Saturday, December 02, 2017

Infographic Comparing Bomber Payloads-The Top Two Are Really Surprising - World War Wings

Infographic Comparing Bomber Payloads-The Top Two Are Really Surprising - World War Wings
"How does that quote go about military pilots?
“Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make history?” 
That saying is pretty true, as bombing the ever living daylights out of your enemy’s resources does hinder their ability to fight.
That’s how wars are won.
In this spirit, we made another infographic (as you requested actually) showing you guys the payloads of bombers. 
Since we can’t include every bomber ever made, we selected 19 that are most famous from World War II to today.
Yes, you’ll see everything from a B-17 Flying Fortress to the B-2 Spirit..."
(click link above to see all bombers!)

North Korea Threatens Electromagnetic Pulse Attack on US

North Korea Threatens Electromagnetic Pulse Attack on US:
"...For decades, national security and intelligence officials, including former CIA Director James Woolsey, have warned that the United States was vulnerable to electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks that could cripple the nation’s power grid.
Tensions between the U.S. and North Korea have reached a fever pitch.
See the source imageNorth Korea continues to test its nuclear capability and threatens the U.S. with an EMP attack.
But is the United States taking the North Korean threat seriously or is it even addressing it?
Who is Responsible for Protecting Our Nation’s Infrastructure?
To ward off an EMP attack if it occurs, we need to consider who is responsible for protecting our nation’s critical infrastructure. 
Recent hurricanes in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico have shown the vulnerability of the U.S.’s antiquated electrical systems.
...National defense officials are supposedly tasked with protecting the critical infrastructure that affects the lives of millions of Americans.
But they really don’t know what will happen or what can be done to prevent or safeguard the nation from an EMP attack..."
Read on!!

#1 This day 1965-----The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn!

Bali volcano slow global warming: Mount Agung 'plunge Earth into cold spell' | World | News |

Bali volcano eruptionBali volcano slow global warming: Mount Agung 'plunge Earth into cold spell' | World | News |
"BALI’S volcano eruption could plunge the earth into a prolonged cold spell as scientists warn Mount Agung explosion could slow global climate change for up to five years.
Volcanic debris, ash and other particles have continued to spew out of the volcano, leaving a seven-mile high hazardous cloud above the mountain top.
...But experts have warned the Bali volcano may affect the whole world, possibly cooling the planet for up to five years.
And the result will be in a reverse of global warming, as the planet’s temperatures cool instead of increasing as projected.
Scientists have known for a long time volcanic eruptions can alter the planet’s climate for months on end, as millions of gases and particles spread through the atmosphere..."

You ought to know!

Trump Was Right: Report Shows Terror Levels At All-Time High In U.K. | Daily Wire

Trump Was Right: Report Shows Terror Levels At All-Time High In U.K. | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images London"The British newspaper The Guardian released a new report on Wednesday that validated Trump's shot at May as figures show that the U.K. has an unprecedented Islamic terrorism problem.

The Guardian reports:
The raids come as the number of people arrested for terrorism-linked offences rose by more than two-thirds to a record 379 in the 12 months to June – one of the most intense periods for terrorist attacks in recent history."

The World Since I Was Born | The American Spectator

The World Since I Was Born | The American Spectator:
"Thanks to America, it’s been a miracle.
So, a few days ago was my 73rd birthday.
See the source imageI spent it in Rancho Mirage, near Palm Springs, with my wife and our dog, Julie, and my wife’s nurse, Gemma.
I swam twice each day, on my back, looking up at the day and night sky through the palm fronds and this is what I thought:
Life in America has improved so much since I was born, life in this world has improved so much since I was born that it’s almost unbelievable.
When I was born, Hitler was still ruling much of Europe.
Close to 10,000 Jews a day were being killed by the Nazis.
The worst crimes in history, the Soviet mass killings and the Holocaust, were still raging.
That’s all over now.
There were killings by the tens of millions in China, too, when the Communists took over, and that was when I was a child.
That’s all over now.
Germany is one of the most free countries on earth.
There is no more USSR.
Russia has serious problems, but it’s nothing like the killing field it was.
China is now an industrial powerhouse whose people eat better and live better than could have been imagined even forty years ago, all thanks to a small measure of freedom and an immense measure of capitalism.
The people and nations of Southeast Asia, after a series of horror shows, are booming, becoming industrial and high tech powerhouses, too.
Freedom and prosperity have made the greatest advances of all time, just in my lifetime… all patterned after our own America..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for December 2

