Monday, November 20, 2017

AM Fruitcake

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History for November 20

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History for November 20 -
Edwin Hubble 1889 - American astronomer, Alistair Cooke 1908 - British journalist, television personality. Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) 1925 - Politician
Image result for Edwin HubbleImage result for Alistair CookeImage result for Robert F. Kennedy Quotes

Joe Biden 1942 - U.S. Vice President, Duane Allman 1946 - Musician (Allman Brothers), Bo Derek 1956 - Actress ("10")
Image result for Joe Biden creepImage result for Duane AllmanImage result for Bo Derek Braids

1818 - Simon Bolivar formally declared Venezuela independent of Spain.
Image result for Simon Bolivar Quotes

1943 - During World War II, U.S. Marines began their landing on Tarawa and Makin atolls in the Gilbert Islands.
Image result for Marines began their landing on Tarawa and Makin atolls in the Gilbert Islands.

1947 - Britain's Princess Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh in Westminster Abbey.
Image result for Britain's Princess Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten

1962 - The Cuban Missile Crisis ended. The Soviet Union removed its missiles and bombers from Cuba and the U.S. ended its blockade of the island.
Image result for 1962 - The Cuban Missile Crisis ended

1967 - The Census Clock at the Department of Commerce in Washington, DC, went past 200 million.
Image result for Us Population Clock

1980 - On Jefferson Island, Louisiana, an oil rig in Lake Pigneur pierced the top of the salt dome beneath the island. The freshwater lake completely drained within a few hours. The Delcambre Canal reversed flow and two days later the previous freshwater lake was a 1,300-foot-deep saltwater lake.
Image result for oil rig in Lake Pigneur pierced the top of the salt dome

1990 - Saddam Hussein ordered another 250,000 Iraqi troops into the country of Kuwait.
Image result for Saddam Hussein ordered another 250,000 Iraqi troops into the country of Kuwait.

1998 - Afghanistan's Taliban militia offered Osama bin Laden safe haven. Osama bin Laden had been accused of orchestrating two U.S. embassy bombings in Africa and later terrorist attacks on New York City and the Pentagon.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

New Jersey Schools Will Not Require Medical Proof for Transgender Student Athletes to Compete

New Jersey Schools Will Not Require Medical Proof for Transgender Student Athletes to Compete:

Image result for flickr commons images Gender signs"The association that governs school athletics in New Jersey says it will not require a doctor’s note, or any other type of proof, to allow transgender students to compete against students competing within their assigned gender at birth.
The New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association has decided it will require no proof that a student who claims to be transgender is undergoing a doctor’s care, or that they are beginning any drug therapies or surgical procedures to be certified as “transgender.” "

The way we were-----Bonnie Tyler - I Need a Hero (Lyrics)

Boob-tube-----1950s MIGHTY MOUSE PLAYHOUSE Saturday Morning cartoon show

Max Galt - Max Galt shared Walter Cyr's post.

Max Galt - Max Galt shared Walter Cyr's post.:
"Drove drunk off a bridge, then swam to safety leaving his 28 year old pregnant mistress to drown. Didn’t call the police until he sobered up to protect his political career. Revered by the left."
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Neal McCoy’s new country music single takes aim at kneeling during National Anthem |

Neal McCoy’s new country music single takes aim at kneeling during National Anthem |
LONGVIEW, TX (KETK) — An 1990s country music star has released a new song taking aim at those who take a knee during the National Anthem.
Neal McCoy debuted his new single, “Take a Knee, My Ass (I Won’t Take a Knee)” on Facebook Live.
“I’ve been on 15 USO tours,” McCoy says. “I’ve entertained our troops in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and all over the world. So, no, this is not a money grab. This is a guy that believes in our country, that does not like people kneeling, not standing with their hands over their hearts, for the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. That’s what I’m about.”
As of Nov. 18, McCoy has said the Pledge of Allegiance on social media for 681 consecutive days..."
Read on!

PARTY OF THE RICH: Democrats Are 7 Of 10 Wealthiest Members Of Congress | Daily Wire

PARTY OF THE RICH: Democrats Are 7 Of 10 Wealthiest Members Of Congress | Daily Wire:
Image result for flickr commons images Money meme
"Republicans have long been smeared by Democrats as the party of the rich, even though all of Hollywood, all of Silicon Valley and all of Wall Street are in their pockets. It's a cheap and long-debunked tactic, and now we have another piece of evidence to corroborate the obvious fact that Democrats are the party of rich white men."

