Thursday, December 07, 2017

A December 7th Story

A December 7th Story
(First written-December 7, 2002)

Sixty-one years ago today a young man celebrated his eighteenth birthday.
Little did he know that date, his birthday, would become "A day of infamy"
Six months later when he had graduated high school, he enlisted in the US Army Air Corps and subsequently earned his wings as one of the youngest fighter pilots in the Army Air Corps.
In the next two years he progressed from Stearman biplane trainers to P-40 Warhawks and finally to the beautiful, twin engine P-38 Lightning fighter.
During that time he also found time to marry his high school sweetheart and, while serving in Italy escorting B-24 bombers, he learned that he was soon to be a father. 
In Jan. 1944 he had completed his tour and was waiting in Triola, Italy to return to the States when a call came out for volunteers to fly escort for another bombing raid over France.
Fighters and pilots were scarce in those days.
Our bomber crews were getting hammered and our fighter pilots suffered the same fate. 
He did not need to volunteer, but of course, like so many others, he cheerfully did his duty.
On January 27, 1944, over Salon de Provence, France their bomber group encountered "a superior number of enemy fighters."
From wingman 2nd Lt. R. E. Hoke: "Being greatly outnumbered by enemy fighters and unable to rejoin the Squadron, we took evasive action from the enemy fighters, by losing altitude. 
We dropped from 24,000 feet to the deck. 
By this maneuver we lost the enemy fighters but encountered heavy ground gun flak. 
Suddenly I felt a terrific concussion. 
After getting my airplane under control, I looked back and the Lieutenant had disappeared from the

The young Lieutenant's P-38G just "disappeared" in the great explosion as German antiaircraft gunners found their mark. 
His body was never recovered.
He was just 20 years old. 
He never held his newborn daughter.
He was only one of the many tens of thousands of American heroes over the last two hundred or so years.
He was 2nd Lieutenant James G. Riley, Jr., USAAC, my Dad's older, and only, brother.
Sixty-one years ago today, Pearl Harbor Day, Jim turned eighteen. 
His whole life was ahead of him yet he had barely two years to live. 
Those years he gave to his country.
Thank God for all those brave men and women.
God protect our soldiers, sailors and airmen.
May we never forget.
Uncle Jim, we miss you and your fellow heroes.


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History for December 7

Image result for December 7
History for December 7 -
Willa Cather 1873, Donald Albert Hall 1898 - Aircraft designer (Spirit of St. Louis), Eli Wallach 1915
Image result for Willa Cather QuotesImage result for Ryan NYPImage result for eli wallach badge meme

Harry Chapin 1942, Johnny Bench (MLB) 1947, Larry Bird (NBA) 1956
Image result for Harry Chapin TaxiImage result for Johnny BenchImage result for Larry Bird

1796 - John Adams was elected to be the second president of the United States.
Image result for John Adams Quotes

1836 - Martin Van Buren was elected the eighth president of the United States.
Image result for martin van buren quotes

1925 - Swimmer Johnny Weissmuller set a world record in the 150-yard freestyle with a time of 1 minute, 25 and 2/5 seconds. He went on to play "Tarzan" in several movies.
Image result for Swimmer Johnny Weissmuller

1941 - Pearl Harbor, located on the Hawaiian island of Oahu was attacked by nearly 200 Japanese warplanes. The attack resulted in the U.S. entering into World War II.
Image result for Attack On Pearl Harbor Newspaper

1971 - Libya announced the nationalization of British Petroleum's assets.
Image result for 1971 - Libya British Petroleum's assets.

1972 - Apollo 17 was launched at Cape Canaveral. It was the last U.S. moon mission.
Image result for Apollo 17

1993 - Six people were killed and 17 were injured when a gunman opened fire on a Long Island Rail Road commuter train.
Image result for Colin Ferguson Murderer

1998 - U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno declined to seek an independent counsel investigation of President Clinton over 1996 campaign financing.
Image result for Janet Reno declined to seek an independent counsel investigation of President Clinton

Wednesday, December 06, 2017



An Awakening

By Tammy Derouin

Image result for flickr commons images Glass of LemonadeThroughout the years of the Obama administration it was difficult to know if we, as a nation, would be able survive the assault which was leveled against the American people and our freedoms. Being an individual who tries to see the glass as half full, I couldn't give up hope. We would find a way to correct the wrongs and repair the damage. As his second term got underway, I began to feel that an awakening had begun to spread across the country. Thankfully, it had, and the result was that Hillary Clinton was not elected president. Eight years of deception and scandalous behavior weakened our standing in the world, as well as our defenses. People were waking up.

