Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Study: California's $15 Minimum Wage Will Cost State 400,000 Jobs

Image result for flickr commons images $15Study: California's $15 Minimum Wage Will Cost State 400,000 Jobs:

"California’s plan to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour could cause the state to lose 400,000 jobs, according to a study released Thursday."

Older Adults' Forgetfulness Tied To Faulty Brain Rhythms In Sleep, Study Says - Slashdot

Older Adults' Forgetfulness Tied To Faulty Brain Rhythms In Sleep, Study Says - Slashdot:
"An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR:
Older brains may forget more because they lose their rhythm at night. 
Image result for old people sleepingDuring deep sleep, older people have less coordination between two brain waves that are important to saving new memories, a team reports in the journal Neuron.
The finding appears to answer a long-standing question about how aging can affect memory even in people who do not have Alzheimer's or some other brain disease.
The study was the result of an effort to understand how the sleeping brain turns short-term memories into memories that can last a lifetime, says Matt Walker, the author of the book Why We Sleep.
...The team also found a likely reason for the lack of coordination associated with aging: atrophy of an area of the brain involved in producing deep sleep.
People with more atrophy had less rhythm in the brain, Walker says..."
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This explains much-----MUST WATCH: The Al Jazeera Interview With Israeli Scholar I Bet They Now Regret | Israellycool

MUST WATCH: The Al Jazeera Interview With Israeli Scholar I Bet They Now Regret | Israellycool:
"Dr Mordechai Kedar, an Israeli scholar of Arabic culture and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University who also speaks fluent Arabic, was recently interviewed by Al Jazeera about Donald Trump’s announcement on Jerusalem.
I bet they wished they hadn’t invited him.
What follows is simply glorious."

Lunch video-----Our Amazing Debt (Cosmos Parody)

Noon-toon-----A. F.Branco Cartoon - Male Privilege | Comically Incorrect

A. F.Branco Cartoon - Male Privilege | Comically Incorrect:
"Due Process is absent in most all the sexual misconduct cases coming out in the media. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017."

Donald Trump unveils national security strategy that promotes American prosperity - Washington Times

Donald Trump unveils national security strategy that promotes American prosperity - Washington Times:

Image result for wikicommons images Donald Trump"Mr. Trump devoted much of his speech to tougher immigration policies, saying previous administrations allowed the U.S. border to become too porous.

“Over the profound objections of the American people, our politicians left our borders wide open,” Mr. Trump said. “Millions of immigrants entered illegally. Millions more were admitted into our country without the proper vetting needed to protect our security and our economy. Leaders in Washington imposed on the country an immigration policy that Americans never voted for, never asked for and never approved — a policy where the wrong people are allowed into our country and the right people are rejected. American citizens, as usual, have been left to bear the cost and to pick up the tab.”"

Rape trial falls apart after accuser’s 40,000 texts are revealed | New York Post

Rape trial falls apart after accuser’s 40,000 texts are revealed | New York Post:
"A student has described going through “mental torture” after a rape case against him was thrown out in court because police had failed to hand over more than 40,000 messages from his accuser.
Liam Allan, 22, faced up to ten years in jail charged with six counts of rape and six counts of sexual assault against a young woman over a 14-month period that began when he was 19.
The criminology student at Greenwich University had spent nearly two years on bail and three days in Croydon Crown Court when the trial was stopped in a dramatic fashion after it emerged police officers had failed to hand over evidence that proved his innocence.
The alleged victim had claimed she did not enjoy sex, while Mr Allan claimed it was consensual and she was acting maliciously because he refused to see her after he returned to university.
Image result for fake rapeNow, the judge has called for an inquiry at the “very highest level” to understand why police failed to hand over critical evidence including 40,000 messages from the accuser to Mr Allan and friends.
...Outside the court, Mr Allan said he went through “mental torture” over the two year period and relied on the system to uncover evidence that would exonerate him.
...“You are all on your own.
I could not talk to my mother about the details of the case because she might have been called as a witness.
I couldn’t talk with my friends because they might have been called.
 I felt completely isolated at every stage of the process,” he said.
“I can’t explain the mental torture of the past two years. … I feel betrayed by the system which I had believed would do the right thing, the system I want to work in.”
The life-changing discovery was made at the 11th hour when a new prosecutor, Jerry Hayes, took over the case one day before the trial began and ordered police to hand over records — including a computer disk that contained 40,000 messages..."
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Many ask why is Hollyweird so commie/socialist infested.

