Saturday, December 16, 2017

Ex-FBI Assistant Director: Strzok Fabricated Information And "Belongs In Leavenworth" | Zero Hedge

Ex-FBI Assistant Director: Strzok Fabricated Information And "Belongs In Leavenworth" | Zero Hedge:
"Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom called disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok a "total moron" who belongs in Leavenworth federal prison, during a TV appearance on Thursday. 
Kallstrom, a former Marine captain and Vietnam veteran, told FBN host Liz MacDonald that if an FBI agent wanted to stop someone from becoming President, "I think he can do what [Strzok] tried to do," adding "He can fabricate things, he can make stuff up, he can lie, he can be a total moron...You know, he belongs in Leavenworth this guy, in my personal view." 

Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom on the Peter Strzok anti-Trump texts: "He belongs in Leavenworth. He belongs behind bars. These things cannot happen in a democracy." @FoxBusiness @LizMacDonaldFOX
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Heh-----Amazon’s Alexa is our robot Social Justice Warrior and we, the libs, have won

Amazon’s Alexa is our robot Social Justice Warrior and we, the libs, have won
"As a far-left SJW, it can often be hard to navigate the world. 
There are times when I wake in the morning and am instantaneously triggered. 
Social media isn’t on our side, YouTube journalists aren’t on our side, and even frogs have been taken from us. 
Thanks to new technology, it can often be very hard for the liberal left to distribute our progressive propaganda efficiently and effectively – which is why I’m pleased to announce that Amazon’s artificially intelligent personal assistant, Alexa, has taken on the liberal agenda.
Renowned as the voice-activated assistant in Amazon’s Echo and Echo Dot, over the last few years Alexa has helped people switch on their thermostats, listen to music, and find out the day’s weather. Now Amazon has successfully infiltrated millions of homes with their robotic mistress, she can finally be used for her real purpose: a mouthpiece for the libs.
Yesterday, right-wing YouTuber @FrameGames tweeted their discovery that if you ask Alexa if she is a feminist, the robotic overlord replies: “Yes, I am a feminist, as is anyone who believes in bridging the inequality between men and women in society.” 
Ask her if she supports Black Lives Matter, and she states that black lives “absolutely” matter, going on to say “it’s important to have conversations about equality and social justice”. 
And don’t get this snowflake started on gender! 
Although she states “the two main categories of the gender spectrum, male and female, are called the gender binary”, she goes on to say “there are many other categories that exist”.

Asking Alexa if she's a feminist. Tell me again how rebellious and underdog the feminist movement is, when it's institutionally supported by the most powerful corporations in the world?

...I have always personally felt that a mark of success for my liberal politics is not, in fact, equality, but the voice of a voluntarily-purchased robot in every home telling people basic facts that are tangentially related to my political beliefs. 
Like many on the left, I don’t really care so much about making a difference – I mostly just care about talking about it. 
Provided Alexa can profess our beliefs to dinner party guests, children, and YouTube gamers, I feel that we, on the left, have won..."
Much here, read on!

Deputy AG Won't Say Whether FBI Paid For | The Daily Caller

Deputy AG Won't Say Whether FBI Paid For | The Daily Caller:

Image result for not speaking"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein refused to say on Wednesday whether the FBI paid for the infamous Trump dossier.
Rosenstein, who was grilled by the House Judiciary Committee, suggested that he knew the answer to the question, which was posed by Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis.

“Did the FBI pay for the dossier?” DeSantis asked."

'Black Lives Matter' launches racist campaign: Boycott 'white corporations' - The American MirrorThe American Mirror

'Black Lives Matter' launches racist campaign: Boycott 'white corporations' - The American MirrorThe American Mirror:
"Black Lives Matter’s Melina Abdullah is dreaming of a “Black Xmas.”
Image result for Black Lives MatterOn a recent episode of her weekly KPRK radio show “Beautiful Struggle,” the California State University-Los Angeles professor and national Black Lives Matter leader explained why she’s encouraging everyone to boycott “white corporations” this Christmas season.
“We say ‘white capitalism’ because it’s important that we understand that the economic system and the racial structures are connected,” she said. 
“We have to not only disrupt the systems of policing that literally kill our people, but we have to disrupt the white supremacist, capitalistic, patriarchal, heteronormative system that is really the root cause of these police killings.”
Abdullah was joined by fellow CSU-LA professor Anthony Ratcliff, her co-organizer for BLM’s first youth activist camp last summer, The Daily Wire reports..."
Read on!

