Thursday, August 02, 2018

Rush: Facebook claim of finding ‘bad actors’ just a ‘crock’

Rush: Facebook claim of finding ‘bad actors’ just a ‘crock’:

And there’s more.
Image result for flickr commons images Facebook Logo“Facebook is doing this for a second reason, and that is they’re already beginning to set the table, make excuses for Democrats losing the next election. Folks, do not doubt me on this. Whereas the Drive-By Media and the Democrat Party has done everything they can to destroy the integrity, honor, and the perceived validity of the U.S. electoral system, if they win the next election, I guarantee you there will be no problem with the American electoral system.

Yes, they DO hate us-----California Professor Demands That Editors Resign If They're White | pluralist

California Professor Demands That Editors Resign If They're White | pluralist
"It's time to STEP DOWN and hand over the positions of power."
An English professor at California State University, Fresno, last week tweeted that editors must resign if they are white.
​Randa Jarrar, an English professor at California State University, Fresno, said they should “hand over the positions of power” because merely holding such positions is “fuck up enough.
"At some point, all of us in the literary community must DEMAND that white editors resign," she said. 
"It's time to STEP DOWN and hand over the positions of power. 
We don't have to wait for them to fuck up. 
The fact that they hold these positions is fuck up enough."
Jarrar, who is of Greek and Arab heritage, made her Twitter account private after coming under fire in April for a post celebrating the death of former first lady Barbara Bush, who she called "an amazing racist." ...
Read on.


The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has a great new video out explaining why the Platform Economy — Uber, AirBnB, Amazon, etc. — is such a gift to the cause of individual liberty. 
And why politicians and bureaucrats are determined to regulate it out of existence.---Posted by Mark Tapscott

#1 This day 1956-----"My Prayer" The Platters

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Socialist Face of Unserious Movement | National Review

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Socialist Face of Unserious Movement | National Review
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the Great Young Hope progressives deserve. 
When, last Thursday, she was asked an elementary question about spending, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez struck her best Cobra Kai pose. 
“I sat down with a Nobel Prize economist last week,” she exclaimed, contorting her face into Jack Nicholson’s and attempting to shoot webs from her fingers. 
“I can’t believe I can say that,” she added. “It’s really weird!”
Alas, nothing from this brush with greatness appears to have worn off on her. Mere seconds elapsed between the boast and the disaster that followed. 
Speaking to a friendly Trevor Noah, Ocasio-Cortez revealed that 
  • she does not know the difference between a one-year and a ten-year budget; 
  • confused the recent increase in defense spending with the entire annual cost of the military;
  •  implied that the population of the United States was around 800 million strong; and, 
  • having been asked to defend her coveted $15 minimum wage, launched into a rambling and inscrutable diatribe about “private equity” firms that would have been a touch too harsh as a parody on South Park
If anything, she was worse this time than she had been during her appearance on Firing Line a few days earlier, on which newly revamped show she 
  • demonstrated her obliviousness to the fact that the United States economy exploded during the 1990s, 
  • to the manner in which unemployment numbers are calculated, and
  •  to even the most obvious facets of the Israel–Palestine question about which she has assured her supporters she is so passionate.

“It’s really weird!”...
Read all.

You ought to know!

"Undocumented Immigrant" Is a Made-Up Term That Ignores the Law | The Heritage Foundation

"Undocumented Immigrant" Is a Made-Up Term That Ignores the Law | The Heritage Foundation:
Image result for flickr commons images Statue of Liberty
The Justice Department leadership is correct. Illegal alien is the correct legal term that should be used.
“Undocumented immigrant” is a politically correct, made-up term adopted by pro-illegal alien advocacy groups and liberal media outlets to obscure the fact that such aliens have violated U.S. immigration law and are in the country illegally.

