Wednesday, August 01, 2018


WATCH: INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST Sheryl Attkisson Reveals Who’s REALLY Behind The ‘Fake News’ Scheme…And What She Discovered Will BLOW YOUR MIND! *

WATCH: INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST Sheryl Attkisson Reveals Who’s REALLY Behind The ‘Fake News’ Scheme…And What She Discovered Will BLOW YOUR MIND! *

Image result for Sharyl Attkisson DressInvestigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson gave a Tedx Talk at the University of Nevada a couple of weeks ago. During her “Ted Talk”, Attkisson made a shocking revelation about how the “fake news” narrative began. Watch, as Attkisson ties Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Google, and Facebook to start of the “fake news” propaganda campaign designed to discredit conservative news sources.
Attkisson started out her talk by explaining to her audience that she began her investigation into “fake news” by asking 3 basic questions.

Idiots with your money-----Smug Seattle keeps throwing money after streetcar, bike lane fiasco that’s totally off the rails | Fox News

Smug Seattle keeps throwing money after streetcar, bike lane fiasco that’s totally off the rails | Fox News
"...The idealistic leftists who control the Council are wasting millions of hard-earned taxpayer dollars in failed attempts to solve problems the Council members created.
All this is turning Seattle into the poster city for the failure of Big Government.
The city best known for fish markets, coffee stores, rain and flannel-wearing musicians is now becoming legendary for its incompetent leadership and its financial boondoggles.
The latest example of Seattle senselessness is the Council’s costly and deeply flawed efforts to get more people riding public transportation and bicycles. 
Other than spending lots of money, this effort isn’t accomplishing anything. 
Image result for seattle streetcars too big
...Taxpayers are paying a big price for the incompetence of city officials.
The public transportation system in Seattle is a mess.
Construction costs for new and upgraded streetcar and light rail lines are skyrocketing well above estimated costs.
One of the more unbelievable mistakes made was the purchase of 10 new streetcars last fall. Apparently, when the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) ordered the cars no one thought to check the measurements.
The order was placed for street cars that are likely too big for the tracks and the maintenance barn. 
The project is already $50 million over budget, not including the $52 million it cost for the 10 cars that may be useless.
How has no one been fired for this?...
Read on. It gets worse.

2018 Global Weather-Related Disaster Losses At Record Low (So Far) | Climate Depot

2018 Global Weather-Related Disaster Losses At Record Low (So Far) | Climate Depot
"The massive fires that took the lives of over 40 people in California were not the only devastating wildfires as of late.
See the source image...Since the 1970s, the number of forest fires in the United States has remained fairly constant, but there’s been a significant uptick in the size of these blazes. 
The average wildfire is now twice the size of fires of 40 years ago.
...2015 Reason Foundation study noted...“While it is possible that climate change has played a role in increasing the size of fires, the primary cause seems to be forest management practices, which have changed several times over the course of the past 200 years,” the study said.
The United States Forest Service, which manages most of America’s wilderness, made some big changes in the 1970s that many say have led to our modern predicament.
The selective clearing of forests, in which only certain trees are removed, had been highly successful in the past. 
...“In 1976 Congress tried to resolve the debate by instituting a comprehensive forest planning process,” wrote Randal O’Toole, a policy analyst at the Cato Institute. 
“The resulting plans proved to be a costly mistake: The agency spent more than a billion dollars planning the national forests, but the plans were often based on fabricated data, and they did not resolve any debates.”
Nearly a half century of bureaucratic centralization and environmentalist initiatives have left forests overgrown, vulnerable to fire, and dangerous to individual property owners and the economies of many states..."
Read all.
...A large fire near the town of Brian Head, Utah, burned 13 homes and over 93 square miles of land.
Utah state Rep. Mike Noel, a Republican, along with other Utah legislators and officials, made a short video in October explaining how better forest management could have prevented what became the most expensive forest fire in the state’s history..."

Read all!

You ought to know!

Hollywood Director Goes Rogue, Tarnishes Obama Legacy

Hollywood Director Goes Rogue, Tarnishes Obama Legacy:
Image result for flickr commons images Trump
But he says little if any of that help came during Obama’s time in office.
“Do you know that I cannot get the radical left to do something about it?” Booyens said Thursday at Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit. “Do you know that we could not get the Obama White House to do something about it?”
President Donald Trump’s administration, on the other hand, has been very active in fighting trafficking, Booyens said.

Britain didn't accept a single Christian refugee, accepted Muslims only

Britain didn't accept a single Christian refugee, accepted Muslims only:
"There were 1,112 Syrian refugees resettled in the UK in the first three months of the year.
The Home Office now admits that there was not a single Christian among them, Premier Christian Radio reports.
The information, including the rejection of Christian applicants, came to light following a freedom of information request by the Barnabas Fund – a charity that supports persecuted Christians.
Only Muslim refugee applicants from the war-torn country have been accepted and resettled..."

