Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Boeing teases plane that will 'change future air power' | Daily Mail Online

Boeing teases plane that will 'change future air power' | Daily Mail Online:
"What is Boeing's secret plane?
Boeing's Phantom Swift: The design leverages two large fans buried in the aircraft's fuselage to provide vertical lift and a pair of swiveling wingtip fans for stability and control during hover and for propulsion during forward flight.Firm teases mysterious design believed to be an electric 'hairdryer' craft it boasts will 'change future air power'
Maybe believe the craft is a radical electric 'vertical takeoff and landing' craft for the military that needs no runways
Some claim it could be a new spaceplane based on the mysterious X39B..."
Read on!

The Washington Post Says That Fedcoin Will Be ‘Bigger’ Than Bitcoin

The Washington Post Says That Fedcoin Will Be ‘Bigger’ Than Bitcoin
"Fedcoin doesn’t even exist yet, and yet the Washington Post is already hyping it as the primary cryptocurrency that we will be using in the future.  
Do they know something that they rest of us do not?  
Just a few days ago I warned that global central banks could eventually try to take control of the cryptocurrency phenomenon, and so I was deeply alarmed to see the Post publish this sort of an article.  
We want cryptocurrencies to stay completely independent, and we definitely do not want the Federal Reserve and other global central banks to start creating their own versions.  
Because of course once they create their own versions they will want to start restricting the use of any competitors.
See the source imageThe one thing that could derail the cryptocurrency revolution faster than anything else would be interference by national governments or global central banks.  
Unfortunately, now that Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies are getting so much attention, it is inevitable that the powers that be will make a move.
On Monday, the Washington Post published an opinion piece by Professor Campbell R. Harvey of Duke University that was entitled “Bitcoin is big. But fedcoin is bigger.”  
These days, there is an agenda behind virtually everything that the Washington Post publishes, and so it is not just a coincidence that they have published an article with “fedcoin” in the title.  
Here is how that article begins
Over the past few weeks, investors have been flocking to bitcoin, the digital currency whose value has soared by about 2,000 percent in the past year alone. And while many economists are cautioning against excitement about bitcoin — which is caught up in what may be one of the biggest speculative bubbles in history — it’s important to note just how revolutionary the technology may be.
Indeed, the technology underlying bitcoin could fundamentally change the way we think of money.
Professor Harvey goes on to explain that it is “only a matter of time before paper money is phased out”, and that some version of “fedcoin” is inevitable..."
Read on!!

Lunch video-----USAF Band WWII Holiday Flashback

Noon-toon-----Wondermark » Archive » #1364; In which a Film is fraught

Wondermark » Archive » #1364; In which a Film is fraught:
HEADSTABBERS: EXODUS went RIGHT up to the edge of the exodus and then BAM!! Credits. It was VERY subversive.v

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Obama Colluded With Putin To Release Lebanese Terrorist Responsible For Targeting Americans | Daily Wire

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Obama Colluded With Putin To Release Lebanese Terrorist Responsible For Targeting Americans | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons image Putin"We’re all supposed to believe that President Trump, as a candidate, colluded with the Russian government to “steal” the 2016 election. There’s no serious evidence to that effect, despite a massive FBI investigation, a Congressional investigation, and a special counsel investigation initiated by the Department of Justice.

But there is clear evidence that the Obama administration colluded with the Russian government to free an Islamic terrorist responsible for the deaths of Americans — "

This is BIG!---CalPERS Goes All-In On Pension Accounting Scam; Boosts Stock Allocation To 50% | Zero Hedge

CalPERS Goes All-In On Pension Accounting Scam; Boosts Stock Allocation To 50% | Zero Hedge
"Starting July 1, 2018 stock markets around the world are going to get yet another artificial boost courtesy of a decision by the $350 billion California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) to allocate another $15 billion in capital to already bubbly equities.  
Of course, if this decision doesn't make sense to you that's because it's not really meant to make sense. 
See the source imageAs Pensions & Investments notes, CalPERS' decision to hike their equity allocation had absolutely nothing to do with their opinion of relative value between assets classes and nothing to do with traditional valuation metrics that a rational investor might like to see before buying a stake in a business but rather had everything to do with gaming pension accounting rules to make their insolvent fund look a bit better.  
You see, making the rational decision to lower their exposure to the massive equity bubble could have resulted in CalPERS having to also lower their discount rate for future liabilities...a move which would require more contributions from cities, towns, school districts, etc. and could bring the whole ponzi crashing down. 
The new allocation, which goes into effect July 1, 2018, supports CalPERS' 7% annualized assumed rate of return. The investment committee was considering four options, including one that lowered the rate of return to 6.5% by slashing equity exposure and another that increased it to 7.25% by increasing the exposure to almost 60% of the portfolio.

