Thursday, December 14, 2017

$7.8 Million Settlement Against Biomedical Companies Accused of Profiting from Fetal Tissue Sales - Breitbart

Image result for Fetus in Womb$7.8 Million Settlement Against Biomedical Companies Accused of Profiting from Fetal Tissue Sales - Breitbart:

"Two Yorba Linda biomedical procurement companies have reached a $7.8 million settlement with the Orange County, California, district attorney’s office following allegations they illegally profited from the sale of fetal tissue."

The way we were-----Lesley Gore - You Don't Own Me (HD)

Boob-tube-----Vintage 1970s TV Commercials (Part 2)

Net Neutrality 101 | Competitive Enterprise Institute

Net Neutrality 101 | Competitive Enterprise Institute:
What is net neutrality?
"Net neutrality" refers to a controversial set of Internet regulations issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 
The concept of net neutrality originally focused on requiring broadband providers to let their subscribers use applications, services, and devices of their choosing.
But net neutrality has come to mean the straightjacketing of the Internet by treating broadband providers like public utilities (like phone or cable companies) under the same 1934 regulatory regime used to govern the old AT&T Ma Bell telephone monopoly. 
For example, under the FCC's net neutrality regulations, a wireless broadband provider may not prioritize video-chat applications—which can suffer greatly during periods of network congestion—over other applications. 
Simply put, after decades of enjoying a hands-off approach from Washington that allowed a vibrant, open, and free Internet to flourish, the new FCC rules subject the Internet to more government control than it has ever known in the United States..."
All the answers you need.
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How Bob Hoover Stole A Fw 190 To Escape POW Camp | Frontline Videos | Raw, Uncut, Real Videos From The Frontlines

How Bob Hoover Stole A Fw 190 To Escape POW Camp | Frontline Videos | Raw, Uncut, Real Videos From The Frontlines:
Not too long ago Bob Hoover left this world but he left quite a legacy in aviation. 
Known as “The Pilot’s Pilot” Hoover had an amazing career with fighter planes, experimental aircraft and will always be regarded as one of the greatest pilots who ever lived. 
Hoover had some incredible stories during the war, one of the most impressive tales how he escaped from a German POW camp by stealing a German plane....
“We ran across this airfield and all the planes were damaged or unflyable. But I found one that had a lot of damage but it was full of fuel. I got in the cockpit, didn’t have a parachute but I was in there and I was going and got the engine started. I took off, I didn’t even go to the runway, I went out right across the grass and got airborne.”
– Bob Hoover

Read it all!

Migrant Family Of NYC Terror Suspect TRASH The Police | Daily Wire

Migrant Family Of NYC Terror Suspect TRASH The Police | Daily Wire:

Image result for Council On American Islamic Relations Logo"The family reacted to Ullah's attempted terror attack by expressing "outrage" over American police authorities and suggesting institutionalized Islamophobia.

In a statement provided via Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)-New York, Ullah's family said they were "outraged by the behavior of law enforcement officials during this investigation.""

Waiting Times For Canada's Single-Payer Health Care System Hit Record High

Waiting Times For Canada's Single-Payer Health Care System Hit Record High:
"Waiting times for medically necessary health care services under Canada's single-payer system have hit a record high, according to a report from the Fraser Institute.
See the source image...The Fraser Institute found that patients under Canada's single-payer system this year waited an average of 10.9 weeks—roughly two-and-a-half months—from the time they had a consultation with a specialist to the time at which they received treatment.
Physicians consider 7.2 weeks to be a clinically reasonable wait time.
The report also found that patients' wait for treatment after referral to a specialist by their general practitioner was 21.2 weeks, or longer than four months.
"This year's wait time—the longest ever recorded in this survey's history—is 128 percent longer than in 1993, when it was just 9.3 weeks," the report states..."
Read on!

Mine was bad. Easy instructions to fix!-----Change Your Router Password Before It Gets Hacked

Change Your Router Password Before It Gets Hacked
"One of the worst security habits is keeping bad passwords. 
This can mean using short and simple passwords, or re-using them across multiple sites. 
But there’s another danger: not changing the default password on your equipment.
Common computing hardware, specifically wireless routers, ships with default passwords. 
These are readily available on the internet — search for Linksys router default password and see how easy it is to find them.
If you haven’t ever changed the password on your router, you need to take a moment to do so. Leaving as it as the default leaves you wide open to attack from malicious folk, because they’ll have no problem getting into your network if they try.

Changing Your Router Password..."

Lunch video-----Illegal Immigration and Crime


Purdue Professor Argues Tough College Courses Reinforce White Privilege - Breitbart

Purdue Professor Argues Tough College Courses Reinforce White Privilege - Breitbart:
Image result for flickr commons images Purdue University
"The head of Purdue University’s School of Engineering Education, Donna Riley, argued in a recently published academic journal article tough engineering courses only serves to uphold “white male heterosexual privilege.”"

