Sunday, November 19, 2017

AM Fruitcake

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History for November 19

Image result for indira gandhi quotes
History for November 19 -
James Garfield (U.S.) 1831, Indira Gandhi 1917, Alan Young 1919
Image result for James Garfield QuotesImage result for Indira GandhiImage result for Alan Young

Larry King 1933, Dick Cavett 1936, Ted Turner 1938
Image result for larry king quotesImage result for Dick Cavett quotesImage result for ted turner quotes

1863 - U.S. President Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address as he dedicated a national cemetery at the site of the Civil War battlefield in Pennsylvania.
Image result for President Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address

1928 - "Time" magazine presented its cover in color for the first time. The subject was Japanese Emperor Hirohito.
Image result for "Time" magazine presented its cover in color for the first time. The subject was Japanese Emperor Hirohito.

1942 - During World War II, Russian forces launched their winter offensive against the Germans along the Don front.
Image result for Russian forces launched their winter offensive against the Germans along the Don front.

1959 - Ford Motor Co. announced it was ending the production of the unpopular Edsel.
Image result for nounced it was ending the production of the unpopular Edsel.

1970 - Hafiz al-Assad seized power in Syria.
Image result for 1970 - Hafiz al-Assad seized power in Syria.

1998 - The impeachment inquiry of U.S. President Clinton began.
Image result for impeachment inquiry of U.S. President Clinton began.

2002 - The U.S. government completed its takeover of security at 424 airports nationwide.
Image result for tsa fail

2007 - The Amazon Kindle was first released.
Image result for 2007 - The Amazon Kindle

Saturday, November 18, 2017

20 YEARS LATE: Vox Columnist Admits Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned Over Sex Scandals | Daily Wire

20 YEARS LATE: Vox Columnist Admits Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned Over Sex Scandals | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images bill clinton"After Hillary Clinton’s presidential loss, it became both convenient and useful to discard her alleged sexual predator spouse — a man the media feted repeatedly last year as a halcyon of decency. Now, Bill could safely be relegated to the semen-stained ashbin of history.

And so Bill Clinton has become the Barry Bonds of politics: a once-celebrated superhero, now disgraced. This week, a New York Times columnist said she believed Juanita Broaddrick, who first accused Clinton of rape some 25 years ago; The Atlantic also ran a better think piece talking about Clinton’s status as a suspected predator."

The way we were-----The Skyliners - Since I Don't Have You

Boob-tube-----Los Angeles Kiddie Show hosts 1961

Class aims to rid students of ‘racist, classist, heterosexist, ableist, privileged attitudes’ - The College Fix

Class aims to rid students of ‘racist, classist, heterosexist, ableist, privileged attitudes’ - The College Fix:
"New course at San Diego State called ‘Cultural Competency’
Image result for “white racial consciousness” memeA new class rolled out at San Diego State University this semester aims to “eliminate the racist, classist, sexist, heterosexist, ableist and privileged attitudes” on campus, according to an email sent to students about the course.
The class, called “Foundations of Cultural Competency in a Changing World,” is taught by Professor Tanis Starck, also director of San Diego State’s Office of Intercultural Relations.
According to the syllabus, obtained by The College Fix after filing a public records act request, students are expected to examine their race, culture, sexual orientation and other identities and compare them to others.
...One segment of white people who have achieved “white racial consciousness” is described in the book as a “dominative type.”...
Read on!

Man Behind Famous Obama Painting Does 1 for Trump… The Difference Is Undeniable

Man Behind Famous Obama Painting Does 1 for Trump… The Difference Is Undeniable
"...Painter Jon McNaughton decided to honor the president by doing a new painting.
According to Conservative Tribune, in the past, Jon painted a photo of former President Barack Obama.
However, his painting was very different to the one with Donald Trump.

Back in 2010, McNaughton painted Obama together with all the former presidents around the White House.
Near him, there is a bench with a person that Obama always tended to forget. 
Also, Obama was standing on top of the United States Constitution.

With this painting, the painter wanted to show that Obama was always turning his back on millions of Americans and how he always went around the Constitution.
On the other side, McNaughton painted Donald Trump surrounded by several members of his administration, including Secretary of Defense James Mattis.
This time the “forgotten man” is being given some water. Instead of standing on the Constitution, he painted Trump stepping on a snake.

Read on!

REPORT: Obama DOJ Prosecuted Less Than 1% Of Criminals Who Tried To Buy Guns Illegally | Daily Wire

REPORT: Obama DOJ Prosecuted Less Than 1% Of Criminals Who Tried To Buy Guns Illegally | Daily Wire:
Image result for flickr commons images obama
"Over 100,000 convicted felons attempted to illegally purchase firearms each year during President Barack Obama’s eight years in the oval office, and the Obama administration did virtually nothing about it.

The Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) only "considered prosecuting" approximately 30 to 40 convicted felons per year who attempted to illegally purchase firearms — roughly .04%, the Daily Caller News Foundation reported.