The lower the rate of rate means more contributions from cities, towns and school districts to CalPERS. Those governmental units are already facing large contribution increases — and have complained loudly at CalPERS meetings — because a decision by the $345.1 billion pension fund's board in December 2016 to lower the rate of return over three years to 7% from 7.5% by July, 1, 2019.
Meanwhile, there was only one dissenting vote on the decision to hike the fund's equity exposure.  
Ironically, the dissent did not come from a rational investor looking to preserve the fund's assets, but rather from a board member named J.J. Jelincic who wanted to go all-in on the pension accounting scam and hike the fund's equity allocations to 60% so that discount rates could be raised even higher than the current 7%..."
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The MSM might not tell you this.

FBI allegedly offered spy $50K to verity Trump dossier | Daily Mail Online

FBI allegedly offered spy $50K to verity Trump dossier | Daily Mail Online
"FBI 'offered British spy $50,000 to corroborate his claims in the dirty dossier on Trump - which he never did'
  • Claims that FBI offered ex-MI6 spy cash for Trump dirt have re-emerged
  • Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein refused to answer when asked in inquiry last week
  • Republicans accuse disgraced agent Peter Strzok of using dossier for wiretap
  • Strzok texts mention an 'insurance policy' in the event of Trump's election 
  • Questions over FBI integrity are mounting as Mueller election probe nears end 
See the source image...Napolitano appears to be basing his claim on an April report from the New York Times, which cited two sources claiming that an FBI agent met Steele in Rome in October of 2016, just weeks before the presidential election.
The agent offered Steele $50,000 if he could get 'solid corroboration of his reports', which the FBI ultimately never paid out, the report said.
Last week, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein refused to tell the House Judiciary Committee whether the FBI had paid or offered to pay for the dossier..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1969-----Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine

The end of civilization-----How to Use Gender-Neutral Pronouns

How to Use Gender-Neutral Pronouns:
"If you feel awkward using gender-neutral pronouns—or avoid them because you don’t know how to use them correctly—it’s time to get up to speed. 
Language tends to shift towards inclusivity, and gender-neutral pronouns are becoming more widely used, so get in the habit now before you become one of those people who’s communicating with outdated language.
...(Before you ask: yes, it is appropriate to use “they” as a singular pronoun in both academic and journalistic work. It’s even in the AP Stylebook.)
Here are some other gender-neutral pronouns that people might request you use:

See the source imageEy/em/eir/eirs

These aren’t the only gender-neutral pronouns out there—and since language is continuously growing and changing, don’t be surprised if we develop new gender-neutral pronouns in the next few years.
Also: if you’re looking for a gender-neutral word to use in place of Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms., try Mx, pronounced “mix” or “mux.”..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

Climate change removed from Trump national threat list - Washington Times

Climate change removed from Trump national threat list - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons image Earth"Officials briefing reporters Sunday confirmed that Mr. Trump’s national security playbook eliminates climate change as a priority in defense planning.

“Climate change is not identified as a national security threat,” an official said, adding that the position is consistent with Mr. Trump’s decision earlier this year to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate accord that was signed by President Obama. The official said the importance of “climate and environmental stewardship are discussed” in the plan."

News - Governor Pinocchio’s Nose Grows Over California Wildfire Claims | Heartland Institute

News - Governor Pinocchio’s Nose Grows Over California Wildfire Claims | Heartland Institute
"Few governors have done more than California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) to reduce their state’s economic performance, energy security, and economic mobility for the poor in the vain quest to counteract climate change. 
The climate and environmental efforts undertaken by Brown and the state’s Democrat-controlled legislature have raised energy prices (making electricity and fuel prices in California among the highest in the nation), made housing even more unaffordable than it already was, and limited job creation.
Along the way, Brown has told numerous fibs about the job creation potential of green energy, the harm fossil fuels are doing to the environment – both in absolute terms and when compared to green energy sources – and humanity’s impact on, and ability to control, the climate.
Recently, Brown told another whopper. 
In a 60 Minutes interview on December 10 and an earlier interview with The Orange County Register, Brown claimed anthropogenic climate change was causing California’s wildfires to become more frequent and severe: in his words, “unprecedented” and “the new normal.”
See the source imageNormal, yes; new, not at all.
A survey of literature examining extreme drought and wildfires in North America and globally, published as part of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change’s peer- reviewed book, Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science, finds no evidence Earth has experienced worsened drought conditions or wildfires in greater number or size, either in North America or worldwide, during the past century and a half, when humans have purportedly been contributing to dangerous climate change.
Locally, California has unique conditions that make it prone to wildfires. 
California is arid, with much of it being high-mountain and lowland-scrub desert. 
Historically it has had limited freshwater supplies, which is one reason it was one of the least populated (and lowest population density) regions of the country before European colonizers spread across the continent. 
Throughout its history, California has been prone to wildfires driven by the Santa Ana winds. Research shows us droughts in the region have on occasion lasted a hundred years or more. 
And there is historical evidence massive wildfires periodically swept through the region..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake-----A.F. Branco Cartoon - Mueller's Got Mail | Comically Incorrect

A.F. Branco Cartoon - Mueller's Got Mail | Comically Incorrect: "Mueller gains access to thousands of Trump’s transition emails, while Hillary gets off scot-free. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017."

