Sunday, December 10, 2017

AM Fruitcake

History for December 10

Image result for Emily Dickinson Quotes
History for December 10 -
Thomas H. Gallaudet 1787 - Pioneer of educating the deaf, Emily Dickinson 1830 - Writer, Melvil Dewey 1851 - Created the "Dewey Decimal Classification" system
Image result for Thomas Gallaudet StatueImage result for Emily Dickinson QuotesImage result for Dewey Decimal System

Dorothy Lamour 1914 - Actress, Susan Dey 1952 - Actress ("L.A. Law," "The Partridge Family"), Kenneth Branagh 1960 - Actor, director
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1520 - Martin Luther publicly burned the papal edict. The papacy demanded that he recant or face excommunication. Luther refused and was formally expelled from the church in January 1521.
Image result for Martin Luther publicly burned the papal edict

1845 - British civil engineer Robert Thompson patented the first pneumatic tires.
Image result for Robert Thompson patented the first pneumatic tires

1901 - The first Nobel prizes were awarded.
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1906 - U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt became the first American to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, for helping mediate an end to the Russo-Japanese War.
Image result for Theodore Roosevelt Nobel Peace Prize

1931 - Jane Addams became a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, she was the first American woman to do so.
Image result for Jane Addams

1950 - Dr. Ralph J. Bunche was presented the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the first African-American to receive the award. Bunche was awarded the prize for his efforts in mediation between Israel and neighboring Arab states.
Image result for Dr. Ralph J. Bunche quotes

1953 - Hugh Hefner published the first "Playboy" magazine with an investment of $7,600.
Image result for Hugh Hefner published the first "Playboy" magazine

1964 - In Oslo, Norway, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize. He was the youngest person to receive the award.
Image result for Martin Luther King Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Help Wanted—More Than Ever - WSJ

Help Wanted—More Than Ever - WSJ:
Image result for flickr commons images Planned Parenthood
"Small businesses are planning a record-breaking hiring binge, according to the latest monthly jobs report from the National Federation of Independent Business. The big challenge is finding workers to fill the new jobs. In November the firms surveyed were not able to expand their workforces."

The way we were-----'They're Coming To Take Me Away Ha-Haaa!' + 'Edis B' - NAPOLEON XIV - 45...

Boob-tube-----Four 15-minute TV shows from the 1950s

Welcome to the Hell Hole that is Brussels

Welcome to the Hell Hole that is Brussels
  • Last month alone in Brussels, there were three separate outbreaks of rioting and looting on a major scale.
  • If you penetrate the thick cloud of professional indignation to scrutinize the reality of the "capital of Europe", what you see in many respects is actually a hell hole, one where socialism, Islamism, riots and looting are the new normal.
Image result for brussels muslim rioting and lootingWhen then-candidate Donald Trump noted in January 2016 that, thanks to mass immigration, Brussels was turning into a hell hole, Belgian and European politicians presented a united front at the (media) barricades: How dare he say such a thing? Brussels, capital of the European Union, the very quintessence of the post-modern world, the avant-garde of the coming new "global civilization," a hell hole? 
...Exactly two months after that dramatic Trumpism, Brussels was eviscerated by a horrific Islamic terror attack that left 32 people dead. 
And that was only the tip of the monstrous iceberg that has built up over three decades of mass immigration and socialist madness..."
Read on!

LOOK: You can get tickets to an NFL game this week for under five dollars -

LOOK: You can get tickets to an NFL game this week for under five dollars -
Image result for nfl kneeling players"If you've ever wanted to go to an NFL game and you have five dollars in your pocket, then this is the perfect week to do it. 
As of Thursday afternoon, there are actual NFL tickets that are selling on the secondary market for under five dollars. 
Of course, like all good deals, these tickets do come with a catch: You need to live near Buffalo, have a high tolerance for cold weather and be willing to sit through three hours of a Colts-Bills game. 
The cheapest tickets for Sunday's game in Buffalo are currently being sold by, where multiple four dollar tickets are currently on sale..."
Read on! 

