Monday, August 06, 2018

#1 This day 1967-----The Doors - Light My Fire

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
"It is certainly true that Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark are notable economic successes. What is false is that these countries are particularly socialist.
Perhaps a better name for what the Nordic countries practice would be compassionate capitalism.
See the source imageAs the American left embraces a platform that continues to look more and more like a socialist’s dream, it is common for those on the right to counter with the example of Venezuela as the nightmare of socialism in reality.
A common response from the left is that socialism (or democratic socialism) works just fine in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.
It is certainly true that Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark are notable economic successes. What is false is that these countries are particularly socialist.
The myth of Nordic socialism is partially created by a confusion between socialism, meaning government exerting control or ownership of businesses, and the welfare state in the form of government-provided social safety net programs.
However, the left’s embrace of socialism is not merely a case of redefining a word.
Simply look at the long-running affinity of leftists with socialist dictators in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela for proof many on the left long for real socialism.
To the extent that the left wants to point to an example of successful socialism, not just generous welfare states, the Nordic countries are actually a poor case to cite.
Regardless of the perception, in reality the Nordic countries practice mostly free market economics paired with high taxes exchanged for generous government entitlement programs..."
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You ought to know!

Democratic Socialist: To Be Clear, Democratic Socialists Are Working To 'Overthrow Capitalism' | Daily Wire

Democratic Socialist: To Be Clear, Democratic Socialists Are Working To 'Overthrow Capitalism' | Daily Wire:
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In one of her growing list of viral interviews, Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez condemned America's "hyper-capitalism" and predicted the end of the whole economic system. "So I do think right now we have this no holds barred, wild west hyper-capitalism," she said. "What that means is profit at any cost. Capitalism has not always existed in the world and will not always exist in the world."
In an op-ed for Vox Wednesday, Democratic Socialists of America member and staff writer for Jacobin, Meagan Day, makes clear that the young Democratic candidate's comment is not a regrettable moment of hyperbole, it is the ultimate goal of their shared ideology: "In the long run, democratic socialists want to end capitalism," writes Day.

A customer couldn’t find any ginger in Canada Dry ginger ale, so she’s suing

A customer couldn’t find any ginger in Canada Dry ginger ale, so she’s suing:
Image result for kill all the lawyers"Ginger ale seems different from other sodas.
Some people consider it to be a remedy for stomach upset, so it’s basically medicine, right?
It has the word ginger - a popular herbal remedy - right there in the name.
Now one lawsuit says customers have been misled all along.
Julie Fletcher filed a federal lawsuit against the owners of Canada Dry ginger ale alleging the beverage does not contain ginger, the Buffalo News reports.
Canada Dry’s listed ingredients are carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, sodium benzoate, natural flavors and caramel colors.
"Ms. Fletcher believed . . . Canada Dry was made using ginger root and was, as a result, a healthier alternative to regular sodas," said her lawyer, Michael DeBenedictis, in the lawsuit..."
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Bumped--A fiscal conservative's Voter Guide-----Muskegon County GOP primary election-NEXT TUESDAY Aug 7.

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  • Governor: My vote is true Conservative Patrick Colbeck. Schutte would be OK and is current favorite but seems to have baggage in general election. Calley is a Snyder-clone, RINO.
  • US Senate: My vote John James. Both OK but James may have a better chance in general election.
  • State senate: Jon Bumstead! Very important. True, small government conservative. Experienced, tough and brave! Opponent Holly Hughes has voted "yes" 100% for corp. pork (and has been WELL rewarded) for 6 years running. Bumstead represented us, the people and voted "NO" 100% of the time. Her voting record has really drifted to left. Jon Bumstead's is solid fiscal conservative.
  • 92nd State rep: no GOP primary
  • 91st State rep: My vote, loose cannon Alan Jager. He's honest, experienced and courageous. And his favorite word for government programs and spending is "cut".
County commissioner: EVERY incumbent county commissioner, republican and democrat, has voted for every budget-busting union contract and almost all of the financially destructive spending/borrowing since their first day as commissioner.
Every one has been complicit in the fiscal disaster that is now Muskegon county.
Every incumbent should be voted out of office.