Patriotism: The Secret of Trump's Success

Patriotism: The Secret of Trump's Success
"The driving force behind Trump's winning for America is his powerful patriotism. 
See the source imagePatriotism is a virtue that our politicians talk about a lot, in utterly empty ways. 
Many Democrats think it is a vice.  
The left wing of the Democratic Party mistakes it for white nationalism. 
Trump lives American patriotism. 
It is the reason he ran for president and the reason he won. 
He knows we are a great country.
Trump recognizes and is comfortable with power – his personal power, America's power. 
He does not think power is toxic. 
He thinks American and presidential power is wonderful and meant to be used for our common, national good.
Our president loves to build..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

Mexican Accused of Murdering Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Extradited to Face Justice in U.S.

Mexican Accused of Murdering Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Extradited to Face Justice in U.S.:
Image result for Brian Terry's
The Mexican national accused in the murder of U.S Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry is now reported to be in U.S. custody in Arizona. The accused killer has been fighting extradition since his arrest in April 2017.
“The Terry family had to wait seven years for this moment,” Agent Terry’s brother, Kent Terry, said in a Facebook post on Tuesday evening. “Finally, justice will be served and hopefully a little piece of mind.”

History for August 2

See the source image
History for August 2 -
James Baldwin 1924, Carroll O'Connor 1924, Peter O'Toole 1932
See the source image Image result for Carroll O'ConnorImage result for Peter O'Toole

Wes Craven 1939, Victoria Jackson 1959 - Actress, comdian, Mary-Louise Parker 1964
Image result for Wes Craven Freddy KruegerImage result for Victoria JacksonImage result for Mary-Louise Parker

1861 - The United States Congress passed the first income tax. The revenues were intended for the war effort against the South. The tax was never enacted.
See the source image

1887 - Rowell Hodge patented barbed wire.
Image result for Rowell Hodge patented barbed wire.

1892 - Charles A. Wheeler patented the first escalator.
Image result for Charles A. Wheeler patented the first escalator.

1921 - Eight White Sox players were acquitted of throwing the 1919 World Series.
Image result for White Sox players were acquitted of throwing the 1919 World Series.

1939 - Albert Einstein signed a letter to President Roosevelt urging the U.S. to have an atomic weapons research program.
Image result for Albert Einstein signed a letter to President Roosevelt urging the U.S. to have an atomic weapons research program.

1939 - U.S. President Roosevelt signed the Hatch Act. The act prohibited civil service employees from taking an active part in political campaigns.
Image result for President Roosevelt signed the Hatch Act.

1945 - The Allied conference at Potsdam was concluded.
Image result for Allied conference at Potsdam

1990 - Iraq invaded the oil-rich country of Kuwait. Iraq claimed that Kuwait had driven down oil prices by exceeding production quotas set by OPEC.
Image result for 1990 - Iraq invaded the oil-rich country of Kuwait.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

US workers see biggest pay, benefit increase in 10 years | Fox Business

US workers see biggest pay, benefit increase in 10 years | Fox Business:

Image result for flickr commons images U.S. Department of LaborU.S. workers saw the largest increase in wages and benefits since September 2008, according to a new report from the Labor Department on Tuesday.
The employment cost index, a gauge of total compensation for civilian workers, increased 0.6% in the second quarter. The cost of pay and benefits jumped 2.8% in the 12-month period ended in June, the highest yearly growth rate in nearly a decade.

The way we were-----Bobby Pickett "Monster Mash"

Boob-tube-----Andy Griffith Show mistakes and filming insights

The List of Times the Media Has Called for Violence Against Trump or His Supporters Is Mind-Blowing!

The List of Times the Media Has Called for Violence Against Trump or His Supporters Is Mind-Blowing!
"On Sunday New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger complained to President Trump about “potential” violence against reporters
The New York Times has ignored the hundreds of violent attacks against Trump supporters.

There have been over 538 violent attacks against Trump supporters since the 2016 election season.

The liberal mainstream media has ignored these violent attacks.

Instead, the liberal fake news media has fomented, encouraged and threatened, and harassed Trump supporters.