Help Wanted—More Than Ever - WSJ

Image result for flickr commons images Help Wanted SignHelp Wanted—More Than Ever - WSJ:

"Small businesses are planning a record-breaking hiring binge, according to the latest monthly jobs report from the National Federation of Independent Business. The big challenge is finding workers to fill the new jobs. In November the firms surveyed were not able to expand their workforces."

ROGER STONE: Time For Real Net Neutrality | The Daily Sheeple

ROGER STONE: Time For Real Net Neutrality | The Daily Sheeple
"In 2015, when writing his dissenting opinion against...commonly referred to as ‘Net Neutrality,” — Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Ajit Pai had this to say:
“This is not only a radical departure from the bipartisan, market-oriented policies that have served us so well for the last two decades. It is also an about-face from the proposals the FCC made just last May. So why is the FCC changing course? Why is the FCC turning its back on Internet freedom? Is it because we now have evidence that the Internet is not open? No. Is it because we have discovered some problem with our prior interpretation of the law? No. We are flip-flopping for one reason and one reason alone. President Obama told us to do so.”
See the source imageThe singular reason why this-so called “Net Neutrality” came to the forefront is because then President Barack Obama ordered it. 
And who was prodding Obama to do so? 
Google. Microsoft. Facebook. Twitter. Amazon.
The Tech Left, funded largely by George Soros, had decided to champion under the banner of a benign-sounding “Net Neutrality” campaign and seize a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grab the moral high ground in their determination to allow the giant edge providers to censor the Internet to suit their ideological preferences — ridding the Internet of conservative and libertarian content..."
Read on!

Post-Common Core, U.S. Kids Slide On Another Academic Measure

Post-Common Core, U.S. Kids Slide On Another Academic Measure
"International test results released this week show U.S. students losing ground on yet another measure in the Common Core era, reading test results for fourth graders. 
See the source imageOn the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, a comparison given every five years in 58 countries, U.S. fourth graders dropped from 556 in 2011 to 549 in 2016, out of 1,000 possible points.
This caused the United States to drop from fifth on the international comparison to 13th, even though the decline was within the margin of error (i.e., not statistically significant). 
The decline was even more pronounced among the lowest-performing American students. 
On this test, U.S. students have made no statistically significant improvement since 2001.
The 2016 slide is especially notable because 2016’s fourth graders have spent virtually their entire schooling inside public schools forced to shift their instruction to fit Common Core..."

Lunch video-----The War On Cars


WSJ Editorial Board Calls for Robert Mueller to Step Down over FBI Agent’s Anti-Trump Texts

Image result for Wikimedia Commons Robert MuellerWSJ Editorial Board Calls for Robert Mueller to Step Down over FBI Agent’s Anti-Trump Texts:

"The Wall Street Journal increased the pressure on embattled FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Tuesday with a scathing op-ed from its editorial board, calling on Mueller to resign over the controversy surrounding a lead investigator’s anti-Trump texts."

Journalists Damn Demented Donald as Worse Than Bin Laden and Comparable to Charles Manson

Journalists Damn Demented Donald as Worse Than Bin Laden and Comparable to Charles Manson
"Liberal reporters and hosts are closing out the year with a bang, spending the last month damning Donald Trump as an “unhinged” “sociopathic” mental case who was comparable to Charles Manson and Osama Bin Laden. 
Also, journalists like CNN’s Brian Stelter and former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather continued to get on their high-horse as they proclaimed they were the “Pro-Truth” guardians against Trump’s “unrelenting campaign against the press.”...
The following is a collection of the worst journalist and celebrity outbursts from the past month:

...Time to Overthrow “Unhinged” Demented Trump?  

