Tuesday, August 07, 2018

WATCH: Liberal Activists Chant ‘F--- White Supremacy’ at Candace Owens, Who Is Black | pluralist

WATCH: Liberal Activists Chant ‘F--- White Supremacy’ at Candace Owens, Who Is Black | pluralist
"Is this the civil rights era all over again?"
What: Conservative activists Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk were harassed on Monday outside a Philadelphia restaurant by liberal protestors allegedly with Antifa.
Owens and Kirk -- the communications director and founder of the right-wing organization Turning Point USA, respectively -- were exiting the restaurant when protesters pounced on them. 
In a video posted Twitter, the protesters pour water on Kirk and shout "F--k white supremacy" to Owens, who is black. ​

To be clear: ANTIFA, an all-white fascist organization, just grew violent and attacked an all-black and Hispanic police force.

Because I, a BLACK woman, was eating breakfast.

Is this the civil rights era all over again?

Read all.

Lunch video-----The New York Times Just Hired a Racist


Daily Inter Lake - Frank Miele: Editor's 2 Cents, The left’s love affair with doublethink

Image result for free clip art confused faceDaily Inter Lake - Frank Miele: Editor's 2 Cents, The left’s love affair with doublethink:

The twists and turns in the logic of doublethink are exhausting, and I think it is safe to say that part of the power of liberalism is that it is easier to surrender to its hypnotic fluttering rhetoric than to pin it down like a bug and analyze it under a microscope. Yet once you face facts, there is no going back, no matter how isolated it may make you feel.

Michigan Sen. David Knezek: Social studies changes are ‘mind-numbing’ | Bridge Magazine

Michigan Sen. David Knezek: Social studies changes are ‘mind-numbing’ | Bridge Magazine
"...Proposed changes to Michigan social studies standards ‒ which remove or downplay volatile U.S. social issues and cut “democratic” from “core democratic values” ‒ are running into opposition on the State Board of Education.
The eight-member board must approve the controversial revisions for them to impact what’s taught in Michigan public school classrooms. 
The four Democrats on the elected board would vote in a block to oppose proposed changes to the standards, according to two board members who spoke to Bridge Wednesday.
See the source imageIf that happens, even if the four Republican members voted for the conservative-inspired revisions, the 4-4 tie would not be enough to approve the standards.

  • ...First person: Michigan Sen. Patrick Colbeck: ‘There is a culture war going on’
  • ...First person: Michigan Sen. David Knezek: Social studies changes are ‘mind-numbing’..."

In dueling speeches on the Michigan Senate floor Tuesday night, state Sen. David Knezek, D-Dearborn Heights, and state Sen. Patrick Colbeck, R-Canton Twp., debated controversial changes in a draft of new social studies standards in Michigan classrooms. 
This is a transcript of Knezek’s speech. (A transcript of Colbeck’s responsecan be found here.) 

Fascinating!-----Here's How America Uses Its Land

Here's How America Uses Its Land:
"There are many statistical measures that show how productive the U.S. is. 
Its economy is the largest in the world and grew at a rate of 4.1 percent last quarter, its fastest pace since 2014. The unemployment rate is near the lowest mark in a half century.
What can be harder to decipher is how Americans use their land to create wealth. 
The 48 contiguous states alone are a 1.9 billion-acre jigsaw puzzle of cities, farms, forests and pastures that Americans use to feed themselves, power their economy and extract value for business and pleasure..."
Read/click all!

#1 this day 1958-----Ricky Nelson- Poor Little Fool

As a reality check, here are a few facts:

Fans of Best of the Web Today

As a reality check, here are a few facts:
The net worth of all of America’s billionaires is roughly $2.4 trillion. 
Liquidating all of their assets would:
- Pay roughly 54% of the US budget for one year (fund Social Security and Medicare for one year), or
- Pay for the budget deficit for 3-4 years (depending on spending increases), or
- Pay off 11.5% of the national debt, or

- Send a one-time cash payment of $7,362 to every person in America.
Federal income taxes are paid by the:
Top 1% - 39.48%
Top 5% - 59.97%
Top 10% - 70.88%
Top 25% - 86.78%
Top 50% - 97.25%
Bottom 50% - 2.75%
If you make $32,400 a year ($15.50 per hour), you are in the upper 1% of incomes in the world.
70% of American households make more than $35,000 a year.
The average tax return filed for a single filer was $35,000.
Moral of the story?
America is a rich country across the board and you can join the “democratic socialists” to eat the rich - but you better enjoy it because it will only be one meal."