Key findings from the DCNF’s investigative report include:"

Fiji cash to Polish coal

Fiji cash to Polish coal
"COP 23, the UN climate conference in Bonn, Germany, ended with a coal-powered whimper.
The point of the meeting was to write the rule book for the Paris Climate Agreement that President Obama signed the U.S. onto.
President Trump then declared that the U.S. would exit Paris and make no future payments to the UN's Green Climate Fund upon which President Obama lavished $1 billion on his way out the door.
Image result for all about the moneyParis calls for developed nations such as the U.S., Europeans, Japan, Canada and Australia to redistribute $100 billion starting in 2020.  
That doesn't seem very likely.  
China and India don't have to pay, by the way.
The island nation of Fiji chaired the COP and joined a host of poor countries in calling for the cash to start flowing.  
They wanted "accelerated payments" even before Paris begins.  
That money is, after all, the reason the poor nations signed on.
They also want the developed world to assume liability for their "loss and damage" when they experience weather-related losses.  
It is important that we never agree to pay compensation for what, in reality, are naturally occurring weather events.  
President Trump and the U.S. team were effective here in leading Europe and the rest in once again keeping loss and damage out the Paris Agreement..."
Read on!

Baby Boomer Excess Led to Hubris, Cultural Decay | National Review

Baby Boomer Excess Led to Hubris, Cultural Decay | National Review
"Our Baby Boomer elites, mired in excess and safe in their enclaves, have overseen the decay of our core cultural institutions.
Since the Trojan War, generations have always trashed their own age in comparison to ages past.
The idea of fated decadence and decline was a specialty of 19th-century German philosophy. 
...Nonetheless, the so-called Baby Boomers have a lot to account for — given the sorry state of entertainment, sports, the media, and universities.
The Harvey Weinstein episode revealed two generational truths about Hollywood culture.

See related image detail
  • One, the generation that gave us the free-love and the anything-goes morals of Woodstock discovered that hook-up sex was “contrary to nature.” ...Somehow a demented Harvey Weinstein got into his head that the fantasy women in his movies who were customarily portrayed as edgy temptresses and promiscuous sirens were reflections of the way women really were in Los Angeles and New York — or the way that he thought they should be. It was almost as if Weinstein sought to become as physically repulsive and uncouth as possible — all the better to humiliate (through beauty-and-the-beast asymmetry) the vulnerable and attractive women he coerced. 
  • Two, Weinstein reminded us, especially in his eleventh-hour medieval appeals for clemency by way of PC attacks on the NRA and Donald Trump, that mixing politics with art was, as our betters warned, always a self-destructive idea. ...How many times can a good-looking, young, green progressive crusader expose a corporate pollution plot, or battle a deranged band of southern-twangy Neanderthals, South African racists, or Russian tattooed thugs, or a deep-state CIA cabal in sunglasses and shiny suits?...
Political correctness has become Maoist: All art must serve progressive struggle, defined in Hollywood as good race and gender warriors pitted against bad racists and sexists.
Political correctness has become Maoist: All art must serve progressive struggle, defined in Hollywood as good race and gender warriors pitted against bad racists and sexists.
The result is monotony and boredom.
All the cleavage, flexed biceps, cheap obscenity, rap-music scores, and car crashes cannot hide that lack of an idea.
This generation’s NFL apparat, the ESPN commentariat, and the higher-education administrative cadre also reveal generational symptoms of exhaustion..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----What's the Truth About the First Thanksgiving?


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Hillary voters turn on Bill Clinton, say accusations against him are 'credible' - Washington Times

Hillary voters turn on Bill Clinton, say accusations against him are 'credible' - Washington Times:
Image result for flickr commons images Bill and Hillary Clinton
"A majority of Hillary Clinton voters say the sexual misconduct accusations against Bill Clinton are “credible,” according to a new poll.
The Huffington Post/YouGov survey released on Wednesday found 53 percent of those who voted for the former first lady believe the allegations against her husband have merit. Eleven percent say the accusations are “not credible,” and 36 percent are not sure or need more information."

A worthy and frightening read from Steve Russo - Democrats Have A New Plan To Oust Trump Using New Ethics Rules...

Steve Russo - Democrats Have A New Plan To Oust Trump Using New...:
"Democrats Have A New Plan To Oust Trump Using New Dem Ethics Rules On Sexual Harassment
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and suitIf you thought that it was weird, that all of a sudden, democrats are throwing the Clinton's under the sexual predator bus, and now, Al Franken is becoming a political pariah, it's not your imagination. 
The party of sexual predators which includes the likes of Ted Kennedy, Anthony Weiner and of course Bill Clinton, suddenly has decided to expose and eliminate anyone who ever touched, harassed or worse and who has so much looked at a woman the wrong way.
But why now? 
And the answer is simple.
The democrats are inventing a new way to impeach Trump.
Bill Clinton and Al Franken's career are collateral damage for the Dems on the way to getting Trump. Bill and Hillary are yesterday's news now.
They are like the obnoxious couple that refuses to go home after the party is over.
They have way too much baggage and truth be told, Hillary lost!
And Democrats are getting tired of hearing about Bill's endless sexual assaults and rapes and affairs, for which the democrats defended and made excuses for, for over 30 years.
Al Franken is the sacrificial lamb.
He will be asked to go in order to establish the democrat’s new rule – if you did scummy things before elected, you’re gone.
This, of course, is simply to justify the request that Trump must go due to past indiscretions, of which they will manufacture more.
They’re likely out hunting for Trump sexual harassment victims right now, grooming them down to a ’T’ before parading them out for introduction by a waiting and pre-prepped mainstream media..."
Read on!!