See the source image"Many ask why is Hollyweird so commie/socialist infested.
Well, it started back in the '30s when socialist President Franklin Roosevelt started a government sponsored arts program. 
The prior unfunded socialist artists in America found their perfect springboard to spread their socialist ideas and the American taxpayer was footing the bill.
NPR is an extension of the same bullshit from Progressives.
Now, the Hollyweird, social media and the Mainstream Media have joined the cause leaving Americans searching for the truth everyday. - Nick
From Wikipedia
"The Federal Theatre Project (1935–39) was a New Deal program to fund theatre and other live artistic performances and entertainment programs in the United States during the Great Depression.
It was one of five Federal Project Number One projects sponsored by the Works Progress Administration.
It was created not as a cultural activity but as a relief measure to employ artists, writers, directors and theater workers.
...The Federal Theatre Project ended when its funding was canceled after strong Congressional objections to the left-wing political tone of a small percentage of its productions."
That last sentence is a lot of bullshit "small percentage" 😂 . - Nick"
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#1 This day 1965-----Dave Clark Five - Over and Over (1965)

Happy New Year! 2018 might be a disaster

Happy New Year! 2018 might be a disaster
"Well, we did think that things couldn’t get crazier after 2016, and yet I’m pretty sure almost everyone would agree that 2017 beat it in spades.
So what’s up for 2018? 
...So here are a few potential wild cards for 2018, along with the hope that my end-of-year column next year says that none of them happened.
    See the source image
  • Electrical breakdown. Earlier this year we saw what experts called a ”game-changing” cyberattack on critical infrastructure. “The malware was most likely designed to cause physical damage inside the unnamed site ... It worked by targeting a safety instrumented system, which the targeted facility and many other critical infrastructure sites use to prevent unsafe conditions from arising." We have lots of important stuff, not just in the electrical world, but in all utilities, that’s connected to the Internet. This turns out to be a bad idea. Sooner or later, someone is going to figure out how to bring large sectors of the American grid down — or, I should say, someone who already knows how is going to decide that they want to do so. 2018 just might be the year....
  • The Bitcoin bubble bursts: Bitcoin has been skyrocketing, and I confess that I wish I’d put, say, a thousand bucks into it a few years back, when my crypto-enthusiast friends were encouraging me to. But many people think it’s in a bubble, and all bubbles burst.  Perhaps they’re wrong, but if they’re right, many people — especially in Asia, where millions of investors are driving up the price according to the Wall Street Journal — will wind up losing their shirts and angry. Asia doesn’t need destabilizing right now, with North Korea and China rattling sabers. (And for added fun, North Korea is hacking Bitcoin exchanges.)...
  • Some sort of pandemic:  We’ve had scares with SARS, bird flu, Ebola, etc., but so far none of these really broke through into a global threat. Sooner or later, something will, and the public health community’s response to these earlier outbreaks wasn’t entirely confidence-building. Over a decade ago, then-Senator Bill Frist was calling for a crash program to vastly speed up vaccine development and production. It’s still a good idea."..."
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You ought to know!

BOMBSHELL: The Shocking Edits To FBI Director Comey’s Statement On Hillary Clinton Probe Detailed | Daily Wire

BOMBSHELL: The Shocking Edits To FBI Director Comey’s Statement On Hillary Clinton Probe Detailed | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images James Comey"A side by side comparison of what FBI Director James Comey said when he cleared Hillary Clinton without criminal charges — and what he planned to say, according to a draft of his statement — is absolutely shocking.

Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, obtained the the draft document in which Comey set out the bureau's argument for clearing Clinton and her aides. In a spectacular letter on Thursday, the Wisconsin Republican went point by point through the draft, comparing the planned words with what Comey actually said."

Must read of the decade!!-----The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook – POLITICO

The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook – POLITICO
"How Hezbollah turned to trafficking cocaine and laundering money through used cars to finance its expansion.
In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.
The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities....
But as Project Cassandra reached higher into the hierarchy of the conspiracy, Obama administration officials threw an increasingly insurmountable series of roadblocks in its way, according to interviews with dozens of participants who in many cases spoke for the first time about events shrouded in secrecy, and a review of government documents and court records. 
When Project Cassandra leaders sought approval for some significant investigations, prosecutions, arrests and financial sanctions, officials at the Justice and Treasury departments delayed, hindered or rejected their requests..."
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YouTube's most viral video of 2017 was a singing oyster - CNET

YouTube's most viral video of 2017 was a singing oyster - CNET
"The time has come for your annual reminder that you're out of touch with global cultural phenomena.

