Friday, December 15, 2017

Democrats Back Away From DREAMers, Won't Force Vote On 'Clean' Immigration Bill | Daily Wire

Democrats Back Away From DREAMers, Won't Force Vote On 'Clean' Immigration Bill | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images White Flag"Democratic leaders were promising big moves on immigration before the end of the year, even threatening a government shutdown if they weren't allowed to bring a "clean" DREAM Act which would authorize amnesty for most DREMers without concessions on border security.
But as of Wednesday, Democratic leadership has changed their tune. Scared of the blowback from a vote before the end of the year, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) are waving the white flag on immigration reform."

The way we were-----Roger Miller King Of the Road

Boob-tube-----Idiot Threatens Judge Judy, Then Gets Stuck Inside Courtoom!

Defenders of forced gender-neutral pronouns illustrate Orwell's warnings about language - The College Fix

Defenders of forced gender-neutral pronouns illustrate Orwell's warnings about language - The College Fix:
"...Haskell writes in a magazine-length Quillette essay that LGBTQ activists and WLU faculty are using the “appeal to safety” and “appeal to contextualization” to promote censorship of ideas they dislike – namely the refusal to use gender-neutral pronouns such as the singular “they” and the invented “ze” (“he” or “she”).
See the source imageJust as Orwell warned that power-hungry forces would use “meaningless words” to achieve their goals, campus activists have redefined “harm” as “taking offence and having one’s feelings hurt” by both seeing the Jordan Peterson debate clip in Shepherd’s class and hearing about the airing of the clip, according to Haskell. 
They resorted to “pretentious diction” – the practice of giving “an air of scientific impartiality to biased judgments,” per Orwell – to convince people that talking about the optionality of gender-neutral pronouns was dangerous (“epistemic violence”)..."
Read on!

Coming attractions: How the biggest political scandal in history will play out in 2018

Coming attractions: How the biggest political scandal in history will play out in 2018
Coming attractions: How the biggest political scandal in history will play out in 2018-By Thomas Lifson
"A lot of frustration has been expressed – on these pages and elsewhere – over the slow pace of progress in unraveling the Deep State coup against Trump.  
Image result for silent coupBut "the process of uncovering the worst political scandal in American history," as I called it a couple of days ago, needs to be done the right way, or else it will founder under the waves of abuse that will pour from the media and political branches of the establishment.  
Not only must legal niceties be observed, but the rollout of information must be undertaken with a strategy in mind. Each step builds on the previous and addresses the probable response...
Sundance of Conservative Treehouse has a must-read column today, analyzing the pattern of disclosures from the I.G.  
In Sundance's words, "It looks just like a prosecutor laying out his case."
Consider what is at stake; and further consider that you were given the task of revealing the outcome of an investigation of such consequence.  How would you introduce the findings to the larger U.S. electorate?   Given the timing of the releases from the IG's investigation, I think that's what we are seeing in the past two weeks.  A prosecutor laying out his case over the course of multiple media cycles. ...
There is a pattern in the released OIG information and how we retrieve it from the media.
♦Ahead of FBI Director Christopher Wray appearing before congress the IG released the information about FBI Agent Strzok and his mistress FBI/DOJ Attorney Lisa Page.
♦Just before Asst. FBI Director Andrew McCabe was going to appear before congress the IG released information about DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie Ohr.
Andrew McCabe ducked out of the hearing, and will now appear next week. Boy-oh-boy that one should be interesting.  If he's still employed. (anticipating more releases here)
♦Just before DOJ Asst. AG Rod Rosenstein appeared before congress the IG released the actual text messaging information from Agent Strzok and Lisa Page.
See the pattern?
Read on!! 

California's War on Guns Broadens to a War on Ammunition Beginning January 1, 2018

California's War on Guns Broadens to a War on Ammunition Beginning January 1, 2018:
Image result for flickr commons images bullets
"California’s war on guns will soon broaden to a war on ammunition as a ban on the possession of bullets purchased out-of-state takes effect January 1, 2018.
This is one of many steps going into effect which will quickly place ammunition under controls similar to those which Democrat lawmakers have placed on firearms."

