Tuesday, December 05, 2017

You ought to know!

DOJ And FBI Accused Of 'Hiding' Inf | The Daily Caller

DOJ And FBI Accused Of 'Hiding' Inf | The Daily Caller:
Image result for free clip art Press Report
"“In light of today’s press reports, we now know why Strzok was dismissed, why the FBI and DOJ refused to provide us this explanation, and at least one reason why they previously refused to make Deputy [FBI] Director [Andrew] McCabe available to the Committee for an interview,” said Nunes."

Should older people lose the right to vote? - Macleans.ca

Should older people lose the right to vote? - Macleans.ca:
"Some have argued that disenfranchising the elderly would allow younger people to make decisions about their future, but is it really that simple?
...What should democracies do when the interests of the elderly appear to be at odds with the interests of younger generations?
...One proposal mooted in philosophy circles over the past few decades is to disenfranchise the elderly—that is, eliminate the right to vote at age 70 or some other appropriate upper threshold.
See the source imageThe idea is that once citizens reach a certain age, they will be less concerned with our social, political, and economic future than younger generations and much less likely to bear the long-term consequences of political decisions and policies.
In that case, their votes ought to be discounted, or eliminated altogether, to ensure that the future is shaped by those who have a real stake in how it turns out.
...Decisions made by older generations will affect the interests of younger and unborn generations, but those younger generations will themselves have less or no say.
Moreover, as some argue, older citizens have greater incentives to deplete natural resources, underinvest in infrastructure, accumulate public debt and ignore the environment.
...Grandma votes against carbon taxes and recycling programs, and Grandpa votes against education spending?
So take away their right to vote and let younger people make decisions about the future..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for December 5

 Image result for martin van buren quotes
History for December 5 - On-This-Day.com
Martin Van Buren(Democrat) (U.S.) 1782, Christina Georgina Rossetti 1830, George Armstrong Custer 1839
Image result for martin van buren quotesImage result for Christina Georgina Rossetti quotesImage result for George Armstrong Custer

Walt Elias Disney 1901, Otto Preminger 1906, Little Richard (Richard Wayne Penniman) 1932
Image result for Walt Elias DisneyImage result for Exodus 1960 FilmImage result for Little Richard

1776 - In Williamsburg, VA, at the College of William and Mary the first scholastic fraternity in America, Phi Beta Kappa, was organized.
Image result for first scholastic fraternity in America, Phi Beta Kappa,

1848 - U.S. President Polk triggered the Gold Rush of '49 by confirming the fact that gold had been discovered in California.
Image result for President Polk triggered the Gold Rush of '49

1876 - The Stillson wrench was patented by D.C. Stillson. The device was the first practical pipe wrench.
Image result for Stillson Pipe Wrench History

1904 - The Russian fleet was destroyed by the Japanese at Port Arthur, during the Russo-Japanese War.
Image result for Russian fleet was destroyed by the Japanese at Port Arthur,

1932 - German physicist Albert Einstein was granted a visa making it possible for him to travel to the U.S.
Image result for Albert Einstein Quotes

1933 - Prohibition came to an end when Utah became the 36th state to ratify the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Image result for Prohibition came to an end

1945 - The so-called "Lost Squadron" disappeared. The five U.S. Navy Avenger bombers carrying 14 Navy flyers began a training mission at the Ft. Lauderdale Naval Air Station. They were never heard from again.
Image result for "Lost Squadron" disappeared.

1988 - Jim Bakker and former aide Richard Dortch were indicted by a federal grand jury in North Carolina on fraud and conspiracy charges.
Image result for Jim Bakker indicted

Monday, December 04, 2017

I'm A Liberal, And I Agree With Sean Hannity That U.S. Journalism Is Dead

I'm A Liberal, And I Agree With Sean Hannity That U.S. Journalism Is Dead:

Image result for free clip art light bulb"I’m a liberal Democrat who didn’t realize for a long time that our mainstream media is biased. For years, I consumed news and commentary from my favorite media sites uncritically: CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times. From time to time, I watched Fox News to see what “the other side” was saying.