...Scarborough: “I would like the cabinet members serving America, not the President. Serving America....You don’t represent him. You represent 320 million people whose lives are literally in your hands and we are facing a showdown with a nuclear power and you have somebody inside the White House that the New York Daily News says is mentally unfit, that people close to him say is mentally unfit, that people close to him during the campaign told me had early stages of dementia.” 
— MSNBC’s Morning Joe, November 30.
“Look at the New York Daily News this morning. A column calling the President a madman. Saying that he is truly unhinged....Eugene Robinson’s column in The Washington Post. People are saying we have to talk about his health now before it’s too late. Eugene Robinson saying: ‘How long are we going to pretend that President Trump is fully rational? How long are we going to ignore the signs he’s dangerously out of control?’ And here is MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough raising the same point...That’s the question. I’m going to ask you, Jeff Greenfield. Is now the time?”
— Host Brian Stelter on CNN’s Reliable Sources, December 3. 

  • “Sociopathic” Trump is “Stain” that Needs Removing...
  • Trump Worse Than Bin Laden...

Read on.
Much more Trump derangement.

They are ramping up the lies and FAKE NEWS-----The Last Refuge | Rag Tag Bunch of Conservative Misfits – Contact Info:

The Last Refuge | Rag Tag Bunch of Conservative Misfits – Contact Info:
Black Hat Hunting Continues….Posted on  by 
No, Donald Trump Jr. did not receive advanced notification of hacked Wikileaks documents on September 4th, 2016.  Never Happened. Fake News. [The leak is real]
The false CNN article states that its information was based on a read-out of the Trump Jr. email provided by an unnamed source. Most likely the source was on the Democratic side of the House Intelligence Committee, which interviewed Trump Jr. earlier this week.
However, the entire substance of the leaked email is false.  
The entire story CNN ran with all morning is FAKE NEWS. –SEE HERE– and –SEE HERE
Read on!

#1 This week 1969-----Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye

MUST SEE-AWFUL!-----GOOD LORD: Arizona Cop Acquitted for Killing Man Crawling Down Hotel Hallway While Begging for His L…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » GOOD LORD: Arizona Cop Acquitted for Killing Man Crawling Down Hotel Hallway While Begging for His L…:
"GOOD LORD: Arizona Cop Acquitted for Killing Man Crawling Down Hotel Hallway While Begging for His Life.
The incident occurred in January 2016. Daniel Shaver apparently was showing off a pellet gun, and it was visible through the hotel room window. This promped somebody to call to the hotel front desk, which prompted a call to the police.

So it wasn’t unreasonable for police to approach the hotel room thinking the encounter might be dangerous. They knew there was a gun there, and they didn’t know it was a pellet gun. But that video shows some truly baffling decisions by Brailsford that escalated the situation to make it even scarier, not the least of which was that Brailsford’s bluster and open threats of violence made him appear as terrified as Shaver.

The contents of the body camera footage had been described to the public before, when Brailsford was first charged, but the video itself was withheld until this morning.

Forcing Shaver to crawl toward the police like this increased the likelihood that Shaver would lose balance and make wild movements, and Brailsford’s bizarre orders were probably confusing even to a sober person.

Read the whole thing. And the video, I must warn you, is disturbing.--Posted by Stephen Green at 12:41 pm

You ought to know!

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Mount Holyoke Students Create 'Alternative Space' For Those Triggered By Gun Rights Speech | Daily Wire

Mount Holyoke Students Create 'Alternative Space' For Those Triggered By Gun Rights Speech | Daily Wire:

Image result for free clip art Baby crying"Not to be confused with a "safe space," an alternative space is supposed to be a "productive" response to a speaker who doesn't fall in line with the predominant, leftist ideology on a campus. Instead of providing crayons and therapy dogs, the "alternative" space is supposed to provide an honest and frank discussion of precisely why the attendees are unable to handle a speaker of differing ideology.

Think of it as a sort of "evolution" of safe space culture. Instead of self-soothing, they're self-reinforcing."

AM Fruitcake