Tuesday, November 28, 2017

10 Most Brutal Tyrants In History Compared By Number Of Victims

Image result for flickr commons images Nazi Germany10 Most Brutal Tyrants In History Compared By Number Of Victims:

" the Nazi’s Lebensborn program was an SS initiative which intended to propagate a twisted notion for a “master race.”

Bogus eugenics fueled a secret program dedicated to the task."

Sounds like Flint MI scam-----Puerto Rico Doesn’t Want Reform - WSJ

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority employees fix power lines in San Juan, Oct. 19.Puerto Rico Doesn’t Want Reform - WSJ:
"It has been 10 weeks since Hurricane Maria slammed into Puerto Rico.
The devastation was fierce.
Yet it cannot explain why almost half the generating capacity of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (Prepa) is still down.
Credit for that goes to Congress, which in June 2016 passed the Puerto Rico Oversight Management and Economic Stability Act, a k a Promesa.
It opened the door to debt defaults that violate the Puerto Rican constitution and U.S. law.
As is always the case when the rule of law takes a back seat to politics, it has fueled chaos.
Prepa blames its disastrous post-hurricane decisions on a shortage of cash.
Yet in the immediate aftermath of the storm, a group of Prepa bondholders offered the company fresh debtor-in-possession financing that included a swap of $1 billion in existing debt for $850 million in new bonds and $1 billion in new cash.
Puerto Rico rejected the offer...
...Now Mr. Rosselló is asking for $94 billion in aid from Washington for reconstruction costs.
But he’s refused to implement furloughs and pension cuts mandated by the Promesa board. "
Read on!

UVA offers scholarship to 'highly motivated gay male students' - The College Fix

See the source imageUVA offers scholarship to 'highly motivated gay male students' - The College Fix:
"Scholarship apparently excludes straight applicants, women
An LGBTQ alumni organization at the University of Virginia’s offers scholarships exclusively for gay male students, with the financial aid program apparently excluding both women and heterosexuals.
The Serpentine Society, which bills itself as “an inclusive alumni/ae organization dedicated to reaching out to and advocating for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) UVA alumni/ae, faculty, and students,” offers the Peter L. Page Scholarship for “highly motivated gay male students.”...
Read on!

#1 This week 1942-----Bing Crosby - White Christmas (1942) Original Version

What could possibly go wrong?----Tweaking prices for 7 foods could save 60,000 lives in the US every year

Tweaking prices for 7 foods could save 60,000 lives in the US every year:
"Food is the number one cause of poor health in America."
It's no secret there are strong correlations between how much foods cost and how much we consume them, with things like soda taxes being proposed across the world as a powerful tool for fighting obesity.
But what if you were to broaden the scope of that kind of thinking, reducing what it costs to buy a whole range of healthy foods, while simultaneously hiking prices on unhealthy alternatives?
According to new projections, the economic ripples of taxing unhealthy foods while subsidizing healthy options would end up saving thousands of American lives every year – even if the price adjustments were only small..."

You ought to know!

Socialism's history shows it delivers misery, murder and refugees - Washington Times

Socialism's history shows it delivers misery, murder and refugees - Washington Times:

Image result for WikiCommons Image Socialist Dictators"With the entire nation run like a giant prison, more than two million people have died since the mid-1990s from starvation. Hundreds of thousands have been executed or died in concentration camps. Overwhelmed by North Korean refugees, China, under whose own communist government led by Mao an estimated 65 million died, has erected a massive barbed wire and concrete fence along the border.
Do the millennials who were polled know these historical facts? Probably not. But if they are curious enough to find out, would fewer profess a preference for socialism?"