Must read!--Many stories here-----What were the things Soviets were told about the world outside the Iron Curtain? - Quora

(2) What were the things Soviets were told about the world outside the Iron Curtain? - Quora
Bruce Mode, former Medical Product Support and Development-Answered Aug 14
"In 1976 pilot Viktor Belenko defected from the Soviet Union by stealing a top secret MIG 25P Foxbat and landing it at a Japanese airport.
He announced he wanted to go to the US.
He later said in his debriefings that they had to regularly attend propaganda courses that said US citizens lived in even worse conditions than they did… that they at least had potatoes to eat whereas they were shown American homeless living in the streets as being commonplace and the ‘norm’ in capitalist America.
Belenko said he and his comrades all doubted what they were told.
One obvious contradiction was they were told how the Communist party in America was ‘persecuted’ but they wondered in silence that if America was so repressive then how could they even ‘allow’ a Communist party?
The Soviet Union would never allow any other parties to exist.
When Belenko first came to the US, I believe it was Washington DC, he was being driven from the airport to meet with dignitaries at the capitol.
He said as they drove down the busy and bustling streets he made the car stop on several occasions to check to make sure the buildings were not ‘props’ set up for his benefit like with Hollywood movie sets, as they were told in the propaganda classrooms. 
He couldn’t believe they were not.
He made them stop at several supermarkets too thinking they were props that were actually fakes, as they were also told. 
He said he could not believe what he was seeing.
He was in shock. 
The amount of food and choices available to the average citizen was staggering when compared to what the Soviet citizens had access to. 
It was cognitive dissonance writ large."

#1 This day 1959-----*The Fleetwoods* - Mr Blue

What could possibly go wrong?-----This Michigan Bank Just Brought Back The Zero-Down Mortgage; They'll Even Cover Your Closing Costs | Zero Hedge

FlagstarThis Michigan Bank Just Brought Back The Zero-Down Mortgage; They'll Even Cover Your Closing Costs | Zero Hedge:
"A small savings bank in Michigan, Flagstar Bank, has come up with a genius, innovative new mortgage product that they believe is going to be great for their investors and low-income housing buyers: the "zero-down mortgage."  
What's better, Flagstar is even offering to pay the closing costs of their low-income future mortgage debtors.
...The Flagstar program is available in 18 counties in Michigan, and could be used for certain homes in Detroit and Flint, along with other cities.
Of course, we would highly encourage Flagstar to take a look back into ancient history for case studies on what happened the last time banks started peddling "innovative" mortgage products.  
Here's a summary of the Lehman Brothers case study:
Ironically, South Park also did some fascinating research on the topic:

You ought to know!

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Now The Dems Have a 'Russian Problem | The Daily Caller

Now The Dems Have a 'Russian Problem | The Daily Caller:

"Suddenly it’s the Democrats who have a serious Russia problem.
Image result for flicker commons images hillary clinton
Democratic fingerprints are all over a growing number of Russia-related scandals, including payments to Fusion GPS for its Russian-sourced Trump dossier, lobbying on behalf of Russia’s largest bank to lift economic sanctions, former President Barack Obama’s administration’s approval of the sale of Uranium One to Russia, and giving twenty percent of America’s uranium reserves to Moscow."

University of Oklahoma 'Gender Ally Program' instructs trainees in eight different sets of pronouns - The College Fix

University of Oklahoma 'Gender Ally Program' instructs trainees in eight different sets of pronouns - The College Fix:
"Learn how to conjugate ‘any type of pronoun’!
An LGBT “ally” program at the University of Oklahoma offers students eight possible pronouns to use while interacting with peers, presenting the options in a chart that includes words such as “persself” and “eir.”
The university’s LGBT Ally Program Resource Guide, a 40-page handbook offered through the school’s Gender + Equality Center, gives students nearly ten options to use when addressing their schoolmates.
In addition to the standard “he” and “she” pronouns, students can choose from “ze,” “sie/zie,” “zie,” “ey” and “per.” 
“They,” a traditionally plural pronoun that has been repurposed as a gender-neutral singular pronoun in recent years, is also listed.
The chart helpfully lists the conjugates of each pronoun. 
“Zie,” for instance, is listed as “zie / zir / zir / zirs / zirself” for its subjective, objective, possessive adjective, possessive pronoun and reflexive declensions.
Readers are also given helpful pronunciation tips for each pronoun. 
“Zirself,” for example, is listed as “zereself.”
 Via screenshot / The University of Oklahoma
The list is not meant to be exhaustive. 
“Many other” pronouns exist, the resource guide says, but the chart “should help you conjugate any type of pronoun.”
“When in doubt,” the guide advises, “ask.”