Consumers Win With Upcoming FCC 'Net Neutrality' Vote | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Consumers Win With Upcoming FCC 'Net Neutrality' Vote | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
"The Federal Communications Commission will soon vote to undo net neutrality, an Obama-era power grab.
Despite many claims to the contrary, this move by the FCC would be the right decision for consumers and end the agency's micromanagement of the internet.
...former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler...order put five unelected government regulators at the FCC between consumers and ISPs, drastically expanding FCC's power.
Image result for Net Neutrality Pros and ConsOver the past decade, the debate over net neutrality has been warped by activists who support government having a significant role in the operation of the internet. 
...Instead of being a fight over anti-competitive business practices, today's net neutrality debate is about something called "paid prioritization," a technical term used to describe an agreement between a content provider and a network owner.
Under a paid prioritization agreement, a content provider's data can travel on less-congested network routes in exchange for an agreed-upon fee.
Like taking a toll road, when networks are clogged with data during high-traffic times of the day, prioritization agreements allow consumers to receive requested data faster. 
All kinds of data — emails, funny cat videos, your Twitter feed — travel over the internet, but some data types are more tolerant of delays or temporary congestion than others..."
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Eco-liars-----No, Global Warming Isn't Killing Off The Polar Bears | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Image result for National Geographic starving polar bearNo, Global Warming Isn't Killing Off The Polar Bears | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
"Climate Change:
It's a heart-rending video: The National Geographic tape shows a plainly starving, shockingly thin polar bear rummaging for food.
It's near death.
The tragic scene went viral on the internet.
...And, of course, the media wasted no time in fixing blame: global warming.
...It's important to note, however, that starvation is a leading cause of death among polar bears, especially the old and the young. 
Though they have no real predatory enemies, they can be outfought for food by bigger, more robust bears.
Even the National Geographic, which put out the video, was somewhat circumspect in its conclusion about the bear, noting, "As a whole, polar bear populations around the world are not in immediate peril."
Nor are polar bears in peril where the starving bear was filmed, on Baffin Island..."

#1 This day 1960-----Elvis Presley - Are You Lonesome Tonight w/lyrics

Why Doug Jones Won in Alabama, and What It Doesn't Mean For 2018

Why Doug Jones Won in Alabama, and What It Doesn't Mean For 2018:
"...5. The Senate is not necessarily in play for 2018.
See the source image
Perhaps the most common "hot take" from Jones' victory was the claim that it puts the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate in serious jeopardy...
...Respectfully, I disagree.
...Democrats would need to hold on to every seat and take Arizona and Nevada. 
This is not impossible, but it remains exceedingly unlikely.
...There is a very small outside chance Democrats could win all of these races, but there would be essentially no margin for error.
Trump has proven a boon to the Republican National Committee's coffers, just as the Democrats struggle to raise money.
The Republican lost in Alabama on Tuesday, but this may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory for Democrats moving forward."

You ought to know!

Lois Lerner: 'Exceedingly low' public interest in her IRS testimony - Washington Times

Lois Lerner: 'Exceedingly low' public interest in her IRS testimony - Washington Times:
Image result for flickr commons images lois lerner
"Mr. Meckler told The Times that if Ms. Lerner manages to keep her deposition sealed it would “set an outrageous legal precedent, allowing the testimony of egregious acts by public servants to be permanently hidden.”

“The irony of this argument is astounding. The government has admitted that these people unconstitutionally targeted people based on their political beliefs. Now the individuals most responsible for the targeting wish to finish off their secret scheme to illegally target their fellow citizens, in secrecy,” he said."

Egypt singer jailed for 'inciting debauchery' in music video - BBC News

Egypt singer jailed for 'inciting debauchery' in music video - BBC News
"A court in Egypt has reportedly jailed for two years a singer who appeared in a music video in her underwear while suggestively eating a banana.
Shaimaa Ahmed, a 25-year-old known professionally as Shyma, was arrested last month after the video sparked outrage in the conservative country.
On Tuesday, she was found guilty of inciting debauchery and publishing an indecent film, local media said.
The video's director was also sentenced to two years in prison in absentia.
Last year, Egyptian courts sentenced three female dancers to six months each in prison after convicting them of inciting debauchery in music videos..."
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AM Fruitcake



Lottery System

By Tammy Derouin

Image result for Raffle Winner Clip ArtIt is encouraging to see that the Trump administration is not giving up on the need to end the Diversity Visa Lottery program. We really need to tighten up our security and this is certainly a program which needs to be highly scrutinized and more than likely, eliminated. This program, which begun in the 1990's and received bi-partisan support, may have originally began with good intentions, however, times have changed. Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, which was a declaration of war by Middle Eastern Jihadist on the United States, our security and the way we admit people into the United States should have changed. 
Unfortunately, during the Obama administration our security was extremely lax. There was an ever present mindset to ignore law enforcement and to side with criminals. Our military, border security and the law enforcement community in general was disrespected. All levels of security were continuously being ignored and denied the support they needed to do their job of protecting the homeland and the American people.
In our post 9/11 reality, the Diversity Visa Lottery program could be used to gain entry into the U.S. by those who wish to destroy us. With so few stipulations, it is an easy way to gain access. In our current reality, we should not be allowing 50,000 individuals into our country simply because their names were randomly drawn. This lottery system was set up to get a more balanced mix of immigrants from countries which were being under represented. Immigrants should be considered based on merit and or what they can contribute to our society. What may have seemed like a nice thing to do in the 1990's is no longer the case. This is an open door, a welcome mat, an invitation to those who could take advantage of such an easy way to gain entry and use it to cause harm.......