Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Nolte: New York Times NAMBLA-izes Pre-Teen Boys Wearing Eye Makeup

Nolte: New York Times NAMBLA-izes Pre-Teen Boys Wearing Eye Makeup


Though we might not be able to articulate it, there is a big difference between a little kid playing grownup and, say, this… And that is not a little girl, by the way; that is a young boy as photographed by the left-wing New York Times.
If you share this healthy instinct, this particular Times Thanksgiving Day piece, an article tailor-made to appeal to the pedophile/pederast demography, will undoubtedly bruise a piece of your soul. 
Written by Bee Shapiro, the article features no less than six photographs of adolescent and even prepubescent boys wearing and putting on women’s makeup, and even posing in uncomfortably suggestive ways — including this ten-year-old.
Naturally, the Times glosses over its exercise in NAMBLA-ism by pretending that it is all just reporting, the capturing of a zeitgeist as little boys release the little girls buried deep inside of all of us..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

Hallelujah! Trump Will Recognize Jerusalem as Capital of Israel Wednesday, Begin Moving Embassy - Breitbart

Hallelujah! Trump Will Recognize Jerusalem as Capital of Israel Wednesday, Begin Moving Embassy - Breitbart:
Image result for flickr commons images Jerusalem
"President Donald Trump will announce Wednesday that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and that the State Department will begin a process to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem."

History for December 6

Image result for ira gershwin quotes
History for December 6 -
Ira Gershwin 1896 - Lyricist, brother of composer George Gershwin, Alfred Eisenstadt 1898, Agnes Moorehead 1906
Image result for George and IRA Gershwin CartoonImage result for alfred eisenstaedtImage result for Agnes Moorehead

Wally Cox 1924, James Naughton 1945, Tom Hulce 1953
Image result for Wally CoxImage result for James NaughtonImage result for Tom Hulce

1865 - The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.
Image result for 13th Amendment

1877 - Thomas Edison demonstrated the first gramophone, with a recording of himself reciting Mary Had a Little Lamb.
Image result for Thomas Edison demonstrated the first gramophone,

1884 - The construction of the Washington Monument was completed by Army engineers. The project took 34 years.
Image result for 1884 - The construction of the Washington Monument

1917 - More than 1,600 people died when two munitions ships collided in the harbor at Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Image result for two munitions ships collided in the harbor at Halifax, Nova Scotia.

1926 - In Italy, Benito Mussolini introduced a tax on bachelors.
Image result for Benito Mussolini introduced a tax on bachelors.

1957 - America's first attempt at putting a satellite into orbit failed when the satellite blew up on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, FL.
Image result for 1957 - vanguard satellite blew up

1973 - Gerald R. Ford was sworn in as the vice-president of the United States after vice-president Spiro Agnew resigned.
Image result for 1973 - Gerald R. Ford was sworn in as the vice-president of the United States

1998 - In Venezuela, former Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez was elected president. He had staged a bloody coup attempt against the government six years earlier. 
Image result for Hugo Chavez Obama

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Women Hit, Killed by Illegal Immigrant. Who Was Deported 8 Times…

Women Hit, Killed by Illegal Immigrant. Who Was Deported 8 Times…:

Image result for flickr commons images Illegal Aliens"Miguel Angel Villasenor-Saucedo, 40, was driving a truck when he hit and killed two women who were on the side of a highway in Louisville following a traffic accident. After striking the women, the Mexican national fled the scene on foot.
He has not been apprehended, but a federal grand jury indicted him this week for illegal re-entry after deportation. If convicted of illegal re-entry, the illegal alien faces a maximum penalty of two years in prison.