There are 2 contested republican primaries for county commission:

  • District 5: Zach Lahring! Conservative, bright, experienced, a fighter! Courageous! The winner here will face off with a local union boss in the Nov. election. Must vote for Zach!(replacing retiring RINO Engle) 
  • District 9:  Vote for Eric Rothoff! Conservative, very smart and understands county finances. We need this change! Winner will face incumbent union spender Ken Mahoney or the MUCH better Andrew Heycoop.

AM Fruitcake

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History for August 6

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History for August 6 -
Alfred Lord Tennyson 1809, Louella Parsons 1881, Sir Alexander Fleming 1881
Image result for Alfred Lord Tennyson QuotesSee the source imageImage result for Alexander Fleming Quotes

Lucille Ball 1911, Robert Mitchum 1917, Andy Warhol 1928
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1787 - At the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia debate began on the first draft of the U.S. Constitution.
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1945 - The American B-29 bomber, known as the Enola Gay, dropped the first atomic bomb on an inhabited area. The bomb named "Little Boy" was dropped over the center of Hiroshima, Japan. An estimated 140,000 people were killed. (8:16am Japanese time)
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1960 - Nationalization of U.S. and foreign-owned property in Cuba began.
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1965 - The Voting Rights Act was signed by U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson.
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1981 - Fire fighters in Indianapolis, IN, answered a false alarm. When they returned to their station it was ablaze due to a grease fire.
Image result for 1981 Fire fighters in Indianapolis, IN

1986 - William J. Schroeder died. He lived 620 days with the Jarvik-7 manmade heart. He was the world's longest surviving recipient of a permanent artificial heart.
Image result for Jarvik-7 Artificial Heart

1996 - NASA announced the discovery of evidence of primitive life on Mars. The evidence came in the form of a meteorite that was found in Antarctica. The meteorite was believed to have come from Mars and contained a fossil.
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1998 - Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky spent 8 1/2 hours testifying before a grand jury about her relationship with U.S. President Clinton.
Image result for Monica Lewinsky President Clinton.

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Shooter Targets Back To School Event — Runs Into A Good Guy With A Gun | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images Concealed CarryShooter Targets Back To School Event — Runs Into A Good Guy With A Gun | The Daily Caller:

A Florida back to school event could have made tragic headlines on Saturday if not for the presence — and quick thinking — of a good guy with a legal license to carry a firearm.

Ohio joins battle to force Lois Lerner records be released - Washington Times

Ohio joins battle to force Lois Lerner records be released - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images lois lernerOhio Attorney General Mike DeWine asked a judge Wednesday to release former IRS senior executive Lois G. Lerner’s secret testimony about her actions during the Obama administration’s tea party targeting, saying Americans deserve an “unvarnished publish accounting” of what Ms. Lerner did.
Ms. Lerner and Holly Paz, one of her subordinates at the IRS during the tea party targeting, have sought to keep their depositions permanently sealed in a federal lawsuit playing out in Cincinnati.

The way we were-----Gone Groups of the 1960s: Musical acts that have fallen off the radar of...

Boob-tube-----TV Themes You Don't See Every Day (vintage, seldom syndicated series int...

A Stake Through the Heart of the Democratic Party? | Power Line

A Stake Through the Heart of the Democratic Party? | Power Line
"Via Glenn Reynolds, a potential earthquake in the polling numbers:

"If this trend continues, the Democratic Party is, to put it politely, screwed. 
Which makes me wonder: over the next few years, will Candace Owens be the most important person in America?"

