Tuesday, November 21, 2017

History for November 21

Image result for Voltaire Quotes
History for November 21 - On-This-Day.com
François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) 1694 - Writer, historian, philosopher, William Beaumont 1785 - Surgeon, known as the "Father of Gastric Physiology", Stan Musial 1920 - Baseball player
Image result for Voltaire QuotesImage result for William Beaumont Digestion ExperimentImage result for Stan Musial

Marlo Thomas (Margaret Julia "Marlo" Thomas) 1938 - Actress ("That Girl"), Harold Ramis 1944 - Actor, director, writer, Goldie Hawn 1945 - Actress
Image result for Marlo ThomasImage result for Harold RamisImage result for goldie hawn when she was young

1783 - The first successful flight was made in a hot air balloon. The pilots, Francois Pilatre de Rosier and Francois Laurent, Marquis d'Arlandes, flew for 25 minutes and 5½ miles over Paris.
Image result for Francois Pilatre de Rosier and Francois Laurent, Marquis d'Arlandes

1877 - Thomas A. Edison announced the invention of his phonograph.
Image result for Thomas A. Edison announced the invention of his phonograph

1929 - Spanish surrealist Salvador Dali had his first art exhibit.
Image result for Salvador Dali had his first art exhibit

1942 - The Alaska Highway across Canada was formally opened.
Image result for 1942 - The Alaska Highway across Canada was formally opened.

1953 - British Natural History Museum authorities announced that "Piltdown Man" was a hoax.
See the source image

1980 - An estimated 83 million viewers tuned in to find out "who shot J.R." on the CBS prime-time soap opera Dallas. Kristin was the character that fired the gun. (Texas)
Image result for "who shot J.R."

1982 - The National Football League (NFL) resumed its season following a 57-day player's strike.
Image result for (NFL) resumed its season following a 57-day player's strike.

1992 - U.S. Senator Bob Packwood, issued an apology but refused to discuss allegations that he'd made unwelcome sexual advances toward 10 women in past years.
Image result for U.S. Senator Bob Packwood biden

Monday, November 20, 2017

Germany: 440,000 Migrant Drifters Fuel Surge in Homelessness

Image result for flickr commons images Angela MerkleGermany: 440,000 Migrant Drifters Fuel Surge in Homelessness:

"Homelessness in Germany has dramatically worsened with the onset of the migrant crisis, rising by 150 per cent to 860,000 between 2014 and 2016."

The way we were-----Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby

Boob-tube-----The Maury Show | Can You Change Your Race? Watch And Discuss

What They Don't Tell You About Climate Change - Slashdot

What They Don't Tell You About Climate Change - Slashdot:
"...But Slashdot reader dryriver shares an article titled "What They Don't Tell You About Climate Change."
No, it is not that Climate Change is a hoax or that the climate science gets it all wrong and Climate Change isn't happening.
According to the Economist, it is rather that "Fully 101 of the 116 models the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change uses to chart what lies ahead assume that carbon will be taken out of the air in order for the world to have a good chance of meeting the 2C target."
In other words, reducing carbon emissions around the world, creating clean energy from wind farms, driving electrical cars and so forth is not going to suffice to meet agreed upon climate targets at all. 
Negative emissions are needed. 
The world is going to overshoot the "maximum 2 degrees of warming" target completely unless someone figures out how to suck as much as 810 Billion Tonnes of carbon out of Earth's atmosphere by 2100 using some kind of industrial scale process that currently does not exist.
That breaks down to 1,785,742,000,000,000 pounds of CO2, "as much as the world's economy produces in 20 years," according to the Economist.
"Putting in place carbon-removal schemes of this magnitude would be an epic endeavour even if tried-and-tested techniques existed. 
They do not.""

Venezuela Is Starving Its People - WSJ

Venezuela Is Starving Its People - WSJ:
"There’s something vaguely uplifting about the house arrest of Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe last week.
But it’s depressing to think that he hung onto power for 37 years, despite hyperinflation and famine in an African nation that was once a major food producer for the continent.
See the source imageRonald Reagan believed that “what is right will always eventually triumph,” but Zimbabwe is proof that it can take a long time.
So too is Venezuela, which is experiencing its own Zimbabwean meltdown with no electoral way out.
Venezuelan shortages of everything are widely acknowledged.
But there is less recognition that strongman Nicolás Maduro is using control of food to stamp out opposition. 
Hyperinflation has shriveled household budgets and the government has taken over food production and distribution.
Most damning is evidence that access to government rations has become conditional on Maduro’s good favor.
The hardship is killing and deforming children.
But Cuba, which runs the Maduro intelligence apparatus, also endorses it.
Holding power trumps all.
Maduro took the helm in Venezuela after the March 2013 death of Hugo Chávez.
Over 14 years Chávez had destroyed property rights and civil liberties and greased the monetary printing press..."