With any type of awakening, there's a reckoning. Once we allow ourselves to come to terms with reality, we are able to make an assessment of the damage. Not all damage is known or felt right away. You can attempt to correct and change a bad situation, which is good and should be done, but that doesn't mean you automatically avoid all of the side effects. Long term consequences usually come into play and that, unfortunately, is what we are dealing with right now. When bad policies are enacted, policies which do not put the safety and security of the American people first, there will be consequences. The casualty count varies with each incident, but overall, it will only increase until a much larger awakening takes place....... 

The way we were-----The Youngbloods - Get Together - 1967

Boob-tube-----Jackie Gleason on the 1950's TV show "Cavalcade of Stars"

What could possibly go wrong?-----Chicago Climate Charter, explained: What cities will do to meet environmental goals

Chicago Climate Charter, explained: What cities will do to meet environmental goals:
"Mayors from dozens of cities will sign an agreement Tuesday pledging to take their own steps to meet environmental goals set out in the Paris Agreement, an international accord abandoned by President Trump earlier this year.
Image result for What could possibly go wrongUSA TODAY obtained a draft of the agreement, called the Chicago Charter, which lays out the framework for the environmental steps the cities will take. Here is some of what the signers of the Chicago Charter are pledging to do:
  •  Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an aggregate of at least 26% to 28% below the 2005 level by 2025, meeting the commitment President Obama's administration made for the U.S. when the global deal was negotiated in 2015;
  • Quantify, track and publicly report the progress towards reaching each city's individual commitments;
  • Advocate for “greater local authority” to allow municipal leaders to develop policies and local laws to have a greater impact on climate issues;
  • Include women, racial and ethnic minorities, indigenous people, people with disabilities and other marginalized communities in development of climate policy, and
  • Recognize the fiscal and social costs of carbon, and work toward “a just transition” for those impacted by changing policies.
President Obama spoke about the historic Paris Agreement, calling it a "turning point for the world." The agreement is the first-ever global climate deal aimed at lowering carbon emissions. VPC

Sooo, who's gonna pay?-----Lawyers sue California because too many children can't read | The Sacramento Bee

Lawyers sue California because too many children can't read | The Sacramento Bee
Image result for cant read"SAN DIEGO-A group of prominent lawyers representing teachers and students from poor performing schools sued California on Tuesday, arguing that the state has done nothing about a high number of schoolchildren who do not know how to read.
The advocacy law firm, Public Counsel, filed the lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court to demand the California Department of Education address its "literacy crisis." 
The state has not followed suggestions from its own report on the problem five years ago, the lawsuit said.
"When it comes to literacy and the delivery of basic education, California is dragging down the nation," said Public Counsel lawyer Mark Rosenbaum, who sued along with the law firm Morrison & Foerster.
Assessments found less than half of California students from third grade to fifth grade have met statewide literacy standards since 2015. 
Both traditional and charter schools are failing, Rosenbaum said."

How Trump turned tide of illegal immigration in first year: Border crossing hits 45-year low - Washington Times

How Trump turned tide of illegal immigration in first year: Border crossing hits 45-year low - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images Border Wall"Illegal border crossing tumbled to a 45-year low and interior arrests of illegal immigrants soared in 2017, according to data released Tuesday that showed President Trump’s enforcement crackdown netted tangible results during his first year on the job.
The numbers, released by the Department of Homeland Security, reflected a stunning turnaround from the nearly nonexistent interior enforcement of immigration laws under President Obama."

France Submits to Terrorism, Muslim Anti-Semitism

France Submits to Terrorism, Muslim Anti-Semitism:
  • "In France, since 2012, more than 250 people were killed by Islamic terrorism -- more than in all other European countries combined.
  • No other country in Europe has experienced so many attacks against Jews. France is a country where Jews are murdered because they are Jews.
  • "Muslim believers know very well what is happening. Only a minority is violent. But as a whole, they do not ignore that their birthrate is such that one day, everything here will be theirs". — Luc Ravel, Archbishop of Strasbourg.
...On March 19, 2012, in Toulouse, a 23-year-old Muslim, Mohammed Merah, entered the yard of a Jewish school and murdered three children and the father of two of them. 
He had already shot French soldiers, but shattering the heads of children at point blank range was an act of total horror...
See the source imageWhen evidence accumulated showing that his brother, Abdelkader, an Islamist, had trained Mohammed and helped him prepare his butchery, he was arrested.
Abdelkader Merah's trial last month was as ugly as that of the "gang of barbarians", maybe even uglier. 
Abdelkader did not lose his temper. 
He expressed no regret. 
He calmly explained that jihad is a sacred duty for every Muslim; that he thought that his brother was "in paradise" and what the status of Jews is in the Koran. 
Mohammed and Abdelkader's mother, Zoulikha Aziri, testified that they were "good sons". 
Later, out of court, she said that "Allah orders Muslims to kill Jews"...
Abdelkader was sentenced to twenty years in prison. 
If there is no appeal, and if he is no longer violent, he will be released in eight years. 
Abdelkader, while in jail, may still do what he was doing before: proselytize and repeat what he said in court about jihad..."

Parasitic Government Makes Americans Spend More On Taxes Than Food and Clothing

See the source imageParasitic Government Makes Americans Spend More On Taxes Than Food and Clothing
"Americans have spent more in taxes than they have on clothing and food combined over the past year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
While the average American spent just over $9,000 on clothing and food, they shelled out $10,489 to Uncle Sam. 
What’s even more troubling, is that represents a 41% increase in taxation since 2013.
Fox News reports:
“According to the BLS, federal income taxes rose from $5,743 to $8,367 in that period. State and local income taxes rose from $1,629 to $2,046...
This is the reality that comes from runaway government spending..."

Lunch video-----Is Fascism Right Or Left?

Noon-toon-----Wondermark » Archive » #1361; Ax Me Another

Wondermark » Archive » #1361; Ax Me Another:
Now instead of forty-one problems, I got one problem! That's progress!

Senate Democrats Blatantly Lied About Hillsdale College

Image result for flickr commons images Hillsdale CollegeSenate Democrats Blatantly Lied About Hillsdale College:

"The trouble is, the premise of the vote was false. The alleged “earmark” was not an earmark. It did not exclusively benefit Hillsdale. The vote to strip it was a mistake.

Hillsdale was innocent. Fifty-two senators owe her an apology."

Another One! Mueller Deputy Was Personal Attorney of Ben Rhodes

Another One! Mueller Deputy Was Personal Attorney of Ben Rhodes
Picture of DOJ lawyer Jeannie Rhee.
Former lawyer for Ben Rhodes, Jeannie Rhee. Image via Youtube
"On Fox News Tuesday night, Laura Ingraham reported that yet another one of Robert Mueller's deputies in his Russia investigation is compromised due to her track record as a blatant partisan.
Jeannie Rhee, who was hired by Mueller last summer to work on the probe, was the personal attorney of Ben Rhodes and also represented the Clinton Foundation, Ingraham revealed. 
"This information will put further pressure on Special Prosecutor Bob Mueller to resign."..."
Read on!

Data-slurping keyboard app makes Mongo mistake with user data • The Register

Data-slurping keyboard app makes Mongo mistake with user data • The Register:
"Another week, another open database left online, but this latest case has shown not only sloppy security but also how much data you’re giving up with some apps.
Image result for stealing your informationOn Tuesday security shop Kromtech released details on a MongoDB database it found unsecured online containing 577GB of data collected by predictive keyboard app AI.type from its over 31 million users.
This included the name, email address and location, along with IMSI and IMEI numbers, IP address, phone spec and OS details, and links to user's social media profiles and photos.
It also slurped 373 million names and phone numbers from the contacts of over six million users.
“Theoretically, it is logical that anyone who has downloaded and installed the Ai.Type virtual keyboard on their phone has had all of their phone data exposed publicly online,” said Bob Diachenko, head of communications at the Kromtech Security Center.
“This presents a real danger for cyber criminals who could commit fraud or scams using such detailed information about the user.
It raises the question once again if it is really worth it for consumers to submit their data in exchange for free or discounted products or services that gain full access to their devices.”..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1965-----The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn!

How they lie-----New York Times forced to heavily amend another supposed K.T. McFarland 'scoop'

New York Times forced to heavily amend another supposed K.T. McFarland 'scoop'
"The New York Times got ahead of itself again with yet another supposedly hot scoop involving former deputy national security adviser K.T. McFarland, the Russians and the 2016 presidential election.
The story, now titled “McFarland’s Testimony About Russia Contacts Is Questioned,” reported originally that an email sent by the former Trump transition official indicated she lied to Congress this summer when she was questioned about disgraced Gen. Michael Flynn's communications with the Russians....
The headline alone has undergone multiple facelifts. 
Here they are, in order of change:

  • “McFarland Contradicted Herself on Russia Contacts, Congressional Testimony Shows”
  • “Email Counters Aide on Flynn’s Russia Contact”

It then reverted to back to: “McFarland Contradicted Herself on Russia Contacts, Congressional Testimony Shows,” and then changed twice more:

  • “Email Counters Testimony On Flynn by Former Aide”
  • “Former Aide’s Testimony On Russia Is Questioned”

Multiple headline changes are not the worst of it
Not by a long shot.
The original version of the Dec. 4 report began with the following lines:
See the source image"An email sent during the transition by President Trump’s former deputy national security adviser, K.T. McFarland, appears to contradict the testimony she gave to Congress over the summer about contacts between the Russian ambassador and Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn.
Ms. McFarland had told lawmakers that she did not discuss or know anything about interactions between Sergey I. Kislyak, who had been Moscow’s ambassador to the United States, and Mr. Flynn, according to Senate documents.
But emails obtained by The New York Times appear to undermine those statements. In a Dec. 29 message about newly imposed Obama administration sanctions against Russia for its election interference, Ms. McFarland, then serving on Mr. Trump’s transition team, told another transition official that Mr. Flynn would be talking to the Russian ambassador that evening.
The discrepancy is likely to add to mounting troubles for the White House that stem from Mr. Flynn’s interactions with Russian officials. He pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to F.B.I. agents about his discussions with Mr. Kislyak about the sanctions."
These four paragraphs have been removed entirely from the Times' report
The story’s core message has also been softened considerably.
Where the headline once declared that "McFarland Contradicted Herself on Russia Contacts," the story now reads, “A leading Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee questioned on Monday whether a high-ranking official in Donald J. Trump’s transition team had been deceptive over the summer about her knowledge of discussions between Michael T. Flynn ...”
The report, which was once so sure of itself, now eases away by saying McFarland “might have given ‘false testimony’ in her answers.”
There are no editor’s notes drawing attention to the story’s many changes..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

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BREAKING: Key FBI Agent Involved In Russia Investigation, Exonerating Hillary, Targeting Flynn, Also Sent Anti-Trump Text Messages, Fired By Mueller | Daily Wire

BREAKING: Key FBI Agent Involved In Russia Investigation, Exonerating Hillary, Targeting Flynn, Also Sent Anti-Trump Text Messages, Fired By Mueller | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Robert Mueller"On Monday, the FBI’s reputation with regard to its investigation into Hillary Clinton, Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, and its investigation into Trump officials including former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, took a serious hit. That hit came courtesy of FBI agent Peter Strzok, who was fired by Robert Mueller’s special investigation for alleged bias against President Trump. That bias was uncovered based on texts from Strzok apparently signaling his distaste for Trump.

Strzok wasn’t just any agent. Here are some of the events in which he was involved."