You ought to know!

Twitter is run by Democratic donors and activists

Twitter is run by Democratic donors and activists:

Image result for wikicommons images twitter logoLast month, Twitter purged more than 380,000 of Trump’s followers, claiming they were fake accounts, and it’s now assisting special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Trump for alleged obstruction of justice based in part on his tweets.
Twitter did not respond to questions about its one-sided pattern of political donations.
While the company says it’s not engaged in political censorship, it’s clearly run by Democratic donors and activists. And though it says its algorithms for policing “healthy conversations” aren’t politically motivated, it’s clear that their effect is the censorship of Republicans and conservatives.

CEI: Proposed Changes to CAFE Standards Are Good News for Consumers | Competitive Enterprise Institute

CEI: Proposed Changes to CAFE Standards Are Good News for Consumers | Competitive Enterprise Institute
"...the Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency released proposed revisions to future fuel economy standards set under the Obama Administration.
Director of CEI’s Center for Energy and Environment Myron Ebell said:
“The administration’s announcement that it will relax future fuel economy (CAFE) standards is good news for consumers.  
It means that the federal government will have slightly less control over the kinds of cars and trucks people can buy.  
It might even cause car prices to stop increasing so rapidly.  

  • Even better news is the decision to take California out of the driver’s seat for setting CAFE standards for the entire country.  Letting one state make decisions for people in other states makes a bad program even worse, especially since the state is California, which has been pursuing an anti-car agenda for decades.”
CEI General Counsel Sam Kazman said:
“CAFE was recognized long ago as a threat to highway safety. 
That recognition came from analysts, consumer advocates, and even a federal court..."
Read all.

AM Fruitcake

Beth Lindstrom calls on Elizabeth Warren to apologize for 'racist' justice-system jab - Washington Times

Beth Lindstrom calls on Elizabeth Warren to apologize for 'racist' justice-system jab - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images elizabeth warrenRepublican Senate hopeful Beth Lindstrom called Monday on Sen. Elizabeth Warren to apologize for denouncing the U.S. criminal-justice system as “racist … front to back.”
“Sen. Warren needs to apologize to every police officer, judge, corrections department employee, probation worker and the many other honest and decent people in our criminal justice system who have been smeared by her alienating and careless rhetoric,” Ms. Lindstrom said in a statement.

History for August 7

See the source image
History for August 7 - On-This-Day.com
Nathaniel Greene 1742, Mata Hari 1876, Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer 1927
See the source imageImage result for Mata HariImage result for Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer

B.J. Thomas 1942, Garrison Keillor 1942, David Duchovny 1960
Image result for B.J. ThomasImage result for garrison keillor sex misconductImage result for David Duchovny

1789 - The U.S. War Department was established by the U.S. Congress.
Image result for 1789 - The U.S. War Department

1782 - George Washington created the Order of the Purple Heart.
Image result for George Washington created the Order of the Purple Heart.

1888 - Theophilus Van Kannel received a patent for the revolving door.
Image result for Theophilus Van Kannel received a patent for the revolving door.

1934 - The U.S. Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling striking down the government's attempt to ban the controversial James Joyce novel "Ulysses."
Image result for James Joyce novel "Ulysses."

1942 - U.S. forces landed at Guadalcanal, marking the start of the first major allied offensive in the Pacific during World War II.
Image result for 1942 - U.S. forces landed at Guadalcanal,

1960 - The Cuban Catholic Church condemned the rise of communism in Cuba. Fidel Castro then banned all religious TV and radio broadcasts.
Image result for 1960 - The Cuban Catholic Church communism in Cuba.

