Monday, November 27, 2017

History for November 27

See the source image
History for November 27 -
"Buffalo" Bob Smith 1917, Bruce Lee 1940, Eddie Rabbit 1941
Image result for "Buffalo" Bob SmithImage result for Bruce LeeImage result for Eddie Rabbit

Jimi Hendrix 1942 - Musician, Caroline Kennedy 1957, Robin Givens 1964
Image result for Jimi HendrixImage result for robin givens mike tyson

1701 - Anders Celsius was born in Sweden. He was the inventor of the Celsius thermometer.
Image result for Anders Celsius Quotes

1889 - Curtis P. Brady was issued the first permit to drive an automobile through Central Park in New York City.
Image result for Curtis P. Brady was issued the first permit to drive an automobile through Central Park in New York City.

1901 - The Army War College was established in Washington, DC.
Image result for 1901 - The Army War College

1934 - The U.S. bank robber George "Baby Face" Nelson was killed by FBI agents near Barrington, IL.
Image result for "Baby Face" Nelson was killed by FBI

1973 - The U.S. Senate voted to confirm Gerald R. Ford as vice president after the resignation of Spiro T. Agnew.
Image result for U.S. Senate voted to confirm Gerald R. Ford as vice president

1978 - San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk, a gay-rights activist, were shot to death inside City Hall by Dan White, a former supervisor.
Image result for George Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk, a gay-rights activist, were shot to death inside City Hall by Dan White

1992 - In Venezuela, rebel forces tried but failed to overthrow President Carlos Andres Perez for the second time in ten months.
Image result for Venezuela

2008 - The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) was taken out of service after more than 30 years. The ship was launched on September 20, 1967.
Image result for Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2)

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Parents and Students Stand Up to Forced Gender Ideology in Schools

Parents and Students Stand Up to Forced Gender Ideology in Schools:

"If the goal is social chaos, nothing will achieve that quicker than undermining not only the family and parental rights, but the very foundations of human existence.
Image result for flickr commons images Gay flag
There’s no such thing as boys and girls, male and female, mommy and daddy. If you, little kindergartner, find that confusing, all the better. And if your parents tell you otherwise, they are horrible, bigoted people, and you should ignore them and listen instead to us, the all-wise State.

“This is a diabolical but ingenious way of remaking society,” she adds. “And if the lives of confused children have to be destroyed in pursuit of the political agenda, that’s just acceptable collateral damage.”"

The way we were-----Petula Clark - Downtown (HQ)

Boob-tube-----Pete and Gladys - "The Prize" (1962)

Being Libtarded - Posts

Being Libtarded - Posts
"He truly is the Barack Obama of Canada. 
And here in America, the Left says "we wish we had a leader like Trudeau."
Welcome to the Brave New World: 
  • where racism is perfectly acceptable (but the victims have to be white), 
  • weakness is lauded as leadership, and 
  • invaders are to be welcomed with open arms.
Thank God that we no longer have his counterpart in America. 
We MUST remain vigilant and ready, lest another one like him rise in the next election.-Patriam."
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Net Neutrality-Don't be ignorant!

Economics is Boring - Home
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Soros Launches 'Media Blitz' Against Hungary

Image result for flickr commons images George SorosSoros Launches 'Media Blitz' Against Hungary:

"George Soros, the billionaire open borders campaigner, has launched a “media blitz” against Hungary’s government, which has been conducting a national consultation on the financier’s plan for the migrant crisis."

Conyers' 2006 Staffers: Felt like 'House Servants', Baby Sat His Kids Six Weeks at a Time - Timothy Meads

Conyers' 2006 Staffers: Felt like 'House Servants', Baby Sat His Kids Six Weeks at a Time - Timothy Meads:
Image result for John Conyers Scandal"As reported yesterday, Conyers on at least one occasion placed Sloan in an uncomfortable and lewd situation.
“While she says she was not sexually harassed, she describes to the Detroit Free Press being verbally harassed and made uncomfortable on a number of occasions. She detailed Conyers bizarre behavior at one meeting in particular.
But she said that on one occasion, she was called to Conyers’ office in the Rayburn House Office building for a meeting and, when she got there, he was in his underwear.
“He was just walking around in his office, not dressed,” she said. “He wasn’t doing it to hit on me. It was more like he could do what he wanted. I was quite shocked by it and left quickly.”
Although Sloan recalls being "increasingly anxious and depressed"about going to work, like many victims of sexual assault on Capitol Hill, she was reluctant to report cases of sexual harassment for fear of being alienated (Sloan says she was once told she was "mentally unstable" for making such allegations against Conyers), or because the process of reporting to the Office of Compliance was too cumbersome.” (Emphasis added)
...In 2006, two additional staffers told CNN that Rep. Conyers would regularly have them babysit and stay with his kids, often for weeks at a time..."
Read on!

