Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Dating Tips For Prominent Democrats - Kurt Schlichter

Dating Tips For Prominent Democrats - Kurt Schlichter
"Editor's note: This column is satire.
We’ve learned so much about what women face in the last few weeks, and you liberal men should take this as an opportunity to change – specifically, out of your flapping bathrobes and into some Dockers.
Groping, flashing, molesting shrubs – believe it or not, some women consider these things to be wrong.
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, textCrazy?
Sure, but for now it’s no more monkey business as usual.
As a noted Democrat, you need to maintain your political viability, and you can exploit the respect and concern for women you’ve always pretended to have to help you dodge responsibility for whatever you’ve already done!
Hey, nobody gets into liberal politics because they actually believe this stuff!
Being a Democrat leader has always been a traditional path to making special new friends for guys who can’t cut it on looks and personality. 
Face it – no one ever said, “You know who’s hot? Al Franken. I bet he can bench his body weight.”
If Harvey Weinstein had managed a Safeway, America’s starlets and ferns would be substantially less traumatized..."
Read on.
Should be hilarious.
Instead, it's a national disgrace.

Top House Democrat Took $50K From Taxpayers To Keep A Former Staffer Quiet | The Daily Sheeple

Top House Democrat Took $50K From Taxpayers To Keep A Former Staffer Quiet | The Daily Sheeple
The top Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources used taxpayer dollars to pay off a former staffer who threatened to sue, claiming the lawmaker was often drunk and created a hostile workplace.
Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva’s secret deal with a former female staffer was revealed by The Washington Times on Monday. 
The payout was negotiated by the House Employment Counsel, the body’s attorney, and cost taxpayers $48,395..."
Read on!

#1 This week 1964-----Ringo (Ballad of a Gunfighter) by Lorne Greene

Learn about this national disgrace-----THIS DAY IN HISTORY: A media controversy ignites over the case of Tawana Brawley. It took until 2…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » THIS DAY IN HISTORY: A media controversy ignites over the case of Tawana Brawley. It took until 2…:
NOVEMBER 28, 2017
Image result for Tawana BrawleyTHIS DAY IN HISTORY: A media controversy ignites over the case of Tawana Brawley.
It took until 2013 for this CNN headline, however: Tawana Brawley starts paying man she falsely accused of rape in 1987.
And since 2011, NBC and Comcast have kept Al Sharpton on the payroll, likely as both self-protection and as payback for supporting their merger.--Posted by Ed Driscoll at 8:16 pm

You ought to know!

We've finally found something politicians and reporters have considered important enough to keep secret for decades

We've finally found something politicians and reporters have considered important enough to keep secret for decades:

Image result for flickr commons images Swamp"The swamp is extremely deep.  It consists of politicians from both parties, bureaucrats, a bevy of reporters who will report what they are told, lobbyists, and others.  They have amassed a great deal of power, and they will not let an outsider take that away.

Reporters should be digging deep into this slush fund, but they seem to have as much interest in that as they do in who killed Seth Rich and why. "

Democrat 'gerrymandered' IL 4th District-Louis Gutierrez

(1) Facebook
"My how the mighty are falling! Anyone else in IL has their brain reeling with possibilities for the so obviously 'gerrymandered' IL 4th District! 
Amnesty advocate and 'impeach Trump' Gutierrez is "retiring". 
Look at this mess for a congressional district, drawn specifically for a candidate, I mean hand picked Democrat win! 
You can't even color in the lines with this mess #ThisIsHowDEMsWinIL"
No automatic alt text available.

AM Fruitcake

Image may contain: text

AM Fruitcake

History for November 29

Image result for C.S. Lewis Quotes
History for November 29 -
Louisa May Alcott 1832, Busby Berkeley 1895, C.S. Lewis 1898
Image result for Louisa May Alcott Quotes Image result for Busby BerkeleyImage result for C.S. Lewis Quotes

Chuck Mangione 1940 - Composer, musician, Suzy Chaffee 1946 - Skier, Garry Shandling 1949 - Comedian, actor
  Image result for Chuck Mangione Image result for Suzy Chaffee Image result for garry shandling quotes

1530 - Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, former adviser to England's King Henry VIII, died.
Image result for cardinal thomas wolsey quotes

1890 - Navy defeated Army by a score of 24-0 in the first Army-Navy football game. The game was played at West Point, NY.
Image result for 1890 - Navy defeated Army by a score of 24-0 in the first Army-Navy football game

1929 - The first airplane flight over the South Pole was made by U.S. Navy Lt. Comdr. Richard E. Byrd.
Image result for 1929 - The first airplane flight over the South Pole

1947 - The U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution that called for the division of Palestine between Arabs and Jews.
Image result for United Nations Resolution 181

1961 - The Mercury-Atlas 5 spacecraft was launched by the U.S. with Enos the chimp on board. The craft orbited the earth twice before landing off Puerto Rico.
Image result for Enos the chimp

1975 - Bill Gates adopted the name Microsoft for the company he and Paul Allen had formed to write the BASIC computer language for the Altair.
Image result for 1975 - Bill Gates adopted the name Microsoft

1981 - Actress Natalie Wood drowned in a boating accident off Santa Catalina Island, CA, at the age 43.
Image result for Natalie Wood drowned

1990 - The U.N. Security Council voted to authorize military action if Iraq did not withdraw its troops from Kuwait and release all foreign hostages by January 15, 1991.
Image result for U.N. Security Council voted to authorize military action if Iraq

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ladies, Remember Men Are Dangerous. Now Share A Bathroom With Them And Don't Carry A Gun. | Daily Wire

Ladies, Remember Men Are Dangerous. Now Share A Bathroom With Them And Don't Carry A Gun. | Daily Wire:

Image result for free clip art Scratching Head"It's just that I have trouble putting this into practice. God forgive me. The problem is that the Left's arguments are often so convoluted, absurd, and self-defeating that I couldn't take them seriously if I tried. And I have tried. But when I follow one of their philosophical threads to its logical conclusion, I discover that the thread has no conclusion. It suddenly splits in another direction, and another, and another, and when I step back all I see is a tangled web of contradictions. What choice do I have but to be dismissive? All that one can do with nonsense, in the end, is dismiss it."

The way we were-----One Hit Wonders Of The 1960's

Boob-tube-----Combat! S1E1 Forgotten Front, TV Series 1962

Why Ajit Pai's decision killing Obama's net neutrality FCC regulation is good

Why Ajit Pai's decision killing Obama's net neutrality FCC regulation is good:
"...Net neutrality’s dubious value is made obvious by the misleading way Democrats and many news outlets reported the decision.
“F.C.C. plans net neutrality repeal in a victory for telecoms,” wrote the New York Times.
Missing from the headline or lede was that the decision was a loss for Netflix, Amazon, Google, and other corporate giants that provider content.
This is the Democratic line. 
By portraying deregulation as a bonbon for Big Business, and concealing the hit taken by some of the biggest businesses (see above), these partial accounts avoid debating the issue on its merits and dwindle into demagoguery, where they are comfortable.
This is an established pattern with net neutrality.
When the FCC voted in 2015 to impose net neutrality rules, the text of the relevant order wasn’t published until after the vote.
...Net neutrality regulation also effectively outlaws competing business models, which are good for customers and the economy as a whole.
Competing business models allow experimentation, and this leads to providers serving customers better by meeting their needs more precisely.
Consider the possibility of Internet “fast lanes.”
As telemedicine becomes an increasingly important part of healthcare, wouldn’t you want your surgeon to be able to buy access to an express lane in which a network was allowed to grant privilege to certain data over others?
That is, AT&T should be allowed to provide a service in which data bytes flowing between an operating room and a surgeon take precedence over bytes of 100 dudes Googling to find out whether Jennifer Lawrence is married.
...The FCC’s move last week will leave Internet business models to compete in the marketplace rather than competing in smoke-filled rooms for the favor of regulators..."
Read on!