Everything You Need To Know About Why Net Neutrality Is A Terrible Idea | Daily Wire

Everything You Need To Know About Why Net Neutrality Is A Terrible Idea | Daily Wire:
"The topic of net neutrality is one of the hottest debated issues of the modern day, and for good reason. 
We all use the internet and thus have a natural tendency to weigh in on issues regarding its regulation.
The internet, however, is a complex hierarchical structure riddled with reams of vagaries. 
Without first understanding them, people shouldn’t attempt to propose legislation.
Unfortunately, from Congressmen to commentators to comedians, this is exactly what we’ve been seeing regarding net neutrality.
The only hot political issue where coverage is comparably poor is that of firearms. 
In fact, USA Today and Vox.com tweeting out explainers on the civilian AR-15 with a chainsaw and grenade launcher attached to it is the perfect analogy for how net neutrality is covered in the media.
But before getting to net neutrality, there are some key concepts about how the internet works that need explaining.
What is the Internet?
The internet is best described as a “network of networks.” 
It’s divided into regions that perform different functions. 
Access to the internet is provided through an Internet Service Provider (ISP). 
The ISP you’re probably most familiar with is the one you pay directly for your home internet (for example AT&T, Verizon, or Bell Canada). 
These providers are known as Tier 3 providers. 
But ISPs do a lot more than simply sell you a home internet plan. 
There are also Tier 1, and Tier 2 internet service providers.
Here’s a rough sketch of the interconnected web in the United States.

Tier 1 ISPs are known as the backbone of the internet. 
There exist about a dozen of them around the world, and they peer with one another, thus not having to pay anyone for transit (they have no providers). 
Tier 1 networks can reach every other network on the internet..."
Lots to understand.
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for November 28

See the source image
History for November 28 - On-This-Day.com
William Blake 1757, Berry Gordy, Jr. 1929 - Founder of Mowtown Records, Hope Lange 1933
Image result for William Blake QuotesImage result for Berry Gordy MotownImage result for Hope Lange

Gary Hart (Hartpence) 1936, Randy Newman 1943 - Singer, songwriter, Anna Nicole Smith 1967 - Model, actress
Image result for Gary Hart Monkey BusinessImage result for Randy Newman Short PeopleImage result for Anna Nicole Smith fat

1520 - Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reached the Pacific Ocean after passing through the South American strait. The strait was named after him. He was the first European to sail the Pacific from the east.
Image result for Ferdinand Magellan

1922 - Capt. Cyril Turner of the Royal Air Force gave the first public exhibition of skywriting. He spelled out, "Hello USA. Call Vanderbilt 7200" over New York's Times Square.
See the source image

1942 - In Boston, MA, 491 people died in a fire that destroyed the Coconut Grove.
Image result for fire that destroyed the Coconut Grove.

1943 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin met in Tehran to map out strategy concerning World War II.
Image result for Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin met in Tehran

1963 - U.S. President Johnson announced that Cape Canaveral would be renamed Cape Kennedy in honor of his assassinated predecessor. The name was changed back to Cape Canaveral in 1973 by a vote of residents.
Image result for Cape Canaveral would be renamed Cape Kennedy

1979 - An Air New Zealand DC-10 flying to the South Pole crashed in Antarctica killing all 257 people aboard
Image result for An Air New Zealand DC-10 flying to the South Pole crashed in Antarctica killing all 257 people aboard

1990 - Margaret Thatcher resigned as prime minister of Britain.
Image result for Margaret Thatcher resigned as prime minister of Britain.

1994 - Jeffrey Dahmer, a convicted serial killer, was clubbed to death in a Wisconsin prison by a fellow inmate.
Image result for Jeffrey Dahmer,

Monday, November 27, 2017

Report: Self-Driving Cars Will Have to Decide Who Dies During Crash - Breitbart

Report: Self-Driving Cars Will Have to Decide Who Dies During Crash - Breitbart:
Image result for flickr commons images Inside of car
"Self-driving cars may have to make the moral decision of who lives and who dies during a crash, according to a report.
“As you approach a rise in the road, heading south, a school bus appears, driving north, one driven by a human, and it veers sharply toward you. There is no time to stop safely, and no time for you to take control of the car,” "

The way we were-----Bread - The Best of Bread (1973)

Boob-tube-----Top 10 Most Controversial Things on 90s TV