AM Fruitcake

History for August 1

See the source image
History for August 1 -
Francis Scott Key 1779, Herman Melville 1819, Arthur Hill 1922
See the source imageImage result for Herman Melville BooksImage result for Arthur Hill

Dom DeLuise 1933, Yves Saint Laurent 1936, Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead) 1942
Image result for Dom DeLuiseImage result for Yves Saint LaurentImage result for Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead)

1834 - Slavery was outlawed in the British empire with an emancipation bill.
See the source image

1893 - Shredded wheat was patented by Henry Perky and William Ford.
Image result for 1893 - Shredded wheat

1907 - The U.S. Army established an aeronautical division that later became the U.S. Air Force.
Image result for 1907 - The U.S. Army established an aeronautical division

1936 - Adolf Hitler presided over the Olympic games as they opened in Berlin.
Image result for Hitler presided over the Olympic game

1943 - In the Solomon Islands, the U.S. Navy patrol torpedo boat PT-109 sank after being hit by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri. The boat was under the command of Lt. John F. Kennedy. Eleven of the thirteen crew survived.
Image result for PT-109 sank

1944 - In Warsaw, Poland, an uprising against Nazi occupation began. The revolt continued until October 2 when Polish forces surrendered.
Image result for 1944 - In Warsaw, Poland, an uprising against Nazi occupation

1956 - The Social Security Act was amended to provide benefits to disabled workers aged 50-64 and disabled adult children.
See the source image

1973 - The movie "American Graffiti" opened.
Image result for American Graffiti Movie Poster

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Mike Rowe to Ben Shapiro: 'Profound' Disconnect Exists Between Elites and Many Americans | Fox News Insider

Mike Rowe to Ben Shapiro: 'Profound' Disconnect Exists Between Elites and Many Americans | Fox News Insider:
Image result for flickr commons images Mike Rowe
Reality TV star Mike Rowe told Ben Shapiro that he believes there is a widening gap between the so-called "elites" and everyday Americans.
In an interview conducted by Ben Shapiro, Rowe, currently the host of TBN's "Somebody's Gotta Do It," was asked whether the gap can be bridged between entertainers and journalists and the "people who are actually working the jobs that are actually getting things done across the country."

The way we were-----Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers - Why Do Fools Fall In Love

Boob-tube-----21 NEW SHOWS OF FALL TV 1955

China's hacking and influence goes unnoticed while we focus on Russia

China's hacking and influence goes unnoticed while we focus on Russia
See the source image"While Russia's role in the 2016 election dominates the news, China's spying and alarming influence within our borders is too little noticed.
We’ve spent a lot of time talking about Russian spying in the United States.
And while a lot of the concern is really just evidence that some people have trouble dealing with a lost election, it’s not as if the Russians haven’t been spying on us since my grandparents' day.
But with all the attention focused on Russia, maybe we need to pay a bit more attention to the spying — and related meddling — being done by the People’s Republic of China.
Because China is a bigger threat in general, and seems to be doing a lot without engendering much of a response, or even much awareness..."
Read all!

Sorry If You're Offended, but Socialism Leads to Misery and Destitution -

Sorry If You're Offended, but Socialism Leads to Misery and Destitution -
"Socialism is the leading man-made cause of death and misery in human existence.
On the same day that Venezuela's "democratically" elected socialist president, Nicolas Maduro, whose once-wealthy nation now has citizens foraging for food, announced he was lopping five zeros off the country's currency to create a "stable financial and monetary system,"
...During the same week we learned that the democratic socialist president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, is accused of massacring hundreds of protesters whose economic futures have been decimated by his economic policies...
After all, socialism is the leading man-made cause of death and misery in human existence.
Whether implemented by a mob or a single strongman, collectivism is a poverty generator, an attack on human dignity and a destroyer of individual rights.
It's true that not all socialism ends in the tyranny of Leninism or Stalinism or Maoism or Castroism or Ba'athism or Chavezism or the Khmer Rouge—only most of it does. 
See the source image...But when they adopt the term "socialism" and the ideas associated with it, they deserve to be treated with the kind of contempt and derision that all those adopting authoritarian philosophies deserve.
But look: Norway!
Socialism is perhaps the only ideology that Americans are asked to judge solely based on its piddling "successes." 
Don't you dare mention Albania or Algeria or Angola or Burma or Congo or Cuba or Ethiopia or Laos or Somalia or Vietnam or Yemen or, well, any other of the dozens of other inconvenient places socialism has been tried.
Not when there are a handful of Scandinavian countries operating generous welfare-state programs propped up by underlying vibrant capitalism and natural resources.
Of course, socialism exists on a spectrum, and even if we accept that the Nordic social-program experiments are the most benign iteration of collectivism, they are certainly not the only version. Pretending otherwise would be like saying, "The police state of Singapore is more successful than Denmark. Let's give it a spin."
It turns out, though, that the "Denmark is awesome!" talking point is only the second most preposterous one used by socialists. 
It goes something like this: If you're a fan of "roads, schools, libraries and such," although you may not even be aware of it, you are also a supporter of socialism.
...It should also be noted that today's socialists get their yucks by pretending collectivist policies only lead to innocuous outcomes like local libraries. 
But for many years they were also praising the dictators of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, the nation's most successful socialist, isn't merely impressed with the goings-on in Denmark.
Not very long ago, he lauded Hugo Chavez's Venezuela as an embodiment of the "American dream," even more so than the United States.
Socialists like to blame every inequity, the actions of every greedy criminal, every downturn and every social ill on the injustice of capitalism.
But none of them admit that capitalism has been the most effective way to eliminate poverty in history.
...Nearly half of American millennials would rather live in a socialist society than in a capitalist one, according to a YouGov poll.
That said, only 71 percent of those asked were able to properly identify either..."
Read all!

