Monday, December 11, 2017

AM Fruitcake

History for December 11

Image result for Fiorello LaGuardia Quotes
History for December 11 -
Fiorello La Guardia 1882, Alexander Solzhenitsyn 1918, Rita Moreno 1931
Image result for Fiorello LaGuardia QuotesImage result for Alexander Solzhenitsyn QuotesImage result for Rita Moreno

Donna Mills 1943, Brenda Lee 1944, Teri Garr 1949
Image result for Donna Mills youngImage result for brenda lee i'm sorryImage result for teri garr young

1769 - Edward Beran of London patented venetian blinds.
Image result for Edward Beran of London patented venetian blinds.

1844 - Dr. Horace Wells became the first person to have a tooth extracted after receiving an anesthetic for the dental procedure. Nitrous Oxide, or laughing gas, was the anesthetic.
Image result for Dr. Horace Wells became the first person to have a tooth extracted

1894 - The world's first motor show opened in Paris with nine exhibitors.
Image result for world's first motor show opened in Paris with nine exhibitors

1936 - Britain's King Edward VIII abdicated in order to marry American Wallis Warfield Simpson. He became the Duke of Windsor.
Image result for King Edward VIII abdicated

1941 - Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. The U.S in turn declared war on the two countries.
Image result for Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.

1961 - The first direct American military support for South Vietnam occurred when a U.S. aircraft carrier carrying Army helicopters arrived in Saigon.
Image result for 1961 - The first direct American military support for South Vietnam

1967 - The prototype of the Concorde was shown for the first time in Toulouse, France.
Image result for prototype of the Concorde

1981 - Muhammad Ali fought his last fight. He lost his 61st fight to Trevor Berbick.
Image result for Muhammad Ali fought his last fight. He lost his 61st fight to Trevor Berbick.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Did A Corrupt FBI Give Hillary Clinton A Free Pass? Sure Looks Like It | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Did A Corrupt FBI Give Hillary Clinton A Free Pass? Sure Looks Like It | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:

Image result for flickr commons images James Comey"Among the many troubling revelations to have emerged regarding the FBI these days, one of the worst is finding out that an avowed Trump-hater softened language in a memo to exonerate Hillary Clinton.

Let's rewind the tape a bit. Until August 31, 2016, with the presidential election in full swing, former FBI director James Comey gave the impression that he hadn't arrived at his decision to let Clinton off the hook until after he had all the facts."

The way we were-----michael jackson - billie jean live first time moonwalk

Boob-tube-----Marilyn Monroe On The Jack Benny Television Show 1953(full episode)

Obstruction of Congress - WSJ

Obstruction of Congress - WSJ:
"The media echo chamber spent the week speculating about whether Special Counsel Robert Mueller can or will nab President Trump on obstruction-of-justice charges.
Image result for silent coupAll the while it continues to ignore Washington’s most obvious obstruction—the coordinated effort to thwart congressional probes of the role law enforcement played in the 2016 election.
The news that senior FBI agent Peter Strzok exchanged anti-Trump, pro-Hillary text messages with another FBI official matters—though we’ve yet to see the content.
The bigger scandal is that the Justice Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Mr. Mueller have known about those texts for months and deliberately kept their existence from Congress. 
The House Intelligence Committee sent document subpoenas and demanded an interview with Mr. Strzok.
The Justice Department dodged, and then leaked..."
Important read!!

How Private Sidney Godley Earned the 1st Victoria Cross of World War 1

How Private Sidney Godley Earned the 1st Victoria Cross of World War 1
"...The call was given to retreat, but Godley refused, telling the other men to go, he would give them cover. 
Private Sidney Godley in his dress uniform. The young soldier was well lied, and dedicated to his comrades. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons/ public domainAs his comrades pulled out, the young Private maintained his fire, forcing the Germans to keep their heads down, preventing them from firing on the retreat. 
Godley continued for two hours, keeping up a constant fire into the tree line to his front. 
Shells were landing all around him, either from German rifles or artillery. 
A piece of shrapnel embedded itself in his back when an artillery shell landed near by. 
A rifle bullet also hit him in the head, and amazingly he survived. 
With blood now streaming from two potentially mortal wounds, Godley finally ran out of machine gun ammunition.

He was not done yet and picking up his rifle, he opened fire, shooting rapidly at any German who showed himself. 
However, one man can not hold off an entire unit, and the Germans finally reached the bridge. 
As enemy boots rattled across the railroad, Godley had one last spurt of courage.
He took the breechblock out of both machine guns, and dumped them into the river. 
This denied these valuable tools falling into enemy hands.
 As the German troops poured across the bridge, the 25-year-old soldier surrendered, and was taken back to Germany to have his wounds treated..."
Read it all!

Mikhail Lesin's death swung attention to Russia after Obama's intelligence fiasco - Washington Times

Mikhail Lesin's death swung attention to Russia after Obama's intelligence fiasco - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images Putin"It’s a mystery that’s been smoldering in the back hallways of the FBI and CIA for months, quietly vexing American spies probing charges that Russia meddled in last year’s election.
How exactly did the corpse of Mikhail Lesin, Moscow’s most influential media magnate and the founder of the Kremlin-backed global satellite TV network Russia Today, or RT, wind up in a Washington hotel room just a mile from the White House almost exactly a year before voting commenced in the 2016 U.S. presidential election?"

Not really a shock to anyone...except democrats-----New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played

New Poll Finds 92% of Democrats Uninformed, Ignorant and Easily Played
"The far left #FakeNews media has been wrong all year.
The liberal mainstream media has pushed the conspiracy that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia during the 2016 election to defeat Hillary Clinton.
This was all a lie.
In fact, it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who colluded to defeat Bernie Sanders in the primary and then colluded with Russia. 
Democrats and the Obama FBI paid cash for a fake Russian dossier so they could spy on Donald Trump at Trump tower.
But Democrat voters are ignorant.
And Democrats rely on the fact that they are stupid and easily played.

A new poll released this week by CBS News found that 92% of Democrats believe Trump advisors had improper dealings with Russia.

The poll claims 43% of Republicans believe the fairy tale… which is complete rubbish..."
Read on!!

Ignorance about Eurasia's two Great Games imperils the West | Asia Times

Ignorance about Eurasia's two Great Games imperils the West | Asia Times
See the source image"...While much of the English-language mainstream media is obsessed with alleged Russian interference in Western democracy and with the ancient sexual indiscretions of sad old entertainment celebrities and politicians, the unfolding of these two Great Games — and their inevitable confluence — is largely ignored or, if noticed at all, misunderstood.
  • One of these is the politicization of a very old rivalry
  • the other is the much more recent collusion of two great Eurasian powers. 
Both of these phenomena are reshaping the Asian continent in ways that are already beginning to reshape geopolitics and economics across the world and making American and European imperialist power irrelevant.
...A much newer story is the rise of China
The great schism between Shia and Sunni Islam began centuries ago and has long been the root of violence in the Middle East, and the perpetuation of the backwardness of much of the region
From time to time secularism and the need to get rich have intervened and maintained the peace between Sunni and Shiite communities in places like Iraq and Syria, until malevolent external forces got them at each other’s throats again. 
It’s an old story.
A much newer story is the rise of China...
It’s doubtful that Deng foresaw how the West’s disastrous descent into neoliberal economic fundamentalism would play into China’s hands, but it did, and the result is there for all but the most obtuse to see: 
The center of global power is now Beijing, not New York, Washington, London or Berlin...
And so it is that Russia’s vast natural resources and China’s treasury...are remaking much of Eurasia, other than — so far — the Middle East. 
There, the other Great Game is in play...
Some say the blossoming of ignorance in the West, the denigration of science, the impoverishment of education and literacy, the deterioration of thought processes to the point that a leap from 140 to 280 characters is seen as progress, and the self-destructive militarism of former great powers are signs of the imminent collapse of empire. 
The same thing happened to the ancient Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, and the czars, they argue. Others say we cannot know for sure because history is written by the winners.
But even that adage is now in doubt."
Read it all!

Lunch video-----REAL CONVERSATIONS: There Are Only 2 Genders | Change My Mind


Supreme Court says Trump administration can withhold DACA docs for now - Washington Times

Supreme Court says Trump administration can withhold DACA docs for now - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images Supreme Court"In a 5-4 decision Friday, the Supreme Court granted the Trump administration’s request to withhold documents pertaining to its decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA.
A federal court in California had ordered the government to turn over the documents in October, but the Trump administration requested a stay."

UPenn student op-ed: Ivy League admissions designed to 'perpetuate white domination' - The College Fix

UPenn student op-ed: Ivy League admissions designed to 'perpetuate white domination' - The College Fix:
Image result for white hegemony"There may be no better example of the inherent contradictions espoused by progressive racial bean counters than Lucy Hu’s Tuesday op-ed in the University of Pennsylvania’s Daily Pennsylvanian.
A sophomore from New Zealand studying political science, Hu believes there’s a “serious issue” in elite college admissions which “flies under the radar”: machinations to maintain “white domination.”
The most progressive institutions in America want to preserve white hegemony? 
...Hu cites a 2015 Princeton study as supposed proof of Ivies’ efforts to keep a white majority student population. 
Except that … the study says Asians’ “admissions disadvantage” is caused by colleges’ efforts to racially diversify — discrimination for which Hu already has said is justifiable..."
Read on.

Stunning Report: Left-Wing Prosecutorial Crusaders Spied on Wisconsin Republicans, Defied Court Orders - Guy Benson

Stunning Report: Left-Wing Prosecutorial Crusaders Spied on Wisconsin Republicans, Defied Court Orders - Guy Benson:
See the source image"If you aren't familiar with the "John Doe" investigation that rocked Wisconsin politics a few years ago, or are hazy on the details, go back and read my coverage of how the Left engaged in gross abuses of criminal law to intimidate, harass and silence conservatives in the state.  
The specifics were chilling -- from pre-dawn raids on political activists' homes, to stifling gag orders preventing them from saying a peep about what was happening to them, all in pursuit of criminalizing and punishing the Badger State conservative movement.  
Eventually, one target violated his gag order and blew the whistle on the whole operation, eventually leading to investigations of the investigations, and multiple courts shutting down the witch hunts with extreme prejudice.

It was a black mark on the state's politics, and it signaled just how ruthless the Left had become in its efforts to exact personal and legal vengeance on the political forces that had defeated them in a series of major electoral and policy battles in Madison.   
It was a disgrace.  
But it turns out that we didn't know just how disgraceful it was.   
New documents released yesterday demonstrate the extent to which Democratic "John Doe" prosecutors and officials engaged in truly astonishing abuses against a wider array of political figures than was previously known, including compiling prominent conservative lawmakers' personal emails (including messages about medical records) in a file marked "opposition research," in addition to simply disregarding adverse judicial rulings.  
Via the MacIver Institute:
Must read it all!

#1 This week 1962-----Frankie Vallie and The Four Seasons Big Girls Don't Cry

The Social Cost of Obama-Era Climate Calculations | The Freedom Pub

The Social Cost of Obama-Era Climate Calculations | The Freedom Pub:
"More than 200 cities and 12 states have pledged to uphold the Paris climate accord, even after President Donald Trump announced his administration would withdraw the United States from the agreement.
Image result for obama it is who we areThese pledges have led four states — Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, and New York — to enact climate and energy policies based on the Obama-era social cost of carbon (SCC) calculations, which attempt to quantify the long-term economic damages associated with emitting one ton of carbon dioxide into the air.
The Obama administration concluded for every ton of carbon dioxide released, $36 worth of damage occurs.
The SCC is based on flawed scientific and economic assumptions. 
As a result, the dozens of regulations imposed on the energy sector that were based on these calculations significantly and needlessly increase the cost of electricity without delivering any measurable environmental benefits..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

IRONY ALERT: U.K.'s May Scolded Trump On Islam, Almost Gets Offed By Islamists | Daily Wire

Image result for flickr commons images Prime Minister MayIRONY ALERT: U.K.'s May Scolded Trump On Islam, Almost Gets Offed By Islamists | Daily Wire:

"So fast forward a week — actually, less than a week. A terror plot to assassinate May — a plot, it might be noted, hatched by Islamic terrorists — was foiled by British authorities, British papers reported."

VIDEO: UVA students sign petition to ban Christmas

VIDEO: UVA students sign petition to ban Christmas
"...With schools across the country outright banning even such innocuous Christmas decorations as evergreen trees and images of Santa because they could be interpreted as being “non-inclusive,” Campus Reform wanted to find out what students think of the idea.
CRO reporters Amber Athey and Cabot Phillips visited UVA, created a faux student group called “Students for an Inclusive Holiday Season,” and asked students to sign a petition getting rid of school references to Christmas because of the holiday’s “oppressive” and “triggering” nature.
In less than two hours, nearly twenty students opted to sign the fake Christmas-banning petition.
“This time of year, it feels like people can shove their holiday happiness in your face, like ‘Merry Christmas!’ and it just gets kind of old,” Phillips ventured, as a signee agreed.
Athey told another group of students that the faux student organization was sending a letter to the administration to let them know that the overt celebration of Christmas can be “almost oppressive” for some students on campus.
“I will totally sign,” a female student enthusiastically responded.
“I know a lot of students who aren’t religious, so when they see the Christmas trees and all the lights it can be a bit triggering, so we’re just trying to make campus a safe space for them,” Athey explained to a student while he signed the petition..."
Read on!