Pirro: 'I'm Tired of the Powerful and the Clintons Being Above the Law' - Breitbart

Pirro: 'I'm Tired of the Powerful and the Clintons Being Above the Law' - Breitbart:

Image result for flickr commons images Jeanine Pirro "Saturday in her Fox News Channel “Justice” opening statement, Jeanine Pirro called for “truth and justice” in regards to Hillary Clinton’s shady dealings, as well those in power who aided her.

Pirro began by noting how the Clinton Foundation received $145 million for the Uranium One deal and that Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a Moscow speech paid for by a Kremlin-backed bank while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, saying it is obvious the deep state exists."

California, Where Sanctuary Cities Are No Longer Sanctuaries - Arthur Schaper

California, Where Sanctuary Cities Are No Longer Sanctuaries - Arthur Schaper
"Seemingly absent from the fight for the last two months, Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered 29 more sanctuary jurisdictions to comply with federal immigration laws or lose funding.
See the source imageThe sanctuary city debate is the essential fight on illegal immigration, as these lawless jurisdictions signal to the world: “Come here illegally, and we won’t stop you.”
These cities invite crime, drug and human trafficking, and degradation to our American quality of life.
,,,Despite these “victories”, illegal social justice warriors won’t stop until ICE is permanently banned from California’s borders: law-breakers in; law enforcement out..."
Read on!

Must read! Democrat party royalty!-----Hillary’s War on the Women Who Boinked Bill - John Hawkins

Hillary’s War on the Women Who Boinked Bill - John Hawkins
"Most Americans haven’t forgotten the bald-faced lies the Clintons told about Bill’s affairs and molestations along with the sheer savagery of the attacks their surrogates launched against these women.
For example, we all remember Bill Clinton perjuring himself by saying, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” 
...What you may not remember as well was the brutality of public relations war the Clintons waged against these women. 
Just to point out one particularly nasty quip out of many, Clintonista James Carville rather famously said of Paula Jones that if you, “drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.” 
Of course in the end, Paula Jones ended up getting an $850,000 out-of-court settlement from the Clintons while Bill had to pay $90,000 for lying in court and was stripped of his law license for five years as part of a deal to avoid disbarment.
However, there was much more to the story. 
While agents of Bill and Hillary were publicly trying              to destroy the women Bill slept with and molested, the IRS was going after them as well. 
Before Obama’s IRS harassed the Tea Party, Clinton’s IRS audited Gennifer Flowers, Liz Ward Gracen, Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick.
Even worse, several of the Clinton women faced extremely creepy harassment.
Both Gennifer Flowers and Juanita Broadrick say their homes were burglarized..."
Read it all!

Lunch video-----Homer is accused of sexual harassment.


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Border Patrol Agent Killed, Another in Serious Condition in Texas

Border Patrol Agent Killed, Another in Serious Condition in Texas:
Image result for flickr commons images U.S. Border Patrol
"One Border Patrol agent is dead and his partner left hospitalized in serious condition in the Big Bend Sector of Texas. The FBI is leading the investigation while Border Patrol Special Operations agents and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Air and Marine Operations aircrews are currently searching the area for possible attackers."

A worthy read-----Why Africa Benefits From Sport Hunting

Why Africa Benefits From Sport Hunting
"...So let's take a look at some of the realities of life in Africa.
Despite what most media and Walt Disney will have you believe, hardly any African animal ever dies of old age. 
Everything eats everything else in the African bush...
The hunting safaris that we offer to clients are high income for the country involved and low impact for the environment (which is the opposite of photo safaris) and are all part of the game management programme run by the government of whichever country the hunt takes place in.
Image result for big game hunt africa...A hunting client will pay a large sum of money to cover his camp expenses, which pays for his full board accommodation and camp, hunting services and the many and all the varied Government levies imposed on the hunter and his companions.
This camp, (which would not be there if it were not for the hunter) provides employment for many local and international staff such as chefs, maids, cleaners etc. 
He will then pay a sum of money for each animal that he hunts.
This sum is used to pay wages to the hunting staff (local and Professional) to pay for vehicles which are maintained locally by local labour and a large percentage is paid to the relevant Parks Board or Game Department, who use it to fund further game research and conservation.
The hunter also spends considerable additional amounts of hard currency and provides further employment 'in country' with local taxidermists, hotels, airlines and air charter companies etc.
All animals that are hunted are animals that would otherwise need to be culled to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. 
If one species is allowed to flourish too much it means the decline and possible demise of other species..."
Read on!