If you run a quick search on Bing of “media calls for violence against Trump” the number of videos that pop us is shocking.

Here are the first 8 pages:

This is the first eight pages.
And this isn’t even all of them.
It’s almost as if the liberal media is purposely avoiding reality."

Very worthy read!-----EXCLUSIVE: An "ugly" chapter that didn't make the Bestseller Book: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change | Watts Up With That?

EXCLUSIVE: An "ugly" chapter that didn't make the Bestseller Book: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change | Watts Up With That?

EXCLUSIVE: An "ugly" chapter that didn't make the Bestseller Book: The Politically Incorrect Guide® to Climate Change

Marc Morano of Climate Deport has given me exclusive publication of this special chapter, that is not included in the book. It details all of the comparisons to Holocaust deniers and RICO and death threats, etc. against climate skeptics. He writes:
The Earth does not have a fever. Scientific evidence simply doesn’t support the belief that man-made climate change is a catastrophic threat to the planet. And unreliable climate models are poor substitutes for actual data.
Then why don’t more scientists buck the “consensus”? 
The answer is simple. 
Anyone who questions the climate change scare is attacked and threatened. As more and more scientists speak out, dissenting from the climate change orthodoxy, the attacks against them have increased...
Climate campaigners seem to think: If you can’t counter the message, silence the messenger. 
From smears to intimidation to name-calling to lawsuits and threats of criminal prosecution, climate activists are leaving no stone unturned. 
Activists—and “reporters” for theoretically objective media outlets— have targeted skeptical scientists.
...Much more, read/click on!
You can read the entire chapter here, free: Morano-PIG-Climate-Change-Bonus-Chapter (PDF)
The book has now climbed to #80 on Amazon as of this writing, maybe it will climb higher.
Available on Amazon here

Black Gay Vet Scorches Democrat Party, Reveals What Drove Him To Become Conservative

Black Gay Vet Scorches Democrat Party, Reveals What Drove Him To Become Conservative:
Image result for flickr commons images democrat logo
“I didn’t lose friends when I came out as gay. I’ve lost friends since coming out as Republican,” Smith told Watters.
“People do not understand it and these are the… left, that’s supposed to be so tolerant and inclusive. These are the people who were the first to shun me when I came out as conservative.”
“I have been called everything but child of God,” he added.

Detailed Maps Split the U.S. Into TrumpLand and the Clinton Archipelago | Inverse

Detailed Maps Split the U.S. Into TrumpLand and the Clinton Archipelago | Inverse
"...And this is Clinton’s territory:

Read on!

Colluding to steal YOUR vote!-----Noncitizens find it easy to register to vote, cast ballots - Washington Times

Noncitizens find it easy to register to vote, cast ballots - Washington Times
"A Russian national or any other noncitizen can easily influence a U.S. election by simply registering to vote in California — just ask Elizaveta Shuvalova.
Ms. Shuvalova said she didn’t even know her name was added to the San Francisco voter rolls in 2012, when she was a 21-year-old Russian citizen living legally in the U.S. but ineligible to vote.
See the source image“I’ve never registered for anything in my entire life,” said Ms. Shuvalova, who became a U.S. citizen early last year.
“This is news to me.”
The Washington Times obtained a San Francisco County voter log that detailed Ms. Shuvalova’s registration history and presented the document to her.
It showed that she signed up as a Democrat in July 2012 and that her registration was canceled in May 2016 after she told election officials she wasn’t a citizen. 
Her registration, as a Republican, was reactivated in March 2017.
“This is definitely a shocker to me.
It is like an identity fraud because this is not coming from my end,” said Ms. Shuvalova, who now lives in New York, works as a personal trainer and calls herself a Democrat.
“Like I told you, I haven’t even been a citizen during that time frame. So what can we do about it?”..."
Read on.

Lunch video-----Machinations In The British High Command I THE GREAT WAR Week 180