Monday, November 27, 2017

Africans are being sold as slaves in Libya. Thanks, Hillary Clinton.

Africans are being sold as slaves in Libya. Thanks, Hillary Clinton

'We came, we saw, he died,' she joked. But overthrowing Gadhafi was a humanitarian and strategic debacle that now limits our options on North Korea.

GLENN HARLAN REYNOLDS | Opinion columnist

Libya Opens Probe Into Slave Auctions

Black Africans are being sold in open-air slave markets,  and it’s Hillary Clinton’s fault. But you won’t hear much about that from the news media or the foreign-policy pundits, so let me explain.
Footage from Libya, released recently by CNN, showed young men from sub-Saharan Africa being auctioned off as farm workers in slave markets.
And how did we get to this point? As the BBC reported back in May, “Libya has been beset by chaos since NATO-backed forces overthrew long-serving ruler Col. Moammar Gadhafi in October 2011.”
And who was behind that overthrow? None other than then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Under President George W. Bush in 2003, the United States negotiated an agreement with Libyan strongman Gadhafi. The deal: He would give up his weapons of mass destruction peacefully, and we wouldn’t try to depose him.
That seemed a good deal at the time, but the Obama administration didn’t stick to it. Instead, in an operation spearheaded by Clinton, the United States went ahead and toppled him anyway.
The overthrow turned out to be a debacle. Libya exploded into chaos and civil war, and refugees flooded Europe, destabilizing governments there. But at the time, Clinton thought it was a great triumph — "We came, we saw, he died,” she joked about Gadhafi’s overthrow — and adviser Sidney Blumenthal encouraged her to tout her "successful strategy" as evidence of her fitness for the highest office in the land.
It’s surprising the extent to which Clinton has gotten a pass for this debacle, which represents a humanitarian and strategic failure of the first order. (And, of course, the damage is still compounding: How likely is North Korea’s Kim Jong Un to give up his nuclear weapons after seeing the worthlessness of U.S. promises to Gadhafi?) ..."
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• Chart: The Evolution of Death | Statista

• Chart: The Evolution of Death | Statista:
"A lot has changed since 1915. 
Not only the way we live, but also the way we die..."
Infographic: The Evolution of Death | Statista

Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, 'It Starts at Home'

Image result for flickr commons images Denzel WashingtonDenzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, 'It Starts at Home':

"Veteran actor Denzel Washington says his latest role as a dogged defense attorney in Roman J. Israel, Esq. reinforced his belief that black men “can’t blame the system” because we make it “easy work” when it comes to filling America’s prisons.
“It starts at the home. It starts at home."

U.S. Naval Institute Blog

U.S. Naval Institute Blog
"Featured from the National Museum of the Marine Corps Museum’s Facebook Page
A couple of months ago, when I told General Krulak, the former Commandant of the Marine Corps, now the chair of the Naval Academy Board of Visitors, that we were having General Mattis speak this evening, he said, “Let me tell you a Jim Mattis story.” 
General Krulak said, when he was Commandant of the Marine Corps, every year, starting about a week before Christmas, he and his wife would bake hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Christmas cookies. 
They would package them in small bundles.
Then on Christmas day, he would load his vehicle. 
At about 4 a.m., General Krulak would drive himself to every Marine guard post in the Washington-Annapolis-Baltimore area and deliver a small package of Christmas cookies to whatever Marines were pulling guard duty that day. 
See the source imageHe said that one year, he had gone down to Quantico as one of his stops to deliver Christmas cookies to the Marines on guard duty. 
He went to the command center and gave a package to the lance corporal who was on duty.
He asked, “Who’s the officer of the day?” 
The lance corporal said, “Sir, it’s Brigadier General Mattis.” 
And General Krulak said, “No, no, no. I know who General Mattis is. I mean, who’s the officer of the day today, Christmas day?” 
The lance corporal, feeling a little anxious, said, “Sir, it is Brigadier General Mattis.”
General Krulak said that, about that time, he spotted in the back room a cot, or a daybed. 
He said, “No, Lance Corporal. Who slept in that bed last night?” 
The lance corporal said, “Sir, it was Brigadier General Mattis.”
About that time, General Krulak said that General Mattis came in, in a duty uniform with a sword, and General Krulak said, “Jim, what are you doing here on Christmas day? Why do you have duty?” 
General Mattis told him that the young officer who was scheduled to have duty on Christmas day had a family, and General Mattis decided it was better for the young officer to spend Christmas Day with his family, and so he chose to have duty on Christmas Day.
General Krulak said, “That’s the kind of officer that Jim Mattis is.”
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Instapundit » Blog Archive » TROLL OF THE YEAR: As veteran left-leaning media critic Jack Shafer tweets, “If Trump can des…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » TROLL OF THE YEAR: As veteran left-leaning media critic Jack Shafer tweets, “If Trump can des…:

As veteran left-leaning media critic Jack Shafer tweets, “If Trump can destroy Time magazine’s stupid Person of the Year issue it will all be worth it.”---Posted by Ed Driscoll at 12:45 am

Lunch video-----Can Someone Tell the Media Hate Crimes Are Actually Way Down? | 2016 FBI...


