at 1.7 meters are the world’s tallest females.
A century ago South Korean men were 150th tallest on the planet; today, they are 99 places higher in the global league table..."

It ain't SUVs. It's a volcano!-----'Mantle plume' as hot as Yellowstone supervolcano melting Antarctic sheet

'Mantle plume' as hot as Yellowstone supervolcano melting Antarctic sheet
"Antarctica is getting a little hot under the collar.
Just under the frozen wasteland of the world's coldest continent are some seriously hot rocks, which are helping to melt its ice sheet and create lakes and rivers, a study found. 
How hot?
Try 1,800 degrees.
The heat produced by the scorching hot rocks — officially known as a mantle plume — was measured at 150 milliwatts per square meter.
That's not far from the heat produced under Yellowstone National Park, which is measured at about 200 milliwatts per square meter.
...Study lead author Helene Seroussi of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory thought it was "crazy" that it would be there: "I didn't see how we could have that amount of heat and still have ice on top of it," she said..."
Read on!

FAKE NEWS: MSNBC Panel Lies About Hero That Stopped Texas Church Massacre | Daily Wire

FAKE NEWS: MSNBC Panel Lies About Hero That Stopped Texas Church Massacre | Daily Wire:

"A panel on MSNBC’s Meet the Press Daily on Tuesday made false claims about the man who stopped the Texas church shooter in Sutherland Springs, Texas on Sunday.
New York Times reporter Yamiche Alcindor and host Chuck Todd falsely claimed that NRA instructor Stephen Willeford did not shoot at the Texas church shooter and did not stop his rampage."

America's 'Retail Apocalypse' Is Really Just Beginning - Slashdot

America's 'Retail Apocalypse' Is Really Just Beginning - Slashdot
"An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg:
The so-called retail apocalypse has become so ingrained in the U.S. that it now has the distinction of its own Wikipedia entryThe industry's response to that kind of doomsday description has included blaming the media for hyping the troubles of a few well-known chains as proof of a systemic meltdown. There is some truth to that. In the U.S., retailers announced more than 3,000 store openings in the first three quarters of this year. But chains also said 6,800 would close. And this comes when there's sky-high consumer confidence, unemployment is historically low and the U.S. economy keeps growing. Those are normally all ingredients for a retail boom, yet more chains are filing for bankruptcy and rated distressed than during the financial crisis. That's caused an increase in the number of delinquent loan payments by malls and shopping centers. The reason isn't as simple as Inc. taking market share or twenty-somethings spending more on experiences than things. The root cause is that many of these long-standing chains are overloaded with debt -- often from leveraged buyouts led by private equity firms..."Read on!

Trump dossier use by FBI decried by Carter Page in questioning - Washington Times

Trump dossier use by FBI decried by Carter Page in questioning - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images Trey Gowdy"The congressional testimony of Trump-Russia figure Carter Page shows that a Democratic-financed dossier can dominate how FBI agents question witnesses.
Mr. Page testified Nov. 2 before the House intelligence committee, which released a transcript Monday evening.
Rep. Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Republican, was particularly interested in how the FBI is conducting its probe of supposed Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.
“So what were the questions the FBI had for you?” Mr. Gowdy said."

Lunch video-----Protesters 'Scream At The Sky' On Anniversary Of Trump Election

"Thousands “Scream helplessly at the Sky on the Anniversary of the Election” in Washington Square Park Wednesday night to mark one year since President Trump's victory."


CBO: Repealing Obamacare mandate saves $338B - Washington Times

CBO: Repealing Obamacare mandate saves $338B - Washington Times:

Image result for free clip art money bags"Repealing Obamacare’s mandate to hold insurance would result in 13 million fewer people holding insurance but save taxpayers $338 billion over the coming decade, formal scorekeepers said Wednesday in an analysis that could reshape the GOP’s push to overhaul the tax code.
The Congressional Budget Office said most insurance markets would remain stable without the mandate and its tax penalty on people who shirk coverage. But premiums would rise by an average of 10 percent in most years of the coming decade, because healthier people would be less likely to buy insurance, and the resulting rate hikes would chase more people away."

LIARS!!-----Pension Panic In Paradise: Maui Residents Outraged Over 52% Spike In Pension Contributions

Pension Panic In Paradise: Maui Residents Outraged Over 52% Spike In Pension Contributions
"Earlier this year, Maui County residents in the island state of Hawaii were somewhat less than ecstatic to learn that their property taxes were going to increase by approximately $29.7 million for fiscal 2018.  
According to County Council member statements at the time, the additional funding was needed to help provide better public services for Maui residents.
That said, fast forward just a few months and it looks like a substantial portion of those tax increases won't go to provide better public services for Maui residents at all but rather will be plowed into the state's massively underwater pension fund... 
Meanwhile, as we've pointed out multiple times before, the victims of Hawaii's ponzi failure will inevitably be the kids as funding gets diverted from public schools and into the pockets of a few retired public employees..."
Read on!

What could possibly go wrong?-----Self-driving shuttle crashes in Las Vegas hours after launch | Fox News

Self-driving shuttle crashes in Las Vegas hours after launch | Fox News
"A driverless shuttle in Las Vegas crashed Wednesday after it was launched only hours earlier.
The shuttle crashed just before noon not far from the Las Vegas Strip, less than two hours after officials held an unveiling ceremony to promote the vehicle.

#1 This day 1980-----Lady - Kenny Rogers

It must be a spoof... but it's not!-----‘What. In. The. Actual. F*ck?!?!’ There is NO topping USA Today’s ‘look’ at Devin Kelley’s rifle –

‘What. In. The. Actual. F*ck?!?!’ There is NO topping USA Today’s ‘look’ at Devin Kelley’s rifle –
"There have been plenty of awful anti-gun takes following the horrific, deadly shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, but this one from USA Today … this one’s in a league of its own:
Think it’s a joke? It’s not:
It’s real … and it’s spectacularly insane:
Sweet mother of pearl.

You ought to know!

Journalist pay questioned in Russian dossier court cases - Washington Times

Journalist pay questioned in Russian dossier court cases - Washington Times:

"The role of reporters is taking on added importance in federal court battles over the infamous Russia dossier that leveled unverified charges of collusion against the Donald Trump campaign.
Image result for flickr commons images russian flagIn U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Fusion GPS, the dossier’s financier via the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign money, is fighting a House committee chairman’s bid to find out if the opposition research firm paid journalists.
In U.S. District Court in Florida, a self-described dossier victim wants a judge to order the news website BuzzFeed, which published the dossier in full, to disclose who gave it to them.
The cases underscore how a Moscow-sourced memorandum created as opposition research against Donald Trump in the presidential campaign last year often dictates the debate about politics and reporters’ rights in Washington."

Protecting the race baiters?-----Hate Crime Hoax: Air Force Cadet Admits To Faking Racial Crime

usafaHate Crime Hoax: Air Force Cadet Admits To Faking Racial Crime
"A black Air Force cadet has admitted to writing racial slurs targeting blacks attempting to generate hate crime outrage. 
...Officials said the cadet admitted to being behind the racist messages that appeared outside the doors of five black cadets’ rooms, KMGH-ABC reported. 
The Air Force Academy has also confirmed that the cadet responsible for the messages is no longer at the school, but they failed to clearly state whether or not he left of his own free will...
...Hate crimes should not be tolerated, but neither should faking them. 
According to the Daily Wire, a similar incident happened just last week
An African American man alleged that someone wrote racial slurs all over his car when he was the one who wrote the slurs. 
The man, 21-year-old Dauntarius Williams, came forward and admitted that he staged the entire event..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake