Monday, December 11, 2017

DHS: Suicide-Bomb Suspect Arrived by Chain Migration - Breitbart

DHS: Suicide-Bomb Suspect Arrived by Chain Migration - Breitbart:

"The terror suspect who allegedly attempted to detonate a suicide-bomb in New York came to the United States from Bangladesh as a “chain migration” relative of an individual who had immigrated earlier into the United States."

All The Proof You'll Ever Need That America's Media Really Are 'Fake News' | Daily Wire

All The Proof You'll Ever Need That America's Media Really Are 'Fake News' | Daily Wire:
Image result for free clip art Fake
"There need be no doubt anymore: America's mainstream news media hypes fake news — and that's a fact.

This past week was disastrous for the press. A slew of fake stories rained down, pushed by anxious anchormen placed in powerful posts. And we want to note before we go on, that ALL of this happened in a single week."

The way we were-----Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it [Extended Version] OFFICIAL MU...

Boob-tube-----ABBA - TV Commercial (1980) - Promoting "A Van ABBA"

Gotta see this!-----The Truth About Jerusalem

"Islam is a religion of peace.
If any violence occurs, it's all Donald Trump's fault. "

Loyola University Students Question Catholic School's Emphasis on Christmas - Breitbart

Loyola University Students Question Catholic School's Emphasis on Christmas - Breitbart:
"Students at Loyola University, a Catholic university in Chicago, are q
uestioning why administrators are placing a greater emphasis on Christmas than on other religious holidays.
In an article in the school’s student newspaper entitled, “Religious Holidays Aren’t Represented Equally on Campus,” students argue that Loyola fails to honor other religious holidays, such as Eid al-Fitr, a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan..."
Read on!

Yet more ammo for the ‘fake news’ critics | New York Post

Image result for free clip art egg on faceYet more ammo for the ‘fake news’ critics | New York Post:

"Here they go again — the news media, that is, racing to run stories meant to discredit President Trump’s 2016 election victory, only to wind up with egg on their faces."

Starving polar bears are the fake news face of climate change | Watts Up With That?

Starving polar bears are the fake news face of climate change | Watts Up With That?
"Summary: Climate activists have made polar bears “the face of climate change.” 
This week we see how they have done so: with fake news. 
That they do so instead of relying on science tells us much about them — and why they have achieved so few policy changes after 30 years of these tactics.

“This is the face of climate change.”

Starving Polar Bear
By Cristina Mittermeier and Paul Nicklen.

“‘Soul-crushing’ video of starving polar bear exposes climate crisis, experts say.

In The Guardian on 8 December 2017.

“Video footage captured in Canada’s Arctic has offered a devastating look at the impact climate change is having on polar bears in the region, showing an emaciated bear clinging to life as it scrounged for food on iceless land..."
Excellent refutation of this eco-liberal lie.
Read on! 

Is Jeff Sessions being blackmailed?

Is Jeff Sessions being blackmailed?:
"...Regarding President Kennedy, there was surely a great deal in the dossier, especially as concerned his scandalous relationship with Marilyn Monroe.  
See the source imageKennedy, who had been rumored to be planning to replace Hoover, quickly changed his mind after one of those meetings.
So much for the accusations.  
Let's talk current events.
Jeff Sessions, as senator, had a long history of being a staunch conservative.  
As such, he favors small government, strict accountability, and unwavering obedience to the law...
Yet, in recent months, he seems uncharacteristically timid in the face of obvious corrupt practices in both the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, both of which are under his authority.  
He has shown no aggression in cooperating with congressional inquiries.
What could possibly explain this?..
Read on!

Lunch video-----L.A. Auto Show: Carmakers Set Sights On Millennials With These New SUVs

Noon-toon-----Wondermark » Archive » #1362; Ax Me Another (Part 2)

Wondermark » Archive » #1362; Ax Me Another (Part 2)
But that was a different time! Chairs HAD to be hard so they’d keep your hernias pressed in!

Amnesty International caught taking Soros cash to push abortion in Ireland

Amnesty International caught taking Soros cash to push abortion in Ireland:

Image result for flickr commons images george soros"Amnesty International, the sanctimonious purported human rights group that champions halting the death penalty, has been caught taking $160,000 from George Soros's Open Society Foundation to promote...abortion, in contravention of Irish law.

File under "unclear on the concept" in championing the value of human life.

It's hard to say which player in this drama here is most loathsome."

Memo to John Lewis: Democrats are the party of white racism

Memo to John Lewis: Democrats are the party of white racism
"Georgia Democrat Rep. John Lewis refused to attend the opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum because President Trump was there, yet he would have been the first to condemn Trump had Trump not gone.  

The irony is that much of the brutality, oppression, and denial of civil rights the museum records was committed by the party of white racism – the Democratic Party.
Reps. John Lewis and Bennie G. Thompson issued a joint statement full of righteous indignation but little truth in explaining their absence from the ceremony:
"President Trump's attendance and his hurtful policies are an insult to the people portrayed in this civil rights museum. The struggles represented in this museum exemplify the truth of what really happened in Mississippi."
What really happened in Mississippi and throughout the South is that Democrats, who never got over losing the Civil War, sought to move blacks to a new plantation of oppression and suppression.  
As one wag put it, the reason Democrats hate Republicans so much is that the Republicans took away their slaves..."
Read on!

#1 Movie this week 1979----Star Trek I: The Motion Picture - Trailer

A Guide to Pants-Dropping for the New Man :: SteynOnline

A Guide to Pants-Dropping for the New Man :: SteynOnline

"Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats swing together. 
Eighteen years ago, Senate Dems stood lockstep in support of keeping Bill Clinton in office. Yesterday they stood lockstep in support of forcing Al Franken from office - even though Franken's sins (unwanted tongues and touching) are of a considerably lower order than Clinton's (assault and rape). 
A shift is underway in the Democrat Party, even if - as Caitlin Flanagan notes in The Atlantic - it's not quite there yet:
Let's not fool ourselves. "I believe Juanita" doesn't just mean that you're generally in favor of believing women when they report sex crimes. It means you believe that for eight years our country was in the hands of a violent rapist.
It was - which was why some of us said we believed Juanita at the time.
...So they've belatedly realized that their over-investment in the violent rapist and his enabler proved near-fatal last year. 
To win in 2020, the party has to get back some of those white females. 
Hence the decision to go full-scale war-on-women. 
Which means Franken and John Conyers are expendable. 
The Democrats are preparing to weaponize sex as they've weaponized race since the civil-rights era..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1989-----Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire (Official Video)

Must read before the "outrage" burns down our country-----Nolte - Pragmatism v. Cake Baking: Christians Can Vote for Roy Moore in Good Conscience - Breitbart

Nolte - Pragmatism v. Cake Baking: Christians Can Vote for Roy Moore in Good Conscience - Breitbart:
"Because I believe that even in the court of public opinion a fellow American deserves due process, unlike too many out there, until all the facts were in, I kept my mouth shut about the allegations against Senate candidate Roy Moore.
Rather than immediately cave to the corrupt media and #NeverTrump’s tribal pressure to do the right thing and denounce the Alabama Republican… I waited — I waited because the media lies. 
I waited because #NeverTrump lies. 
And now that all the evidence is in, we know that the allegations against Moore are either completely trumped up, an act of outright fraud, or full of massive holes.
Beverly Nelson
See the source imageNelson is a straight up forger and liar. She altered a document (the infamous yearbook) but only told us so after she got caught, after both she and her attorney Gloria Allred (see the videos here) told us Roy Moore had written what Nelson now admits she wrote (Moore denies writing any of it). That is the textbook definition of forgery.
Anyone who calls what Nelson did anything other than a forgery is spreading fake news. Nelson also claims she had no contact with Moore after the alleged incident in the late 70s. But Moore was the judge who ruled against her in a 1999 divorce. Moreover, the divorce papers signed by Moore have that very same mysterious “D.A.” that appears after the yearbook signature — which puts the signature itself well into the realm of reasonable doubt.
Anyone who gives Nelson’s assault allegations any credence is engaging in partisan tribalism..."
Read it all and be armed!

You ought to know!

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Nikki Haley Stands Tall At UN: Slams UN For Its Hatred Of Israel | Daily Wire

Nikki Haley Stands Tall At UN: Slams UN For Its Hatred Of Israel | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Nikki Haley"The declaration from Trump affirms that “all parties are honest with each other” as “for nearly 70 years, Jerusalem has been the capital of the State of Israel” regardless of U.S. recognition, Haley said. She said the recognition was based on “common sense.”

Haley pointed out that people using Washington’s actions as an excuse for violence were “only showing” they had no desire for peace. She cited past Israeli-Palestinian agreements that had been signed on the White House lawn, and said that if a new agreement arose, there would be “a good likelihood” it will be signed at the White House “because the United States has credibility of both sides.”"

Instapundit » Blog Archive » GLENN GREENWALD: The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuse…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » GLENN GREENWALD: The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuse…:
GLENN GREENWALD: The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened.
“Friday was one of the most embarrassing days for the U.S. media in quite a long time. 
The humiliation orgy was kicked off by CNN, with MSNBC and CBS close behind, with countless pundits, commentators and operatives joining the party throughout the day. 
By the end of the day, it was clear that several of the nation’s largest and most influential news outlets had spread an explosive but completely false news story to millions of people, while refusing to provide any explanation of how it happened.”

In attempting to “denormalize” Trump, they’ve denormalized themselves. 
If they simply reported fairly and accurately, without their screamingly obvious bias, they’d be able to do him much more damage. 
But they can’t help themselves."--Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 8:32 am