Friday, August 10, 2018

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You ought to know!

The Sanders/Cortez progressive takeover of the Democratic Party crashes in primary elections | TheBlaze

The Sanders/Cortez progressive takeover of the Democratic Party crashes in primary elections | TheBlaze:

Image result for flickr commons images bernie sanders Republicans and Democrats are trying to read the tea leaves to decipher the future of the country in the midterm elections after the results of Tuesday’s primary elections and one special election.
After a shocking upset victory by Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York, she and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) were hoping to continue a progressive takeover of the Democratic Party but that hope was dashed to the rocks Tuesday.

Expert: 170 Registered Voters in Ohio's 12th District Listed as Over 116 Years Old

Expert: 170 Registered Voters in Ohio's 12th District Listed as Over 116 Years Old
"Republican Troy Balderson clings to a narrow margin in last night’s special election for Ohio’s 12th Congressional district, underscoring the impact voter fraud can have in key elections around the country.
The separation of 1700 votes, or less than one percent, highlights the recent attempt by Democratic activists to fight efforts to prevent voter fraud from occurring.
For the past four years, George Soros has spent millions of dollars trying to weaken Ohio’s election security by funding efforts to both:

  • block its implementation of Voter ID and 
  • prevent the state from removing inaccurate registrations.

...Consider that 170 registered voters listed as being over 116 years old still existed on the rolls of Ohio’s 12th Congressional when GAI accessed the data last August. 
See the source imageThat’s 10 percent of Balderson’s current margin of victory, pending provisional ballots. 
And 72 voters over the age of 116 who “live” in Balderson’s district cast ballots in the 2016 election.
But the Left hasn’t given up trying to create conditions favorable for voter fraud in Ohio. 
As former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell has pointed out, “hyper-partisan liberals…have their eyes on Ohio.” 
Electing a Democrat as the state’s top elections official would undoubtedly roll back the hard-won safeguards Ohio has implemented. 
And as Blackwell points out, as goes Ohio, so goes the Presidency."

AM Fruitcake

History for August 10

Image result for herbert clark hoover quotes
History for August 10 -
Herbert Clark Hoover (U.S.) 1874, Leo Fender 1909, Jimmy Dean 1928
Image result for herbert clark hoover quotesImage result for Leo FenderImage result for Jimmy Dean

Rocky Colavito 1933, Bobby Hatfield (The Righteous Brothers) 1940, Ronnie Spector 1947
Image result for Rocky ColavitoImage result for Bobby HatfieldSee the source image

1792 - King Louis XVI was taken into custody by mobs during the French Revolution. He was executed the following January after being put on trial for treason.
Image result for King Louis XVI

1846 - The Smithsonian Institution was chartered by the U.S. Congress. The "Nation's Attic" was made possible by $500,000 given by scientist Joseph Smithson.
Image result for 1846 - The Smithsonian Institution

1944 - U.S. forces defeated the remaining Japanese resistance on Guam.
Image result for U.S. forces defeated the remaining Japanese resistance on Guam.

1947 - William Odom completed an around-the-world flight. He set the solo record by completing the flight in 73 hours and 5 minutes.
Image result for 1947 - William Odom completed an around-the-world flight.

1948 - On ABC, "Candid Camera" made its TV debut. The original title was "Candid Microphone."
Image result for 1948 - On ABC, "Candid Camera"

1954 - Construction began on the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Image result for Construction began on the St. Lawrence Seaway.

1994 - U.S. President Clinton claimed presidential immunity when he asked a federal judge to dismiss, at least for the time being, a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Paula Corbin Jones.
See the source image

1995 - Norma McCorvey, "Jane Roe" of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, announced that she had joined the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue.
Image result for 1995 - Norma McCorvey, "Jane Roe"

Thursday, August 09, 2018

WaPo Uses Soros-Funded Group to Attack GAI Voter Fraud Expos� on Day of Book Launch

Image result for flickr commons images Washinton PostWaPo Uses Soros-Funded Group to Attack GAI Voter Fraud Expos on Day of Book Launch:

The Washington Post’s antics shows that the very forces exposed in my book Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election are frightened by what we’ve uncovered.
Rosenberg cites these activists as “experts” to say voter fraud is not a problem. Who are these “disinterested” experts?

The way we were-----The Association Along Comes Mary

Boob-tube-----KABC-TV LOGO

Steve Russo - Six “YOUTHS” “LYNCH” Man Defending His Wife Outside...

Steve Russo - Six “YOUTHS” “LYNCH” Man Defending His Wife Outside...
"Six “YOUTHS” “LYNCH” Man Defending His Wife Outside Muslim-Migrant “No-Go-Zone” In The French Suburbs of Saint-Denis
...A trio of seventeen-year-old youths in the French department of Val-d’Oise were arrested early Tuesday morning after they “lynched” a man coming to the aid of his wife, who was also attacked by the group. 
The incident occurred sometime between the late night of Monday and early morning Tuesday and saw the wife of the victim confront a group of six youths who were being loud and obnoxious in the street outside of the couple’s home.
While confronting the drunken youths, the woman was said to have been met with a torrent of abusive language and during the confrontation one of the men dropped a glass bottle which shattered on the ground and then proceeded to attack the woman with it.
The husband of the woman then attempted to come to her aid and, according to witnesses, was thrown on the ground and viciously beaten, being kicked repeatedly in the body and the head.
...The riots, which many have considered to have an anti-Semitic element, saw 200 masked individuals attempt to attack a local synagogue while fires were set at the Garges-les-Gonesse-Sarcelles RER station.…/manifestations-pro-palestiniennes…
Earlier this year a lesbian couple was attacked at an RER station in the department by a gang of “youths” who called the pair “lesbian whores” before assaulting them.…/female-homosexual-couple-attac…/
If the Left gets their way in this country, this will become the norm. 
Let's stop that from happening..."