Weapons Went From The CIA To ISIS In Less Than Two Months, New Study Reveals | The Daily Sheeple

Weapons Went From The CIA To ISIS In Less Than Two Months, New Study Reveals | The Daily Sheeple:
  • Mainstream media in 2013: Conspiracy Theorists!” 
  • Mainstream media in 2017: ISIS Got a Powerful Missile the CIA Bought!” 
Image result for isis anti-tank guided weapons tandem warheadsYears late to the party, mainstream media outlets like USA Today, Reuters, and Buzzfeed are just out with “breaking” and “exclusive” stories detailing how a vast arsenal of weapons sent to Syria by the CIA in cooperation with US allies fueled the rapid growth of ISIS. 
Buzzfeed’s story entitled, Blowback: ISIS Got A Powerful Missile The CIA Secretly Bought In Bulgaria, begins by referencing “a new report on how ISIS built its arsenal highlights how the US purchased munitions, intended for Syrian rebels, that ended up in the hands of the terrorist group.”
...the CAR experts began finding that as early as 2013 to 2014 much of the Islamic State’s advanced weapons systems as well as small arms were clearly sourced to the United States and the West.
...“These weapons include anti-tank guided weapons and several varieties of rocket with tandem warheads, which are designed to defeat modern reactive armor.”...
Read on!

Student suspended for sharing a news article about lawsuit against school district - The College Fix

Student suspended for sharing a news article about lawsuit against school district - The College Fix
A student ‘violated the school’s user policy involving technology’
One of the wacky recurring policies in college speech codes is improper use of campus information technology.
Image result for Speech Codes BadGeorgetown Law formally banned students from using the campus network for “political speech during the 2016 campaign
Some colleges’ policies are broad enough to ban sending or receiving lewd, inappropriate or similarly vague content. 
...And as you might expect, K-12 schools are still a gulag when it comes to the expressive rights of students.
Ohio’s Sandusky Register reports that a local high school suspended a student for three days after he used his school-provided email to share a news article with classmates.
...After they told the Register reporter there’s no such policy that bans students from “sharing negative news stories about the district,” the superintendent said with no further elaboration that a student “violated the school’s user policy involving technology.”...
Read on!

Lunch video-----Old Man Withstanding the Winds of F-22 Raptor Takeoff


Hollywood Celebrities Throw Christmas Fundraiser — For Planned Parenthood | Daily Wire

Hollywood Celebrities Throw Christmas Fundraiser — For Planned Parenthood | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Christian Nativity "There's nothing quite like celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, perhaps the most important pregnancy of all time, by throwing a star-studded variety show fundraiser for the organization that ends the lives of more than 300,000 unplanned children every year.
But, of course, celebrities have no sense of irony, so they're doing precisely that: throwing a "Christmas extravaganza" in Los Angeles, all for the benefit of Planned Parenthood. The "second annual Feliz Navipod’s Feliz Navidad Variety Show" will be held in Los Angeles next Monday. "

Governmental accountability board? More like Wisconsin's Secret Police.

Governmental accountability board? More like Wisconsin's Secret Police.

It was a partisan witch hunt masquerading as an inquiry into campaign irregularities. And it might presage the outcome of the Mueller investigation.

The “Cheesehead Stasi.” 
That’s what Twitter humorist IowaHawk called a long-running and politicized investigation organized by Democratic politicians in Wisconsin, targeting supporters of Republican Gov. Scott Walker. 
The mechanism for this investigation was an allegedly nonpolitical, but in fact entirely partisan, “Government Accountability Board.”
In the course of its secretive “John Doe” investigation, the GAB hoovered up millions of personal emails from Republican donors and supporters, and even raided people’s homes, while forbidding them to talk about it:
See the source image“I was told to shut up and sit down. The officers rummaged through drawers, cabinets and closets. Their aggressive assault on my home seemed more appropriate for a dangerous criminal, not a longtime public servant with no criminal history,” Archer wrote in a June 30, 2015, Wall Street Journal op-ed. The column was published a day before she filed her civil rights lawsuit.
When the agents finally left her home, Archer said she took inventory of the damage. She found drawers and closets ransacked, her “deceased mother’s belongings were strewn across the floor.” Like so many other targets of the secret John Doe investigation, Archer was forced to watch her neighbors watch her — the star of a very public search-and-seizure operation. . . .
And like her fellow targets, she was told she could say nothing publicly about being a target of Chisholm’s probe. Doing so could have landed her in jail and hit with hefty fines. The secret investigations come with strict gag orders."...
Read it all! 

Experts say internet reliant on vulnerable undersea fiber-optic cables | McClatchy Washington Bureau

Experts say internet reliant on vulnerable undersea fiber-optic cables | McClatchy Washington Bureau
See the source image"WASHINGTON-Hundreds of thousands of miles of fiber-optic cable lay on the ocean floors, a crucial part of the global internet’s backbone, and only rarely do ship anchors, undersea landslides or saboteurs disrupt them.
...Undersea cables conduct nearly 97 percent of all global communications, and every day an estimated $10 trillion in financial transfers and vast amounts of data pass through the seabed routes. Satellites, once crucial but now limited in speed and bandwidth, handle only a tiny percentage of global communications.
...But in recent years, a few incidents have drawn attention to sabotage and espionage.
In October 2015, U.S. authorities scrambled to monitor Russian submarine patrols and a high-tech Russian surface ship, the Yantar, in a corridor of the North Atlantic that hosts a cluster of undersea cables.
The Yantar carried deep-sea submersibles and cable-cutting gear."

