Wednesday, November 22, 2017

#1 This day in1964-----Shangri-Las - Leader Of The Pack - 1964

Junkyard dog- My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent #NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum.

Junkyard dog- A very Interesting Read to give...:
"Marshall Kamena is a registered democrat and was elected mayor of Livermore, CA.. 
He ran on the democratic ticket as he knew a Bay Area city would never vote for a republican. 
He is as conservative as they come. 
He wrote the following:
Trump’s lack of decorum, dignity, and statesmanship
My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent #NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. 
They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.”
Here’s my answer:

  • We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W. Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency.
  • We tried statesmanship. Could there be another human being on this earth who so desperately prized “collegiality” as John McCain?
  • We tried propriety – has there been a nicer human being ever than Mitt Romney?

See the source imageAnd the results were always the same. 
This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob.

  • I don’t find anything “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper” about Barack Obama’s lying about what went down on the streets of Ferguson in order to ramp up racial hatreds because racial hatreds serve the Democratic Party. 
  • I don’t see anything “dignified” in lying about the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi and imprisoning an innocent filmmaker to cover your tracks. 
  • I don’t see anything “statesman-like” in weaponizing the IRS to be used to destroy your political opponents and any dissent. 

Yes, Obama was “articulate” and “polished” but in no way was he in the least bit “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper.”...
Read on!!

You ought to know!

BUCK: Democrats Are POLITICALLY WEAPONIZING Sexual Abuse Allegations | Buck Sexton

Image result for free clip art light bulbBUCK: Democrats Are POLITICALLY WEAPONIZING Sexual Abuse Allegations | Buck Sexton:

"National radio host Buck Sexton called-out liberal pundits who are “suddenly” acknowledging Bill Clinton’s decades-long history of sexual abuse, warning conservatives that the Democrat Party is rapidly weaponizing accusations of sexual misconduct and are prepared to use it.

“The Al Franken thing, it’s just lot of the same things getting recycled right now. Here’s the only important takeaway… "

She Said A Powerful Congressman Harassed Her. Here’s Why You Didn’t Hear Her Story.

She Said A Powerful Congressman Harassed Her. Here’s Why You Didn’t Hear Her Story.
“When you make private settlements, it doesn’t warn the next woman or the next person going into that situation.”
Image result for Rep. John Conyers,Michigan Rep. John Conyers, a Democrat and the longest-serving member of the House of Representatives, settled a wrongful dismissal complaint in 2015 with a former employee who alleged she was fired because she would not “succumb to [his] sexual advances.”
Documents from the complaint obtained by BuzzFeed News include four signed affidavits, three of which are notarized, from former staff members who allege that Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the powerful House Judiciary Committee, repeatedly made sexual advances to female staff that included

  • requests for sex acts, 
  • contacting and transporting other women with whom they believed Conyers was having affairs, 
  • caressing their hands sexually, and 
  • rubbing their legs and backs in public. 

Four people involved with the case verified the documents are authentic.
And the documents also reveal the secret mechanism by which Congress has kept an unknown number of sexual harassment allegations secret: a grinding, closely held process that left the alleged victim feeling, she told BuzzFeed News, that she had no option other than to stay quiet and accept a settlement offered to her.
“I was basically blackballed. There was nowhere I could go,” she said in a phone interview. BuzzFeed News is withholding the woman’s name at her request because she said she fears retribution..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for November 22

See the source image
History for November 22 -
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) 1819 - Novelist, journalist, Charles de Gaulle 1890 - President of France, Rodney Dangerfield 1921 - Actor, comedian
Image result for George Eliot      Image result for Charles de GaulleImage result for Rodney Dangerfield

Billie Jean King 1943 - Tennis player, Jamie Lee Curtis 1958 - Actress, Mariel Hemingway 1961 - Actress
Image result for Billie Jean KingImage result for Jamie Lee CurtisImage result for Mariel Hemingway

1718 - English pirate Edward Teach (a.k.a. "Blackbeard") was killed during a battle off the coast of North Carolina. British soldiers cornered him aboard his ship and killed him. He was shot and stabbed more than 25 times.
Image result for Edward Teach Blackbeard

1906 - The International Radio Telegraphic Convention in Berlin adopted the SOS distress signal.
Image result for SOS distress signal.

