Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Planned Parenthood: Abortion Is The Same Thing As Miscarriage | Daily Wire

Planned Parenthood: Abortion Is The Same Thing As Miscarriage | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images planned parenthood"What's the difference between an abortion and a miscarriage? For starters, one kills a child as a freak accident of nature while the other kills a child as a freak accident of human agency. The differences between the two are about as stark as that between dying of natural causes and dying because the Manson family strolled into town.

Abortion conglomerate Planned Parenthood seems to have trouble grasping that logical axiom, as they see no difference whatsoever.

Over the weekend, pro-abortion writer Danielle Campoamor penned a column for Romper about her most recent miscarriage and how, despite the pain and grief, she still thinks abortion is no different. Planned Parenthood later went on to tweet her article."

The way we were-----Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit and Somebody To Love, American Bandsta...

Boob-tube-----1950s News 15 minutes

Middle East, North African students want University of Michigan recognition

See the source imageMiddle East, North African students want University of Michigan recognition
"ANN ARBOR, MI - Middle Eastern and North African students at the University of Michigan are calling on the university's administration and Board of Regents to recognize their identities on its forms and surveys that collect demographic data on campus.
After receiving support from UM's Literature, Science & the Arts Student Government earlier this fall calling on the university's administration to add the Middle Eastern/North African (ME/NA) identity category to its applications, a number of students and faculty members organizing under #WeExist spoke during the meeting on Thursday, Dec. 7, urging the Board of Regents to do the same..."
Read on!

A Land of Mini-Coups :: SteynOnline

A Land of Mini-Coups :: SteynOnline
"Following Michael Flynn's guilty plea for "lying to the FBI", there seem likely to be further feverish developments in Robert Mueller's "Russia investigation". 
Professor William Jacobson asks the obvious question:
Why is Robert Mueller even investigating the presidential transition?
The Order appointing Mueller concerns election interference, not post-election political decisions of the winning candidate.
First, it shouldn't be a crime to lie to the FBI given the way the FBI lies to us with impunity. Yours truly thirteen years ago:
Martha, it seems, will be going to jail for telling a lie. Not in court, not under oath, not perjury, but merely when the Feds came round to see her about a possible crime...
Martha Stewart wound up behind bars for telling a lie in a matter in which there was no underlying crime. 
See the source image...But, as Professor Jacobson points out, it's hard to see how Russia can "interfere" with the election after it's been held. 
Flynn's conversations occurred in his capacity as a senior figure in the incoming administration. 
That's the normal business of diplomatic relations - and it is most emphatically not the business of minor policemen within a leaky and insecure permanent bureaucracy.
So Flynn's "lies" are not material - unless the Deep State is "investigating" the winning side in the election for engaging in the usual business of government..."
Read on!

WATCH: Students With MAGA Hats EVICTED From 'Safe Space' Coffee Shop At Fordham U | Daily Wire

WATCH: Students With MAGA Hats EVICTED From 'Safe Space' Coffee Shop At Fordham U | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Make America Great Hat"A group of students wearing "Make America Great Again" hats were booted from a non-profit coffee shop on the Fordham University campus because the cafe is considered a "safe space," and the hats were triggering customers and staff.

In a shocking video obtained by Campus Reform, a student worker at Rodrigue’s Coffee House harasses and berates the group, screaming that the students were "“Fascism, Nazis!” and they have "three minutes" to vacate the premises."

Big Government Can Be Deadly, Literally | International Liberty

Big Government Can Be Deadly, Literally | International Liberty:
"Too much government can be hazardous to your health.
Instead, this is a column about the wonky issue of cost-benefit analysis. 
Image result for unintended consequencesSpecifically, we’re going to look at whether some regulations can be sufficiently onerous that the resulting economic damage actually produces needless death. 
This insight can even apply to regulations that are designed to save lives!
It’s quite common, when I first suggest this hypothesis, for people to think I’m nuts. But they begin to see the light when I share this example from an article I wrote 25 years ago for the Journal of Regulation and Social Cost.
People in wealthier nations, on average, live longer and better lives than residents of poorer nations. …government policy makers should consider the adverse effects on health and mortality of economic policies that impose costs on the productive sector of the economy. …it is quite possible that regulations designed to reduced mortality and morbidity, if they impose sufficiently high costs on the economy, actually can result in premature deaths and a less healthy population. Banning the use of motor vehicles, for instance, would save…lives lost annually in traffic accidents as well as preventing whatever number of premature deaths can be attributed to auto emissions. …It would be absurd, however, to…support the elimination of motor vehicles… The higher living standards made possible by fast and efficient transportation clearly must result in reduced mortality…rates over time for the general population..."
Much here, read on! 

What Do the Last Words of Death Row Inmates Tell Us? - D-brief

What Do the Last Words of Death Row Inmates Tell Us? - D-brief:
"Any last words?
It’s a question prisoners on death row hear before their execution begins. 
Along with last meals and long cell block walks, the opportunity to give a final statement has become deeply ingrained in the highly ritualized process of executing prisoners.
See the source imageMost prisoners take the opportunity to pause on the lip of annihilation and utter a final statement, and the content of these messages range from expressions of guilt and sorrow to expletive-laced outbursts. 
Examining the final thoughts of people who have not only had time to think about their ultimate end, but who must also wrestle with overwhelming feelings of guilt and sorrow (though not in every case), provides a unique opportunity for sociologists and psychologists alike..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----2017 Tax Reform Explained - Show me the Numbers



NFL HELL: Ticket Prices Fall To $10 As Teams Struggle To Fill Stadiums | Daily Wire

NFL HELL: Ticket Prices Fall To $10 As Teams Struggle To Fill Stadiums | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Lattes"The NFL protests have been lucrative for social justice charities — they'll receive a whopping $89 million in "settlement" money, redirected from veterans and breast cancer charity funds — but they're also becoming a boon for cash-strapped football fans.

It turns out, if you can still stomach a professional football game, you can now get tickets for about the same price as a couple of Starbucks lattes."

Weapon Word-----Instapundit » Blog Archive » YES. OUR SOURCE WAS THE NEW YORK TIMES: An Abomination. A Monster. That’s Me? Shot: It used to…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » YES. OUR SOURCE WAS THE NEW YORK TIMES: An Abomination. A Monster. That’s Me? Shot: It used to…:
Found via Christina Hoff Sommers‏, who tweets today, “Great article by [Bruni in the Times.] 
Just one thing he missed: Much of the current campus viciousness is inspired by a theory called intersectionality. 
Explained here:”

Meat Taxes Could Join Carbon and Sugar to Help Curb Emissions | Fortune

Meat Taxes Could Join Carbon and Sugar to Help Curb Emissions | Fortune
"Move over, taxes on carbon and sugar: the global levy that may be next is meat.
See the source imageSome investors are betting governments around the world will find a way to start taxing meat production as they aim to improve public health and hit emissions targets set in the Paris Climate Agreement. 
Socially focused investors are starting to push companies to diversify into plant protein, or even suggest livestock producers use a “shadow price” of meat — similar to an internal carbon price — to estimate future costs.
Meat could encounter the same fate as tobacco, carbon and sugar, which are currently taxed in 180, 60, and 25 jurisdictions around the world, respectively, according to a report Monday from investor group the FAIRR (Farm Animal Investment Risk & Return) Initiative. 
Lawmakers in Denmark, Germany, China and Sweden have discussed creating livestock-related taxes in the past two years..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1965-----The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn!

10 Things Every Intersectional Feminist Should Ask On a First Date - Everyday Feminism

10 Things Every Intersectional Feminist Should Ask On a First Date - Everyday Feminism
"As a queer femme of color, I keep close relationships with people who go beyond allyship; they’re true accomplices in the fight against white supremacy, queerphobia, and misogyny.
If you’re not going to support marginalized folks, then we can’t be friends, let alone date.
The personal is political.
Beyond the lovely cushioning, happiness and support that we receive from our platonic relationships (which are, in all honesty, soul-feeding and essential), feminists also date!
But there are questions we have to ask before we get close to someone.
The following list of questions is applicable to all relationships — certainly not just cisgender, heterosexual ones:
1. Do you believe that Black Lives Matter?
Let’s start here.
There are three categories that are non-negotiables for me: an understanding of race, class, and gender...
3. How do you work to dismantle sexism and misogyny in your life?..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

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President Trump’s Jerusalem Move Deals a Blow to Terror | Frontpage Mag

President Trump’s Jerusalem Move Deals a Blow to Terror | Frontpage Mag:

"Hamas has announced that President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has opened the “gates of hell.” Its Muslim Brotherhood parent has declared America an “enemy state.”
Image result for flickr commons images JerusalemThe Arab League boss warned that the Jerusalem move “will fuel extremism and result in violence.” The Jordanian Foreign Minister claimed that it would “trigger anger” and “fuel tension.”
“Moderate” Muslim leaders excel at threatening violence on behalf of the “extremists”.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) warned that recognizing Jerusalem will trigger an Islamic summit and be considered a "blatant attack on the Arab and Islamic nations."
The last time the OIC was this mad, someone drew Mohammed. And wasn’t stoned to death for it."

WATCH: Chilling Cartoon Warns America About Dangers of Socialism... in 1948 » Louder With Crowder

WATCH: Chilling Cartoon Warns America About Dangers of Socialism... in 1948 » Louder With Crowder:
"American Exceptionalism is a concept so simple yet so misunderstood. 
America is exceptional because it was founded on the idea that man should be free...
But freedom is hard. 
Government stepping in to “take care” of people is an easier solution. 
In that vein watch this cartoon about “Ism.” 
Released in 1948, but just as relevant today…
This is one of a series of films produced by the Extension Department of Harding College to create a deeper understanding of what has made America the finest place in the world to live.
View and read on!

AM Fruitcake

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting

History for December 12

Image result for Father Flanagan Quotes
History for December 12 - On-This-Day.com
Gustave Flaubert 1821, Edvard Munch 1863 - Norwegian artist, Edward G. Robinson 1893
Image result for gustave flaubert quotesImage result for edvard munchImage result for Edward G. Robinson

Frank Sinatra 1915, Ed Koch 1924, Robert N. Noyce 1927
Image result for Frank SinatraImage result for ed koch quotesImage result for Robert N. Noyce quotes

1800 - Washington, DC, was established as the capital of the United States.
Image result for 1800 - Washington, DC, was established as the capital of the United States.

1900 - Charles M. Schwab formed the United States Steel Corporation.
Image result for Charles M. Schwab formed the United States Steel Corporation

1915 - The first all-metal aircraft, the German Junkers J1, made its first flight.
Image result for Junkers Ji

1917 - Father Edward Flanagan opened Boys Town in Nebraska. The farm village was for wayward boys. In 1979 it was opened to girls.
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1925 - The "Motel Inn," the first motel in the world, opened in San Luis Obispo, CA.
Image result for 1925 - The "Motel Inn,"

1975 - Sara Jane Moore pled guilty to a charge of trying to kill U.S. President Ford in San Francisco the previous September.
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1982 - 20,000 women encircled Greenham Common air base in Britain in protest against proposed cite of U.S. Cruise missiles there.
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1983 - Car bombs were set off in front of the French and U.S. embassies in Kuwait City. Shiite extremists were responsible for the five deaths and 86 wounded. Total of five bombs went off in different locations.
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