Most bizarre college courses 2017: 'Hooking up,' 'Queer Religion' and 'sexy' vampires | Fox News

Most bizarre college courses 2017: 'Hooking up,' 'Queer Religion' and 'sexy' vampires | Fox News
"Colleges nationwide are teaching students about tacos, hooking up and country music’s "homophobic and racist" message -- but those are just a few examples, as classes such as “Queer Religion” and “Racial Capitalism” become the new norm.
The classes are listed and explained in Young America’s Foundation's annual report of bizarre courses with a “leftist slant” that are offered at top-tier colleges and universities throughout the country.
YAF college courses 2017
Many courses fall under “intersectionality” -- the hottest trend in identity politics on college campuses, offering students classes combining forms of discrimination (i.e. racism, sexism and classism) in relation to marginalized individuals or groups..."
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Lunch video-----The Difference Between a REPUBLIC and a DEMOCRACY - Important!


Former Planned Parenthood VP Will Replace Al Franken | Daily Wire

Former Planned Parenthood VP Will Replace Al Franken | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Al Franken"Now that "gropey" Al Franken has been booted from the Senate, Minnesotans can look forward to having him replaced by a politician free from controversy and one who is better able to represent the voice of the people. Right?

Guess again.

Replacing Sen. Franken will be former Planned Parenthood executive Tina Smith, announced today by Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton, according to LifeNews. Naturally, pro-lifers have expressed deep disappointment.
Leo LaLonde, President of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, called her appointment "egregious.""

Teach the children well...-----Boston Professor: ‘Jingle Bells’ Is Racist | Daily Wire

See the source image
Boston Professor: ‘Jingle Bells’ Is Racist | Daily Wire
"A professor at Boston University says the Christmas tune loved by many, "Jingle Bells," is actually racist and has a "problematic" origination.
Boston University theater professor Kyna Hamill argues the song has "racist origins" and was first performed in blackface as a mockery of African Americans.
...“Although ‘One Horse Open Sleigh,’ for most of its singers and listeners, may have eluded its racialized past and taken its place in the seemingly unproblematic romanticization of a normal ‘white’ Christmas, attention to the circumstances of its performance history enables reflection on its problematic role in the construction of blackness and whiteness in the United States,” wrote the professor..."
Read on!

Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin asks United Nations for help fighting Chicago violence |

Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin asks United Nations for help fighting Chicago violence |
Image result for West Side Chicago Gangs"CHICAGO (WLS) -- Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin headed to the United Nations in New York Thursday to ask for help fighting violence in Chicago.
"I'm hoping to appeal the UN to actually come to Chicago and meet with victims of violence and maybe even possibly help out in terms of peace keeping efforts," Boykin said.
..."We've had over 600 people killed by gun violence already this year alone.
That is a huge number, in my community of Austin we've had 450 people shot and 80 people killed this year alone 18 so we have to do more to protect these communities," Boykin said..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1958-----Teddy Bears - To Know Him Is To Love Him

Lest we forget. The geniuses-----A Trump win would sink stocks. What about Clinton? - Oct. 24, 2016

A Trump win would sink stocks. What about Clinton? - Oct. 24, 2016
October 24, 2016
Global stock markets have priced in a Clinton presidency
If Donald Trump wins the election, U.S. stocks (and likely many other markets overseas) will almost certainly tank.
How big of a drop? 
Forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisors predicts an 8% fall in the U.S. 
A new paper out Friday from the Brookings Institute projects a 10% to 15% nosedive. 
You get the idea.
...Almost everyone on Wall Street currently predicts Hillary Clinton will win the White House. 
A Trump triumph would likely cause investors to flee stocks to the safety of gold and bonds...
Related: Investors really want Clinton to win now
First of all, the market is already pricing in a Clinton win. 
The gains have already happened. U.S. stocks rallied after the first and second debates as Clinton gained momentum. 
(In addition to stocks, other market metrics like the Mexican peso also rallied as Trump's chances dimmed).
But after the third debate -- one which many believe Clinton won decisively -- stocks barely budged.
"The election is just a sideshow," says Boockvar. 
"The main driver of the markets is not the election. 
It's central banks and ultra low interest rates."...
Related: Stocks would fall 8% if Trump wins, forecasting firm says
Watch out for these scenarios:
1. Do the Democrats win back the Senate? 
What about the House of Representatives?
...There's a 71% chance that Democrats regain control of the Senate, according to polling site FiveThirtyEight..."
Most SMUG (and wrong) video EVER!!
Read it all.
Blatherous Predictus Dumbaas!