Facebook 'fact checker' accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes | Daily Mail Online

Facebook 'fact checker' accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes | Daily Mail Online:
EXCLUSIVE: Facebook 'fact checker' who will arbitrate on 'fake news' is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes - and its staff includes an escort-porn star and 'Vice Vixen domme'
    See the source image
  • Facebook has announced plans to check for 'fake news' using a series of organizations to assess whether stories are true 
  • One of them is a website called which claims to be one of the web's 'essential resources' and 'painstaking, scholarly and reliable' 
  • It was founded by husband-and-wife Barbara and David Mikkelson, who used a letterhead claiming they were a non-existent society to start their research 
  • Now they are divorced - with Barbara claiming in legal documents he embezzled $98,000 of company money and spent it on 'himself and prostitutes' 
  • In a lengthy and bitter legal dispute he is claiming to be underpaid and demanding 'industry standard' or at least $360,000 a year
  • The two also dispute what are basic facts of their case - despite saying its 'ownership' is committed to 'accuracy and impartiality' 
  • founder David Mikkelson's new wife Elyssa Young is employed by the website as an administrator 
  • She has worked as an escort and porn actress and despite claims website is non-political ran as a Libertarian for Congress on a 'Dump Bush' platform 
  • Its main 'fact checker' is Kimberly LaCapria, whose blog 'ViceVixen' says she is in touch with her 'domme side' and has posted on while smoking pot

The Cops Were Chasing a Shoplifter. They Ended Up Destroying an Innocent Man's Home. -

The Cops Were Chasing a Shoplifter. They Ended Up Destroying an Innocent Man's Home. -
"Leo Lech owns a property parcel at 4219 South Alton Street in Greenwood Village, a sleepy suburban enclave tucked between Denver's bustling Tech Center and the scenic reservoir of Cherry Creek State Park.
...Over the course of June 3 and 4, 2015, a devastating police raid systematically destroyed Lech's old home. 
The cops were responding to a crime that Lech had nothing to do with: A suspected shoplifter had barricaded himself inside the house after a chase, sparking a 19-hour standoff with a multi-jurisdictional SWAT team.
Unleashing a display of force commonly reserved for the battlefield, the tactical team bombarded the building with high-caliber rifles, chemical agents, flash-bang grenades, remote-controlled robots, armored vehicles, and breaching rams—all to extract a petty thief with a handgun.
When it was over, Lech's house was completely unlivable.
The City of Greenwood Village condemned it, forcing Lech to topple the wrecked structure.
Making matters worse, the municipality refused to pay fair market value for the destruction.
Now Lech is suing for compensation.
The outcome of his case may bring clarity to the property rights of Americans living in the shadow of police militarization..."
Read on!



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One-Third of 214 Arrested MS-13 Gangsters Were 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' - Breitbart

Image result for flickr commons images obamaOne-Third of 214 Arrested MS-13 Gangsters Were 'Unaccompanied Alien Children' - Breitbart:

"Almost one-third of 214 U.S.-based MS-13 gang members arrested in an international sweep were invited into the United States by President Barack Obama’s “Unaccompanied Alien Children” policy."

Under Obama's "watch"-----FBI Informant Has Video Of Russian Agents With Briefcases Of Bribe Money In Clinton-Uranium Scandal | Zero Hedge

FBI Informant Has Video Of Russian Agents With Briefcases Of Bribe Money In Clinton-Uranium Scandal | Zero Hedge:
Submitted by
An undercover FBI informant in the Russian nuclear industry who was made to sign an “illegal NDA” by former AG Loretta Lynch, claims to have video evidence showing Russian agents with briefcases full of bribe money related to the controversial Uranium One deal according to The Hill investigative journalist John Solomon and Circa‘s Sara Carter.
The informant, whose identity was revealed by Reuters as William D. Campbell, will testify before congress next week after the NDA which carried the threat of prison time was lifted. Campbell, originally misidentifed by Reuters as a lobbyist is actually a nuclear industry consultant who is currently battling cancer. 
As previously reported, Campbell was deeply embedded in the Russian nuclear industry where he gathered extensive evidence of a racketeering scheme involving bribes and kickbacks.
The Russians were compromising American contractors in the nuclear industry with kickbacks and extortion threats, all of which raised legitimate national security concerns. And none of that evidence got aired before the Obama administration made those decisions,” a person who worked on the case told The Hill, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution by U.S. or Russian officials. –The Hill
Campbell’s attorney, former Regan Justice Department official Victoria Toensing, previously told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs “He can tell what all the Russians were talking about during the time that all these bribery payments were made.”
Sara Carter and John Solomon sat down with Fox News host Sean Hannity to discuss:


"So here's where the Roy Moore bullshit stands:... - Christopher Buckley

"So here's where the Roy Moore bullshit stands:... - Christopher Buckley
""So here's where the Roy Moore bullshit stands:

