Saturday, November 11, 2017

Terry Kelly - A Pittance of Time (Official Version)

AM Fruitcake

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History for November 11

Image result for George Patton Quotes
History for November 11 -
Fyodor Dostoyevsky 1821 - Novelist, short story writer, journalist, Thomas Aldrich 1870, George Patton 1885
Image result for From Fyodor Dostoevsky QuotesImage result for Thomas Aldrich QuotesImage result for George Patton Quotes

Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 1922, Jonathan Winters 1925, Demi Moore 1962
Image result for Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. catch 22Image result for Jonathan WintersImage result for demi moore young

1620 - The Mayflower Compact was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower when they landed in what is now Provincetown Harbor near Cape Cod. The compact called for "just and equal laws."
Image result for Mayflower Compact

1831 - Nat Turner, a slave and educated minister, was hanged in Jerusalem, VA, after inciting a violent slave uprising.
Image result for Nat Turner, a slave and educated minister, was hanged

1851 - The telescope was patented by Alvan Clark.
Image result for 1851 - The telescope was patented by Alvan Clark.

1918 - World War I came to an end when the Allies and Germany signed an armistice. This day became recognized as Veteran's Day in the United States.
Image result for 1918 - World War I came to an end when the Allies and Germany signed an armistice.

1921 - The Tomb of the Unknowns was dedicated at Arlington Cemetery in Virginia by U.S. President Harding.
Image result for 1921 - The Tomb of the Unknowns was dedicated at Arlington Cemetery

1938 - Kate Smith first sang Irving Berlin's "God Bless America" on network radio.
Image result for 1938 - Kate Smith first sang Irving Berlin's "God Bless America"

1940 - The Jeep made its debut.
Image result for 1940 - The Jeep made its debut.

1993 - In Washington, DC, the Vietnam Women's Memorial was dedicated to honor the more than 11,000 women who had served in the Vietnam War.
Image result for Vietnam Women's Memorial was dedicated

Friday, November 10, 2017

Donald Trump & Mueller Investigation – Embarrassment to America | National Review

Image result for flickr commons images Alice In WonderlandDonald Trump & Mueller Investigation – Embarrassment to America | National Review:

"And finally, in this Alice in Wonderland sequence, Comey confirmed to the Senate Intelligence Committee that he had assured President Trump three times, starting on January 27, ten weeks after the FBI took over the Steele dossier from the failed Clinton campaign, that Mr. Trump was not a suspect of any wrongdoing."

The way we were-----Vera Lynn: The White Cliffs of Dover

"Defies Everything We Thought We Knew" --Star Explodes as Supernova 50 Years Ago, Explodes Again in 2014 - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel

"Defies Everything We Thought We Knew" --Star Explodes as Supernova 50 Years Ago, Explodes Again in 2014 - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel:
Image result for Star Explodes as Supernova 50 Years Ago"It's the celestial equivalent of a horror movie villain--a star that wouldn't stay dead. 
An international team of astronomers including Carnegie's Nick Konidaris and Benjamin Shappee discovered a star that exploded multiple times over a period of 50 years.
The finding, published by Nature, completely confounds existing knowledge of a star's end of life, and Konidaris' instrument-construction played a crucial role in analyzing the phenomenon.
...This analysis indicated that the explosion was what's called a type II-P supernova, and everything about the discovery seemed normal. 
Until, that is, a few months later when the supernova started getting brighter again..."
Read on!

Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party -- Dinesh D’Souza on the Clinton Foundation | National Review

Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party -- Dinesh D’Souza on the Clinton Foundation | National Review:
Image result for Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation."In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of “billions of dollars.” 
Two months later, the Haitians were at it again, accusing the Clintons of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft.
And in May 2015, they were back, this time outside New York’s Cipriani, where Bill Clinton received an award and collected a $500,000 check for his foundation.
“Clinton, where’s the money?” the Haitian signs read.
“In whose pockets?” Said Dhoud Andre of the Commission Against Dictatorship, “We are telling the world of the crimes that Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible for in Haiti.”..."
Read on!

Donna Brazile's book accidentally reveals what the Democratic Party really thinks about women

Donna Brazile's book accidentally reveals what the Democratic Party really thinks about women:

Image result for Wagging Finger Clip Art"From Albright to Steinem to Brazile, this is not a very respectful way to look at the intelligence of women. It is all the more insulting that these appeals to a childish brand of blind loyalty were dragged out on behalf of such a woman as Hillary Clinton – entitled, arrogant, incompetent, dishonest, and after losing the prize she felt was rightly hers, to the naked eye increasingly unhinged.

After attempting to cajole women into believing they were obliged to vote for Clinton, now Brazile is scapegoating them as a key reason why the Democrats lost."