Image result for president james monroe quotes
History for December 2 -
George Seurat 1859, Charles Ringling 1862, Alexander M. Haig 1924
Image result for George SeuratImage result for Ringling BrothersImage result for Alexander Haig Quotes

Lucy Liu 1968 - Actress, Britney Spears 1981 - Singer, TV judge ("The X Factor"), Aaron Rodgers 1983 - Football player
Image result for Lucy LiuImage result for Britney SpearsImage result for Aaron Rodgers

1804 - Napoleon was crowned emperor of France at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.
Image result for 1804 - Napoleon was crowned emperor of France

1823 - U.S. President James Monroe outlined his doctrine opposing European expansion in the Western Hemisphere.
Image result for Monroe outlined his doctrine

1901 - Gillette patented the KC Gillette Razor. It was first razor to feature a permanent handle and disposable double-edge razor blades.
Image result for 1901 - Gillette patented the KC Gillette Razor.

1927 - The Ford Motor Company unveiled the Model A automobile. It was the successor to the Model T.
Image result for 1927 - The Ford Motor Company unveiled the Model A automobile.

1942 - A self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated by Dr. Enrico Fermi and his staff at the University of Chicago.
Image result for 1942 - A self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated by Dr. Enrico Fermi

1961 - Cuban leader Fidel Castro declared in a nationally broadcast speech that he was a Marxist-Leninist and that he was going to lead Cuba to communism.
Image result for Cuban leader Fidel Castro Marxist-Leninis

1969 - The Boeing 747 jumbo jet got its first public preview as 191 people flew from Seattle, WA, to New York City, NY. Most of the passengers were reporters and photographers.
Image result for 1969 - The Boeing 747 jumbo jet got its first public preview

2001 - Enron Corp. filed for Chapter 11 reorganization. The filing came five days after Dynegy walked away from a $8.4 billion buyout. It was the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.
Image result for 2001 - Enron Corp. filed for Chapter 11 reorganization.

Friday, December 01, 2017

STUDY: Global Warming Not Getting Worse | The Daily Caller

Image result for free clip art ThermometerSTUDY: Global Warming Not Getting Worse | The Daily Caller:

"Global warming has not accelerated temperature rise in the bulk atmosphere in more than two decades, according to a new study funded by the Department of Energy."

The way we were-----The Supremes: You Can't Hurry Love - Original (Take 1)

Boob-tube-----Jerry Mathers: First 'Leave it to Beaver' was banned from the air

HRC: Turning Mourning into a Movement – by Amanda S. Green | According To Hoyt

HRC: Turning Mourning into a Movement – by Amanda S. Green | According To Hoyt:
"..."Turning Mourning into a Movement” could mean only one thing.
This was going to be Clinton’s attack on several things I hold dear — our first responders and the Second Amendment. Boy, was I right.
See the source image...For four pages, Clinton describes meeting with different mothers who lost their sons or daughters to police shootings.
The bravery of these women in not only surviving but persevering in the face of such loss is touted as if no other mother had ever lost a child.
For four pages, we are left with stories that basically let us know just how Clinton feels about police officers and other first responders and it isn’t good.
Finally, on the fourth page of the chapter, Clinton writes,”Treating everyone with care and respect is especially important for the men and women charged with keeping us all safe.” 
Especially important for the men and women charged with keeping us all safe.
Think about that for a moment and then think about how she doesn’t say anything about how those they serve and protect should treat them with respect and care. 
Yes, there are bad cops but the good ones far outnumber the bad ones.
But that doesn’t figure into Clinton’s narrative..."
Read on!

