Friday, December 01, 2017

Supermoon Trifecta, Geminid Meteor Shower Peak: Skywatch Calendar | Across America, US Patch

Image result for blue moon supermoonSupermoon Trifecta, Geminid Meteor Shower Peak: Skywatch Calendar | Across America, US Patch: "three consecutive supermoons starting this weekend and including a blue moon supermoon at the end of January; a total lunar eclipse; and a trio of meteor showers, starting with the Geminids, an especially bright celestial event that peaks Dec. 13-14.
The first full moon in the supermoon trifecta will be at its closest point to Earth at 4 a.m. Eastern on the morning of Monday, Dec. 4, but moon gazers will get their best views at just after sunset Sunday, Dec. 3, as it appears large over the horizon.
That's the supermoon effect.
The moon isn't actually larger, but it appears particularly so in its closest approach to Earth during its monthly orbit — known as lunar perigee.
The December full moon, which is also known as the "cold moon," is the only supermoon in 2017, and it's smaller than most."

In US, 57 percent of kids on track for obesity by 35: study

In US, 57 percent of kids on track for obesity by 35: study:
Image result for fat kids"Miami (AFP) - More than 57 percent of children in the United States will be obese by age 35 if current trends in weight gain and poor eating habits continue, researchers warned Wednesday.
The risk of obesity is high even among children whose present weight is normal, said the report in the New England Journal of Medicine.
"Only those children with a current healthy weight have less than a 50 percent chance of becoming obese by the age of 35 years," said the study, led by researchers at Harvard University.
Some 36.5 percent of the US adult population is now considered obese, a condition federal health officials define as having a body mass index of 30 or higher.
..."Of the children predicted to have obesity as adults, half will develop it as children."...
Read on!

#1 This day 1968-----The Supremes , Love Child 1968

Let's compile a list of pro-women, pro-minority things Trump has done. : WomenForTrump

Let's compile a list of pro-women, pro-minority things Trump has done. : WomenForTrump
"This post is to counter all the blind character assassination against Donald Trump. 
I'm borrowing heavily from this post, and will happily add any contributions in the comments. 
Suggestions/advice always welcome!!
It will be better organized in the future.
  • "Donald Trump employs more women than men at the upper echelons of his real estate empire, and in many cases pays them more." To add to this, "today, according to Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, there are more women than men holding executive positions in the Trump Organization, heading such departments as human resources, golf and hotel management, and global licensing, even though women make up just 43 percent of the overall workforce. Women who are in similar positions as men, Cohen said, 'are compensated at equal and in many cases higher pay rates.' ”
  • "Black Female Executive Speaks Out About Working For Trump Family"
Very long list.
Read it all!

You ought to know!

Trump on Clinton email warning: 'Why aren't our Deep State authorities looking at this?' | Fox News

Trump on Clinton email warning: 'Why aren't our Deep State authorities looking at this?' | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images hillary clinton"In an exclusive interview with Fox News Monday, former Intelligence Community Inspector General Charles McCullough III said he suffered "personal blowback" over his pursuit of the email investigation. McCullough claimed the Clinton campaign put out word that he would be fired if the Democratic nominee won last year's presidential election."

The largest employer in each U.S. state

"The largest employer in each U.S. state"
No automatic alt text available.

AM Fruitcake

History for December 1

Image result for Woody Allen Quotes
History for December 1 -
Mary Martin 1913, David Doyle 1925, Woody Allen 1935
Image result for Mary MartinImage result for David Doyle BosleyImage result for Woody Allen perv meme

Lou Rawls 1935, Richard Pryor 1940, Bette Midler 1945
Lou Rawls Groovy PeopleImage result for Richard PryorImage result for Bette Midler

1835 - Hans Christian Andersen published his first book of fairy tales.
Image result for Hans Christian Andersen Quotes

1941 - In the U.S., the Civil Air Patrol was created. In April 1943 the Civil Air Patrol was placed under the jurisdiction of the Army Air Forces.
Image result for 1941 - In the U.S., the Civil Air Patrol was created.

1943 - In Teheran, leaders of the United States, the USSR and the United Kingdom met to reaffirm the goal set on October 30, 1943. The previous meeting called for an early establishment of an international organization to maintain peace and security.
Image result for Teheran United States, the USSR and the United Kingdom 1943.

1952 - In Denmark, it was announced that the first successful sex-change operation had been performed.
Image result for first successful sex-change operation had been performed.

1955 - Rosa Parks, a black seamstress in Montgomery, AL, refused to give up her seat to a white man. Mrs. Parks was arrested marking a milestone in the civil rights movement in the U.S.
Image result for Rosa Parks,

1969 - The U.S. government held its first draft lottery since World War II.
Image result for 1969 - The U.S. government held its first draft lottery since World War II.

1987 - Construction began on the Channel Tunnel between the United Kingdom and France.
Image result for 87 - Construction began on the Channel Tunnel between the United Kingdom and France.