I lived in a kind of information bubble, but like most bubble-dwellers I didn’t know I was living in one. Ironically, the 2016 election opened my eyes to this “Truman Show”-like media universe we’ve all been inhabiting."

The way we were-----The Bangles - Manic Monday

Boob-tube-----Top 10 Memorable TV Couples of 2017

Black Philly Councilwoman Wants To Ban Bulletproof Plexiglass In Korean Stores Because It’s An “Indignity” To Black People | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Black Philly Councilwoman Wants To Ban Bulletproof Plexiglass In Korean Stores Because It’s An “Indignity” To Black People | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform
"...In Philadelphia, where the new District Attorney is openly anti-police and pro-Black Lives Matter, a grotesque wave of egalitarianism threatens to overwhelm the city in an anti-civilization deluge.
Case in point: a black city council member believes plexiglass in restaurants/convenience stores represents an “indignity” to black people.
At the end of the day, elected black officials exist to protect black criminals from the consequences of their actions
...“These businesses in particular have skirted and flouted the law for years,” said Bass. 
...“My interest is to see restaurants where a family can go down and have a meal,” she said, adding that she has been “flabbergasted” by the image of workers serving food through a window as if customers were “in prison.”

Trust the critics!-----LA Film Critics Association Winners 2017

LA Film Critics Association Winners 2017:
"Call Me by Your Name"
"...One morning, Elio finds a note from Oliver asking him to come to Oliver's bedroom at midnight.
Elio spends the day with Marzia but secretly longs to see Oliver.
Finally, at midnight, he enters Oliver's bedroom and the couple make love for the first time.
Over the next few days, they grow closer, frequently having sex while keeping their relationship a secret. In bed, Oliver tells Elio, "Call me by your name and I will call you by mine".
They refer to each other by their own names while becoming more and more intimate both physically and emotionally.
Another time, Elio masturbates into a peach that he has split open, and after Oliver performs oral sex on him, he takes a bite of the peach in front of an embarrassed Elio. 
Completely smitten with Oliver by that point, he begins to avoid Marzia..." Wiki review

Senate approves $1.4 trillion tax cut; final negotiations with House looming - Washington Times

Senate approves $1.4 trillion tax cut; final negotiations with House looming - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images capital hill"Saying a flawed deal was better than no deal at all, Senate Republicans rallied around their leadership Saturday morning and voted to approve a $1.4 trillion tax-cut package, taking the biggest step yet toward delivering a tax code overhaul to President Trump this year.

The bill, which passed on a 51-49 vote, came together after Republicans cut deals with a handful of reluctant senators. Vice President Mike Pence took the presiding officer’s chair to gavel the vote closed just before 2 a.m."

What The Media Isn't Telling You About the Indictment Of Mike Flynn | Zero Hedge

What The Media Isn't Telling You About the Indictment Of Mike Flynn | Zero Hedge:
"Russia-gate enthusiasts are thrilled over the guilty plea of President Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI about pre-inauguration conversations with the Russian ambassador, but the case should alarm true civil libertarians.
What is arguably most disturbing about this case is that then-National Security Adviser Flynn was pushed into a perjury trap by Obama administration holdovers at the Justice Department who concocted an unorthodox legal rationale for subjecting Flynn to an FBI interrogation four days after he took office, testing Flynn’s recollection of the conversations while the FBI agents had transcripts of the calls intercepted by the National Security Agency.
In other words, the Justice Department wasn’t seeking information about what Flynn said to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak – the intelligence agencies already had that information. Instead, Flynn was being quizzed on his precise recollection of the conversations and nailed for lying when his recollections deviated from the transcripts.
For Americans who worry about how the pervasive surveillance powers of the U.S. government could be put to use criminalizing otherwise constitutionally protected speech and political associations, Flynn’s prosecution represents a troubling precedent..."
Read on!