1928 - In Paris, "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel was first performed publicly.
Image result for "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel

1942 - During World War II, the Battle of Stalingrad began.
Image result for Battle of Stalingrad

1943 - U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek met in Cairo to discuss the measures for defeating Japan.
Image result for Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek met in Cairo

1950 - The lowest scoring game in the NBA was played. The Fort Wayne Pistons (later the Detroit Pistons) defeated the Minneapolis Lakers (later the Los Angeles Lakers) 19-18.
Image result for (later the Detroit Pistons) defeated the Minneapolis Lakers

1963 - U.S. President Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, TX. Texas Governor John B. Connally was also seriously wounded. Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson was inaugurated as the 36th U.S. President.
Image result for President Kennedy was assassinated

1990 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush, his wife, Barbara, and other congressional leaders shared Thanksgiving dinner with U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia.
Image result for George H.W. Bush thanksgiving dinner with U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

U.S. airstrikes kill hundreds of fighters in Somalia, as air campaign ramps up - Washington Times

U.S. airstrikes kill hundreds of fighters in Somalia, as air campaign ramps up - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images Air Force F-16"A single American military airstrike killed an estimated 100 or more fighters allied with the Somali-based terror group al-Shabab, the Pentagon revealed Tuesday, adding to an an escalating body count as the Trump administration ramps up the counterterrorism campaign in the East African nation."

An EPIC Lesson For Liberal Idiots Using A One Dollar Bill

An EPIC Lesson For Liberal Idiots Using A One Dollar Bill:

Image result for flickr commons images Military combat gear"The idea of having a transgender people in the military is simply foolishness, there is now way around it. Transgender people have a serious issue going on in their minds, where they believe that they are a gender that they biologically and physiologically are not and have never been, and never can truly be."

The way we were-----Blinded by the Light ~ Manfred Mann's Earth Band with lyrics

Boob-tube-----Top 10 Decade Defining TV Shows: 1950s

Students triggered by Steve Martin's 'King Tut' on 'SNL'

Students triggered by Steve Martin's 'King Tut' on 'SNL'
Comedian Steve Martin’s rendition of “King Tut” is triggering social justice warriors at Reed College because they see it as a form of cultural appropriation.
The song, originally performed on "Saturday Night Live," actually criticizes the commercialization and trivialization of Egyptian history and presents a caricature of the Treasures of Tutankhamun traveling exhibit that toured seven United States cities from 1976 to 1979.
However, the context to the SNL skit eludes students who are upset. 
They are now calling the song a form of “blackface.”
The video and song was brought to students’ attention when it was played in a humanities class at Reed to spur discussion. 
Students became so worked up over the video, however, that they have demanded the course be made optional until alternative coursework can be created..."
Read on!

Is Anti-Americanism A Threat? | The Daily Caller

Is Anti-Americanism A Threat? | The Daily Caller
"A Jamaican-born professor of philosophy has had enough of hearing invectives spewed against America, especially in the classroom.
Prompted to challenge the derision of the American Dream and the depiction of America as a white supremacist nation, Dr. Jason D. Hill of DePaul University wrote an open letter to journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates. 
Coates’s 2015 book, titled “Between the World and Me,” is often required reading to depict the black American experience to students.
Hill calls such required reading “child abuse” or “child neglect.”
Hill is disturbed by the growing anti-American orthodoxy that he hears on American campuses, and believes Americans need to be fortified with a rational pride that recognizes what is great about America. 
For this reason, he has written a new book, a “love letter” to his adopted country, America, titled “We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People.”...
A worthy read.

Report: Bill Clinton Facing Fresh Accusations of Sexual Assault

Image result for flickr commons images Bill ClintonReport: Bill Clinton Facing Fresh Accusations of Sexual Assault:

"Former President Bill Clinton is reportedly facing a new round of charges of sexual assault from four women, who claim the incidents occurred after Clinton left the White House in 2001."

Seniors migration cost British Columbia $7.2 billion in health-care expenses | Fraser Institute

Seniors migration cost British Columbia $7.2 billion in health-care expenses | Fraser Institute: "Canada’s health-care system has lots of problems including its comparatively high cost, long wait times and middling performance among universal health-care countries.
One problem, which has largely been overlooked, is how Canada’s financing of public health care fails to account for interprovincial migration of seniors. 
As a result, provinces such as Quebec benefit (through lower health-care costs) when seniors leave the province while provinces that attract seniors, such as British Columbia, incur increased costs.
See the source imageThe underlying cause of this cost—or benefit—from seniors migration is that taxation...and the consumption of health care, follow two different patterns. 
People pay very little tax until they begin working, with their contributions typically peaking during their peak earning years.
Their earnings then decline when they retire.
For example, almost three-quarters (73.4 per cent) of Canada’s total tax burden is paid by the working-age population (24 to 64).
Health care, on the other hand, follows almost the exact opposite pattern.
Canadians consume quite a bit of health care in their first year of life, then health consumption drops markedly until about the mid-50s.
Indeed, the majority of health-care consumption typically takes place post-65.
For example, the average annual spending on health care by government on people between the ages of one and 59 is $2,188.
This amount almost triples, on average, to $6,424 for Canadians aged 65 to 69.
The average per person spending for those over 70 is $13,797.
Consequently, when seniors migrate from one province to another, they are highly likely to have paid most of their lifetime taxes in one province while consuming most of their lifetime health care in another province..."

Some amazing findings on income mobility in the US including this: the image of a static 1 and 99 percent is false - AEI

Some amazing findings on income mobility in the US including this: the image of a static 1 and 99 percent is false - AEI
"In a 2014 New York Times article titled “From Rages to Riches to Rags” Washington University professor of social welfare Mark Rank presented some amazing and striking findings on income mobility in America, here’s a slice (my emphasis):
The picture drawn of the 1 percent has been that of a static population, just as the 99 percent is often portrayed as unchanging. There is a line drawn between these two groups, and never the two shall cross. But is it the case that the top 1 percent of the income distribution are the same people year in and year out? Or, for that matter, what about the top 5, 10 and 20 percent? To what extent do everyday Americans experience these levels of affluence, at least some of the time?
In order to answer such questions, Thomas A. Hirschl of Cornell and I looked at 44 years of longitudinal data regarding individuals from ages 25 to 60 to see what percentage of the American population would experience these different levels of affluence during their lives. The results were striking.
It turns out that 12 percent of the population will find themselves in the top 1 percent of the income distribution for at least one year. What’s more, 39 percent of Americans will spend a year in the top 5 percent of the income distribution, 56 percent will find themselves in the top 10 percent, and a whopping 73 percent will spend a year in the top 20 percent of the income distribution (see those statistics displayed in the chart above)..."
Read on! 

Lunch video-----The Key to Unhappiness


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Obama officials did nothing to halt uranium deal with Russian firm - Washington Times

Obama officials did nothing to halt uranium deal with Russian firm - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images Russia"The criminalization of government agencies by the Obama administration was far more extensive than previously realized. The Uranium One deal is a prime example of how key government agencies have been criminalized.
To understand the compromising elements of the Uranium One deal, one must go back to the first George W. Bush administration when U.S. nuclear companies were permitted to purchase uranium from Russia’s disassembled nuclear warheads. "

Arcades Owe Detroit Thousands of Quarters Each Year [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Arcades Owe Detroit Thousands of Quarters Each Year [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:

"The city of Detroit requires business owners running an arcade to obtain a license costing $863 — or 3,452 quarters — each year.
A search of business and occupational licensing in other cities turns up no other example of licensure mandates for arcades in Michigan.
Detroit requires more licenses than any city in the state, calling for special licenses for at least:
  • 60 different professions and nearly 
  • 200 different types of businesses."