1990 - British and French workers digging the Channel Tunnel finally met under the English Channel.
Image result for 1990 - British and French workers digging the Channel Tunnel finally met under the English Channel.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Mainstream Media's Accused - The Rap Sheet, 19 So Far - Breitbart

The Mainstream Media's Accused - The Rap Sheet, 19 So Far - Breitbart:

Image result for free clip art News"To the surprise of absolutely no one, the very same mainstream media that attempted to disqualify then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012 over the phrase “binders full of women,” the very same media that grinded Republican senate candidate Todd Akin into dust over something he said, appears to be, itself, a depraved institution populated by powerful abusers and their enablers.

Over the past two months a number of powerful men have been fired or placed on suspension over allegations of sexual misconduct, horrific behavior that ranges from masturbating in front of female subordinates to pay-for-play. And time and time again we hear the words Everybody Knew!"

The way we were-----The Turtles - Happy Together - 1967

Boob-tube-----Death Valley Days - Little Washington, Full Episode, Classic Western TV ...

Interesting but 10 years ago. BEFORE big "epidemic"-----Over 60 percent of people who OD on opioids and die have chronic pain: Study -

Image result for lies damn lies statistics quoteOver 60 percent of people who OD on opioids and die have chronic pain: Study - "TUESDAY, Nov. 28, 2017 -- More than 60 percent of opioid overdose deaths involve people who suffer from chronic pain, a new analysis reveals.
Many of them also struggled with depression or anxiety, the investigators found.
The findings stem from a study that examined the medical backgrounds of more than 13,000 men and women who died from an opioid overdose between 2001 and 2007.
...The current findings were published online Nov. 28 in the American Journal of Psychiatry."

Sea Level Rises Hundreds Of Feet Due To Sweat From Celebrities Waiting To Be Outed As Perverts

Sea Level Rises Hundreds Of Feet Due To Sweat From Celebrities Waiting To Be Outed As Perverts
"U.S.—Stunned meteorologists reported Wednesday that the sea level has risen an astonishing 300 feet overnight, as the sweat from celebrities trying to cover up their sexual harassment scandals rained down “in buckets.”
Vast swathes of the United States are now entirely underwater, including major coastal cities and regions, as the investigations into various celebrities and TV personalities continue.
“This is a worldwide disaster,” one NBC News anchor (not Matt Lauer) said.
“We saw an uptick when Harvey Weinstein’s deviant behavior came to light, but when it became clear the revelations wouldn’t be slowing down anytime soon, celebrities and otherwise powerful individuals all across the nation began sweating profusely.”
At publishing time, FEMA disaster officials had recommended that all yet-to-be-outed celebrity perverts simply confess their sins, repent, and find peace with God in Christ, in order to avoid further guilt and flooding."

YouTube pulls plug on Bible videos

YouTube pulls plug on Bible videos:

Image result for free clip art Censored"Videos promoting ISIS and violent jihad can be found on YouTube. So can those of the KKK, communists and antifa.
But the Bible lessons and radio interviews posted on the personal channel of Carl Gallups, a popular pastor and author, can’t.

They’ve been censored by the Internet giant. Pulled down. Dropped."

National Reciprocity for Concealed Carry Passes, Next Stop House Floor - Breitbart

See the source imageNational Reciprocity for Concealed Carry Passes, Next Stop House Floor - Breitbart
"National reciprocity for concealed carry passed the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday is expected to receive a floor vote before the end of the year.
The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 was introduced by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) on January 3, 2017. 

It changes federal law that so concealed carry permits are treated like driver’s licenses, making a permit from one state valid in the other 49. 

This would fix the complicated and often confusing patchwork of concealed carry laws currently in effect throughout the country.
To put it simply, Hudson’s bill allows the common man to defend himself and his family as he travels throughout this country...."

Read on!

Matt Lauer & Fox News: How Tribalism Affects the Press | National Review

Matt Lauer & Fox News: How Tribalism Affects the Press | National Review
"...When the allegations about Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes came out, the mainstream media had a field day. 
But there was no larger feeding frenzy. 
Last year it was a “Fox News” story, not a “societal problem” story. 
It took the Harvey Weinstein allegations to get the mainstream press to start asking uncomfortable questions about its own institutions. 
I can think of several reasons for this, but one that stands out is the tribalism of media itself. 
The Fox stories confirmed, to one extent or another, what a lot of mainstream liberals think about Fox or about conservatives generally: 
They’re retrograde. 
They’re bad. 
That’s the kind of thing that goes on over there. 
It’s related to what some reporters I know at Fox call the “Fox News effect”
...If Fox puts a lot of weight on a story, other outlets go the opposite direction. 
That’s why so many conservative pundits played the “If this was Bush” game during the Obama presidency. 
But back to the sexual-harassment thing. 
One of my longstanding gripes is how when conservatives do something bad, it’s proof of the inherent badness of conservatives and conservatism. 
But when liberals do something bad, it is immediately turned into an indictment of America itself..."
Read it all!

Lunch video-----Michael Hansen on the cancellation of the movie, KILLING EUROPE

Lunch video-----KILLING EUROPE: Trailer


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