1974 - French stuntman Philippe Petit walked a tightrope strung between the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center.
Image result for Philippe Petit walked a tightrope strung between the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center.

1976 - Scientists in Pasadena, CA, announced that the Viking 1 spacecraft had found strong indications of possible life on Mars.
Image result for charlie brown football

Monday, August 06, 2018

Elizabeth Heng Gets Facebook Blocked | National Review

Image result for flickr commons images Elizabeth HengElizabeth Heng Gets Facebook Blocked | National Review:

Is the Cambodian Genocide now a non-event? Or just too icky for the Silicon Valley Boys? Or maybe this ad-rejection is yet another powerful Republican political message that fails some subjective standard contrived in a liberal hotbed?
The Heng campaign released this statement yesterday:

The way we were-----Johnny Cash Hurt

Boob-tube-----Video Vault #31: Products You Don't See Advertised on TV Anymore (vintag...

James Woods Targets Jim Acosta with Biggest Twitter Knockout We Have Ever Seen

James Woods Targets Jim Acosta with Biggest Twitter Knockout We Have Ever Seen
"...This month Acosta aired his hurt feelings concerning the Trump administration’s accusation that Acosta and his fellow journalists were peddling “fake news.”
“It is not fair. It is not fair. It is not just. It is un-American to come out here and call the press the enemy of the people,” Acosta said, according to Business Insider.
But a fellow journalist did not share Acosta’s belief that presidential administrations should play nice.
In response to Acosta’s complaint, David Shuster, formerly of MSNBC, wrote that reporters should not be “sad or happy” about how administrations treat reporters.
But the most devastating attack on Acosta came from someone outside the journalistic profession: conservative actor James Woods.
Woods sought to educate Acosta about how reporters should behave in a free society:

The cynical rise and painful fall of the euro

EuroThe cynical rise and painful fall of the euro
"The euro and the damage it wrought.
“...When the American subprime meltdown resulted in tightened credit markets 10 years ago, Greece’s entire economic system collapsed, threatening to take other European countries down with it. 
The episode revealed flaws not just in the way Greece’s government had run its economy but in the design of the euro itself.
The single currency had already undermined Greece’s prosperity, albeit while making Greeks feel rich.
The ability to borrow at rock-bottom interest rates more suitable to venerable corporations in Stuttgart had brought inflationary pressures...
There is a profound mystery about the euro, according to economist Ashoka Mody.
Why,’ he asks, ‘did Europeans attempt such a venture that carried no obvious benefits but came with huge risks?’
Today, despite what Pierre Moscovici and his colleagues said in Luxembourg, Greek debt, at 179 percent, is higher still.
...The country is in some respects worse off than it was when Greek protesters mobbed the parliament in May 2010, howling, “Let the whorehouse burn!”
...Germany has been the main actor in this story since the euro was conceived a half-century ago.
The strange thing about the euro is that it is an incomplete currency. 
“Germany plays the role of a hegemon in Europe,” Mody writes, “but is unwilling to bear the cost of being a hegemon.”
What he means is that countries that share the euro do not share a fiscal policy..."
Read all!

12 times Christopher Steele fed Trump-Russia allegations to FBI after the election

12 times Christopher Steele fed Trump-Russia allegations to FBI after the election:

Image result for Christopher SteeleCongressional investigators know that Christopher Steele, the former British spy who compiled the Trump dossier on behalf of the Clinton campaign, kept supplying allegations to the FBI after the 2016 election — and even after he was terminated as a source by the bureau for giving confidential information to the media.
Because he had broken his agreement with the FBI, bureau procedure did not allow agents to keep using Steele as a source. But they did so anyway — by devising a system in which Steele spoke regularly with Bruce Ohr, a top Obama Justice Department official whose wife worked for Fusion GPS, which hired Steele to search for dirt on Donald Trump in Russia. Ohr then passed on Steele's information to the FBI.