Image may contain: one or more people, shoes and outdoor

Media Omits New Mexico Compound Leader’s Muslim Ties | The Daily Caller

Media Omits New Mexico Compound Leader’s Muslim Ties | The Daily Caller
"Media outlets are leaving out a key detail about the New Mexico compound leaders who were reportedly training young children to commit school shootings.
Eleven children were recently rescued from the “filthy” compound, which police say appears to be run by Siraj Wahhaj and Lucas Morten. 
Wahhaj, the son of a prominent imam, was accused in court documents released Wednesday of training the children on the compound to commit school shootings. 
See the source image(RELATED: Prosecutors: Son Of Prominent Imam Was Training Children To Commit School Shootings)
Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe said Tuesday that he believes Wahhaj and Morten are “extremist[s] of the Muslim belief.” 
...CNN, for example, did not mention the words “Muslim” or “extremist” in a Tuesday article about the discovery of the 11 missing children.
During an on-air segment about the compound, CNN correspondent...
NBC NewsTime Magazine and CBS News also did not mention the alleged “extremist … belief[s]” of the compound leaders in two recent articles."

Nancy Pelosi: Voting for Democrats Gives 'Leverage' to Illegal Immigrants

Nancy Pelosi: Voting for Democrats Gives 'Leverage' to Illegal Immigrants:

Image result for flickr commons images nancy pelosiIn February, Pelosi delivered a speech that lasted more than eight hours on the U.S. House floor, demanding a vote for amnesty for illegal aliens brought to the country as minors, who have been helped by the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program since 2012. (The program was canceled by the Trump administration last year, but remains active thanks to the courts.)
In her address, Pelosi described illegal aliens as “more American than Americans.”



DoD may cut funding to Chinese propaganda centers in U.S.

DoD may cut funding to Chinese propaganda centers in U.S.
See the source image"Congress is seeking to prohibit the use of funds appropriated in the $717 billion defense spending bill to be spent on Chinese language instruction provided by the Confucius Institute or by any college or university that hosts a Confucius Institute.
...As Spero News has reported in the past, the Confucius Institute is funded by the Chinese government and has outlets on 100 American college and university campuses.
Described as a means of cultural exchange, teachers from the Confucius Institute are also provided to public elementary and high schools in the U.S. 
Republican Sen. Marco Rubio and others have expressed concern over the institute’s connection to the Chinese government.
Critics fear that the Confucius Institute spreads communist propaganda and offers a platform for espionage by China..."
Read on.

Lunch video-----Help! My Kid's A Socialist


Twitter Suspends Candace Owens' Account for Mimicking Sarah Jeong's Racism | Breitbart

Twitter Suspends Candace Owens' Account for Mimicking Sarah Jeong's Racism | Breitbart:

Image result for wikicommons images Twitter logoTwitter slapped Turning Point USA Communications Director Candace Owens with a temporary suspension after she highlighted racist posts made by Sarah Jeong, the recent New York Times hire whose long history of bigoted tweets about white people has placed the newspaper at the center of a public outcry. The beleaguered platform then reversed the ban, calling it an “error” in an email to Owens.

Michigan Catching Up On State Employee Pension Debt – Michigan Capitol Confidential

Michigan Catching Up On State Employee Pension Debt – Michigan Capitol Confidential
"Progress is being made, but another $7.5 billion is still needed.
...Unfortunately, the state went from having saved enough money to pay all promised benefits to a $6 billion underfunding gap. 
New data from the state shows that it is finally starting to catch up.
From 1997 to 2002, lawmakers had enough money saved to pay for the pension benefits promised to state employees. 
But between 2002 and 2012 the state failed to keep up with the growing costs of those benefits and it generated $6.2 billion in debt to the people in the retirement system. 
...According to the latest assessment, unfunded liabilities fell by $100 million in 2017...
Read all!

New research on persistent poverty and joblessness in America - AEI

New research on persistent poverty and joblessness in America - AEI
"Many people in America think poverty is a constant state for those who experience it. 
Many also think most poor people hold steady jobs. 
...But the study revealed a strong connection between joblessness and long-term poverty. 
See the source imageAmong those households that were persistently poor, 72.1 percent spent some time jobless and almost 40 percent spent at least three-quarters of the months without a job. 
This directly contradicts any belief that most poor households work consistently.
According to the paper:
The idea that consistently working people (that is, the “working poor”) make up a large share of those in persistent poverty was not borne out in the data. 
...This suggests that policies that increase labor force attachment would have a larger effect on reducing persistent poverty than policies to increase wages, unless they also increase steady employment. 
Better identifying why adults in persistently poor households experience joblessness and what policies can help them avoid joblessness more consistently should be the next step in reducing the persistence of poverty."
Read all.

#1 This day 1965-----Sonny & Cher - I Got You Babe (Official Music Video)