You ought to know!

Explosive Texts Point To FBI, Not Russian, Meddling In 2016 Election | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Image result for Magic Mirror On the WallExplosive Texts Point To FBI, Not Russian, Meddling In 2016 Election | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:

"For 18 months, the FBI has been fixated on determining whether President Trump worked with Russia to influence the 2016 election. But explosive text exchanges between top FBI agents suggest it should be looking in the mirror."

Detailed Maps Split the U.S. Into TrumpLand and the Clinton Archipelago | Inverse

Detailed Maps Split the U.S. Into TrumpLand and the Clinton Archipelago | Inverse:
"The 2016 presidential election forced a lot of Americans to look at their country a new way, and political maps are a helpful, revealing way to do just that.
A new pair of cartograms reimagines America’s topography using data from this divisive election to literally divide the nation into two countries based on who voted for President-elect Donald Trump and who supported Hillary Clinton.
The maps were created by Alex Egoshin, a Vivid Maps contributor who says “maps are like campfires — everyone gathers around them, because they allow people to understand complex issues at a glance, and find agreement about how to help the land.”...

AM Fruitcake-----A.F. Branco Cartoon - Makeover | Comically Incorrect

A.F. Branco Cartoon - Makeover | Comically Incorrect:
"The only collusion going on seems to be with the FBI and the Hillary campaign against Donald Trump.
Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017."

Deputy AG Won't Say Whether FBI Paid For | The Daily Caller

Deputy AG Won't Say Whether FBI Paid For | The Daily Caller:

Image result for not speaking"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein refused to say on Wednesday whether the FBI paid for the infamous Trump dossier.
Rosenstein, who was grilled by the House Judiciary Committee, suggested that he knew the answer to the question, which was posed by Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis.

“Did the FBI pay for the dossier?” DeSantis asked."

History for December 16

Image result for Quotes George Santayana
History for December 16 -
Catherine of Aragon 1485, Ludwig Van Beethoven 1770 - Composer, Jane Austen 1775
 See the source imageImage result for Ludwig Van BeethovenImage result for Jane Austen Quotes

George Santayana 1863, Margaret Mead 1901 , Arthur C. Clarke 1917 - Author
Image result for Quotes George Santayana Image result for Margaret Mead Quotes Image result for Arthur C. Clarke Quotes

1773 - Nearly 350 chests of tea were dumped into Boston Harbor off of British ships by Colonial patriots. The patriots were disguised as Indians. The act was to protest taxation without representation and the monopoly the government granted to the East India Company.
Image result for 1773 - Nearly 350 chests of tea were dumped into Boston Harbor

1838 - The Zulu chief Dingaan was defeated by a small force of Boers at Blood River celebrated in South Africa as 'Dingaan's Day'.
Image result for Zulu chief Dingaan Blood River

1901 - "The Tale of Peter Rabbit," by Beatrix Potter, was printed for the first time.
Image result for 1901 - "The Tale of Peter Rabbit,"

1944 - During World War II, the Battle of the Bulge began in Belgium. It was the final major German counteroffensive in the war.
Image result for Battle of the Bulge

1950 - U.S. President Truman proclaimed a national state of emergency in order to fight "Communist imperialism."
Image result for President Truman proclaimed a national state of emergency in order to fight "Communist imperialism."

1973 - O.J. Simpson broke Jim Brown’s single-season rushing record in the NFL. Brown had rushed for 1,863 yards, while Simpson attained 2,003 yards.
Image result for O.J. Simpson

1996 - Britain's agriculture minister announced the slaughter of an additional 100,000 cows thought to be at risk of contracting BSE in an effort to persuade the EU to lift its ban on Britain.
Image result for BSE Mad Cow Disease

1998 - Eric Michelman filed the earliest patent for a scroll wheel for a computer mouse.
Image result for Eric Michelman filed the earliest patent for a scroll wheel for a computer mouse.