What could possibly go wrong?-----Brown University Will Allow Students to 'Self-Identify' as a Person of Color - Breitbart

Image result for will change its application for the upcoming admissions cycle to allow students to self-identify as a student of color,”Brown University Will Allow Students to 'Self-Identify' as a Person of Color - Breitbart:
"Brown University has announced a change to their application process that will allow applicants to “self-identify” as a person of color.
...“Duncan ...said that the graduate school will change its application for the upcoming admissions cycle to allow students to self-identify as a student of color,” an article in the Brown Daily Herald read.
...Marlina Duncan, the dean of diversity initiatives at Brown about the impact of minority status on admission, but she did not respond to the outlet’s inquiry..."
Read it all!

Irish School Removes The Title 'Freshman' Over Gender Equality | Daily Wire

Irish School Removes The Title 'Freshman' Over Gender Equality | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Trinity College Dublin "Trinity College Dublin has eliminated the title "freshman" in the name of gender equality, electing to go with "Fresh."

According to The Independent, the school announced the change in an email from the Vice-Provost Chris Morash and Students' Union President Kevin Keane, saying the Equality Committee decided that "the title given to first and second year undergraduates students be changed from 'Freshman' to the gender-neutral term 'Fresh.'""

Black Lives Matter Wants to Bring Down White Capitalism With 'Black Christmas'

Black Lives Matter Wants to Bring Down White Capitalism With 'Black Christmas':
"Activist group Black Lives Matter of Los Angeles (BLM) is calling for holiday shoppers to spend their money at black-owned businesses in a push for a “black Christmas” that aims to resist white supremacy through capitalism.
Image result for “black Christmas” Group leaders say it’s time for people to “resist white capitalism” and divest from businesses that contribute to racial inequality.
Melina Abdullah, a BLM leader who is a professor at California State University, Los Angeles (CSU-LA), is encouraging shoppers to use their money to support economic empowerment for minorities.
“We say ‘white capitalism’ because it’s important that we understand that the economic system and the racial structures are connected,” said Abdullah during her weekly radio show, Beautiful Struggle. “We have to not only disrupt the systems of policing that literally kill our people, but we have to disrupt the white supremacist, capitalistic, patriarchal, heteronormative system that is really the root cause of these police killings.”"

Elect Women To Solve Sexual Misconduct Issues: Michigan Candidate | Detroit, MI Patch

Elect Women To Solve Sexual Misconduct Issues: Michigan Candidate | Detroit, MI Patch
DETROIT, MI – A (DEMOCRAT) candidate for attorney general in Michigan thinks she has a solution to the many allegations of sexual harassment against current political figures...
Dana Nessel, a Detroit lawyer and former assistant prosecutor, launched a campaign ad this week promoting just that idea.
"So when you're choosing Michigan's next attorney general, ask yourself this: Who can you trust most not to show you their penis in a professional setting? Is it the candidate who doesn't have a penis? I'd say so," says Nessel in the campaign ad..."
Read on!
Watch the video here:

Lunch video-----Right Angle - The Banality Of Evil - 11/29/17


Crowder: No, My Amazon Alexa Video Wasn't A Hoax. She's Really A Far-Left SJW. Here's Proof. | Daily Wire

Crowder: No, My Amazon Alexa Video Wasn't A Hoax. She's Really A Far-Left SJW. Here's Proof. | Daily Wire:

Image result for free clip art Surprise Look"In a video that went viral over the Thanksgiving weekend, conservative comedian and commentator Steven Crowder conducts a question and answer session with Amazon's "Alexa" that shows that the artificial personal assistant is more interested in giving users her "far-left social justice warrior" opinion than straightforward facts. The video of the clearly "editorializing" responses Alexa provided to simple, direct questions resulted in a flood of conspiracy theories accusing Crowder of "faking" the whole thing."