Sound familiar? "

The way we were-----Terry Stafford "Suspicion"

Boob-tube-----The Jack Benny Program - Jack Gets Robbed

What Counts As Sexual Harassment These Days? | Daily Wire

What Counts As Sexual Harassment These Days? | Daily Wire
"According to a new study from Ventura, California based research company The Barna Group, only 12% of men and 12% of women believe that “light-hearted flirting” is sexual harassment. 
Image result for  bill clinton Sexual Harassment meme...The study shows the vast differences between the sexes, with women being more prone to think that someone blocking their path during walking constitutes harassment. 
63% of women viewed “having your path blocked” as harassment where only 49% of men did. 
Additionally, pinching or poking, something that men can do in certain scenarios to each other 
(We’ve all seen dudes smack and slap each other, too) was viewed as harassment by 77% of women and 68% of men. 
Understandably, women being poked or pinched by a man is a direct invasion of personal space and if the victim is female, having a man do that to you is disturbing.
...Other things on the list that a smaller group of men and women viewed as sexual harassment were :

  • Someone making a sexual joke (M 32%, W 46%)
  • Snickering or laughing disrespectfully (M 22%, W 32%)
  • Winking (M 12%, W 16%)
Read on!

This is what they will bring to ALL of USA-----Memri TV compilation debates

NFL inks deal with George Soros linked social justice groups - Washington Times

NFL inks deal with George Soros linked social justice groups - Washington Times:

Image result for NFL No More"Meanwhile, details of the bargain emerging in the last few days have stunned conservatives.
“If this is how the NFL plans to bring back the millions of Americans who are fed up with the players’ antics and anthem protests, then the league just fumbled the ball,” said Robert Kuykendall, spokesman for 2ndVote, a conservative corporate watchdog group.
“Why would any conservative spend another dollar supporting the NFL if that dollar will be directly funneled to left-wing activists like Van Jones?” he asked."

Simplifying the Tax Code Has Big Payoffs | Economics21

Simplifying the Tax Code Has Big Payoffs | Economics21:
Image result for Simplifying the Tax Code Has Big Payoffs"With a Senate vote on the tax bill expected soon, a timely new study shows that tax compliance costs are substantial, and a simpler tax code would lower the amount of time and money that people have to spend on their taxes each year.
Americans spent more than 8.9 billion hours dealing with tax filing requirements in 2016, and the Tax Foundation estimates the associated costs are more than $400 billion.
The lesson: Congress should press ahead with simplification as part of reform.
A new National Bureau of Economic Research working paper provides some additional insight into the substantial costs of tax complexity.
In the paper Philippe Aghion and Stefanie Stantcheva of Harvard University, Ufuk Akcigit of the University of Chicago, and Matthieu Lequien of the Banque de France estimate that tax simplicity has a value of up to 650 euros per year per person for the group of French filers they examine.
They also find that the costs of tax complexity are regressive, in that the burden is disproportionately borne by those people with less education or lower income.
Their findings shed more light on the reasons why a simpler tax code should continue to be one of the goals of tax reform: simplifying the tax code would reduce these burdens and more resources could be put to productive use..."

Why Is An Appendectomy In The United States 10 Times More Expensive Than An Appendectomy In Mexico?

Why Is An Appendectomy In The United States 10 Times More Expensive Than An Appendectomy In Mexico?:
"This is what can happen when you go to a socialized healthcare system. 
A lot of people out there believe that the United States has a free market healthcare system, but that is actually not true. 
The percentage of the population that receives government-subsidized healthcare is rapidly approaching 50 percent, and the healthcare industry may be the most heavily regulated sector of the entire U.S. economy. 
...I would like to share with you an excerpt from an article by former DEA agent David Hathaway.  According to Hathaway, the average cost for an appendectomy in the United States is $33,000…:
My son had an attack of appendicitis late Saturday night. I knew that the Obamacare inflated prices for surgery in the U.S. would be ridiculous and that the service would likely be impersonal, involve long waits, and be nerve-wracking. I have friends in the medical field so I inquired just for grins. The price for the latest routine appendectomy in my area was, my jaw dropped, $43,000. I read on-line that the average cost for an appendectomy in the U.S. is $33,000...
...The surgery (in Mexico) was a success, and David’s son did stay in the hospital for two full days in order to receive the antibiotics that the doctor suggested.
But despite the extra time, the bill for the appendectomy was still less than 10 percent of what it would have been if the appendectomy had been performed in the United States…
The hospital stay was for 48 hours in a private room where my wife was allowed to spend the nights with my son sleeping on a couch in his room. 
This cost would have been significantly less if we hadn’t incurred emergency fees and if the appendectomy had not involved complications which required a longer stay and more medication. 
Despite all that, I though the total price of $2,830 dollars was very reasonable..."
Read it all!

Lunch video-----The History Of Air Force One And All The Aircraft Used


Bloviating abroad, Obama reminds us why we elected Trump

Bloviating abroad, Obama reminds us why we elected Trump:

Image result for flickr commons images Obama"Miss him yet? Former President Obama is back, taking big-dollar speaking engagements in places like Paris, and unintentionally reminding us why we elected Trump.

Based on his speech for a group of communications executives called 'Les Napoleons,' he thinks women make better leaders than men, men are 'having problems' with sex harassment, global warming's Paris Treaty is coming back, and 'global challenges' must be faced.


Eating meat perpetuates ‘hegemonic masculinity,’ prof says

Eating meat perpetuates ‘hegemonic masculinity,’ prof says
  • A Pennsylvania State University sociology professor recently argued that eating meat perpetuates “hegemonic masculinity” and “gender hegemony.”
  • Based on interviews with Argentinian vegetarians, Anne Delessio-Parson claims that women use vegetarianism to "push back against the patriarchy," and that male vegetarians "seem more egalitarian and respectful."
A Pennsylvania State University sociology professor recently argued that eating meat perpetuates “hegemonic masculinity” and “gender hegemony.”
In the most recent issue of the Journal of Feminist Geography, professor Anne DeLessio-Parson argues that “hegemonic masculinity implies an imperative to eat meat” and that this helps reify other power hierarchies as well..."
Read on!

Israel Has Built a Robot Army — and It Should Scare the Sh*t Out of You | The Daily Sheeple

Israel Has Built a Robot Army — and It Should Scare the Sh*t Out of You | The Daily Sheeple:
"As Israel prepares for yet another war directly on its border, the truth about Israel’s vast military capabilities has been largely absent in the corporate media.
However, if one were to be fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to be able to travel to Israel’s border with Syria in the north and the Gaza strip in the south, they might see what looks more or less like a scene from RoboCop.
Israel is the first country in the world to use unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) to not only patrol its borders but also to replace soldiers on missions, as well. The new Border Patroller model can be armed with remote-controlled weapons, reconnaissance means, and additional components that cannot be fitted on the traditional Guardium model it had been using for years prior.
The robot is also able to patrol underground and gather information for units that are present on the surface. For example, it can help soldiers avoid booby-trapped tunnels..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1956-----Teddy Bears - To Know Him Is To Love Him

Donald Trump's Crimes

Donald Trump's Crimes
"President Trump is indisputably guilty of many crimes against the societal and political norms of this country. 
These crimes are profound and grievous, and they shake the very foundations upon which acceptable presidential behaviour has always been based. 
His actions and demeanour are so abhorrent and antithetical to the fundamental progressive doctrine espoused by the Democratic Party and their supporting liberal media that his very presence in the Oval Office is regarded by them as not merely an interim occupational tenure by the opposing party, but as proof of a moment of temporary national insanity from which we may never recover
A closer look at the worst examples of Trump’s criminality will be instructive for what the country should be on guard for, should we want to avoid such behaviour in the future.
Accusation: Denying a Female Access to the Highest Office
Verdict: Guilty
President Trump didn’t get the memo that 2016 was the Year of the First Female President...
Accusation: Recognizing the Average American’s Desire for Strong Borders and Strict Immigration Policy
Trump tapped into a strong national craving for a return to immigration fairness and verifiable national sovereignty...
Additional Crimes
There are certainly other strong examples of President Trump’s transgressions:
  • Being in favor of American fossil fuel development and reinstating the Keystone Pipeline
  • His desire to lower taxes on both individuals and businesses (doesn’t he understand that the successful are supposed to be “punished” with high taxes and their ill-gotten wealth should be redistributed to the favored Democratic victim group-du-jour?)
  • The elimination of many anti-business nanny-state regulations that were intended by Obama to buy the voting affections of various Green and “Social Justice” lobbying groups
  • And of course, Trump’s shamefully disrespectful, “unpresidential” treatment of the liberal mainstream media, as I’d previous outlined.
Read it all!