History for December 20

Image result for Max Lerner Quotes
History for December 20 -
Samuel Mudd 1833 - Physician that set John Wilkes Booth's leg after the assissination of President Lincoln, Harvey Firestone 1868 - Founder Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Max Lerner 1902
Image result for Samuel MuddImage result for Harvey Firestone QuotesImage result for Max Lerner Quotes

Sidney Hook 1902, George Roy Hill 1922 - Director, John Hillerman 1932 - Actor ("Magnum, p.i.")
See the source imageImage result for george roy hill moviesImage result for John Hillerman

1606 - The "Susan Constant," "Godspeed" and "Discovery" set sail from London. Their landing at Jamestown, VA, was the start of the first permanent English settlement in America.
Image result for "Susan Constant," "Godspeed" and "Discovery"

1803 - The United States Senate ratified a treaty that included the Louisiana Territories from France for $15 million. The transfer was completed with formal ceremonies in New Orleans.
Image result for United States Senate ratified a treaty that included the Louisiana Territories from France

1820 - The state of Missouri enacted legislation to tax bachelors between the ages of 21-50 for being unmarried. The tax was $1 a year.
Image result for Missouri enacted legislation to tax bachelors

1860 - South Carolina became the first state to secede from the American Union.
Image result for 1860 - South Carolina became the first state to secede from the American Union.

1880 - New York's Broadway became known as the "Great White Way" when it was lighted by electricity.
See the source image

1938 - Vladimir Kosma Zworykin patented the iconoscope television system.
See the source image

1946 - The Frank Capra film "It's A Wonderful Life" had a preview showing for charity at New York City's Globe Theatre, a day before its "official" world premiere. James Stewart and Donna Reed star in the film.
Image result for "It's A Wonderful Life"

1990 - The world's first website and server go live at CERN. The first website was
Image result for world's first website and server go live at CERN.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

SHOCK: Obama Helped Hezbollah To Secure Bogus Iran Deal. Here Are The Key Takeaways From Politico's Report. | Daily Wire

SHOCK: Obama Helped Hezbollah To Secure Bogus Iran Deal. Here Are The Key Takeaways From Politico's Report. | Daily Wire:
Image result for flickr commons images obama
"A stunning report released on Sunday revealed that the Obama administration ended a major federal law enforcement operation that targeted the Iranian-sponsored terrorist group Hezbollah because it wanted to secure a nuclear deal with Iran — a deal that some experts have called a complete "joke.""

The way we were-----The Skyliners - Since I Don't Have You

Boob-tube-----1955 WLWT-TV Weathercast

Instapundit » Blog Archive » I LOVE THIS PICTURE SO MUCH: A sailor meets his child for the first time following the guided-missi…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » I LOVE THIS PICTURE SO MUCH: A sailor meets his child for the first time following the guided-missi…:
A sailor meets his child for the first time following the guided-missile cruiser USS Vella Gulf’s (CG 72) return to homeport.

Bumped, because just look at it.-Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 10:58 pm"

Why I Quit Teaching

Why I Quit Teaching
"Some years back, I decided I had to quit the teaching profession to which I had dedicated half my life.  
The modern academy, I felt, was so far gone that restoration was no longer possible.  
Image result for Why I Quit TeachingIndeed, I now believe that complete collapse is the only hope for the future, but as Woody Allen said about death, I'd rather not be there when it happens.
Three reasons determined my course of action.  
For one thing, administration had come to deal less with academic issues and more with rules of conduct and punitive codes of behavior, as if it were a policing body rather than an arm of the teaching profession.  
Woe betide the (male) student accused of sexual assault or misconduct; the administration will convene an extra-judicial tribunal to punish or expel the accused, often with a low burden of proof.  
It will find ways to shut down conservative speakers. 
It will browbeat faculty and students to attend sensitivity training sessions on matters of race and gender.  
It will strike task forces to deal with imaginary issues like campus rape culture and propose draconian measures to contain a raging fantasy..."
Read it all!
We will pay for this child abuse.