16 People Shot over Seven Hours in Gun-Controlled NYC

Image result for flickr commons images New York City16 People Shot over Seven Hours in Gun-Controlled NYC:

Sixteen people were shot over a seven hour time period Saturday night to Sunday morning in gun-controlled New York City.
One of the shooting victims died and three others are in critical condition.

Yet, they continue to refuse to pay their "fair-share", still tax-exempt-----Where churches have become temples of cheese, fitness and eroticism ::

Where churches have become temples of cheese, fitness and eroticism ::
"MONTREAL — For generations, parishioners whispered their sins in the dark wooden confessional booths of Notre-Dame-du-Perpétuel-Secours, an imposing Roman Catholic church in Montreal.
But on a recent day, the edgy Quebec comedian Sugar Sammy was being filmed inside one of the booths, the latest intimate celebrity confessional on the talk show “Y’a du monde à messe,” or “The Church Is Packed.”
“I made a sex tape in order to be famous, because I thought it was the path to glory,” Sammy said with mock seriousness, as the camera zoomed in on his face, seen from behind a grill. 
See the source image“It didn’t work because no one watched it,” he continued. “I was the only person on the tape.”
A large audience gathered in the church roared with laughter.
...And it is one of dozens of churches across Quebec that have been transformed — into university reading rooms, luxury condominiums, cheese emporiums and upmarket fitness centers.
At another event at the church, devoted to freewheeling dance, dozens of barefoot amateur dancers filled the space and undulated in a trancelike state in front of its former altar amid drums and chanting. 
Two men in tank tops clasped hands and twirled each other. 
...“I don’t feel any taboo in transforming a church into a theater, as we are remaining true to the church’s mission of serving the community,” St-Georges said.
...The radical makeovers of Quebec churches reflect the drastic decline of the Catholic Church in a majority-Catholic Canadian province, where 95 percent of the population went to Mass in the 1950s but only 5 percent do so today...
Read on.

Dems' Plans Sabotage Workers | RealClearPolitics

Dems' Plans Sabotage Workers | RealClearPolitics
"Would you rather show up at work on time or stretch out on the sofa and watch TV? 
Stupid question. 
Most people punch a clock out of necessity. 
But progressive Democrats want to make work optional, and to guarantee a slew of benefits to everyone, whether they get off the couch or not. 
It's a slap in the face to America's workforce.
See the source imageSome 70 Democrats in the House of Representatives -- more than one-third of the party's representatives -- endorsed a plan on Thursday to outlaw private health insurance and force all Americans into a government-run system. 
Let's be clear. 
This plan is not about helping the needy. 
The plan would rip away medical coverage from half of all Americans, including the 157 million who get their insurance the old-fashioned way -- earning it through a job. 
The plan, dubbed "Medicare for All," would prohibit employers -- even giant companies that self-insure -- from covering workers, retirees or their families.
Union workers with gold-plated health benefits would have to give them up and settle for the same coverage as people who refuse to work at all. 
Why work?...
Read all!

Lunch video-----A Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals


"Crumbs" Pelosi Desperately Tries to Distract From Epic 4.1% GDP Growth - Posts Completely Debunked Chart on US Wages

"Crumbs" Pelosi Desperately Tries to Distract From Epic 4.1% GDP Growth - Posts Completely Debunked Chart on US Wages:

Image result for free clip art DebunkedThe chart was quickly debunked by people pointing out the numbers are based on modeling of unknown validity and the data was at odds with every other source.
“This chart is based on modeling of unknown validity and is completely at odds with government data, which shows real wages rising. Bad week for scare statistics,” said Scott Winship who works on the joint economic committee for Republican Senator Mike Lee.