Clarice!-----Feminism, the Fake Indian, the Tragic State of the FBI, and the Flynn Flam

Feminism, the Fake Indian, the Tragic State of the FBI, and the Flynn Flam
"This has been a busy week and a sad one for the neo-feminists, the media, and #NeverTrump conservatives. 
It was a good one for those who believe we have for too long allowed a bunch of self-selected ninnies to drive both the news and the government.
1. The Neo-Feminists
A website called Medusa shut down after it was clear that it was impossible to continue to satirize the present-day feminists because they are so idiotic that parody too closely mirrors the neo-feminists' views:
Medusa’s unnamed creator continued: “We are shutting down our rather hilarious project because we can no longer compete with our competition. We have come to realize that our competition is not other satirical websites, but rather the people we are trying to satirize.”
The creator wrote, “I don’t blame anyone for thinking” the site was legitimate and wanted to “keep our readers in constant doubt” and even posted a Facebook message from last May to prove the entire thing was a joke. It was dubbed “the ultimate Social Experiment” and Facebook followers were told it was to see how long actual feminists would take to realize it was a joke...
How widespread is the sexual harassment in Hollywood and the media? 
Breitbart named 23 people in the media accused of such improprieties and the list seems to grow:
Accused of groping Bette Midler in 1991 *
Fired for verbal and sexual harassment.
Fired over three allegations of “behavior that does not align with the standards and values of CNN.”
18. Matt ... Read on. LOOOOng list!
2. Fake Indians and the Absurd Demand for faculty “Diversity”
3. The FBI’s reputation is in sad decline.
4. The Flynn Flam
Read it all!

Lunch video-----Top 10 Demolitions Gone Wrong


How did unsubstantiated rumors make it to the front pages of newspapers?

How did unsubstantiated rumors make it to the front pages of newspapers?:

"Does anyone recall any other previous investigation of any presidential candidate or staff member talking to a foreign official prior to the election?
Image result for flickr commons images Loretta Lynch
Isn't it pathetic that the whole investigation – the spying, the illegal unmasking, and the illegal leaking of conversations – appears to be based on a fake $12-million Russian dossier bought and paid for by Democrats to destroy their opponent?  That should be the crime."

NFL will cut breast cancer, military charity funds to pay for players’ $89 million social justice activism: Source

NFL will cut breast cancer, military charity funds to pay for players’ $89 million social justice activism:
Image result for black lives matter police"Capitulating to the antics of players disrespecting the national anthem, the National Football League agreed to donate nearly $90 million over the next 7 years to support left-of-center social justice causes.
If that act alone isn’t enough to raise eyebrows, where the NFL is reportedly planning to get the money certainly will.
According to one of the athletes at the forefront of the protests, San Francisco 49ers safety Eric Reid [#35 in the photograph below], the windfall will come at the expense of the league’s planned financial support for breast cancer and military charities.
“In the discussion that we had, Malcolm conveyed to us—based on discussions that he had with the NFL — that the money would come from funds that are already allocated to breast cancer awareness and Salute to Service,” Reid told Slate..."
Read on!

#1 Movie this week 1987-----3 Men and a Baby Trailer (1987)

If You Want to Disarm North Korea, Mr. President, Sanction China

If You Want to Disarm North Korea, Mr. President, Sanction China
"Kim Jong Un's regime doesn't have the material or expertise to make missiles: It relies on its neighbor to the north for both
Image result for kim jung nukeThe whole world now knows that Kim Jong Un has an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the United States.
Tuesday’s night launch was a hi-tech feat aimed not at terrorizing North Korea’s near neighbors, but at sending shock waves of fear all the way across the Pacific to the United States.
And it succeeded.
President Trump immediately vowed that “additional major sanctions will be imposed on North Korea.”
The President’s goal, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders emphasized, was “to continue putting maximum pressure” on the rogue state.
But it is difficult to imagine, as a practical matter, just how that pressure is going to be applied.
Kim Jong Un’s isolated and impoverished country is already subject to the most comprehensive sanctions regime in the world.
And its people are suffering the consequences..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1987-----Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth