Below are 24 recent Democratic sex scandals that CNN has failed to report on their website (documentation showing CNN did not cover the scandals is provided at the bottom of this report)...
1. Four new women accuse Bill Clinton of sexual assault. (11/20/2017)
The Daily Mail reports:
Bill Clinton is facing explosive new charges of sexual assault from four women, according to highly placed Democratic Party sources and an official who served in both the Clinton and Obama administrations.
The current accusations against the 71-year-old former president — whose past is littered with charges of sexual misconduct — stem from the period after he left the White House in 2001, say the sources.
Attorneys representing the women, who are coordinating their efforts, have notified Clinton they are preparing to file four separate lawsuits against him.
2. Congresswoman accuses Democrat Bob Filner of sexually assaulting her. (11/21/2017)..."
Read on for more democrat scumbaggery!