Monday, December 18, 2017

Atlanta Airport Blackout Sends Message to Terrorists: America Is Unprepared

See the source imageAtlanta Airport Blackout Sends Message to Terrorists: America Is Unprepared:
"A single-point failure makes the world’s busiest airport go dark for hours and traps thousands of passengers. 
It’s what phase one of an attack could look like.
If a terrorist wanted to find the most vulnerable point in America’s airport network they could not have hoped for a better guide than what just happened at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson.
Just after 1 p.m. Sunday the whole airport, the world’s busiest, went dark. 
Thousands of flights were disrupted. 
For many hours nobody in authority attempted to explain—or even seemed able to explain—what had happened.
Just imagine this is a classic plan for phase one of a terrorist attack: 

  • Render the target blind. 
  • None of the defenses are operational. 
  • Thousands of people are trapped in restricted space without directions about how they can find an exit.
  • As chaos spreads nobody knows who turn to for information. 
  • The communications blackout is as complete as the power blackout.

Given this situation a small band of suicide bombers could roam freely and commit mayhem and massacre on an unprecedented scale..."
Read on!

Pirro: Members of FBI, DOJ 'Did Everything They Could' to Exonerate Hillary, Incriminate Trump With 'Non-Existent Crime' - Breitbart

Image result for flickr commons images Jeaninne PirroPirro: Members of FBI, DOJ 'Did Everything They Could' to Exonerate Hillary, Incriminate Trump With 'Non-Existent Crime' - Breitbart:

"She later added, “Members of the FBI and the Department of Justice, some of whom actually ended up on Bob Mueller’s team to prosecute Donald J. Trump, did everything they could to exonerate Hillary Clinton for her crimes and incriminate Donald Trump with a non-existent crime.”"

Wealthy benefit most from Michigan’s energy savings plans, study finds | Bridge Magazine

Wealthy benefit most from Michigan’s energy savings plans, study finds | Bridge Magazine
See the source image"Michigan utilities spend tens of millions of dollars each year on rebates, energy audits and other programs to help customers cut their energy bills.
Most of that spending isn’t helping the customers who could use the savings the most, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Michigan.
The study from the school’s Urban Energy Justice Lab found energy efficiency programs at Michigan’s two largest utilities disproportionately benefit wealthier ratepayers.
About 35 percent of Michigan utility customers qualify as low-income, but only about 12 percent and 17 percent of electric efficiency investments by Consumers Energy and DTE Energy, respectively, went into programs aimed at low-income households..."
Gimme a break!
Read on if you can stomach it.

Bitcoin Is Now Worth More Than Wal-Mart (The Entire Company)

Bitcoin Is Now Worth More Than Wal-Mart (The Entire Company)
"Would you rather own 100% of Wal-Mart or every Bitcoin in existence?  
Image result for Bitcoin Is Now Worth More Than Wal-MartAt one point such a question would have been completely absurd, but now things have changed.  
As I write this article, Wal-Mart has a market cap of 287.68 billion dollars.  
Wal-Mart is the king of the retail industry in America, and nobody else is even close.  
Bitcoin, on the other hand, is an entirely digital creation that did not even exist until 2009.  
No government or central bank in the entire world recognizes it as a legitimate currency, and there are very, very few retail establishments that are willing to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment.  
And yet at this moment, Bitcoin has a market cap of 310 billion dollars..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----"The elite is totally committed to the Islamic takeover of our nations b...


Sweden Forced to Raise Retirement Age To Pay For Mass Immigration Policy

Sweden Forced to Raise Retirement Age To Pay For Mass Immigration Policy:

Image result for flickr commons images Sweden
"While migrants are increasing the cost of the Swedish welfare state in terms of added infrastructure and cost for services, many are unemployed and directly on welfare. A recent report showed that while the native Swedish unemployment rate was around 3.9 percent, it stood at 21.8 percent for Swedish residents from foreign backgrounds."

CNN Does Visual Demonstration of Trump's Reported 12 Diet Cokes a Day

CNN Does Visual Demonstration of Trump's Reported 12 Diet Cokes a Day
"Near the close of Brooke Baldwin's CNN program Monday afternoon, she invited on a board-certified gastroenterologist to assess the effect on President Donald Trump's health of his massive Diet Coke intake.
The discussion came with a visual aide of a dozen Diet Coke cans, representing the 12 Trump knocks back per day in the White House, according to a recent New York Times report..."
What passes for "news" on Hate-TV.

#1 Movie this week 1961-----El Cid Trailer

Explosive Texts Point To FBI, Not Russian, Meddling In 2016 Election | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Explosive Texts Point To FBI, Not Russian, Meddling In 2016 Election | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:
"Scandal: For 18 months, the FBI has been fixated on determining whether President Trump worked with Russia to influence the 2016 election.
See the source imageBut explosive text exchanges between top FBI agents suggest it should be looking in the mirror.
The text messages sent between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, which became public on Wednesday, provide a rare and illuminating window into just how rabidly partisan putatively nonpartisan law enforcement officials can be.
...When not berating Trump, they were praising Hillary Clinton.
In one text, Strzok said: "God Hillary should win 100,000,000-0." In another, he said that "a lot of people are holding their breath hoping" about Clinton.
...But Strzok and Page weren't just a couple of bureaucrats crunching numbers in a windowless office at the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Strzok was a key player in the FBI's investigation into whether Clinton had broken the law by using a private, unsecured email server to handle highly classified documents. He interviewed several of the people involved, including Clinton herself.
He was also the person who watered down the language in the statement used by Comey to exonerate Clinton, changing it from "gross negligence" to "extremely careless," which as we noted in this space was critical to Comey's claim that Clinton didn't break any laws.
Remember, too, that when Strzok was busy airbrushing Clinton's email crimes, he would have known that, had the FBI done the right thing and indicted her for putting national security at risk, it would have crushed her campaign, and helped elect the man Strzok clearly felt should never be president.
In other words, Strzok had motive, means and opportunity to sabotage that investigation..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1979-----Rupert Holmes - (Escape) The Pina Colada Song (Lyrics)