We Live In Roman Times | Daily Wire

We Live In Roman Times | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Roman Empire"As these sad, sick stories keep coming out, I think western society is not so much in decline as it is going back to its origins as a Greco-Roman civilization. It was Christianity that curbed many of the bad behaviors of Western society and, as Christianity fades from public life, those old behaviors are coming back. There are a lot of us not willing to let go of our Judeo-Christian values, despite the mocking and behavior of many. It would be nice if the news media remembered those people, but perhaps the cultural rot has spread too far."

This City Hall, brought to you by Amazon | The Seattle Times

This City Hall, brought to you by Amazon | The Seattle Times
"...Example: Chicago has offered to let Amazon pocket $1.32 billion in income taxes paid by its own workers. 
This is truly perverse. 
Called a personal income-tax diversion, the workers must still pay the full taxes, but instead of the state getting the money to use for schools, roads or whatever, Amazon would get to keep it all instead.
See the source image“The result is that workers are, in effect, paying taxes to their boss,” says a report on the practice from Good Jobs First, a think tank critical of many corporate subsidies.
...But the most far-reaching offer is from Fresno, California. 
That city of half a million isn’t offering any tax breaks. 
Instead it has a novel plan to give Amazon special authority over how the company’s taxes are spent.
Fresno promises to funnel 85 percent of all taxes and fees generated by Amazon into a special fund. That money would be overseen by a board, half made up of Amazon officers, half from the city. They’re supposed to spend the money on housing, roads and parks in and around Amazon.
The proposal shows a park with a sign: “This park brought to you by Amazon,” with the company’s smiling arrow corporate logo..."
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#! Movie this week 1999-----The World Is Not Enough Trailer HD (1999)

NYTimes: Ok to sexualize children for the cause of genderqueer - Victory Girls Blog

NYTimes: Ok to sexualize children for the cause of genderqueer - Victory Girls Blog
NYTimes: Ok to sexualize children for the cause of genderqueer
The New York Times uses its Style section to publish a puff piece on underage “makeup artists” that amounts to little more than promoting the sexual objectification of actual children. As long as the subjects are boys and the behavior is gender-bending, of course.
Would you be inclined to buy makeup because a 10-year-old boy is showing you how to create a look on Instagram? If we’re talking about Jack Bennett of @makeuupbyjack, then the answer could well be a resounding yes. […]
He is the latest evidence of a seismic power shift in the beauty industry, which has thrust social media influencers to the top of the pecking order. Refreshingly, they come in all shapes, sizes, ages and, more recently, genders.
The article spends much of its focus on celebrating so-called gender fluidity and promotes the idea that parents who indulge, or promote, their pre-pubescent sons to become genderqueer advocates are doing A Good Thing™.
“What you have now are millennial moms* who have grown up in an era where gender is more fluid,” Ms. Friedman said. “Millennials are very in tune with empowering their children.”
*Note: there is no mention of dads, millennial or otherwise, in this article..."
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#1 This day 1973-----The Carpenters - Top Of The World

Black Friday Posts New Single-Day Record For Gun Background-Checks | Zero Hedge

Black Friday Posts New Single-Day Record For Gun Background-Checks | Zero Hedge
"Despite gunmaker stocks slumping as 2017 sees the biggest year-to-date decline in background check requests for firearms salesUSA Today reports that The FBI was flooded Friday with more than 200,000 background check requests for gun purchases, setting a new single day record, the bureau reported Saturday.
While gun sales have been surging in recent years - largely driven by fears of more restrictive gun laws proposed during the Obama administration - gun check numbers had leveled off in the first months of the pro-gun Trump administration...
But, as USA Today notes, in all, the FBI fielded 203,086 requests on Black Friday, up from the previous single-day highs of 185,713 last year and 185,345 in 2015. 
The two previous records also were recorded on Black Friday.
Gun checks, required for purchases at federally licensed firearm dealers, are not a measure of actual gun sales.
The number of firearms sold Friday is likely higher because multiple firearms can be included in one transaction by a single buyer..."

You ought to know!

Image may contain: one or more people and text

Church of Sweden votes to stop using ‘He’ or ‘The Lord’ to refer to God – TheBlaze

Image result for flickr commons images Church of SwedenChurch of Sweden votes to stop using ‘He’ or ‘The Lord’ to refer to God – TheBlaze:

"The Church of Sweden has voted to stop its leaders from referring to God as “He” or “The Lord.” The reason? To be more gender-inclusive."

Alarmists Still Predicting The Apocalypse | The Daily Caller

Alarmists Still Predicting The Apocalypse | The Daily Caller
"For at least three decades scientists and environmental activists have been warning that the world is on the verge of a global warming “apocalypse” that will flood coastal cities, tear up roads and bridges with mega-storms and bring widespread famine and misery to much of the world.
See the source imageThe only solution, they say, is to rid the world of fossil fuels — coal, natural gas and oil — that serve as the pillars of modern society. 
Only quick, decisive global action can avert the worst effects of manmade climate change, warn international bodies like the United Nations, who say we only have decades left — or even less!
Of course, human civilization has not collapsed, despite decades of predictions that we only have years left to avert disaster. 
Ten years ago, the U.N. predicted we only had “as little as eight years left to avoid a dangerous global average rise of 2C or more.”
This failed prediction, however, has not topped the U.N. and others from issuing more apocalyptic statements.
To celebrate nearly three decades of dire predictions, The Daily Caller News Foundation put together this list of some of the most severe doomsday prophecies made by scientists, activists and politicians:
1. Apocalyptic warnings on repeat..."
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AM Fruitcake

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