Democratic Socialists on College Campuses: 280% Increase - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

Democratic Socialists on College Campuses: 280% Increase - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children
"While it’s not surprising, given the ridiculous left wing garbage being spewed across campuses nationwide, the Young Democratic Socialists have spread quickly across the College landscape. 
The Daily Caller reported that there has been a 280% increase in the number of YDS clubs since 2016.
According to their article,
Democratic National Chairman Tom Perez recently called Democratic Socialist congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the “future of the party.” 
Perez’s prediction may be correct as the number of a Democratic Socialist clubs on college campuses has skyrocketed since 2016.
...Young people view socialism as more attractive than older people. 
...So why do they think socialism is more attractive? 

  • First, because they’ve been deeply indoctrinated against America. They view Capitalism as evil, and Socialism as the savior of all inequality. 
  • Secondly, they’ve had little access to historical facts presented by someone other than another Marxist. 

If you don’t know the history of what socialism has produced, you might think all that Utopia stuff is awesome..."
Read all!

Maxine Waters Hit with FEC Complaint for Lucrative Campaign Operation That Pays Daughter

Maxine Waters Hit with FEC Complaint for Lucrative Campaign Operation That Pays Daughter:

Image result for flickr commons images maxine watersRep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) is the subject of a complaint filed to the Federal Election Commission for a campaign operation that has paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars to her daughter, according to reports.
Waters runs a slate mailer, or endorsement mailer, operation through Citizens for Waters, her campaign committee, and has done so for years. The operation has proved lucrative to both the campaign's coffers and to Karen Waters, Maxine's daughter.
Karen has collected more than $750,000 in payments for running the operation, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported.

In America's Big Tech Cities, More People Are Now Living In Their Vehicles - Slashdot

In America's Big Tech Cities, More People Are Now Living In Their Vehicles - Slashdot
"An anonymous reader quotes CBS MoneyWatch:
See the source imageThe number of people residing in campers and other vehicles surged 46 percent over the past year, a recent homeless census in Seattle's King County, Washington found. The problem is "exploding" in cities with expensive housing markets, including Los Angeles, Portland and San Francisco, according to Governing magazine. The problem of vehicle residency is national in scope, although its impact may be more "acutely felt in urban areas where space is more limited," said Sara Rankin, an assistant professor law at Seattle University and the director of Homeless Rights Advocacy Project, in an email to CBS MoneyWatch.
"Amazon, Microsoft and other big tech companies are in the Seattle area," notes Zero Hedge, adding "It is a region that is supposedly 'prospering', and yet this is going on." 

Back in Silicon Valley, one Google employee slept in a truck in Google's parking lot for two years -- allowing him to save at least $48,000 that he would've paid in rent -- though many vehicle-dwellers apparently have non-technical jobs as plumbers, janitors, and even teachers. "A fair number of the 'vehicular homeless' in Silicon Valley are employed but are unable to find affordable housing," reports CBS, citing an AP article last November about "Silicon Valley's car people"

"Lines of RVs can be found near the headquarters of tech heavyweights such as Apple, Google and Hewlett-Packard."

FLASHBACK: Frenzied, Angry Mob Turns on Reporters in a Dangerous Physical Altercation. “You may not …

Instapundit  Blog Archive  FLASHBACK: Frenzied, Angry Mob Turns on Reporters in a Dangerous Physical Altercation. “You may not …
"FLASHBACK: Frenzied, Angry Mob Turns on Reporters in a Dangerous Physical Altercation
“You may not remember it. 
No president was asked about it. 
No Democrat candidate was made to disown it. 
It didn’t get much press. 
Not like this week’s mob.”
As Jim Treacher has said:

Feinstein’s driver groomed for spying by China

Image result for flickr commons images dianne feinsteinFeinstein’s driver groomed for spying by China:

While serving as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., had a driver who was investigated for spying for the communist Chinese government.
Politico Magazine reported that the staffer with Feinstein’s San Francisco office was suspected of providing political intelligence to his handlers, though none of the information was classified.

Lunch video-----The Life and Sad ending of Lou Costello


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