Ebola survivors want prosecutions for fraud, corruption - Washington Times

Ebola survivors want prosecutions for fraud, corruption - Washington Times
MONROVIA, Liberia — Faith Sayeh blamed the Red Cross for the death of her husband and two children during the 2014 Ebola outbreak that claimed thousands of lives here.
“I lost my husband and two sons because there were no health workers to give them treatment,” the teary-eyed widow said.
“It pains me a lot that people were dying every day not because there was no money but because the money that was meant to hire more health workers went to individuals’ pockets.”
See the source imageMs. Sayeh was referring to the shocking report by International Red Cross auditors in November that $6 million was lost to fraud and corruption during the Ebola epidemic in West Africa from March 2014 to January 2016.
The auditors discovered overpriced supplies, salaries for nonexistent aid workers and fake customs bills.
In Liberia, $2.7 million disappeared, according to the Red Cross.
“I blamed them for the death of my family,” Ms. Sayeh said.
“How can they steal money meant to save lives?”
The Ebola epidemic in West Africa killed more than 11,300 people and infected about 28,600 in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.
In Liberia alone, more than 5,000 people died as the state nearly collapsed, slowing the response of health care workers and triggering shortages of medicine and equipment to deal with the crisis..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

Comey edits revealed: Remarks on Clinton probe were watered down, documents show | Fox News

Comey edits revealed: Remarks on Clinton probe were watered down, documents show | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images James Comey"Newly released documents obtained by Fox News reveal that then-FBI Director James Comey’s draft statement on the Hillary Clinton email probe was edited numerous times before his public announcement, in ways that seemed to water down the bureau’s findings considerably.
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, sent a letter to the FBI on Thursday that shows the multiple edits to Comey’s highly scrutinized statement.
In an early draft, Comey said it was “reasonably likely” that “hostile actors” gained access to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email account. That was changed later to say the scenario was merely “possible.”"

'Christ' Purged from Christmas and the Left Rejoices - Douglas MacKinnon

'Christ' Purged from Christmas and the Left Rejoices - Douglas MacKinnon
"Newsflash: The War on Christmas is over.
Those who rightfully believe that Christ needs to be a part of Christmas and those rebelling against the politically correct tyranny looking to strip all spirituality from the holiday have lost.
See the source imageAccording to the latest results from the Pew Research Center – and already being gleefully shouted from the rooftops of certain left-leaning media sites orchestrating the campaign against faith-based Christmas – while 90 percent of Americans still celebrate Christmas in one way or another, a majority find that the religious elements of Christmas are emphasized less and less and few of them care about that change.
If accurate, it not only tells us how truly lost we are as a nation, but underscores the dangers of absolute power, discrimination, and propaganda.
Decades ago, Christians, conservatives and anyone against the insanity of political correctness ceded the three major megaphones of our nation to the far-left.
Those megaphones being the media, entertainment, and academia.
Once the far-left was essentially given absolute control of the megaphones of our nation, they made sure they kept control via a brutal and ongoing process of discrimination in hiring.
If you were conservative, Republican, Christian or simply someone who would dare to question the dogma of liberalism, you were not only looked down upon as unenlightened, but had your name permanently carved into a granite “Do Not Hire Ever” list..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for December 18

See the source image
History for December 18 -
Saki (Hector Hugh Munro) 1870, Ty Cobb 1886 - Baseball player, Willy Brandt 1913
Image result for Hector Hugh Munro QuotesImage result for Ty CobbSee the source image

Keith Richards 1943 - Musician (Rolling Stones), Steven Spielberg 1947 Movie producer-director, Brad Pitt 1963 Actor
Image result for Keith RichardsImage result for Steven Spielberg JawsImage result for Brad Pitt quote

1865 - U.S. Secretary of State William Seward issued a statement verifying the ratification of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The amendment abolished slavery with the declaration: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
Image result for 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

1898 - A new automobile speed record was set at 39 mph (63 kph).
Image result for 1898 - A new automobile speed record was set at 39 mph

1912 - The discovery of the Piltdown Man in East Sussex was announced. It was proved to be a hoax in 1953.
Image result for fake news

1916 - During World War I, after 10 months of fighting the French defeated the Germans in the Battle of Verdun.
Image result for Battle of Verdun.

1940 - Adolf Hitler signed a secret directive ordering preparations for a Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. Operation "Barbarossa" was launched in June 1941.
Image result for Operation "Barbarossa"

1950 - NATO foreign ministers approved plans to defend Western Europe, including the use of nuclear weapons, if necessary.
Image result for defend Western Europe, including the use of nuclear weapons,

1956 - "To Tell the Truth" debuted on CBS-TV.
Image result for 1956 - "To Tell the Truth"

1998 - The U.S. House of Representatives began the debate on the four articles of impeachment concerning U.S. President Bill Clinton. It was only the second time in U.S. history that process had begun.
See the source image