If GPS Failed, We’d Be More Than Lost - cetusnews

If GPS Failed, We’d Be More Than Lost - cetusnews:
"North Korea and Russia pose increasingly serious geopolitical threats to the U.S. and its allies. While these rogue nations possess nuclear weapons and formidable conventional forces, they have also used unconventional methods like hacking to attack government institutions and private companies.
Add another target to the list of concerns: the Global Positioning System.
Built primarily for the U.S. military, GPS is now used by civilians across the globe.
Smartphones, personal navigation units, and air-traffic control all rely on it.
They’re part of modern life, constantly performing trivial and critical functions all over the country. Fifteen of the “18 Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource sectors” in the U.S. are GPS-reliant, according to the Department of Homeland Security.
Temporary, local GPS failures have already proved chaotic.
A truck driver in New Jersey used an illegal but easily acquired GPS jammer to prevent his boss from tracking him. 
As he drove past Newark Liberty International Airport, his jammer blocked air-traffic control signals. No one was injured, but someone setting out to do deliberate harm could pose a security risk in the future.
As troublesome as a minor threat is, what if GPS as a whole were attacked?
The detonation of a nuclear device high in the atmosphere—and the creation of an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, that would follow—present the most likely threat to the satellites that underpin the system.
See the source imageIn September 1962, a nuclear test conducted by the U.S. accidentally destroyed a British satellite and streetlights in Hawaii, demonstrating the potential devastation of an EMP.
Anything that requires precise timing would be affected because GPS satellites serve as global timekeepers.
The loss of clock synchronization across the world would cause the internet to stall and financial transactions to cease.
Our ability to monitor and forecast the weather would be hobbled, too.
Even if America’s adversaries are not capable of pulling off such a feat, Mother Nature certainly is. In 1859, a ferocious solar storm known as the Carrington Event shot charged particles from the sun toward Earth.
 If it were to happen again today, experts believe that satellites all over the world could be destroyed. NASA warns that they can’t be protected.
The U.S. would be wise to stockpile communications satellites to replace the ones the sun obliterates.
A better option is to build a land-based navigation system..."
Read on!

Net Neutrality Protesters Target FCC Chairman's Home And Children | Daily Wire

Net Neutrality Protesters Target FCC Chairman's Home And Children | Daily Wire:
Image result for flickr commons images computer
"On Monday, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai told Fox & Friends that net neutrality protesters have targeted his home and his children.

One neighbor of Pai’s tweeted that signs protesters brandished named Pai’s children; others accused him of "murdering Democracy in cold blood," still others asked how his children could look him in the eye."

Climate Change Advocates Attack Capitalism | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Climate Change Advocates Attack Capitalism | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
"Environmentalism: Every once in a while, environmentalists will let slip that the goal of fighting climate change can't be won unless capitalism is first defeated.
The fact that there's no evidence to support the claim doesn't seem to matter.
Image result for ussr environmentThe latest to make this case is Arizona State University fellow Benjamin Fong in an Op-Ed published recently by the New York Times, headlined "The Climate Crisis? It's Capitalism, Stupid."
"It should be stated plainly: It's capitalism that is at fault," he writes.
Or, what he later calls "the rampant stupidity of capitalism."
The answer, he says, is a "democratic socialist society."
Fong isn't the only one making this claim. Naomi Klein's 2014 book titled "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate" argues that the planet is doomed unless the world abandons "free market" ideology.
Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of climate change policy wasn't just to cut CO2 emissions, but "to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution..."
Read on!

Cokie Roberts: Oh, We All Knew To Avoid Getting in An Elevator With Rep. Conyers - Christine Rousselle

Cokie Roberts: Oh, We All Knew To Avoid Getting in An Elevator With Rep. Conyers - Christine Rousselle:
"Speaking on ABC's "This Week," Cokie Roberts made a startling admission: "every female in the press corps knew" to avoid being in an elevator with Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), and has apparently known about this "for years."
Conyers has been accused of multiple instances of sexual harassment and has stepped down from the House Judiciary Committee.
Despite the allegations against him, major players in the Democratic Party have defended Conyers and will not say that he should resign. 
Pelosi even referred to the embattled congressman as an "icon."
Read on!

Lunch video-----Hate Crimes Against White People Increasing!