Alarming number of Baltimore high schools had zero students proficient in math, study shows – TheBlaze

Alarming number of Baltimore high schools had zero students proficient in math, study shows – TheBlaze:
Image result for something wrong"A new project that analyzed 2017 state testing data found that one-third of Baltimore, Maryland, high schools have zero students proficient in math.
What are the numbers?
Project Baltimore found that 13 out of 39 high schools in the city had zero students that were proficient in math, according to the testing data. 
Another six schools only had 1 percent of their student body who tested proficient in math.
In plain numbers, in half the high schools in Baltimore, out of the 3,804 students who took the state test, a mere 14 were proficient in math.
What’s worse, in 2016, six Baltimore schools had zero students test proficient in any state test, which included math and English.
What’s the solution?..."
Read on!

Majority of Medical Marijuana Products Have Mislabeling Issues: Study | PerfScience

Image result for totally bogusMajority of Medical Marijuana Products Have Mislabeling Issues: Study | PerfScience:
"Nearly two-third of Medical marijuana products suffer from mislabeling, as per a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
While medical marijuana marketers claim positive impact of products for chronic pain, seizures, PTSD and many other ailments, the labeling of products is correct only in 31 percent of the cases evaluated by the study team..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----The Best Way to Train Yor Brain: A Game


California police chief could lose job for following federal immigration law – TheBlaze

California police chief could lose job for following federal immigration law – TheBlaze:
Image result for flickr commons images Police Lights
"Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick is now the subject of an internal affairs investigation after she helped federal agents arrest an illegal immigrant. Why is she in such hot water? Because Oakland is a sanctuary city.

What’s the backstory?"

This is bigotry and hate?-----East Grand Rapids mayor responds to white supremacy fliers placed around city |

East Grand Rapids mayor responds to white supremacy fliers placed around city |
"East Grand Rapids Mayor Amna Seibold has condemned white supremacy statements that were printed on fliers and posted around the city over the weekend of Nov. 4.
Seibold released a statement on social media late in the  afternoon on Sunday, Nov. 5, and addressed the fliers during a City Commission meeting the following day.
The signs, which read, "It's okay to be white," included a link to a white nationalist blog.
"We want to make this very clear. 
We do not agree or support the sentiments of these messages; racism has no place in our community," Seibold said.
"If I sound upset, it's because I am. 
Because these people came in, whoever they are, whoever the culprits are, they tried to upset our community and we're stronger than that," she said.
Many of the city commissioners shared in the mayor's feelings.
"It's obvious to me that our community was the target of an outrageous, and I mean that, an outrageous act of bigotry and hatred," Commissioner Brian Miller said. 
"It's the ultimate cowardice to distribute these messages in the dark of night."

8 facts behind the Edmund Fitzgerald's final hours |

8 facts behind the Edmund Fitzgerald's final hours |
"When the Edmund Fitzgerald sank to the bottom of Lake Superior amid a fierce storm on Nov. 10, 1975, the most gut-wrenching loss was its entire crew - all 29 men aboard who went down with the famed freighter.
But the wreck of the 729-foot "laker" was also a $24 million loss of an engineering marvel - a ship considered a Great Lakes workhorse as it racked up seasonal records for its cargo-hauling abilities.
Below are some of the often-forgotten facts about the ship whose demise has become a tragic Lake Superior legend..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1993-----Meat Loaf I'd Do Anything For Love But I Won't Do That

Instapundit » Blog Archive » CARL ARBOGAST: Observe How The Media Describes Stephen Willeford’s Firearm Vs. Devin Kelley. No…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » CARL ARBOGAST: Observe How The Media Describes Stephen Willeford’s Firearm Vs. Devin Kelley. No…:
NOVEMBER 9, 2017
"Notice what Willeford is using?(The Texas hero) 
Image result for Stephen WillefordA rifle. 
A gun.
What they don’t tell you is Willeford used an AR-15.
That’s right. 
One of those “military-style assault weapons” they’re always crowing about.
Do you see how it is? 
Nearly every story about Kelley (the Texas mass murderer) talked about the type of gun he used and naturally, the stories were punctuated by describing the gun as “military style” and an “assault weapon.” 
But Willeford just used a gun. 
Or a rifle.
Here’s a Google search of “Devin Kelley military style” and just look at the host of stories that come up describing his rifle that way.
Should we expect anything different from the press?"

You ought to know!

Pro-life lawmakers push for legislation to protect medical providers who refuse to perform abortions – TheBlaze

Pro-life lawmakers push for legislation to protect medical providers who refuse to perform abortions – TheBlaze:
Image result for flickr commons images Baby hand/feet
"Pro-life lawmakers renewed a push Wednesday for legislation they say would protect medical professionals who refuse to perform abortion procedures as a matter of conscience.

What would the bill do?"

AM Fruitcake

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