Watch Ben Sasse Crush the Myth that the American Bar Association is 'Objective and Neutral'

Watch Ben Sasse Crush the Myth that the American Bar Association is 'Objective and Neutral'
"Yesterday, Senator Ben Sasse took to the Senate floor to speak about the importance of the Senate’s duty with regard to confirming judicial nominees. 
In doing so he dropped some truth about the real nature of the American Bar Association, noting that they are not a neutral party and are in fact a liberal advocacy group and should be treated as such.
...“...That is fine, but what’s not fine is that the ABA, which is a liberal advocacy organization, would masquerade as a neutral and objective evaluator of judicial candidates,” said Senator Sass. 
“The ABA cannot take blatantly liberal positions on the one hand and then masquerade as a neutral party on the other and then demand a special seat at the table in the Senate Judiciary Committee and in the Senate to try and tell us who is and isn’t supposedly qualified to be a judge.”
Read on!

#1 This week 1989-----Milli Vanilli - Blame It On the Rain

The only thing crazier than what these sex addicts did is what they get at rehab | New York Post

The only thing crazier than what these sex addicts did is what they get at rehab | New York Post:
"If the starry list of past clientele led Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein to expect four-star accommodations in the all-male sex-addict facility, Gentle Path at The Meadows, they must have been sorely disappointed.
The dorm-style, two-person rooms are reminiscent of those found in a midlevel hotel, and electronics get surrendered at the door. 
Books and magazines — due to their potential to trigger sexual thoughts — are verboten as well.
Celebrities and one-percenters have helped turn The Meadows into one of the top refuges of choice for beleaguered bold-facers.Spacey-Weiner-Weinstein-1l Trigger

...Stars who’ve retreated to the Wickenburg, Ariz. (some 60 miles northwest of Phoenix), facility to repent at the sex-addiction wing also include Tiger Woods. 
Rush Limbaugh showed up to battle a prescription pain pill addiction, Kate Moss and Donatella Versace for cocaine, Elle Macpherson for depression and Selena Gomez to recover from chemotherapy treatments related to lupus. (The Meadows also offers treatment for pathological gambling and eating disorders.)...The only thing crazier than what these sex addicts did is what they get at rehab
Image result for bill clinton pervert...Men in the program are restricted from wearing shorts, so as not to create sexual triggers among each other. 
The source says he witnessed no carnal interactions among his fellow male patients.
“We gathered in a conference room and acknowledged who we were,” said the source. 
“You’d give your name and your core behavior — prostitution, porn, cheating, whatever it was — and come up with something that you wanted to talk about...
“Maybe you’d discuss a certain trigger, like that if you leave the office stressed you always stop at a massage parlor or a strip club. 
There were guys there who would spend $50,000 or $60,000 a night on strippers. 
Then you work to come up with a way of dealing with the trigger. 
A suggestion might be to take a different route home or call your wife and tell her you’ll be there in 20 minutes.”"
Read on!

You ought to know!

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Judge Andrew Napolitano: The incredible new chapter in the Hillary Clinton chronicles | Fox News

Judge Andrew Napolitano: The incredible new chapter in the Hillary Clinton chronicles | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images Judge Andrew Napalitano"The Department of Justice will soon commence an investigation to determine whether there should be an investigation (you read that nonsense correctly) of a scandal involving the Clinton Foundation and a company called Uranium One. It appears that FBI decisions made during the time that Hillary Clinton was being investigated for espionage will also be investigated to see whether there should be an investigation to determine whether she was properly investigated. (Again, you read that nonsense correctly.)

Only the government can relate nonsense with a straight face. Here is the back story."

Milk: The new symbol of racism in Donald Trump's America - Washington Times

Milk: The new symbol of racism in Donald Trump's America - Washington Times
Image result for Milk: The new symbol of racism"This week, in the Daily49er, California State University’s college paper staff writer Samantha Diaz wrote how milk has become the new symbol of hate.
“You, along with the rest of the nation, have been so accustomed to hearing the benefits of milk that you probably didn’t even realize the subtle racism hidden in our health facts,” Ms. Diaz pens.
She continues: “It may not surprise you that the United States was founded on racism..."
And yes, it all comes down to milk.
“The federal endorsement of milk in American diets contributes to the problem by uncritically pushing people to drink milk, despite the potential detriment it has on non-white people’s health,” Ms. Diaz wrote..."