Unhinged coverage of Trump is hurting the media | New York Post

Unhinged coverage of Trump is hurting the media | New York Post:
"...Trump isn’t going anywhere for a while.
Deal with it.
A year ago this week, I marveled at the pot-boiling-over frenzy of Donald Trump Derangement Syndrome in the media.
Well, today, the media’s kitchen is a shambles.
Spaghetti sauce is splattered all over the walls, and the Fourth Estate is pouring more Prego marinara into the pot while keeping the heat turned up to the level marked “thermonuclear.”
Not only is everything (still) hyper-politicized, but the lines between news media, lifestyle media and flat-out activism have faded into irrelevance.
On Wednesday, the lead story in Teen Vogue, next to stories about how “I Will Never Use Regular Soap Again After THIS $6 Foam Body Wash” and “Everyone Basically Wore Lingerie to the VS Fashion Show After Party,” was this screaming headline: “The United States Voted ‘No’ on an Anti-Nazi UN Resolution.” 
...Meanwhile, “Black-ish” star Tracee Ellis Ross addressed a Women of the Year Summit earlier this month hosted by Glamour magazine.
Her speech..."Let me tell you, Mike Pence is f—ing confused by me right now.”
It seems unlikely that Vice President Pence is wandering around the White House buttonholing aides and saying, “My gosh, did you know that Tracee Ellis Ross is 45 and is unmarried with no children? I’m so confused by this information!” ..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----L.A. Is Creating Traffic Jams to Push Commuters to Ride Bikes and Rail


DEMOCRAT NEWS NETWORK: CNN Fails To Report These 24 Democrat Sex Scandals | Daily Wire

DEMOCRAT NEWS NETWORK: CNN Fails To Report These 24 Democrat Sex Scandals | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images CNN Logo"When CNN is not busy giving President Donald Trump 93% negative coverage, covering for Islamic terrorists, botching gun reports, or being sued by over 200 African-Americans for racial discrimination, they are busy covering for Democrats across the United States by not reporting on scandals.

Below are 24 recent Democratic sex scandals that CNN has failed to report on their website (documentation showing CNN did not cover the scandals is provided at the bottom of this report)."

How Concerned Should You Be About Species Extinction? - Hit & Run :

How Concerned Should You Be About Species Extinction? - Hit & Run :
Image result for dinasaurs"A group of more than 15,000 scientists published "World Scientists' Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice," in the journal Bioscience earlier this month.
...The alarmed scientists are worried about the deleterious effects of man-made global warming and human population growth, but also urgently warned that humanity has "unleashed a mass extinction event, the sixth in roughly 540 million years, wherein many current life forms could be annihilated or at least committed to extinction by the end of this century."
...In a fascinating op-ed,
"We don't need to save endangered species.
Extinction is part of evolution," over at the Washington Post, George Washington University biologist R. Alexander Pyron calls out "extinction fearmongers"..."
Read on!

Water WARS Erupting Across Our World As Fresh Water Supplies Collide With Surging Food Demand | The Daily Sheeple

Water WARS Erupting Across Our World As Fresh Water Supplies Collide With Surging Food Demand | The Daily Sheeple:
"Water is a precious commodity, and without it we can’t grow food and survive. 
Yet industrial agriculture wastes water on a shocking scale, using open air irrigation and relying on fossil water supplies to grow food inefficiently.
If we hope to meet the demands of surging human population, we must conserve our water resources through sustainable agricultural methods such as permaculture and organic agriculture.
With many of the world’s largest aquifers now collapsing, much of the fossil water supply that feeds our world will be depleted before the year 2050.
A global food collapse is now inevitable unless food production techniques are dramatically shifted toward sustainable practices. 
...Despite the coming food collapse, the agriculture propagandists tell us that genetically engineered crops will solve all the world’s hunger problems, but they refuse to recognize that GMOs need water to grow, too.
...Watch my short “water wars” video to learn more, and follow more news about the growing water wars at

#1 This day 1967-----The Monkees-Daydream Believer (HQ)

CalPERS Is Shocked—Just Shocked—To Find Cities Reeling Under Growing Pension Debt -

CalPERS Is Shocked—Just Shocked—To Find Cities Reeling Under Growing Pension Debt -
"The California Public Employees' Retirement System's union defenders feign shock whenever pension reformers accuse it of "kicking the can down the road" in dealing with the state's mounting pension debt.
It's like the scene from Casablanca, when Captain Louis Renault is absolutely shocked to find gambling going on in a gambling house.
See the source imageCalPERS is never going to state the obvious: "We know these massive, underfunded pensions are not sustainable, but we're going to do everything possible to push the problem into the future and blame everyone else for the problem." 
But the pension fund's board might as well have said as much after two actions it took at last week's Sacramento meeting.
...The first action involved the fate of two local agencies that have exited the pension fund because they couldn't afford to keep making their payments.
As California Policy Center previously reported, the tiny Sierra Nevada town of Loyalton in 2013 decided to exit the plan, but then was hammered with a $1.66 million termination fee that it couldn't possibly afford.
The town's entire annual budget is $1 million and it couldn't even make its $3,500 month payments to the fund.
...It's hard to feel too sorry for these struggling cities.
  • Do you remember when they warned about the impending disaster if the state legislature passed a 1999 bill, promoted by the California Public Employees' Retirement System, that would retroactively raised pensions across the state by 50 percent? 
  • Do you remember when city managers angrily resisted union-backed efforts to raise pensions at their city councils? 
Neither do I..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

WALSH: We Need More Masculinity In Our Culture, Not Less | Daily Wire

WALSH: We Need More Masculinity In Our Culture, Not Less | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Male Symbol"These men are weird, desperate, self-debasing, and effeminate. If you say we should have fewer of those kinds in positions of power, I agree. Let’s have none at all. But we would do well to replace them with men who are actually men. What we need in our society are chivalrous, strong, respectable, productive, and self-sacrificial men. Real men, in other words. Men who protect, provide, and do all of the things that society has always depended upon men to do. If you are that sort of man, you certainly should not shut up, step to the side, or consider yourself "trash." Our culture needs your input and leadership more than ever."

Saturday Humor: A Millennial Job Interview | Zero Hedge

Saturday Humor: A Millennial Job Interview | Zero Hedge:
"Presented with little comment..."
"For stuff like that, I'll just ask Siri... who gets up at 8?"

AM Fruitcake

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