It's YouTube's roundup of the top trending videos of the year, and in 2017 a non-US video hit No. 1 on the chart. 
The honor goes to a clip from a Thai singing competition, showing a man dressed in a full-body oyster suit crooning and rapping a song with a title that loosely translates to "Love you until the world turns into dust."... Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for December 19

See the source image
History for December 19 - On-This-Day.com:
William Parry 1790, Leonid Brezhnev (Russia) 1906, Edith Piaf 1915
Image result for william parry explorer quotesSee the source imageImage result for Edith Piaf Quotes

David Susskind 1920, Cicely Tyson 1933, Al Kaline 1934
Image result for The David Susskind ShowImage result for Cicely Tyson YoungImage result for Al Kaline

1732 - Benjamin Franklin began publishing "Poor Richard's Almanac."
Image result for "Poor Richard's Almanac."

1843 - Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" was first published in England.
Image result for 1843 - Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"

1973 - Johnny Carson started a fake toilet-paper scare on the "Tonight Show."
Image result for Johnny Carson started a fake toilet-paper scare

1989 - U.S. troops invaded Panama to overthrow the regime of General Noriega.
Image result for U.S. troops invaded Panama to overthrow the regime of General Noriega.

1996 - The school board of Oakland, CA, voted to recognize Black English, also known as "ebonics." The board later reversed its stance.
Image result for school board of Oakland, CA, voted to recognize Black English, also known as "ebonics."

1997 - "Titanic" opened in American movie theaters.
Image result for 1997 - "Titanic" opened in American movie theaters.

1998 - U.S. President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges of perjury and obstruction of justice by the U.S. House of Representatives.
Image result for Bill Clinton was impeached

2008 - U.S. President George W. Bush signed a $17.4 billion rescue package of loans for ailing auto makers General Motors and Chrysler.
Image result for union bailout

Monday, December 18, 2017

LIVE COVERAGE: The GOP Tax Cut Plan Is Out and Here's What's In It - Breitbart

Image result for flickr commons images Capital HillLIVE COVERAGE: The GOP Tax Cut Plan Is Out and Here's What's In It - Breitbart:

"The Republicans came together Friday to craft a tax cut bill that appears to have the backing of all 52 GOP Senators and nearly all GOP House members, virtually guaranteeing the measure will pass when put to a vote early next week."

The way we were-----The Toys - Lovers Concerto - HQ

Boob-tube-----Top 10 Best Super Bowl 50 Commercials (2016 Funniest Ads)

UPS Loses Family's $850,000 Inheritance, Offers To Refund $32 Delivery Fee | Zero Hedge

UPS Loses Family's $850,000 Inheritance, Offers To Refund $32 Delivery Fee | Zero Hedge
"One Canadian man says he’s broke because one of the country’s largest banks has refused to refund a $850,000 bank draft that was lost by UPS during a routine delivery.
However, UPS, which claims it conducted an exhaustive search for the lost package but still turned up empty-handed, has at least offered to refund the $32 delivery fee...
Image result for UPS Loses Family's $850,000 Inheritance,Taylor’s brother, Louis Paul Herbert, said they were finalizing the details of her father’s will last February and sent to a local UPSstore near Cornwall, Ontario, where he was expecting a package from his sister containing his share of the inheritance in a bank draft.
But, according to Newsweek, the package never arrived.
Taylor sent the money through UPS from her lawyer about 270 miles away in Georgetown, Ontario, so Herbert wouldn’t have to worry about picking up the money. 
She obtained the bank draft in February after she said the bank advised it as the safest way to  send the money...
UPS has apologized for losing the package. But, at the same time, mistakes happen, it said.
“While UPS’s service is excellent in our industry, we are unfortunately not perfect. Occasionally, the loss of a package does occur,” ...
According to Newsweek, the bank is refusing to refund the money unless Taylor signed an agreement to pay them back if someone cashes in the lost draft. 
She signed the agreement, but says the bank “never paid anyone a dime.” ..
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