#1 This day 1955-----Tennessee Ernie Ford - 16 Tons

MSU scholars find $21 trillion in unauthorized government spending; Defense Department to conduct first-ever audit | MSUToday | Michigan State University

MSU scholars find $21 trillion in unauthorized government spending; Defense Department to conduct first-ever audit | MSUToday | Michigan State University:
See the source image"Earlier this year, a Michigan State University economist, working with graduate students and a former government official, found $21 trillion in unauthorized spending in the departments of Defense and Housing and Urban Development for the years 1998-2015.
The work of Mark Skidmore and his team, which included digging into government websites and repeated queries to U.S. agencies that went unanswered, coincided with the Office of Inspector General, at one point, disabling the links to all key documents showing the unsupported spending. (Luckily, the researchers downloaded and stored the documents.)
Now, the Department of Defense has announced it will conduct the first department-wide, independent financial audit in its history (read the Dec. 7 announcement here)..."
Read on!!

You ought to know!

Byron York: Former top spy rethinks: Maybe we shouldn't have attacked a new president

Byron York: Former top spy rethinks: Maybe we shouldn't have attacked a new president:

"Morell admits he went after the new president without even considering what that might mean. "I think there was a significant downside to those of us who became political," he told Glasser. "So, if I could have thought of that, would I have ended up in a different place? I don't know. But it's something I didn't think about.""

Explosive Texts Point To FBI, Not Russian, Meddling In 2016 Election | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Explosive Texts Point To FBI, Not Russian, Meddling In 2016 Election | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
"...But explosive text exchanges between top FBI agents suggest it should be looking in the mirror.
See the source imageThe text messages sent between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, which became public on Wednesday, provide a rare and illuminating window into just how rabidly partisan putatively nonpartisan law enforcement officials can be.
...Strzok was a key player in the FBI's investigation into whether Clinton had broken the law by using a private, unsecured email server to handle highly classified documents.
...He was also the person who watered down the language in the statement used by Comey to exonerate Clinton, changing it from "gross negligence" to "extremely careless," which as we noted in this space was critical to Comey's claim that Clinton didn't break any laws.
Remember, too, that when Strzok was busy airbrushing Clinton's email crimes, he would have known that, had the FBI done the right thing and indicted her for putting national security at risk, it would have crushed her campaign, and helped elect the man Strzok clearly felt should never be president.
In other words, Strzok had motive, means and opportunity to sabotage that investigation..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for December 15

Image result for J. Paul Getty Quotes
History for December 15 -
Nero (Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus) 37 AD - Fifth and last Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, Gustave Eiffel 1832 - Engineer: designed Paris’ Eiffel Tower and helped design Statue of Liberty, Jack "Nonpareil" Dempsey (John Edward Kelly) 1862 - Boxer
Image result for Nero obama memeImage result for Gustave EiffelImage result for Jack "Nonpareil" Dempsey

J. Paul Getty 1892 - Oil magnate: Getty Oil, Tim Conway 1933 - Actor, comedian ("McHale’s Navy," "The Tim Conway Show," "The Carol Burnett Show"), Dave Clark 1942 - Singer (The Dave Clark Five), TV producer, actor
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1791 - In the U.S., the first ten amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, went into effect following ratification by the state of Virginia.
Image result for Bill of Rights

1877 - Thomas Edison patented the phonograph.
Image result for Thomas Edison patented the phonograph.

1939 - "Gone With the Wind," produced by David O. Selznick based on the novel by Margaret Mitchell, premiered at Loew's Grand Theater in Atlanta. The movie starred Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable.
Image result for 1939 - "Gone With the Wind,"

1944 - A single-engine plane carrying U.S. Army Major Glenn Miller disappeared in thick fog over the English Channel while en route to Paris.
Image result for U.S. Army Major Glenn Miller disappeared

1944 - Dr. R. Townley Paton and a small group of doctors laid the groundwork for the Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration.
Image result for Dr. R. Townley Paton Eye-Bank

1964 - Canada's House of Commons approved a newly designed flag thereby dropping the Canadian "Red Ensign" flag.
Image result for 1964 - Canada's House of Commons approved a newly designed flag

1966 - Walter Elias "Walt" Disney died in Los Angeles at the age of 65.
Image result for Walter Elias "Walt" Disney died

1978 - U.S. President Carter announced he would grant diplomatic recognition to Communist China on New Year's Day and sever official relations with Taiwan.
Image result for President Carter Communist China