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  • - Three 17 year olds - totally legal, no sex, no assault, common in that era. A Nothingburger.
  • - A 16 Year Old assaulted - completely discredited as a forgery put out by a shrew pissed off at the judge in her divorce case. She should face criminal prosecution.
  • - A mall cop claiming Moore was banned from a Mall. Countered by the mall manager.
  • - A 14 year old who he supposedly kissed and felt over her clothes on a 2nd date. No force. Also no evidence of her age or the events. A recollection from 40 years ago from a woman who "says that her teenage life became increasingly reckless with drinking, drugs, boyfriends, and a suicide attempt when she was 16." How much accurate detail does the average drug filled person remember from a date in 1977? I've had long relationships that I barely remember. No evidence.
  • - Someone who claims they were groped in 1991 in public. No evidence. The accuser has convictions for writing bad checks. Now it's just jumping on the bandwagon time.

In other words, there was no sex and there's no evidence. 
None of this came out in any previous high profile election. 
Only now with the media riding Weinstein and the Senate in the balance.
I'd like to see how ANYONE could fare better given a swarm of reporters and the focus of both major political parties. 
You think you'd fare better? 
You think the other Senators would?
I hope Moore wins by 20 points." – Jeffrey Varasano"

#1 This day 1984-----Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go (Official Video)

Don Surber: North Korea is too hungry to fight a war

Don Surber: North Korea is too hungry to fight a war
"Novelist Thomas Wictor made the case that the soldier who defected from North Korea shows that North Korea is in no shape to fight any war.
The soldier was malnourished and riddled with parasites.
Image result for starving north koreansHe is among the nation's elite soldiers.
As he fled on foot through the demilitarized zone, his comrades shot more than 40 rounds, but were unable to kill him.
That either is poor marksmanship, or lack of will.
Likely both.
From the Guardian:

Dozens of flesh-coloured parasites, one of which was 27cm (11 inches) long, were found in the man’s digestive tract during life-saving operations, according to the lead surgeon, Lee Cook-jong.
“In my over-20-year-long career as a surgeon, I have only seen something like this in a textbook,” Lee said.
The parasites, along with kernels of corn in his stomach, appear to confirm what many experts and defectors have said about the food and hygiene situation for many North Koreans.
North Koreans fired 40 rounds at defecting soldier, South Korea says.
Prof Choi Min-ho of Seoul National University’s college of medicine said: “Although we do not have solid figures showing health conditions of North Korea, medical experts assume that parasite infection problems and serious health issues have been prevalent in the country.
“[The man’s condition is] not surprising at all considering the North’s hygiene and parasite problems.”
This is communism. 
People starve. 
Leaders fatten.
Read on!

You ought to know!

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Judicial Watch: New Clinton Classified Emails Discovered - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch: New Clinton Classified Emails Discovered - Judicial Watch:

Image result for flickr commons images hillary clinton"Judicial Watch today released 109 pages of new Hillary Clinton emails from her tenure as secretary of state. The documents include two email exchanges classified confidential and a 2011 exchange with Sid Blumenthal about “serious trouble for the Libyan rebels.”
The newly-produced emails were part of 72,000 pages of documents the FBI recovered last year in its investigation into Clinton’s use of an unsecure, non-government email system. The records include emails Hillary Clinton attempted to delete or did not otherwise disclose.
Two heavily redacted emails marked Classified Confidential included a November 2011 exchange under the Subject: “Egyptian MFA on Hamas-PLO talks,” and a June 28, 2011 email from Clinton to Abedin in which Clinton writes “I have now promised the Kuwaiti PM 3 times that I will deliver an address at the Oxford Islamic Center. Pls be sure that’s on the list for next Fall/next year.”"

Magical Mystery Tour, Minneapolis Version | City Journal

Magical Mystery Tour, Minneapolis Version | City Journal
"A sidebar to the story of the ISIS-affiliated Somali men convicted on terrorism charges last year in federal district court in Minneapolis: one of the men who pleaded guilty and cooperated with the prosecution had worked on the tarmac at Minneapolis–St. Paul International Airport (MSP) and could have done serious harm.
So had the one who turned informant and was never charged in the case.
When his FBI interlocutors persuaded him to turn, he had a question for them: “Can I get my job at the airport back?”
That’s not all.
In his March 29, 2016 Star Tribune story, Stephen Montemayor reported in passing that local imams and Muslim “community leaders” had received a “behind-the-scenes security tour” in February last year at Minneapolis–St. Paul International Airport (MSP).
Montemayor mentioned the tour when he noted that Hassan Mohamud—also known as “Sheikh Hassan,” an imam working as a legal assistant for one of the defendants—had been “uninvited” from the tour.
What was that tour for Muslims only all about?
...The tour included roughly 20 community members from the greater Minneapolis area and was facilitated through the DHS Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties..."
Read on!